But when Hitler invaded Poland from the west and Stalin invaded from the east, Britain declared war on Germany alone. Then, the British sat behind the Maginot Line while Poland was crucified. The British had goaded the Poles into standing up to Hitler though they had no plans to save or rescue Poland. Six million Poles would die as a result of having trusted in a British alliance
The second betrayal occurred at Teheran in 1943, when FDR moved into the Soviet embassy compound and assured Stalin he would not object to his keeping the half of Poland and the Baltic states Hitler had ceded to Stalin in their infamous pact. As Robert Nisbet wrote in “Roosevelt and Stalin: The Failed Courtship,” FDR asked only that word of his concession not leak out before the 1944 elections, so Polish Americans would not react in rage.
It's been said a few different ways, but since History's sort of my jam, I want to chime in too:
Britain was never in any position to do anything about Poland being attacked from both sides. The Allies looked the other way in about a million different ways (Nuremburg stands out, as the USSR commited a ton of attrocities, and yet only the Nazi's were punished. Victor's justice, if ever there has been a case...), in order to help win the costliest war in human history.
I've technically already addressed your second point, but I'll do so again -There was never any expectation that the Soviets would leave whatever they had conquered by the time Germany's surrender happened.
While he was at it Trump also erased Obama era protections for our oceans because screw the "environment" and "oceans" right. Why do Republicans hate everything?
The issue with this is that, even with the executive order to stop separating children from their families, the damage is has already been done. These organizations and government groups are not equipped with the systems to return these children back to their families. Many of them have already been registered as Unaccompanied Alien Children which A) Seeks to find family members legally in the country to place the child with (which often fails) - B] Places these children into residential centers and often into foster care. They are not trained nor do they have systems to reverse the process. You tell them to return the children to their parents and many of them are going to sit there dumb founded because they don't know how to accomplish that. Nor do they have an actual vehicle in place to accomplish this on such a large scale. The damage is already done.
There are absolutely no plans to reunite these children with their parents. None. So.....does the US government now OWN these children?? What legal mechanism transferred permanent custody of these kids to the State?? How is this not straight-up kidnapping?? We took the kids, it is OUR responsibility to get them back the their parents. Period, end of story. If not, we have abducted and orphaned 2000 children.
From my previous comment - it's because they have no clue how to go about that.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
I think the core of the issue is why anyone would want to PURPOSEFULLY create more of them as a government policy. This particular move was totally voluntary, thus easy to mobilize against and try to stop (which is what happened, at least to an extent). So yeah, things can be viewed as bad in this regard, which is all the more reason not to make it worse ON PURPOSE.
This emblematic of the entire Administration. Trump purposefully creates a crisis, and then tries to take credit for halting his own chaos. This isn't the first time this has happened. No more than a week after taking office, he created chaos at the nation's airports by instituting a travel ban that included legal green card holders. Many may have forgotten, but I haven't. People stranded in limbo at airports because the policy was dropped like an anvil with no warning. The POINT was to create chaos.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
Granted. But generally speaking, the federal government didn't deliberately orphan them.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
Strawman argument. As an orphan, I reject the notion and comparison entirely.
So, ive been hearing nothing but this whole issue of seperating illegal migrant parents from their kids when referred for criminal processing from the lefties in my life recently. I, for the life of me, can't figure out where the confected moral outrage arises from. Do we not already seperate parent and child when a parent is jailed? Placing them in the hands of the state if no known caretakers exist, until the issue is resolved? The rhetoric I hear from this is unbelievably hysterical for something that seems so...standard procedure for criminal cases of this context, I don't know.
I do appreciate how Trump caves to the will of the people when he senses something is unpopular though, even if it looks like the issue itself is all hysteria and little substance.
It also makes me laugh that people believe kids are just getting "lost" in the system as if they aren't keeping records of like, who you crossed the border with.
