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What would you like to see in an NPC mod.



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2014
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  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811

    In the Dragon Age: Origins City Elf origin, the subject certainly provides a powerful emotional impact, and I thought it was handled well in the end.

    That's one of the ones that was handled fairly well. It wasn't graphic, you saw enough to know it was happening but not any more then you needed. The impact worked really well. The Imoen romance mod just does not handle it well at all. Utterly distasteful.

    I'm told BioShock Infinite has some good stuff on religion as well. A topic games very rarely try to touch. I'm playing through it now and look forward to seeing what it has to offer. :)

  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    Exactly! It need's to be subtle! Unless, they are trying to write an obnoxious ass for you to argue with, which could be fun in itself if it's done right! :D
    I don't mind a good fight from time to time! :D
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    Just on a random side note, if he'll let me, when work dies down A LOT I was thinking of starting work on an NPC mod based on @Southpaw‌... I have no idea how to work an Illithid into the game but damn it it needs to happen!! :O
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Just a little clarification here. Any mod author who wishes to name their own mods name when discussing their work, is more then welcome to. An author discussing their own work is a horse of a different color. :) I’m sure we could all gain welcome insight from such an exchange.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    That is certainly an interesting character concept. :)
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    @Jcompton If I may put you on the spot in the best possible way: I may not always find your characters the best of the best, but I respect you immensely. Not only as a pioneer into modding, but also as someone who understands the game's focal point: Charname. Your characters interject at just enough chatter not to feel overwhelming and have interesting concepts behind them and there's never anything too... outlandish in their quests

    That, I guess, is what it comes down to: connectivity and to an extent, the illusion of officiality.

    As for Illithids, I thought there actually was one.

    I'd like to see more short peoples. Romancable Dwarven Defender or Barbarian or Fighter/Cleric would be fun, and gnomes get the best multiclasses of all!
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    @Southpaw‌ I love every class as long as it isn't on a Dwarf. ;) Bounty Hunter or Assassin would be perfect. Might also explain why he's wandering around on the surface not to far from Candlekeep. :) Damn it work I need some free time! :O
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Here's an odd thing, but one I see a lot of modders afraid of:

    Don't be afraid to let your characters have good stats! Sometimes you see them afraid to even allow one stat to exceed 16, let alone 15, which is bad. I'm going up against dragons and liches, my people need not be the best of the best, but need to be above average. A great character is great, but I'd prefer they be able to hold together and fulfill their battle function.

    Cernd might not be so forgettable if his stats were good, or his kit were viable.

    On the flipside, don't powergame. That's boring and nobody likes invincible guys who are just 2cool4u with stats far outlanding and beyond my suspension of disbelief.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    edited July 2014
    I'm currently making an elven cleric/ranger with 15 str, 17 dex, 15 con, 13 int, 17 wis and 12 chr at the moment. I feel these are the stats that best reflect her character, physical condition and experiences. I don't see any reason to make an NPC horribly over powered just because I can. I like to have stats that reflect the person, as they should. :)
    I don't powergame so this isn't an issue for me. I just like to make things that feel right to me. :)

    ( That's along with my tinkering into a certain Illithid Bounty Hunter we all know I'm working on as well. ) ;)
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    CaloNord said:

    I have no idea how to work an Illithid into the game but damn it it needs to happen!! :O

    Dazzu said:

    As for Illithids, I thought there actually was one.

    Yep, there is already an Illithid NPC available for BG2. @CaloNord, maybe you can borrow few ideas from it. I personally find that the best way to learn modding is looking at other people code :)

    @Ravenslight can I break the thread rule and name (or link) this mod for @CaloNord?
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    edited July 2014
    @Erg‌ Really?! Sweet as! Thanks for that! Bear with me I only started yesterday but it didn't take long to get the hang of the rudiments of coding an NPC. :) Long minutes spent gazing through other peoples code proved to be very enlightening. I also love how everyone codes with their own little oddities. :)

    Southpaw will in time have the same personality as the real Forumite so he should be somewhat unique. :D
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    @Erg Go ahead. :)
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756

    @Erg Go ahead. :)

    It's Varshoon by @LavaDelVortel.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    @Erg‌ Thanks mate! I'll take a look! :D I could swear I know that name...
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Kelsey is a Sorc, end of discussion. I rarely used his cloak, because if he needs to use his cloak for damage, then I have bigger problems in letting melee characters touch my casters. He could have 9s across the board and still manage decently because 'Sorcerer.'

