Well, there was John Edwards. It didn't go well for him.
John Edwards is precisely the reason this SHOULD be a big deal, because Edwards was indicted (though not convicted) on campaign contribution laws to cover up his affair DURING the campaign, which is exactly what Trump and Cohen did.
And as for Edwards career in politics, it was OVER the moment that revelation came to light, though that mostly is due to the fact that his wife as dying of cancer when the news came to light. Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer. Gone and gone, almost instantaneously, neither of which either made any sort of comeback. Come to think of it, I can't think of a single Democratic politician SINCE Clinton who has survived a sex scandal, but I can think of at least 3 or 4 Republicans who HAVE (David Vitter, Mark Sanford, and Trump immediately spring to mind without even having to think about it).
I was literally just looking at this and everything from 1999 onward pretty much bears out what I just said. Hell, even Larry Craig (he of the wide stance in the Minneapolis Airport Men's Room after spending a lifetime fighting AGAINST gay rights) didn't actually resign like I assumed he did, as he actually finished out his term. So even the "live boy, dead girl" theory didn't apply in that case. Strom Thurmond, despite being one of the most famous racists in the country for the better part of a century, never saw an ounce of trouble from the fact that he fathered a African-American child, though by that time, he was more of a wax statue in a wheelchair than a functioning person. I mean, you have Clinton, which is a big black mark if you care about parties holding their members involved in infidelity accountable, but SINCE then?? The record is VERY one-sided. Numerous Republican politicians have skated, and as far as I can tell, no Democrats have (except for the possibility of this David Wu character who I have never actually heard of until now).
I mean hell, let's go crazy with that list. I've tallied up all of the scandals on that Wikipedia page since 1990 AND I am being overly generous and counting Bill Clinton as THREE sex scandals in one because of the enormity of it. And the numbers still come out to 37-17 in favor of Republicans, and that is with me adding Elliot Spitzer to the list who for some reason is not included. Those numbers aren't even remotely close.
Come to think of it, I can't think of a single Democratic politician SINCE Clinton who has survived a sex scandal, but I can think of at least 3 or 4 Republicans who HAVE (David Vitter, Mark Sanford, and Trump immediately spring to mind without even having to think about it).
I can think of two Democrats: 1. John Conyers survived for decades with nothing being done. 2. Alcee Hastings paid 200k in hush money to a mistress who accused him of sexual assault... and all that AFTER being impeached as judge for taking bribes!
The funniest case ever though is that seat in Florida where the Republican (Mark Foley) resigned after sending disgusting emails to teenage staffers. He was then replaced by a Democrat (Tim Mahoney) who hired his mistress as a staff member, and then cheated on both his wife and his mistress with a second staff member.
Come to think of it, I can't think of a single Democratic politician SINCE Clinton who has survived a sex scandal, but I can think of at least 3 or 4 Republicans who HAVE (David Vitter, Mark Sanford, and Trump immediately spring to mind without even having to think about it).
I can think of two Democrats: 1. John Conyers survived for decades with nothing being done. 2. Alcee Hastings paid 200k in hush money to a mistress who accused him of sexual assault... and all that AFTER being impeached as judge for taking bribes!
The funniest case ever though is that seat in Florida where the Republican (Mark Foley) resigned after sending disgusting emails to teenage staffers. He was then replaced by a Democrat (Tim Mahoney) who hired his mistress as a staff member, and then cheated on both his wife and his mistress with a second staff member.
Florida is a crazy place.
Conyers did resign within a couple of weeks after the news broke last year. I doubt many people resign BEFORE the media latches on their stories.
Trumps behavior and scandal filled administration has been so outrageous that paying off a porn star is easily lost in the shuffle.
Republicans control both senate and house, won't lift a finger against him no matter what he does.
Add in to that Trump has his supporters brainwashed into thinking anything negative has to be fake news and 38% support him no matter what.
His approach has been effective and dangerous. He's doing is the same thing Putin, Duterte, and a million other strong men dictators have done to seize power and silence dissent. Like the supporters of those other guys he has his people believing him like oh that could never happen to us.
That's what they thought in those other countries too. Germans thought Hitler was only coming for the Jews. Filipinos thought Dueterte was only coming for the bad drug dealers. Maybe Trump is only coming for the illegal immigrants right.
Now I don't mean to diminish bribe taking or sexual harassment, but I do think its a little funny how Alcee Hastings is basically Clay Davis from The Wire.
Now I don't mean to diminish bribe taking or sexual harassment, but I do think its a little funny how Alcee Hastings is basically Clay Davis from The Wire.
