Ever since Harvey Weinstein was forced out of Hollywood (which wasn't all that long ago) it seems like a new relatively high-profile male is ending his own career because of misconduct at the workplace every day or two. I have to ask: what the heck is wrong with these people? Did they not know any better? Going all the way back to my very first actual job, lab instructor for Chemistry 101 classes at university, I have never engaged in that kind of behavior. Maybe it is because I am not a high-wealth individual, or a politician, or a corporate executive, but that kind of behavior has never occurred to me. On the other hand, maybe it is because I am not a lecherous pig or have delusions that I have some sort of power over women. *shrug*
I have to find corroboration of this story. Is Trump really still pushing the "fake birth certificate" schtick? Why? Isn't Barack a private citizen now? He is irrelevant at this point--why is he even a topic of conversation other than when noting things which happened a few years ago? It makes no sense that this would still be a news item.
So the President is peddling in conspiracy theories again.
Reports are he's bringing up the Obama birther conspiracy in conversations despite making a ten second statement during the campaign where he said that Obama was born in the United States and blaming Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy. All we have is reports of sources for this because he's so cowardly or knows he will screw up if he appears in front of the free press. He only takes interviews on Fox which is not a free press its a Trump Republican propaganda network.
Another conspiracy he's pushing is that since Matt Lauer was fired this morning then the President of NBC News Andy Lack should be checked out. There's no evidence of anything there other than Trump does not like NBC and MSNBC.
He also said there should be be an investigation into the death of a Joe Scarborough staffer who died of complications of a previously undiagnosed heart condition in 2001. The President is implying that Scarborough murdered her.
Stay classy Prez and Republican enablers.
EDIT; He also retweeted some anti Muslim hate videos. He's retweeting people who have been charged with "religious aggravated harassment" in the UK. David Lamy, a British MP said "Trump sharing Britain First. Let that sink in. The President of the United States is promoting a fascist, racist, extremist hate group whose leaders have been arrested and convicted. He is no ally or friend of ours."
And in response to Trump sharing the video British Prime Minister Theresa May said "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents - decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."
Ever since Harvey Weinstein was forced out of Hollywood (which wasn't all that long ago) it seems like a new relatively high-profile male is ending his own career because of misconduct at the workplace every day or two. I have to ask: what the heck is wrong with these people? Did they not know any better?
For a lot of people there's no point to accumulating power if you don't exercise (or abuse) it.
(And no, I won't be promoting my own post this time. )
And in response to Trump sharing the video British Prime Minister Theresa May said "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents - decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."
I didn't know British people tolerate and respect those who bomb and drive trucks over them. Sad thing, really, to see a mighty empire of the past days crumbling into dust.
Add NPR Chief News Editor David Sweeney to the list, as well.
Now we have to wonder how many other celebrities, politicians, and executives are crossing their fingers and hoping that their former/current victims don't speak out. Some may quietly resign or take an extended personal leave of absence rather than have their name put on the front page. I guess that old wisdom really is true: if you don't want it printed on the front page of the newspaper then you shouldn't be doing it.
Add NPR Chief News Editor David Sweeney to the list, as well.
Now we have to wonder how many other celebrities, politicians, and executives are crossing their fingers and hoping that their former/current victims don't speak out. Some may quietly resign or take an extended personal leave of absence rather than have their name put on the front page. I guess that old wisdom really is true: if you don't want it printed on the front page of the newspaper then you shouldn't be doing it.
At this point it seems to me that Time's Person(s) of the Year should be the women who came forward about Harvey Weinstein, specifically Rose McGowan.
And in response to Trump sharing the video British Prime Minister Theresa May said "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents - decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."
I didn't know British people tolerate and respect those who bomb and drive trucks over them. Sad thing, really, to see a mighty empire of the past days crumbling into dust.
They didn't say that, did they? The ones that do that are bad, whether muslim or any other label. Trump is fearmongering against all muslims equating them all with the actions of a few. I hope you are not doing the same thing?
There's a thing that Trump and others are missing. Context. In many cases that are intentionally overstating things in order to incite hate. And it's working.
