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  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited August 2017
    That is of course true about his failures at business and of course there's outright scams like Trump University and Trump Steak available exclusively at The Sharper Image.

    But I'd say he seems to have definitely been able to amass some massive amounts of money. Whether he owes it all and more I couldn't say. So he's failed repeatedly and cheated and swindled people in various ways that work as a businessman (while ruining people's lives).

    And he considers what he's done winning. He refuses to ever admit being wrong or failing but perhaps he really believes he's been a great deal maker because hey he can live an extravagant life and he's seen a lot of money pass through his businesses. But that type of losing but calling it winning doesn't fly in the arena of government it's a different culture.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    The fact that Mueller's reaching for a grand jury (not about Russia and in D.C, democrat hub) is proof positive that they have nothing on Trump and this has all been a ruse, a fabrication by embarassed parties. They don't need one to do their job. Under the Independant Council Act he already has broad authority to issue subpoenas, to question witnesses, get depositions and the like.

    What they're trying to do is trip somebody up to feed their dying narrative in the same way they tripped up Bill Clinton. He didn't go down for anything he did wrong politically or anything he did wrong during the scope of the investigation. They got him lying about Lewinsky. The investigation was about Whitewater. This is the kind of witch hunting we're likely to see again, and it will all be just as unrelated to the wild excuses made to get us to this point.

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited August 2017

    The fact that Mueller's reaching for a grand jury (not about Russia and in D.C, democrat hub) is proof positive that they have nothing on Trump and this has all been a ruse, a fabrication by embarassed parties. They don't need one to do their job. Under the Independant Council Act he already has broad authority to issue subpoenas, to question witnesses, get depositions and the like.

    What they're trying to do is trip somebody up to feed their dying narrative in the same way they tripped up Bill Clinton. He didn't go down for anything he did wrong politically or anything he did wrong during the scope of the investigation. They got him lying about Lewinsky. The investigation was about Whitewater. This is the kind of witch hunting we're likely to see again, and it will all be just as unrelated to the wild excuses made to get us to this point.

    The excuses will shift and change like the wind as this continues, as they already have been for the past month. Are you also implying that DC residents, or that Democrats in general, are unfit to serve on a Grand Jury?? Do Grand Jury participants (like Supreme Court picks apparently) now need to be 100% Republican?? Regardless, a grand jury being impaneled is not "a dying narrative". It is the start of a narrative. Money laundering, tied to Russia. I haven't changed my story one ounce on it, you'll find me writing about Trump's finances being at the core of this since he was elected. Feel free to go back and check for yourself.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited August 2017

    The fact that Mueller's reaching for a grand jury (not about Russia and in D.C, democrat hub) is proof positive that they have nothing on Trump and this has all been a ruse, a fabrication by embarassed parties. They don't need one to do their job. Under the Independant Council Act he already has broad authority to issue subpoenas, to question witnesses, get depositions and the like.

    What they're trying to do is trip somebody up to feed their dying narrative in the same way they tripped up Bill Clinton. He didn't go down for anything he did wrong politically or anything he did wrong during the scope of the investigation. They got him lying about Lewinsky. The investigation was about Whitewater. This is the kind of witch hunting we're likely to see again, and it will all be just as unrelated to the wild excuses made to get us to this point.

    That's one theory that things are drying up.

    I guess we'll see as this investigation drags on and they continue to explore the evidence.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited August 2017
    No, they shouldn't be 100% Republican, neither should they be 100% Democrat, and D.C voted 90% for Clinton and has always voted democratic for it's voting history. Given that you appear you would see an overwhelming Republican majority as unfair, we are agreed that a fair jury would be as close as possible to politically neutral or at least balanced.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited August 2017
    It is going to be utterly amazing to watch how this plays out, but for me, mostly to see how the excuses shift. But the key to all of the defenses and excuses (the KEY) will be not only not acknowledging the previous positions and defenses, but pretending like they never existed in the first place. We already went from "no collusion" to "collusion is no big deal" when the Don Jr. story hit. It now seems we have gone full tilt into the "Mueller is a Democratic/Clinton" operative phase, and hell, why stop there?? Let's invalidate the civic responsibility of everyone in Washington DC while we're at it, because they vote overwhelmingly Democratic (and, let's get real here, they are also mostly black). You know how Trump avoids having a DC Grand Jury impaneled?? By not running for President while all the key figures in his campaign were having back-channel secret meetings with Russian operatives, and then spending the six months lying about them on a daily basis, and firing the FBI Director who was in charge of the investigation. It's that thing Republicans and conservatives love to talk about....personal responsibility. I for one am going to watch the shifting excuses and flailing defense of this criminal buffoon with the greatest of satisfaction.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I'm glad to hear the investigation is progressing(ish), but in the end I hope any criminal or truly questionable behavior is shared, and importantly agreed upon by both right and left. To date, the right has tried to block the investigation as well as discredit it, so I'm worried that significant portions of the country will think Trump is innocent of wrongdoing, even in the face of proof. Assuming he's guilty of course!