Come to think of it, I can't think of a single Democratic politician SINCE Clinton who has survived a sex scandal, but I can think of at least 3 or 4 Republicans who HAVE (David Vitter, Mark Sanford, and Trump immediately spring to mind without even having to think about it).
I can think of two Democrats: 1. John Conyers survived for decades with nothing being done. 2. Alcee Hastings paid 200k in hush money to a mistress who accused him of sexual assault... and all that AFTER being impeached as judge for taking bribes!
The funniest case ever though is that seat in Florida where the Republican (Mark Foley) resigned after sending disgusting emails to teenage staffers. He was then replaced by a Democrat (Tim Mahoney) who hired his mistress as a staff member, and then cheated on both his wife and his mistress with a second staff member.
Trump has now announced billions more in tariffs in regards to China, and seems perfectly content to simply set fire to certain American industries for no discernable reason whatsoever. We'd be better off with a chimp flipping a coin to make decisions at this point.
This concerns me from a health perspective and is one of those times I'll not consider my vegan ways.
According to studies conducted by the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, As Naeema Muhammad, co-director of the North Carolina Environmental Justice Network, says, "What's happening in eastern North Carolina is that poor people are literally getting shit on."
We still have unresolved issues from the hog waste lagoons that burst in the late nineties from hurricanes. I know for a fact, from public health professions that visited China in the last few years, their public health system is pretty bad, compared to here. Im not sure if that might cause laxity here or not, as Smithfield was already pretty bad before that. I lived right by Smithfield Farms for two years, and I can say the place stank at times, esp. when the carcass trucks drove by my front porch. Talk about the smell of rotting in the summer sun smell of death, I mean it was bad, like, 'There all dead Jim" bad. You also have a sprayover effect from using the waste on crops nearby. So, Why Is China Treating North Carolina Like the Developing World?. This poses more of a risk than just to the residents of NC, but as these many rivers and tributaries drain into the Atlantic, all we need is another great big hurricane coming through, and you've got a flood of the stinkinest mess you've maybe ever smell running amuck. I also know from emergency management folks, not afraid to mention it, that many of the hog farms that did not meet compliance after the hurricanes in the nineties, only had to remain out of operation for a few years and could then start up again, with no changes. This goes farther than just NC. On a related note, how does buying up the largest pork producer around jive with this? Their own new company, Smithfield, sent 300,000 lbs of pork to China alone, in 2016 alone. China imposes additional tariffs on U.S. pork imports; adds beef as a potential target
***What is the angle here, if any, esp. after buying up a $7Billion company? Does a Chinese company in the US have to deal with that tariff when shipping back to their own country (leaving the waste behind of course)? How does that work?
Whether he is representative of any large group of people or not, this simply has to be mentioned because it is so extreme. Ted Nugent is now literally calling for the on-sight MURDER of Democrats:
A move by Trump that may pay off: what are people's thoughts on the China tariffs? I have a lot invested in the stock market but I'm willing to see where this goes. China is not playing fair and it's going to be interesting how this plays out.
Even CNN has been somewhat supportive of Trump's policies in this regard...
I'm not so sure. China has gotten a free pass because of the enormity of their market. I'm willing to see if the U.S. can get them to normalize. It would be better if we could get some support from Europe but that isn't Trunp's forte. This is one area where a rogue might be able to accomplish something. Everybody else is afraid of the consequences but Trump doesn't give a shit. He may be able to accomplish something that a career politician wouldn't be able to. Fingers crossed...
Trump (or the American economy) will crumple before China does in this situation. With the North Korea talks supposedly happening soon it is also poor timing. But it is a "we'll see" situation.
I'm not so sure. China has gotten a free pass because of the enormity of their market. I'm willing to see if the U.S. can get them to normalize. It would be better if we could get some support from Europe but that isn't Trunp's forte. This is one area where a rogue might be able to accomplish something. Everybody else is afraid of the consequences but Trump doesn't give a shit. He may be able to accomplish something that a career politician wouldn't be able to. Fingers crossed...
He will raise prices of consumer goods here, and destroy the profits of the industries that China is putting tariffs on (by as much as 25% according to the numbers). China has specifically targeted alot of goods that are produced in red districts. Soy bean farmers for starters, pork farmers for another. Neither of which are likely big Democratic constituencies.
Unless we have manufacturers just sitting around ready and waiting to start producing the cheap goods we get from China at that level of capacity, what good is it going to do us?? I find it hard to believe there are American manufacturers that have been just sitting around waiting to fire up the engines on projects on the hope that someone would impose tariffs.