Suppose two muslims kill and bomb. Does that make all muslims bad? If a white christian shoots 500 people at a Las Vegas casino does that make all white christians bad?
Sarah Sanders, White House Press Secretary, went out and said it didn't even matter if the videos were fake because the threat is real. What does that mean? This is why the US locked up Japanese Americans during World War 2 in internment camps, it didn't matter if they were guilty, the imagined threat was real.
EDIT: In fact snopes is saying the "muslim beats up dutch boy on crutches video" is not a muslim. Does that matter that Trump is spreading fake news and inciting hatred and religious persecution? I wouldn't hold my breath for anyone to apologize.
And in response to Trump sharing the video British Prime Minister Theresa May said "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents - decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."
I didn't know British people tolerate and respect those who bomb and drive trucks over them. Sad thing, really, to see a mighty empire of the past days crumbling into dust.
This is a hell of a way to spin what happened. The President of the United States just casually retweeted an out and out fascist group from Britain (which should come as a shock to no one). Theresa May, even though I'd likely disagree with her on mostly everything, does realize she has a country full of diverse people to run and doesn't believe in throwing gasoline on a fire. What is the implication here, that the conservative party in the UK is soft on terror?? I thought that kind of charge was reserved for people like Jeremy Corbin.....
Jeremy Corbyn is worse than soft on terror, he's an outright sympathizer to a genuinely worrying degree. There has rarely been a communist or socialist dictator responsible for multiple mass murderers or unjust imprisonments he hasn't praised.
He called Fidel Castro a "champion of social justice", and lavished praise on Venezuela and Chavez for showing "wealth can be shared" (it just requires you turn your housepets into food items to survive), just to name a few examples of that.
I did a cursory check on Wikipedia of major terror attacks in the UK. Before 2003, almost all of them were committed by the Christian IRA (and we are talking about DOZENS). Then, the United States invades Iraq with Britain on their hip. All of a sudden Muslim extremists start targeting the UK. Funny how that works out. It's almost as if there was a cause and effect. Iraq, when all is said and done, will look as bad as World War I, and that is a high bar of stupidity to cross indeed. An absolute disaster on infinite levels.
I did a cursory check on Wikipedia of major terror attacks in the UK. Before 2003, almost all of them were committed by the Christian IRA (and we are talking about DOZENS). Then, the United States invades Iraq with Britain on their hip. All of a sudden Muslim extremists start targeting the UK. Funny how that works out. It's almost as if there was a cause and effect. Iraq, when all is said and done, will look as bad as World War I, and that is a high bar of stupidity to cross indeed. An absolute disaster on infinite levels.
On another forum (where I am the mod) another user who has similar views to yours once called me an idiot for claiming that the War on Terror *caused* incidents of terror or motivated people to become radicalized. I appreciate the corroboration.
By the way, the Pentagon just confirmed that we have more troops there than has been previously reported.
I did a cursory check on Wikipedia of major terror attacks in the UK. Before 2003, almost all of them were committed by the Christian IRA (and we are talking about DOZENS). Then, the United States invades Iraq with Britain on their hip. All of a sudden Muslim extremists start targeting the UK. Funny how that works out. It's almost as if there was a cause and effect. Iraq, when all is said and done, will look as bad as World War I, and that is a high bar of stupidity to cross indeed. An absolute disaster on infinite levels.
On another forum (where I am the mod) another user who has similar views to yours once called me an idiot for claiming that the War on Terror *caused* incidents of terror or motivated people to become radicalized. I appreciate the corroboration.
By the way, the Pentagon just confirmed that we have more troops there than has been previously reported.
It is not an EXCUSE for terrorism, but it is a REASON for terrorism. Every time we dropped a bomb on an innocent neighborhood in Iraq, and everytime we bomb a wedding in Afghanistan, we radicalize 2, 3, 5, 10 more people. To people who lose their whole family because of bombs made by Lockheed Martin, WE are the terrorists. And more people should wrap their heads around that.
Just remembered that the man who assassinated MP Jo Cox was a member of Britain First, the group whose videos Trump re-tweeted this morning. It is, in fact, what he yelled when he was pulling the trigger and stabbing her with a knife. And for the 3rd or 4th time since he was elected, KKK leader David Duke has explicitly praised the President.