    By that logic of items, why would I ever change Valygar's armor? It's amazing with Charm immunity, and resistances to fire, acid AND magic are going to last you well into endgame where enemies will hit you almost always unless you have -20~ AC anyway. His sword will also remain valuable as it makes casters really mad to get poisoned.

    Keldorn's armor is great as well when you don't need elemental resistance from a skinned dragon as those saving throws are always a welcome way to free your accessory slots for other boons besides prot rings. His sword less so.

    People underplay the value of Nalia's unremovable ring. It's a ring of Fire Resist and +2 Prot ring: I WOULDN'T REMOVE IT IF I COULD! The only real problem I guess is a lack of thief stats, but a mage who can use bows is not a bad thing, even if Imoen does that better.

    If I may site that very other powegamey extreme then: Weimer's mods! The guy can pioneer, but I need only bring up the fact that Solaufein, whose name needlessly has every vowel in it, and the fact that once you get his sword, you won't even see his portait behind all the buffs he receives... AND he can dual it with either FoA or DoE flails.

    Nevermind his stat spread being way too perfect with 18s in all the right stats, AND his alignment will suit your playstyle.

    I don't know, I've always thought that people disdained Cernd because his character is so bland and that once you finish his personal quest he really doesn't bring much to the table. 18s across the board wouldn't have helped that.

    I've always felt that the BG2 NPCs can pretty easily be sorted between "A-team" and "B-team" candidates, and Cernd is a clear B-teamer for power, but (post-quest) he's at best a C-teamer for character.
    The same can be said about Minsc, but worse.

    Cernd has no other single class druids to steal his shtick of being nature's favorite specialist as Jahiera will stop gaining druid levels after a while, leaving him free to gain armies of fire elementals.

    Minsc however is in a world where other warriors have more perks from kits, more spells, grand mastery or Carsomyr to make him decidely average. Sure, he's a great Vamp Slayer with mace points and his new racial enemy, but his health pool could be better for a warrior, and why use Minsc when Anomen can become just as mighty a vamp slayer and can even turn them?

    Lacking an extra 1/2 attack is resolved by going grandmaster, and dex problems can be bracered... or just use protection spells.

    The worst part of Minsc is his lack of quest without UB. With it, things can change as the reward can be HUGE and gamechanging, but Minsc otherwise falls behind as having the highest str isn't what it used to be with all the giant belts about.

    Speaking of Boo, he wastes a quick slot. That's pretty important in BG2 when you may very well need every slot.

    Even still, from an RP perspective, Anomen just has better synergy with mods as the guy must lock horns with EVERYONE!

    And yet... I'm pretty sure people take Minsc in their parties beyond the tutorial dungeon!
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    I leave Minsc in his cage. I figure Boo can easily escape.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Minsc doesn't need good stats, I love him anyway :T

    Which brings another point up: The value of a companion is not just determined by his stats or quests.
    If a character is likable/ interesting enough, people will take him with them anyway. And if the character turns out to be dead weight combatwise, people will fix that via Keeper if they really want to keep said character (pun totally intended).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2014
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  • alastair93alastair93 Member Posts: 117
    I'd like an NPC that isn't a common trope. Neera is manic-pixie-dream-girl, Dorn is the dark brooding bad man, and Rasaad is - well, I didn't use Rasaad (monks, innit?).

    It will be great to see an NPC with a personality that doesn't fit into typical cookie-cutter moulds.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited July 2014
    @alastair93‌: Rasaad is Overhaul's answer to Avatar: The last Airbender :P
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