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What would you like to see in an NPC mod.

I would like to try to approach this from a bit of a different angle. I have seen many post about what is a “good” NPC or “bad” NPC mod. This approach makes me a bit uncomfortable for several reasons. For one thing it seems to often get boiled down to an intense discussion naming a few different mods that some people have really taken a dislike to. I have even seen people who like such mods being labeled as having “bad taste”. From that point on, I see few other opinions being expressed.

Without giving the name of specific mods, what I would really like to know is what people would like to see more of. If you could write a mod, what are some of the things you would include. Remembering of course, that all peoples opinions are valid.

Just a few examples:
More interactions with other party members.
More personal quests.
Having the NPC fit in nicely with the PC’s quest.
More serious situations.
More romance.
Unique NPC equipment.
Unique classes.
Mature content.
PG content.
Or anything else that you have always wanted to see.


  • killerrabbitkillerrabbit Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2014
    I agree with @metalloman on both accounts -- something that extends the underdark and something that extends the adventure after the final battle would be fun. And big. A large expansion please.

    I know that there is already a Soulefein mod but I'd like to see the Beamdog writers take a shot at that character.

    On the @ravenslight 's list:

    Things I value:

    Lots of interactions / banters
    Detailed backstory be that through romance or friendship.
    Humor or serious as long as it is well done
    Fits in the party [*]
    Fits into the setting

    Things that aren't important to me: Unique classes, unique equipment, mature / pg content

    I think the game really needs a pure class, good or neutral cleric with lots to say.

    [*] The basic D&D party is: fighter, thief, cleric, magic user. At present the game is has many fighters, a good number of magic users but few clerics and thieves.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    CrevsDaak said:

    I think that an interesting story and background are very important features, besides banters, quests and other contents. I don't care about romances or stuff like that.
    The NPC having (not OP) personal stuff is also great (a coding tip: there's a 2DA that appends the "Only Usable by: NPCNAME" string to a particular file, you can use that one for things like this, but I can't recal it's name).
    I also like a lot actions in a dialog *waves his hands* like in PS:T, but a little less present.

    @Metalloman‌ both of your ideas would be GREAAAT!! But areas are sometimes difficult to make. Gotta say all the mod ideas I heard from you are great ;)

    For quests... No FedEx please, they are boring and easy to make, unless you have to search for the item in a random location guarded by powerful enemies, it would be lame :)

    elminster said:

    An NPC with a mullet. I'd download that in an instant. Business in the front, party in the back. :p

    With the animation of "The Man you Have to Look for in Planescape: Torment and Fetch a Sphere for" of course!
    I also like actions dialogue, like what was used in PS:T Thank you for the coding tip.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Three things I'd like to see in new NPC's: ooze, slime and corrision. That is all.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    Quartz said:

    A believable corruption path.

    AKA the most difficult thing ever. Don't believe anyone's pulled it off with this game.

    Anomen has a pretty good one?
  • iuventasiuventas Member Posts: 95
    @SionIV‌, Xzar seems to be a mumbling madman (or at least adapts such demeanor, which I sometimes suspect) and that's exact opposite of what I had in mind:)
  • iuventasiuventas Member Posts: 95
    SionIV said:

    iuventas said:

    @SionIV‌, Xzar seems to be a mumbling madman (or at least adapts such demeanor, which I sometimes suspect) and that's exact opposite of what I had in mind:)

    I think you're underestimating the guy who has 17 INT 16 WIS. ;)
    Precisely why I talked about suspecting there is more to him than he shows - I suppose I should have written I *strongly* suspect his attitude is at least partially powered by madness, but exaggerated into a brilliant cover.
    Still, he stands out very much. Not someone who could blend in, if not for some kind of almost tangible evil aura, if that makes any sense.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    How about a Hot Coffee mod? You know, where you meet someone and you go out for Hot Coffee? and then sue McDonalds for apparently serving a known Hot beverage without printing the word "Hot" anywhere? Or is that something different?
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    SionIV said:

    Quartz said:

    A believable corruption path.

    AKA the most difficult thing ever. Don't believe anyone's pulled it off with this game.

    Anomen has a pretty good one?
    Decent, yes. I'm rather fond of Anomen. I'm not convinced he becomes evil but I didn't say that, did I..? I simply said corruption. So you're right, fair enough.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609

    Lots more interactions with party members and important non-recruitable NPCs.

    What about a Bard who actually can function like a Bard in Taverns, Inns, etc. Or a Mod that makes it possible for the Party to actually have a few rounds of Ale occasionally and possibly have interesting discussions about how and what the Party is doing.

    I would also like more of a sense of what Sword Coast politics are. How much do groups like the Zentarim, Harpers, Merchants, Red Wizards, etc actually matter in everyday life compared to larger issues like the threat of an Amnish war in the near future.

    Stuff like that to add depth to Charname's whole experience of leaving the sheltered environment of Candlekeep and suddenly being forced to figure out what in the world is actually happening in the historical moment

    Or what about creating a Mod for unique Familiars that can make wry comments occasionally?

    A bard, similar to what you mentioned, is something we have been tinkering around with in our mod. Not sure how far we can take the interactions yet, as we are still learning. But he is fun to work with. :)
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    bengoshi said:

    Mature content.
    PG content.
    Or anything else that you have always wanted to see.

    I'm scared to think what kind of attention such words, written combined, would bring to our forum as a result of google indexing.

    On a more serios note, personality is the main thing regarding an NPC.

    Take Xan, for example.

    More interactions with other party members - no more, no less
    More personal quests - nope
    Having the NPC fit in nicely with the PC’s quest - "mas o menos"
    Humor - check
    More serious situations - semi-check (being caught by an enemy is a serios situation)
    More romance - no, without mods
    Unique NPC equipment - check
    Unique classes - no
    Mature content - no
    PG content - no

    But still he's one of the greatest of Bioware characters. How has it happened? You can't describe it in one or two words. He's unique. Noone is like him in this series. He has a stand-out personality. This is what makes him prominent.

    And romances, unique clacces and/or abilities, even quests, that come without the strong and unique personality, can't make us love an NPC.
    I agree. It is the NPCs with the strongest personalities that I tend to take into my party again and again. Being a role-player, and never having been able to get far into the game when attempting to play and evil character, I have often wished the game would allow me to keep evil NPCs in my party. There are some evilly aligned characters with strong personalities that I have never been fully able to explore.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    An emo NPC. Whine and whine and whine about how hopeless it is and how dreary the world is. He won't cut you with his dagger, he'll cut himself.
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