    So yeah, it'd be nice if everyone went all 'lets all wait till this investigation is done before passing judgement, like we've all been taught' and could be nicer. :s
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    No, they shouldn't be 100% Republican, neither should they be 100% Democrat, and D.C voted 90% for Clinton and has always voted democratic for it's voting history. Given that you appear you would see an overwhelming Republican majority as unfair, we are agreed that a fair jury would be as close as possible to politically neutral or at least balanced.

    Just fill it with Libertarians and you're golden like the curtains in the oval office or the showers in Russian hotel rooms.

    Or believe in the fact that ordinary people will actually weigh evidence accordingly without making it political and let them do their jobs properly.

    There is a reason why elections are held by secret ballot. You shouldn't be denied anything just because of who you voted for. Making the Jury 50% Trumpers and 50% other, will just cause more chaos, depolarizing the investigation.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    deltago said:

    No, they shouldn't be 100% Republican, neither should they be 100% Democrat, and D.C voted 90% for Clinton and has always voted democratic for it's voting history. Given that you appear you would see an overwhelming Republican majority as unfair, we are agreed that a fair jury would be as close as possible to politically neutral or at least balanced.

    Just fill it with Libertarians and you're golden like the curtains in the oval office or the showers in Russian hotel rooms.

    Or believe in the fact that ordinary people will actually weigh evidence accordingly without making it political and let them do their jobs properly.

    There is a reason why elections are held by secret ballot. You shouldn't be denied anything just because of who you voted for. Making the Jury 50% Trumpers and 50% other, will just cause more chaos, depolarizing the investigation.
    Especially when Trump has poor approval ratings combined with losing the popular vote, going 50/50 is pretty disproportionate actually.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    If would-be jury members are biased, the lawyers can weed them out. Juries go through a screening process.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited August 2017
    Good point, finding jurors amongst the mere 33% that approve of him is a pretty big task. I mean that 33%, it's hard to imagine what they are approving of. They aren't seeing the same administraton the rest of us are with people being kicked out every week like a reality show.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Breaking (fake) news:

    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The special counsel, Robert Mueller, just called Donald Trump to tell the President that he was “the most innocent person ever,” Trump told reporters on Thursday.

    “It was the middle of the afternoon, and he just picked up the phone to say how innocent I was,” Trump said. “He said I was the most innocent person he’d ever come across, and maybe in history.”
    “He said he had been over all of the evidence and that he and his staff would spend hours just looking at each other in amazement at about how unbelievably innocent I was,” he said.

    Trump said that he asked Mueller why, in his opinion, the media had reported so many stories about his campaign colluding with Russians. “Bob said to me, ‘Are you talking about the failing New York Times and CNN?’ ” Trump reported. “ ‘They have been very unfair to you. They are bad (or sick) people. Sad!’ That’s what Bob said to me.”

    The conversation wound down with a series of “pleasantries,” Trump said, with Mueller complimenting him on the size of his 2016 victory, including his enormous win in New Hampshire.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    Balrog99 said:


    Mattis is at least a history buff from what it says in Wikipedia. That and he's independent. Not sure why he'd be a 'scumbag'. Generals have been hit or miss as presidents though...

    I didn't consider him scum. By the Wikipedia entry I linked, he's considered independent.

    It even lists that as his political party on his own Wikipedia page.

    Those are drops in the bucket to the corruption he's engaging in almost weekly. He goes to his clubs, he charges the government, he profits. The secret service has to rent rooms. He advertises that oh there's white house stuff, come to my clubs! Just a slimy dude, but you already knew that. But anyway, I'm pretty sure 55 million dollars would cover everyone transgender or not lol in the military. The scale of this dude's corruption is just off the charts, but Republicans seem to be fine with a guy profiteering off the American people as long as he's a Republican.