And in response to Trump sharing the video British Prime Minister Theresa May said "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents - decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."
I didn't know British people tolerate and respect those who bomb and drive trucks over them. Sad thing, really, to see a mighty empire of the past days crumbling into dust.
Perhaps toleration & respect have the power to stop bombs & trucks. Everything crumbles to dust in the end, whether the monuments of an empire in its colonies, or the smile of a freed slave. Let's enjoy the good things the short time we have them, and share them too.
Putting aside my personal views of the man for a moment I would suggest it would be a very bad idea for both countries for him to take up the existing offer of a state visit to the UK. That would inevitably cause huge controversy and result in a worsening of relations which is in neither of our interests.
Putting aside my personal views of the man for a moment I would suggest it would be a very bad idea for both countries for him to take up the existing offer of a state visit to the UK. That would inevitably cause huge controversy and result in a worsening of relations which is in neither of our interests.
I'd like him to visit because that means he'd be the UKs problem for a couple days. Yes, he'd be an international embarrassment but anytime we can keep him out of the US or on a golf course is a day we're all slightly safer here. Better an international embarrassment than a national nightmare. Don't even hurry back, stay a while. Let's see some of those amazing deals you claim to do.
Trump hasn't even visited Canada or Mexico since becoming President yet, which is usually the first foreign countries the president visits due to their close relationship. Although he personally burnt those bridges and I highly doubt he will visit either during his term.
Trump will not visit places where people might protest him. His ego can't take it.
Trump hasn't even visited Canada or Mexico since becoming President yet, which is usually the first foreign countries the president visits due to their close relationship. Although he personally burnt those bridges and I highly doubt he will visit either during his term.
Trump will not visit places where people might protest him. His ego can't take it.
Take a look at the leaders he gets along with and praises: Xi Jinping, the Saudi Royals, Erdogan, Duterte, and Putin. Every one of them an autocrat, dictator, or just plain murderous thug.
Trump hasn't even visited Canada or Mexico since becoming President yet, which is usually the first foreign countries the president visits due to their close relationship. Although he personally burnt those bridges and I highly doubt he will visit either during his term.
Trump will not visit places where people might protest him. His ego can't take it.
Take a look at the leaders he gets along with and praises: Xi Jinping, the Saudi Royals, Erdogan, Duterte, and Putin. Every one of them an autocrat, dictator, or just plain murderous thug.
Sounds like a degenerate version of fast and furious.
We need to get some facts straight in this country about how unemployment actually works. I have lived in a very liberal and very conservative state and it is pretty much exactly the same:
1.) You have to have worked at a job in the previous 6 months. What you get paid is based on the income you made.
2.) You must provide a list of your last 2 or 3 employers, and they WILL check to see if you were actually let go, or if you were fired for cause or quit.
3.) Once you get approved, you must provide evidence you are looking for work on a weekly basis.
4.) It is capped out at, AT MOST, 16 weeks. It was higher after the Obama stimulus package, but that has expired.
5.) You receive slightly less than half of what you were making while working. It is barely enough to scrape by.
6.) Unemployment benefits are EARNED as you and your employer pay taxes for them on every single paycheck.
7.) Even if Trump is hypothetically talking about people on Social Security Disability, you have to go through a rigourous process to get approved, which includes medical doctors attesting to the fact that you are unable to work.
8.) There isn't a single welfare program in this country that allows people to live an extravagant, or even middle-class lifestyle. At most, they allow people to scrape by on a month to month basis. People do not just get sent checks on a indefinite basis. There are entire portions of state and federal governments dedicated to making sure that isn't the case.
Quite honestly, I'm sick of this myth about the bare bones social welfare programs we have in this country. My mom died when I was 19 and my sister was 13. My aunt and uncle took her in until she graduated. They never would have been able to do so without my mother's Social Security Survivor Benefit.
Everyone should read this takedown of the tax bill. It's a monstrosity:
It's another version of scapegoating that they do.