So, ive been hearing nothing but this whole issue of seperating illegal migrant parents from their kids when referred for criminal processing from the lefties in my life recently. I, for the life of me, can't figure out where the confected moral outrage arises from. Do we not already seperate parent and child when a parent is jailed? Placing them in the hands of the state if no known caretakers exist, until the issue is resolved? The rhetoric I hear from this is unbelievably hysterical for something that seems so...standard procedure for criminal cases of this context, I don't know.
I do appreciate how Trump caves to the will of the people when he senses something is unpopular though, even if it looks like the issue itself is all hysteria and little substance.
It also makes me laugh that people believe kids are just getting "lost" in the system as if they aren't keeping records of like, who you crossed the border with.
I wasn't aware applying for asylum was considered a criminal act in the United States.
So, ive been hearing nothing but this whole issue of seperating illegal migrant parents from their kids when referred for criminal processing from the lefties in my life recently. I, for the life of me, can't figure out where the confected moral outrage arises from. Do we not already seperate parent and child when a parent is jailed? Placing them in the hands of the state if no known caretakers exist, until the issue is resolved? The rhetoric I hear from this is unbelievably hysterical for something that seems so...standard procedure for criminal cases of this context, I don't know.
I do appreciate how Trump caves to the will of the people when he senses something is unpopular though, even if it looks like the issue itself is all hysteria and little substance.
It also makes me laugh that people believe kids are just getting "lost" in the system as if they aren't keeping records of like, who you crossed the border with.
I wasn't aware applying for asylum was considered a criminal act in the United States.
I wasn't aware they were doing so to legal entrants who applied for asylum. I thought it was only those who had commited a crime like illegal entry, or who didn't have custody of the child they entered with. All i've read seems to verify this. Am I wrong?
So, ive been hearing nothing but this whole issue of seperating illegal migrant parents from their kids when referred for criminal processing from the lefties in my life recently. I, for the life of me, can't figure out where the confected moral outrage arises from. Do we not already seperate parent and child when a parent is jailed? Placing them in the hands of the state if no known caretakers exist, until the issue is resolved? The rhetoric I hear from this is unbelievably hysterical for something that seems so...standard procedure for criminal cases of this context, I don't know.
I do appreciate how Trump caves to the will of the people when he senses something is unpopular though, even if it looks like the issue itself is all hysteria and little substance.
It also makes me laugh that people believe kids are just getting "lost" in the system as if they aren't keeping records of like, who you crossed the border with.
I don't know. I guess if you think crossing the border illegally one time is a severe enough crime where your infant child should be sent to a detention center, then go ahead and die on that hill. It has been pointed out a half-dozen times that the act (for those not asking for asylum) is a misdemeanor infraction. Have YOU ever committed a misdemeanor?? I have. Most everyone here has, whether they were caught or not. And the issues AREN'T getting resolved. That's the whole point. Women are getting deported back to Honduras and Guatemala, and we still have their kids. Of course, anything the left does nowadays will be written of as "fake moral outrage" (I have to add that to my list of alt-right buzzwords), so I don't know what the point even is in arguing about if that is the perception. I'm not going to sit here and defend motives or try convince anyone about the genuineness of the arguments.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
I think the core of the issue is why anyone would want to PURPOSEFULLY create more of them as a government policy. This particular move was totally voluntary, thus easy to mobilize against and try to stop (which is what happened, at least to an extent). So yeah, things can be viewed as bad in this regard, which is all the more reason not to make it worse ON PURPOSE.
This emblematic of the entire Administration. Trump purposefully creates a crisis, and then tries to take credit for halting his own chaos. This isn't the first time this has happened. No more than a week after taking office, he created chaos at the nation's airports by instituting a travel ban that included legal green card holders. Many may have forgotten, but I haven't. People stranded in limbo at airports because the policy was dropped like an anvil with no warning. The POINT was to create chaos.
I understand your pain, I live it everyday. Better border patrol and better southern neighbors (Government not people) stop the Chaos in the U.S. Trump didn't create that atrocious border with Mexico, he inherited it. He will use it ( and the children now ) to his political advantage but if prior administrations cared enough, they would of closed off that political black hole. I guess prior administrations constituents didn't care enough to make it part of Clinton's, Bush's or Obama's political to do list. Till now.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
I think the core of the issue is why anyone would want to PURPOSEFULLY create more of them as a government policy. This particular move was totally voluntary, thus easy to mobilize against and try to stop (which is what happened, at least to an extent). So yeah, things can be viewed as bad in this regard, which is all the more reason not to make it worse ON PURPOSE.