    Socialize the costs, privatize the profits.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    What's people's take on the West Virginia Governor switching parties?
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    I bet many there that voted for him are bout fit to be tied. Looks like it doesn't happen that often,(except him having just switched a couple years ago as well) regardless, but I reckon he has the right to. He can't seem to decide.
  • AyiekieAyiekie Member Posts: 975
    ThacoBell said:

    There is some truth to what @WarChiefZeke is saying though. I've been told point blank (on this very forum no less) that my problems don't matter BECAUSE I am white. I am racist BECAUSE I am white. I am a slaver BECAUSE I am white ( never mind that I can prove my family has never owned slaves). I can never understand prejudice BECAUSE I am white ( that one would be amusingly ironic if it wasn't a personally berserk button of mine). The simple reality is that there is prejudice and hate on ALL sides, even within the same groups towards each other. Things will never get better unless all sides make an effort to understand each other and meet each other halfway.

    Nobody posting under this name said any of the things you're referring to, regardless of what you may think about the matter. I also very, very, very much doubt anybody else said them either, because the statements supposedly said to you above are almost all actually insane (the singular exception being the last one, bemusingly given it is your "berserk button") and are therefore likely to be caricatures. I think an important part of "meeting halfway" is actually listening to what people say, instead of just asserting that they said what you immediately assumed they said.

    And @WarChiefZeke, like pretty much every right-winger that talks about how "the left is like this", is posting from a weird parallel dimension where views that aren't even popular enough to count as "fringe" in real life are completely mainstream.

    "All I Want For Christmas is White Genocide", indeed. Totally a normal thing to tweet that no lefty would bat an eye at, no doubt. "White people must be stopped for the good of the planet!" is such a totally common, sincerely meant headline in mainstream media. How could anyone object to this characterisation on the grounds that it is closer to "childish fantasy" than "absurd exaggeration"? The very soul of the US left is captured here.

    On that note, Trump supporters literally eat black babies, on toast, often with some redcurrant jelly. Why do they do this? Probably because they are evil and likely not actually human. You cannot argue with my true facts.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited August 2017
    deltago said:

    What's people's take on the West Virginia Governor switching parties?

    As a Democrat, I couldn't be happier that he's gone. It's hardly a surprise he has gone over to Trump's party. He was registered as a Republican til 2015, so he has apparently been a Democrat for about 15 minutes before switching back. Trump won West Virginia by 42 points, so it's no man's land anyway.

    In 2009, Justice sold some of his coal mines for 568 million to a (surprise!!!) Russian company, which went under and had to fire all it's employees (bring coal back!!!). He then bought them back for 5 million, re-opened a couple, and most remain closed to this day. Like Trump, he is a predator that the idiot voters of West Virginia can't seem to see through. I say Joe Manchin can switch parties as well, and let this state dig it's own damn grave. West Virginia is one of the most conservative States in the country, where party affiliation means very little. It's the heart of "coal country" and is also an absolute shithole of rural poverty. None of these things are a coincidence.

    Let's also talk about this opioid epidemic in rural America, which West Virginia is at the heart of. This is just rich. For YEARS (decades even), we have been waging a war on drugs, and vowing to severely punish anyone involved in it, because it has been viewed as a problem of the inner-cities and African-Americans. Just look at the sentencing disparities between crack and powder cocaine up until the Obama Administration for proof. But NOW, a drug epidemic has hit white, rural America. Now it is no longer a war to be waged. No, no. Now it is a "sickness" that must be dealt with with massive funding for treatment and understanding. Which is actually true. But it only became true when it started hitting white, rural America. Up until this point, we were simply going to eradicate drugs, drug dealers, and drug users. Now things have gotten all soft and cuddly. And the reason is as simple as black and white.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Why do so people think a stronger border would not help stem the tide of drugs? Kelly knew many of the people involved from knowing those in law enforcement south of the border from his time in charge of Southern Command. Every time I heard him in hearings he said not only wanted to use a variety of methods to strengthen the border but also to work on programs to help those hooked on it in the US. Ports still being a big problem that he also mentioned.