Plus, does anyone really think Trump actually knows what he's doing here?? I got my money on the intelligence of the Chinese as opposed to this buffoon. And it's already been revealed since China is specifically targeting certain industries. Trump started out with steel and aluminum because he seems to believe his own hype about re-energizing an American industrial age giant that is dead with no hope of resurrection. Pittsburgh may still have a the Steelers as a football team, but the city LONG ago abandoned the steel industry and pushed toward becoming focused on a high-tech service economy. And that is only one example. These jobs aren't coming back. Technology does many of them, and the rest are going to be done in other countries paying slave wages that no one in this country could possibly compete with (nor should they). This is another example of how people seem to have this dream of a resurgent post-war 1950s where every family could easily afford a house and a car in nearly any profession. Those jobs all started disappearing under Reagan (Bruce Springsteen wasn't singing about abandoned manufacturing towns for fun). 30 years on, it's nothing but a dream to think we'll ever get that back in a global market.
Intellectual property theft for one, currency manipulation for another...
2 cents - They've gotten away with it for so long that it's too late to stop them now. Their fierce government controls are better equipped to handle turbulence than our unregulated mess. Government control can force acceptance to volatility while free market is going to crumble and give in after a little pressure.
Intellectual property theft for one, currency manipulation for another...
2 cents - They've gotten away with it for so long that it's too late to stop them now. Their fierce government controls are better equipped to handle turbulence than our unregulated mess. Government control can force acceptance to volatility while free market is going to crumble and give in after a little pressure.
Also a good point. The Chinese leaders are accountable to absolutely no one in the populace. Ostensibly, Trump is still going to have to produce positive results from this or suffer the consequences.
Trump (or the American economy) will crumple before China does in this situation. With the North Korea talks supposedly happening soon it is also poor timing. But it is a "we'll see" situation.
Agreed about poor timing. Still interesting though. Trump is anything but boring...
Trump (or the American economy) will crumple before China does in this situation. With the North Korea talks supposedly happening soon it is also poor timing. But it is a "we'll see" situation.
Agreed about poor timing. Still interesting though. Trump is anything but boring...
It's actually hard to quantify how much I miss having a boring President, which Obama generally was. I can't be the only one who feels this way.
Intellectual property theft for one, currency manipulation for another...
2 cents - They've gotten away with it for so long that it's too late to stop them now. Their fierce government controls are better equipped to handle turbulence than our unregulated mess. Government control can force acceptance to volatility while free market is going to crumble and give in after a little pressure.
Also a good point. The Chinese leaders are accountable to absolutely no one in the populace. Ostensibly, Trump is still going to have to produce positive results from this or suffer the consequences.
I agree but the chess match is on. Who's going to blink first? Trump has proven that he doesn't care what the general consensus is. If nothing else we can sit back and at least see what a hard-line can accomplish. It's all just theory if it's never tested. Just sayin'...
Intellectual property theft for one, currency manipulation for another...
2 cents - They've gotten away with it for so long that it's too late to stop them now. Their fierce government controls are better equipped to handle turbulence than our unregulated mess. Government control can force acceptance to volatility while free market is going to crumble and give in after a little pressure.
Also a good point. The Chinese leaders are accountable to absolutely no one in the populace. Ostensibly, Trump is still going to have to produce positive results from this or suffer the consequences.
I agree but the chess match is on. Who's going to blink first? Trump has proven that he doesn't care what the general consensus is. If nothing else we can sit back and at least see what a hard-line can accomplish. It's all just theory if it's never tested. Just sayin'...
Trump doesn't care about consensus but the capitalists will cave first. When they aren't getting what they want they will be letting their republican politicians, who rely on their money, know about it.
Intellectual property theft for one, currency manipulation for another...
2 cents - They've gotten away with it for so long that it's too late to stop them now. Their fierce government controls are better equipped to handle turbulence than our unregulated mess. Government control can force acceptance to volatility while free market is going to crumble and give in after a little pressure.
Also a good point. The Chinese leaders are accountable to absolutely no one in the populace. Ostensibly, Trump is still going to have to produce positive results from this or suffer the consequences.
I agree but the chess match is on. Who's going to blink first? Trump has proven that he doesn't care what the general consensus is. If nothing else we can sit back and at least see what a hard-line can accomplish. It's all just theory if it's never tested. Just sayin'...
Trump doesn't care about consensus but the capitalists will cave first. When they aren't getting what they want they will be letting their republican politicians know about it.
And as for Edwards career in politics, it was OVER the moment that revelation came to light, though that mostly is due to the fact that his wife as dying of cancer when the news came to light. Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer. Gone and gone, almost instantaneously, neither of which either made any sort of comeback. Come to think of it, I can't think of a single Democratic politician SINCE Clinton who has survived a sex scandal, but I can think of at least 3 or 4 Republicans who HAVE (David Vitter, Mark Sanford, and Trump immediately spring to mind without even having to think about it).