They tell the gullible hey look over there, there's a gay couple that loves each other and wants to get married. They must be stopped! There's a guy with no arms who hasn't worked in years! What a welfare queen we need to cut the safety net! There's a brown person walking around speaking another language and SMILING!
And while they have your attention focused over there, the Republicans and their corporate buddies get to rob, loot and pillage the country, and restrict your rights.
They don't care about you. You are a resource in their get rich schemes. They want to own you, you are a commodity to them - how can they make money off of you.
While they have you focused on hating people worse off than you the republican politician and their corporate buddies rob the country blind.
The tax plan (which is on it's way to passing) is going to include a trigger if it blows up the deficit (which it will, which it is DESIGNED to do). But that trigger will not roll back the tax cuts for the rich or corporations. No, instead it will trigger things like automatic cuts to Medicare. Just wait til this thing goes into full effect down the road. There won't be enough times you can type "I told you so". It's not just a tax plan, it's a stealth attack on the entire social safety net. Beyond that, it will kick 13 million off their health insurance and likely raise premiums by 10% on it's own. Not the 26 million they were shooting for, but not a bad consolation prize.
And in response to Trump sharing the video British Prime Minister Theresa May said "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents - decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."
I didn't know British people tolerate and respect those who bomb and drive trucks over them. Sad thing, really, to see a mighty empire of the past days crumbling into dust.
This is a hell of a way to spin what happened. The President of the United States just casually retweeted an out and out fascist group from Britain (which should come as a shock to no one). Theresa May, even though I'd likely disagree with her on mostly everything, does realize she has a country full of diverse people to run and doesn't believe in throwing gasoline on a fire. What is the implication here, that the conservative party in the UK is soft on terror?? I thought that kind of charge was reserved for people like Jeremy Corbin.....
Theresa May just realises that being soft of facists isn't going to go over well with with the British prople, no matter how politically expedient it may be.
And in response to Trump sharing the video British Prime Minister Theresa May said "British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents - decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the President to have done this."
I didn't know British people tolerate and respect those who bomb and drive trucks over them. Sad thing, really, to see a mighty empire of the past days crumbling into dust.
This is a hell of a way to spin what happened. The President of the United States just casually retweeted an out and out fascist group from Britain (which should come as a shock to no one). Theresa May, even though I'd likely disagree with her on mostly everything, does realize she has a country full of diverse people to run and doesn't believe in throwing gasoline on a fire. What is the implication here, that the conservative party in the UK is soft on terror?? I thought that kind of charge was reserved for people like Jeremy Corbin.....
Theresa May just realises that being soft of facists isn't going to go over well with with the British prople, no matter how politically expedient it may be.
See: Neville Chamberlain.
That must be why she spoke up against Trump and the UK is considering a travel ban on Donald Trump. Gotta start standing up to fascists who embolden and give a platform to the British equivalent of the KKK.
I call bullshit. This isn't happening. Anywhere. Unemployment does not even remotely work this way.
I call bullshit on the idea that Trump actually knows anyone that works for a living.
I’ll give Trump the benefit of the doubt. One person is probably a hedge fund manager and on the boards of a couple Fortune 50 companies. The other, better off non-working person is a former CEO that got a huge golden parachute after tanking their own company.
I have to find corroboration of this story. Is Trump really still pushing the "fake birth certificate" schtick? Why? Isn't Barack a private citizen now? He is irrelevant at this point--why is he even a topic of conversation other than when noting things which happened a few years ago? It makes no sense that this would still be a news item.
Reports are he's bringing up the Obama birther conspiracy in conversations despite making a ten second statement during the campaign where he said that Obama was born in the United States and blaming Hillary Clinton for the conspiracy. All we have is reports of sources for this because he's so cowardly or knows he will screw up if he appears in front of the free press. He only takes interviews on Fox which is not a free press its a Trump Republican propaganda network.
Another conspiracy he's pushing is that since Matt Lauer was fired this morning then the President of NBC News Andy Lack should be checked out. There's no evidence of anything there other than Trump does not like NBC and MSNBC.
He also said there should be be an investigation into the death of a Joe Scarborough staffer who died of complications of a previously undiagnosed heart condition in 2001. The President is implying that Scarborough murdered her.