This emblematic of the entire Administration. Trump purposefully creates a crisis, and then tries to take credit for halting his own chaos. This isn't the first time this has happened. No more than a week after taking office, he created chaos at the nation's airports by instituting a travel ban that included legal green card holders. Many may have forgotten, but I haven't. People stranded in limbo at airports because the policy was dropped like an anvil with no warning. The POINT was to create chaos.
I understand your pain, I live it everyday. Better border patrol and better southern neighbors (Government not people) stop the Chaos in the U.S. Trump didn't create that atrocious border with Mexico, he inherited it. He will use it ( and the children now ) to his political advantage but if prior administrations cared enough, they would of closed off that political black hole. I guess prior administrations constituents didn't care enough to make it part of Clinton's, Bush's or Obama's political to do list. Till now.
There is no "chaos" in the US. Crime remains very near an all-time low and illegal immigration (and I have mentioned this countless times) has been at a net negative for years (which means more are leaving than coming in). The country is as safe as it's been since the early-1960s. We have a massive border and have sold ourselves as a shining city on a hill and haven for immigrants for over a century. It would be absurd to think that national myth-making wouldn't attract thousands upon thousands of desperate people with nowhere to turn.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
Strawman argument. As an orphan, I reject the notion and comparison entirely.
As one who deals with Crown Wards daily at work and who has adopted two of his own, I reject your stawman claim and find your comment irrelevant.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
I think the core of the issue is why anyone would want to PURPOSEFULLY create more of them as a government policy. This particular move was totally voluntary, thus easy to mobilize against and try to stop (which is what happened, at least to an extent). So yeah, things can be viewed as bad in this regard, which is all the more reason not to make it worse ON PURPOSE.
This emblematic of the entire Administration. Trump purposefully creates a crisis, and then tries to take credit for halting his own chaos. This isn't the first time this has happened. No more than a week after taking office, he created chaos at the nation's airports by instituting a travel ban that included legal green card holders. Many may have forgotten, but I haven't. People stranded in limbo at airports because the policy was dropped like an anvil with no warning. The POINT was to create chaos.
I understand your pain, I live it everyday. Better border patrol and better southern neighbors (Government not people) stop the Chaos in the U.S. Trump didn't create that atrocious border with Mexico, he inherited it. He will use it ( and the children now ) to his political advantage but if prior administrations cared enough, they would of closed off that political black hole. I guess prior administrations constituents didn't care enough to make it part of Clinton's, Bush's or Obama's political to do list. Till now.
There is no "chaos" in the US. Crime remains very near an all-time low and illegal immigration (and I have mentioned this countless times) has been at a net negative for years (which means more are leaving than coming in). The country is as safe as it's been since the early-1960s.
My fault, I should of said "current chaos" referring to the current border issue with children.
I was wondering if anyone cares about the children already in the system in the U.S.? There are 10's of thousands of the them. I guess they are not CNN's or Rachel Maddow's flavour of the week.
I think the core of the issue is why anyone would want to PURPOSEFULLY create more of them as a government policy. This particular move was totally voluntary, thus easy to mobilize against and try to stop (which is what happened, at least to an extent). So yeah, things can be viewed as bad in this regard, which is all the more reason not to make it worse ON PURPOSE.
This emblematic of the entire Administration. Trump purposefully creates a crisis, and then tries to take credit for halting his own chaos. This isn't the first time this has happened. No more than a week after taking office, he created chaos at the nation's airports by instituting a travel ban that included legal green card holders. Many may have forgotten, but I haven't. People stranded in limbo at airports because the policy was dropped like an anvil with no warning. The POINT was to create chaos.