    It seemed like many democrats that questioned him had 'concrete wall' on the brain and could not even listen to what he had to say ( VERY experienced and an independent by the way). Very sad they could only worry about getting re-elected and not be willing to listen to new ideas. I don't want to see I guy like Sessions take that position if that is the plan.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    Ayiekie said:

    You cannot argue with my true facts.

    I didn't lie or fabricate a single one of those headlines. I will link them here, along with many more, and I suppose you can decide for yourself whether they are real or not.

    I suppose you can consider large segments of the academic and left wing media establishment to be fringe, maybe it was fringe when Bernie Sanders said whites don't know what it's like to be poor or when the DNC candidates were arguing thir job was to "shut white people down", but it seems obvious to me this has a substantial and growing place in left wing ideology.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I'm glad that WV governor is gone too. He was not a "real" Democrat he was a DINO (or maybe he was lol). Anyway, he clearly didn't value progressive values that we'd like the Democratic representatives to have. We don't want rich people representing corporations, guys like that belong in the Republican party.

    Joe Manchin is another one, he votes with Trump like 85% of the time. There's no point in him being a Democrat. Guys like Joe Manchin and Jim Justice are not Democrats then it's much better to show their true colors and get rid of them.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    Ayiekie said:

    You cannot argue with my true facts.

    I didn't lie or fabricate a single one of those headlines. I will link them here, along with many more, and I suppose you can decide for yourself whether they are real or not.

    I suppose you can consider large segments of the academic and left wing media establishment to be fringe, maybe it was fringe when Bernie Sanders said whites don't know what it's like to be poor or when the DNC candidates were arguing thir job was to "shut white people down", but it seems obvious to me this has a substantial and growing place in left wing ideology.
    Sorry. When you said the left, many people probably thought you were talking about news organizations, like the WaP or NYT like many of your other post.

    Not fringe left websites that use click bait headlines to get reads and barely anything else. There is a reason why people questioned where these headlines come from, because a majority of people dont use those sites for real ethical news.

    But I'll tell you what; if the editor from Vice, Salon, or alternet gets a plushy job at the white house doing anything other than washing dishes, I'll start protesting with you.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Ayiekie said:

    And @WarChiefZeke, like pretty much every right-winger that talks about how "the left is like this", is posting from a weird parallel dimension where views that aren't even popular enough to count as "fringe" in real life are completely mainstream.

    @Ayiekie, this thread is not for discussing WarChiefZeke or the "parallel dimension" he lives in.

    Debate is fine, but getting personal is against the Site Rules.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    To be fair, I've seen plenty of discussion on this thread about problems associated with the alt-right. I don't think it's unreasonable to point out that there are extreme views on the left as well - even if those views are not held by those contributing to the discussion here.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited August 2017
    Grond0 said:

    To be fair, I've seen plenty of discussion on this thread about problems associated with the alt-right. I don't think it's unreasonable to point out that there are extreme views on the left as well - even if those views are not held by those contributing to the discussion here.

    For the record, I'll step up and vouch and agree with the premises of 80% of those articles that are being presented as "fringe-left". Especially the one about white people stealing black music. Elvis and Led Zeppelin are exhibit A. And that has nothing to do with the artists themselves, who actually revered the great R&B and bluesmen they were cribbing from, but the white audience who would only swallow rock n' roll if it was Caucasian, ignorant to what had come before. The two most important bands in rock history, the Beatles and the Stones, both had first and second albums that were nearly 50% covers of black artists.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Ayiekie I know what I read. I have heard it IRL from far more people as well. Dismissing and denying it does not make it go away.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Grond0 said:

    To be fair, I've seen plenty of discussion on this thread about problems associated with the alt-right. I don't think it's unreasonable to point out that there are extreme views on the left as well - even if those views are not held by those contributing to the discussion here.

    Imho, @Ayiekie's issue is that someone is constructing a Straw Liberal by posting very extreme opinions that are not considered valid by most liberals. Thats bad debating form, regardless of side.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited August 2017
    I stand by my original premise that it is fashionable among the left wing to more or less disdain the white working class from prominent politicians and presidential candidates to the academic establishment to the left wing press. I believe I have supported my case well enough, and there is always more.

    This does not mean it must apply to you, but to deny the existence of it is quite difficult.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    It's a damn good question. What are Trump voters, who make on average over $70,000/year, so mad about??
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