I mean hell, let's go crazy with that list. I've tallied up all of the scandals on that Wikipedia page since 1990 AND I am being overly generous and counting Bill Clinton as THREE sex scandals in one because of the enormity of it. And the numbers still come out to 37-17 in favor of Republicans, and that is with me adding Elliot Spitzer to the list who for some reason is not included. Those numbers aren't even remotely close.
1. John Conyers survived for decades with nothing being done.
2. Alcee Hastings paid 200k in hush money to a mistress who accused him of sexual assault... and all that AFTER being impeached as judge for taking bribes!
The funniest case ever though is that seat in Florida where the Republican (Mark Foley) resigned after sending disgusting emails to teenage staffers. He was then replaced by a Democrat (Tim Mahoney) who hired his mistress as a staff member, and then cheated on both his wife and his mistress with a second staff member.
Florida is a crazy place.
Republicans control both senate and house, won't lift a finger against him no matter what he does.
Add in to that Trump has his supporters brainwashed into thinking anything negative has to be fake news and 38% support him no matter what.
His approach has been effective and dangerous. He's doing is the same thing Putin, Duterte, and a million other strong men dictators have done to seize power and silence dissent. Like the supporters of those other guys he has his people believing him like oh that could never happen to us.
That's what they thought in those other countries too. Germans thought Hitler was only coming for the Jews. Filipinos thought Dueterte was only coming for the bad drug dealers. Maybe Trump is only coming for the illegal immigrants right.
He had to have been based on someone local, as Carcetti is clearly meant to represent Martin O'Malley.
My love and proselytising for "The Wire" transcends all political disagreement.
We still have unresolved issues from the hog waste lagoons that burst in the late nineties from hurricanes. I know for a fact, from public health professions that visited China in the last few years, their public health system is pretty bad, compared to here. Im not sure if that might cause laxity here or not, as Smithfield was already pretty bad before that. I lived right by Smithfield Farms for two years, and I can say the place stank at times, esp. when the carcass trucks drove by my front porch. Talk about the smell of rotting in the summer sun smell of death, I mean it was bad, like, 'There all dead Jim" bad. You also have a sprayover effect from using the waste on crops nearby.
So, Why Is China Treating North Carolina Like the Developing World?. This poses more of a risk than just to the residents of NC, but as these many rivers and tributaries drain into the Atlantic, all we need is another great big hurricane coming through, and you've got a flood of the stinkinest mess you've maybe ever smell running amuck. I also know from emergency management folks, not afraid to mention it, that many of the hog farms that did not meet compliance after the hurricanes in the nineties, only had to remain out of operation for a few years and could then start up again, with no changes. This goes farther than just NC.
On a related note, how does buying up the largest pork producer around jive with this? Their own new company, Smithfield, sent 300,000 lbs of pork to China alone, in 2016 alone. China imposes additional tariffs on U.S. pork imports; adds beef as a potential target
***What is the angle here, if any, esp. after buying up a $7Billion company? Does a Chinese company in the US have to deal with that tariff when shipping back to their own country (leaving the waste behind of course)? How does that work?
Also, there is a fire at Trump Tower, and apparently someone has died because of it. Any guess as to whether this building was up to code??
Even CNN has been somewhat supportive of Trump's policies in this regard...
With the North Korea talks supposedly happening soon it is also poor timing.
But it is a "we'll see" situation.
Unless we have manufacturers just sitting around ready and waiting to start producing the cheap goods we get from China at that level of capacity, what good is it going to do us?? I find it hard to believe there are American manufacturers that have been just sitting around waiting to fire up the engines on projects on the hope that someone would impose tariffs.
Plus, does anyone really think Trump actually knows what he's doing here?? I got my money on the intelligence of the Chinese as opposed to this buffoon. And it's already been revealed since China is specifically targeting certain industries. Trump started out with steel and aluminum because he seems to believe his own hype about re-energizing an American industrial age giant that is dead with no hope of resurrection. Pittsburgh may still have a the Steelers as a football team, but the city LONG ago abandoned the steel industry and pushed toward becoming focused on a high-tech service economy. And that is only one example. These jobs aren't coming back. Technology does many of them, and the rest are going to be done in other countries paying slave wages that no one in this country could possibly compete with (nor should they). This is another example of how people seem to have this dream of a resurgent post-war 1950s where every family could easily afford a house and a car in nearly any profession. Those jobs all started disappearing under Reagan (Bruce Springsteen wasn't singing about abandoned manufacturing towns for fun). 30 years on, it's nothing but a dream to think we'll ever get that back in a global market.