I understand your pain, I live it everyday. Better border patrol and better southern neighbors (Government not people) stop the Chaos in the U.S. Trump didn't create that atrocious border with Mexico, he inherited it. He will use it ( and the children now ) to his political advantage but if prior administrations cared enough, they would of closed off that political black hole. I guess prior administrations constituents didn't care enough to make it part of Clinton's, Bush's or Obama's political to do list. Till now.
There is no "chaos" in the US. Crime remains very near an all-time low and illegal immigration (and I have mentioned this countless times) has been at a net negative for years (which means more are leaving than coming in). The country is as safe as it's been since the early-1960s.
My fault, I should of said "current chaos" referring to the current border issue with children.
Fair enough, but I will state that if parents are making the trek from Honduras or Guatemala with their children, they aren't making that decision on a whim. They are fleeing something. The risk of the journey and what may await them at the US border is LESS than they view the risk of staying where they are. The way the right paints it, they act like all these parents are using their kids as pawns, when the simple truth is probably that they view the attempt to enter the US as the only hope for their family. And an entire library could be written about the role the US has had in destabilizing Central America for the last half-century, and we could start with current NRA President Oliver North.
So, ive been hearing nothing but this whole issue of seperating illegal migrant parents from their kids when referred for criminal processing from the lefties in my life recently. I, for the life of me, can't figure out where the confected moral outrage arises from. Do we not already seperate parent and child when a parent is jailed? Placing them in the hands of the state if no known caretakers exist, until the issue is resolved? The rhetoric I hear from this is unbelievably hysterical for something that seems so...standard procedure for criminal cases of this context, I don't know.
I do appreciate how Trump caves to the will of the people when he senses something is unpopular though, even if it looks like the issue itself is all hysteria and little substance.
It also makes me laugh that people believe kids are just getting "lost" in the system as if they aren't keeping records of like, who you crossed the border with.
I wasn't aware applying for asylum was considered a criminal act in the United States.
I wasn't aware they were doing so to legal entrants who applied for asylum. I thought it was only those who had commited a crime like illegal entry, or who didn't have custody of the child they entered with. All i've read seems to verify this. Am I wrong?
@WarChiefZeke you're right ... but it's still an unjustifiable policy.
Others have already commented on whether the crime of illegal entry justifies a decision to separate a family without any plans for bringing them together again in future. I can see there's an argument of some sort, but I'm not sure about its strength. Consider this thought experiment: - family of British tourists goes shopping - family crosses the road where they shouldn't (jaywalking) - police arrest family - parents are taken away and put into indefinite detention without telling the children where they are - children are placed with a relative (if there is one) or, more likely, put into the state fostering system - at some point in the future parents go in front of a judge who immediately releases them as time served is already a far greater punishment than was expected for the crime of jaywalking - parents are deported, still without knowing where their children are
I've deliberately said British in the above example. Part of the reason for that is that jaywalking is not a crime in the UK and it's entirely possible that tourists would not know it is a crime in the US. I suspect that many would-be migrants also don't know that entering the US is a crime (they know the borders are protected, but that's not the same thing). I've also said British because that may help get over my point that the policy of separation is actually racist and is cruel and unjustifiable (in my view) when compared to the gravity of the crime being committed.
There's another point to be made as well - that applying for asylum is legal under both US and international law. A considerable number of the migrants don't wish to be illegal, but want to apply for asylum. However, the US Border Patrol is deliberately making that hard or impossible. If you're a family that has been camped on a bridge which is designated as a legal crossing point, but has been physically closed for 10 days, what do you do? Officials you can see on the other side say they're not in a position to document you at this time. At some point you decide you have no other option, but to swim across the river and hand yourself in to the first official you see and say you want to claim asylum - and immediately find you're in the criminal justice system and subject to family separation as described above.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This policy (again hopefully now ended) did not represent simply a different perspective on the best way to tackle a real problem, but was evil. Chaos and human misery was deliberately caused in order, depending on various sources I've seen: - to act as a bargaining counter to get immigration reforms through; and/or - to make would be immigrants think again about coming to the US; and/or - to make Republican voters more likely to turn out to vote in the forthcoming elections. I do not believe that for any of those objectives, "the end justifies the means".