Stay classy Prez and Republican enablers.
He also retweeted some anti Muslim hate videos. He's retweeting people who have been charged with "religious aggravated harassment" in the UK. David Lamy, a British MP said "Trump sharing Britain First. Let that sink in. The President of the United States is promoting a fascist, racist, extremist hate group whose leaders have been arrested and convicted. He is no ally or friend of ours."
(And no, I won't be promoting my own post this time.
Now we have to wonder how many other celebrities, politicians, and executives are crossing their fingers and hoping that their former/current victims don't speak out. Some may quietly resign or take an extended personal leave of absence rather than have their name put on the front page. I guess that old wisdom really is true: if you don't want it printed on the front page of the newspaper then you shouldn't be doing it.
There's a thing that Trump and others are missing. Context. In many cases that are intentionally overstating things in order to incite hate. And it's working.
Suppose two muslims kill and bomb. Does that make all muslims bad? If a white christian shoots 500 people at a Las Vegas casino does that make all white christians bad?
Sarah Sanders, White House Press Secretary, went out and said it didn't even matter if the videos were fake because the threat is real. What does that mean? This is why the US locked up Japanese Americans during World War 2 in internment camps, it didn't matter if they were guilty, the imagined threat was real.
In fact snopes is saying the "muslim beats up dutch boy on crutches video" is not a muslim. Does that matter that Trump is spreading fake news and inciting hatred and religious persecution? I wouldn't hold my breath for anyone to apologize.
He called Fidel Castro a "champion of social justice", and lavished praise on Venezuela and Chavez for showing "wealth can be shared" (it just requires you turn your housepets into food items to survive), just to name a few examples of that.
By the way, the Pentagon just confirmed that we have more troops there than has been previously reported.
Putting aside my personal views of the man for a moment I would suggest it would be a very bad idea for both countries for him to take up the existing offer of a state visit to the UK. That would inevitably cause huge controversy and result in a worsening of relations which is in neither of our interests.
Trump will not visit places where people might protest him. His ego can't take it.
I call bullshit. This isn't happening. Anywhere. Unemployment does not even remotely work this way.
1.) You have to have worked at a job in the previous 6 months. What you get paid is based on the income you made.
2.) You must provide a list of your last 2 or 3 employers, and they WILL check to see if you were actually let go, or if you were fired for cause or quit.
3.) Once you get approved, you must provide evidence you are looking for work on a weekly basis.
4.) It is capped out at, AT MOST, 16 weeks. It was higher after the Obama stimulus package, but that has expired.
5.) You receive slightly less than half of what you were making while working. It is barely enough to scrape by.
6.) Unemployment benefits are EARNED as you and your employer pay taxes for them on every single paycheck.
7.) Even if Trump is hypothetically talking about people on Social Security Disability, you have to go through a rigourous process to get approved, which includes medical doctors attesting to the fact that you are unable to work.
8.) There isn't a single welfare program in this country that allows people to live an extravagant, or even middle-class lifestyle. At most, they allow people to scrape by on a month to month basis. People do not just get sent checks on a indefinite basis. There are entire portions of state and federal governments dedicated to making sure that isn't the case.
Quite honestly, I'm sick of this myth about the bare bones social welfare programs we have in this country. My mom died when I was 19 and my sister was 13. My aunt and uncle took her in until she graduated. They never would have been able to do so without my mother's Social Security Survivor Benefit.
Everyone should read this takedown of the tax bill. It's a monstrosity:
They tell the gullible hey look over there, there's a gay couple that loves each other and wants to get married. They must be stopped! There's a guy with no arms who hasn't worked in years! What a welfare queen we need to cut the safety net! There's a brown person walking around speaking another language and SMILING!
And while they have your attention focused over there, the Republicans and their corporate buddies get to rob, loot and pillage the country, and restrict your rights.
They don't care about you. You are a resource in their get rich schemes. They want to own you, you are a commodity to them - how can they make money off of you.
While they have you focused on hating people worse off than you the republican politician and their corporate buddies rob the country blind.
More numbers. Just cold, hard math:
See: Neville Chamberlain.