CBC News : Canada getting ready for legal weed. ( Please watch the whole 2 min video it's hilarious, especially the guy starting at 1:19 mark. He speaks truth though)
@WarChiefZeke: To clarify, some legal asylum seekers have had their children taken from them as well; not just illegal immigrants. The problem is that it was a blanket policy; it was being applied to everyone who was detained, by default.
It would not surprise me in the least if that official did in fact rape that girl. An officer presiding over a prison environment where the child and mother have few rights and cannot leave--this is exactly the sort of situation where these things happen. It's easier for predators to get away with sexual assault when they have power over the victim. They use a position of authority to attack a vulnerable child with no money, no resources, and few rights, in a situation where the victim can't exactly call the police.
Really, this would be a textbook example of abuse of power in order to commit sexual assault. I honestly don't see why this would be surprising--this has happened across the globe and years into the past. The concept of a police officer raping an imprisoned child is not new.
Sexual abuse is a notorious problem in regular prisons and all manners of detention/concentration camps. So my first inclination is to believe the report & I would also assume that there are more unreported cases as well.
Trump is the democratically elected leader of the US, it makes no sense for us to sanction him In fact, this is something that is annoying to me as an outsider to US politics. So many are not taking responsibility for the US electing Trump.
More on this issue in regards to Trumps child prisons..
People who watch Fox News would be under the impression that Democrats are causing this issue. Keep in mind that: - Republicans are in control of all branches of government. - This current crisis started two months ago when Trump told Sessions to start doing this. - This policy was stopped when Trump stopped his own policy
BUT if you watch Fox News..
On Fox News, family separation at the border isn’t Trump’s fault. It’s Democrats’.
For Trump and Fox News, every problem is something caused by Democrats.
Fox News host Sean Hannity said on Monday, “In fact, the Obama administration, not the Trump administration — they’re the ones who actually started the policy of detaining minors younger than 18 for months.” Hannity tried to paint family separation as a continuation of an Obama-era tactic, which is false.
And today, there's a 20 minute video titled "Hannity: Trump took Democrats to task over immigration - YouTube". That's a rich way of spinning the fact that Trump has a policy of intentional child abuse.
A lot of people especially older people watch this opinion propaganda network under the false assumption that it is a news channel. And people when they hear Sean Hannity is covering something like the Kim Jong Un summit like he's a news reporter - he's not. He's a Republican propagandist.
About 55 percent of Republicans said they agreed with the policy.
Fox News is incredibly powerful. It’s the main news source for 40 percent of Trump voters, but it also shapes public opinion to the point of swinging national elections. (links to data for these points are in the article below)
Reports are surfacing of young children, toddlers and infants, being left in rooms to care for each other. Traumatized toddlers screaming out for their parents with no books, no toys, no parents.
The Center for Investigative reports there's been a lawsuit filed over the children detained in the Shiloh Treatment Center regularly being injected with drugs that were disguised as “vitamins.”
Parents and the children themselves told attorneys the drugs rendered them unable to walk, afraid of people and wanting to sleep constantly, according to affidavits filed April 23 in U.S. District Court in California.
One mother said her child fell repeatedly, hitting her head, and ended up in a wheelchair. A child described trying to open a window and being hurled against a door by a Shiloh supervisor, who then choked her until she fainted.
I have told this story in some fashion before, but it's the main reason I find the "economic" arguments about illegal immigration just don't hold water, or, at the very least, or not the real motivating factor.
My dad of my best friend in high school is a hard-core conservative voter. Though I haven't talked to him personally in a few years, it is inconceivable this man didn't vote for Donald Trump. Donald Trump's main agenda is curtailing immigration of ALL kinds, but especially illegal immigration.
Now, for upwards of 4 years, I watched this midwestern farmer negotiate with migrant workers who were literally crammed into a van. I watched him give them money with my own eyes. I have walked through the trailer he had set up on the back of the property that was there to give longer-term migrant workers a place to sleep. I have picked rocks in the fields on a hot summer day WITH these workers, and then been ridiculed by my friend's father at the end of the day excoriating us for how much lazier we were than the migrant workers (he wasn't wrong about that part). But as soon as these people are out of earshot, he'd start immediately riffing on "beaners" and "spics".
The cognitive dissonance here, in retrospect, is even more frightening. He had no problem paying them for work he knew he couldn't get anyone else to do. He even freely admitted they were far better workers at what he needed done than me or my friends could ever be. And yeah, it may be illegal, but who the hell was ever going to find out?? Rural Minnesota is a no-man's land. It's the kind of place where if you know a cop well enough he'd cover up a DUI for you. Certainly no one is going to report a farmer hiring migrant farmhands. But they will SURE AS SHIT complain about illegal immigration at the bar until the cows come home, even though they are LITERALLY the people who are helping fund it.
That is similar to my own backstory. My grandfather owned a medium-sized construction business...in Texas...in the late 1970s through mid-1980s. At the time I was too young to be aware of the issue but now, as an adult, I am absolutely convinced that he regularly hired illegal immigrant workers on a regular basis, probably so he could underpay them for their labor. Meanwhile, Socorro (the wife of one of the guys) would often be at my grandmother's house, cooking and cleaning--she probably got paid but, again, I have no way of knowing. All I know is that when she showed up the food was really delicious and I got to spend time playing with her daughter, Juanita (she was cute--I was 8 and kids often just accept each other as equals).
Anyway... I can't prove any of it, of course, and I am not going to pester my father or aunt about it, but the probability of it being true is very high. I do not recall him speaking negatively of them while they weren't around but I suspect it probably happened.
It's been said a few different ways, but since History's sort of my jam, I want to chime in too:
Britain was never in any position to do anything about Poland being attacked from both sides. The Allies looked the other way in about a million different ways (Nuremburg stands out, as the USSR commited a ton of attrocities, and yet only the Nazi's were punished. Victor's justice, if ever there has been a case...), in order to help win the costliest war in human history.
I've technically already addressed your second point, but I'll do so again -There was never any expectation that the Soviets would leave whatever they had conquered by the time Germany's surrender happened.
And in other World news...
Hungary approves Stop Soros bills.
They are not trained nor do they have systems to reverse the process. You tell them to return the children to their parents and many of them are going to sit there dumb founded because they don't know how to accomplish that. Nor do they have an actual vehicle in place to accomplish this on such a large scale. The damage is already done.
This emblematic of the entire Administration. Trump purposefully creates a crisis, and then tries to take credit for halting his own chaos. This isn't the first time this has happened. No more than a week after taking office, he created chaos at the nation's airports by instituting a travel ban that included legal green card holders. Many may have forgotten, but I haven't. People stranded in limbo at airports because the policy was dropped like an anvil with no warning. The POINT was to create chaos.
They sound like nice people /sarcasm Strawman argument. As an orphan, I reject the notion and comparison entirely.
I do appreciate how Trump caves to the will of the people when he senses something is unpopular though, even if it looks like the issue itself is all hysteria and little substance.
It also makes me laugh that people believe kids are just getting "lost" in the system as if they aren't keeping records of like, who you crossed the border with.
As one who deals with Crown Wards daily at work and who has adopted two of his own, I reject your stawman claim and find your comment irrelevant.
So we are getting things like cops raping four year old girls and threatening the mother with deportation.
Others have already commented on whether the crime of illegal entry justifies a decision to separate a family without any plans for bringing them together again in future. I can see there's an argument of some sort, but I'm not sure about its strength. Consider this thought experiment:
- family of British tourists goes shopping
- family crosses the road where they shouldn't (jaywalking)
- police arrest family
- parents are taken away and put into indefinite detention without telling the children where they are
- children are placed with a relative (if there is one) or, more likely, put into the state fostering system
- at some point in the future parents go in front of a judge who immediately releases them as time served is already a far greater punishment than was expected for the crime of jaywalking
- parents are deported, still without knowing where their children are
I've deliberately said British in the above example. Part of the reason for that is that jaywalking is not a crime in the UK and it's entirely possible that tourists would not know it is a crime in the US. I suspect that many would-be migrants also don't know that entering the US is a crime (they know the borders are protected, but that's not the same thing). I've also said British because that may help get over my point that the policy of separation is actually racist and is cruel and unjustifiable (in my view) when compared to the gravity of the crime being committed.
There's another point to be made as well - that applying for asylum is legal under both US and international law. A considerable number of the migrants don't wish to be illegal, but want to apply for asylum. However, the US Border Patrol is deliberately making that hard or impossible. If you're a family that has been camped on a bridge which is designated as a legal crossing point, but has been physically closed for 10 days, what do you do? Officials you can see on the other side say they're not in a position to document you at this time. At some point you decide you have no other option, but to swim across the river and hand yourself in to the first official you see and say you want to claim asylum - and immediately find you're in the criminal justice system and subject to family separation as described above.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This policy (again hopefully now ended) did not represent simply a different perspective on the best way to tackle a real problem, but was evil. Chaos and human misery was deliberately caused in order, depending on various sources I've seen:
- to act as a bargaining counter to get immigration reforms through; and/or
- to make would be immigrants think again about coming to the US; and/or
- to make Republican voters more likely to turn out to vote in the forthcoming elections.
I do not believe that for any of those objectives, "the end justifies the means".
CBC News : Canada getting ready for legal weed. ( Please watch the whole 2 min video it's hilarious, especially the guy starting at 1:19 mark. He speaks truth though)
It would not surprise me in the least if that official did in fact rape that girl. An officer presiding over a prison environment where the child and mother have few rights and cannot leave--this is exactly the sort of situation where these things happen. It's easier for predators to get away with sexual assault when they have power over the victim. They use a position of authority to attack a vulnerable child with no money, no resources, and few rights, in a situation where the victim can't exactly call the police.
Really, this would be a textbook example of abuse of power in order to commit sexual assault. I honestly don't see why this would be surprising--this has happened across the globe and years into the past. The concept of a police officer raping an imprisoned child is not new.
People who watch Fox News would be under the impression that Democrats are causing this issue.
Keep in mind that:
- Republicans are in control of all branches of government.
- This current crisis started two months ago when Trump told Sessions to start doing this.
- This policy was stopped when Trump stopped his own policy
BUT if you watch Fox News..
On Fox News, family separation at the border isn’t Trump’s fault. It’s Democrats’.
For Trump and Fox News, every problem is something caused by Democrats.
Fox News host Sean Hannity said on Monday, “In fact, the Obama administration, not the Trump administration — they’re the ones who actually started the policy of detaining minors younger than 18 for months.” Hannity tried to paint family separation as a continuation of an Obama-era tactic, which is false.
And today, there's a 20 minute video titled "Hannity: Trump took Democrats to task over immigration - YouTube". That's a rich way of spinning the fact that Trump has a policy of intentional child abuse.
A lot of people especially older people watch this opinion propaganda network under the false assumption that it is a news channel. And people when they hear Sean Hannity is covering something like the Kim Jong Un summit like he's a news reporter - he's not. He's a Republican propagandist.
About 55 percent of Republicans said they agreed with the policy.
Fox News is incredibly powerful. It’s the main news source for 40 percent of Trump voters, but it also shapes public opinion to the point of swinging national elections. (links to data for these points are in the article below)
The Center for Investigative reports there's been a lawsuit filed over the children detained in the Shiloh Treatment Center regularly being injected with drugs that were disguised as “vitamins.”
Parents and the children themselves told attorneys the drugs rendered them unable to walk, afraid of people and wanting to sleep constantly, according to affidavits filed April 23 in U.S. District Court in California.
One mother said her child fell repeatedly, hitting her head, and ended up in a wheelchair. A child described trying to open a window and being hurled against a door by a Shiloh supervisor, who then choked her until she fainted.
Anyway... I can't prove any of it, of course, and I am not going to pester my father or aunt about it, but the probability of it being true is very high. I do not recall him speaking negatively of them while they weren't around but I suspect it probably happened.