Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Syria, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Libya, Jordan, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kuwait, Albania, Mauritania, Oman, Kosovo, Bahrain and Qatar.
I put a couple of European and African countries in there so you do not assume I'm a racist.
Putting aside racism, if you want me to think you have any sort of evidence-based understanding of what you're talking about, you should probably not refer to most of the above list as "Arab countries", given they aren't, y'know, even majority-Arab.
Gosh, I wish all those Swiss people hadn't elected Donald Trump!
The convo was about why the USA and it's people care so much about the rights of Gays, Minorities and Women but they deal with countries that have atrocious Human Rights records.
I named you some as you see above. Pointed out also that these countries are not all Arab states but the US deals with them even though they commit crimes against Humanity.
The TPP has been dead for months, if not a year already. The coal jobs aren't coming back, even energy companies realize coal is too expensive. His infrastructure plan is to privatize everything that is built (think corporations owning the roads that are driven on, and as such, think tolls).
In the meantime, while he doles out an entire video of bullshit, he is personally trying to get to President of Argentina to approve permits for building projects he has in Argentina. This is a kleptocracy in motion.
I live in the US and am just coming to terms with the disastrous results. Corporate lobbyists are able to pit non college educated voters against college educated voters. We are looking for a way of identity politics. My hope is that we can see each other on the same team. There is no shortcut. It first has to happen within countries and then between them. Talk of open borders in the short run is impractical and blows up the political situation.
I want to say thank you to @MrBungle for linking this wonderful video. It very clearly says in a very intelligent way the perspective that I believe would benefit all of us to adopt. Thank you very much.
So I watched that video. It didn't seem to have much practical use. I was not shocked to hear that conservatives don't like change and liberals are open to change.
If you believe that, then you missed the entire point of the video. I strongly disagree that there is not much practical use in stepping in another side's shoes long enough to stop villifying them and long enough to be aware of personal self-righteousness in politics and other issues. Doing this is one of the greatest proclaimed positional strengths of current members of the liberal party. Doing so in the past provided the perspective that has motivated us to drive our country to put an end to slavery and segregation and other horrors that our country has committed like the Vietnam War.
Let's stop embodying the hate that we so zealously, blindly condemn by being self aware enough and humble enough to realize that supporters of whatever opposite side are just as human, normal, and rational as we are, and to consider that it is possible that differing views actually benefit and provide growth to our human society as well as to us as individuals.
Failing to do so exemplifies the greatest condemnation that liberals have for conservatives. We should take the higher ground that liberals proclaim to have and exercise the self-awareness and empathy that progressives uphold and preach.
Trump invites the press to an off the record meeting then acts like a spoiled brat.
Been saying it for a while, this guy is a danger to democracy - and all this while he's not even President yet.
Today he's trying to intimidate the press. He's been great at spin and misdirection but what little he can't spin he's trying to shut down. And he even found time to complain that a TV network was using unflattering pictures.
Can you imagine Obama calling a meeting with news networks and saying that Fox news was full of liars? While that might be true, no he's not that type of thin skinned insecure guy.
Trump invites the press to an off the record meeting then acts like a spoiled brat.
Been saying it for a while, this guy is a danger to democracy - and all this while he's not even President yet.
Today he's trying to intimidate the press. He's been great at spin and misdirection but what little he can't spin he's trying to shut down. And he even found time to complain that a TV network was using unflattering pictures.
Can you imagine Obama calling a meeting with news networks and saying that Fox news was full of liars? While that might be true, no he's not that type of thin skinned insecure guy.
Well, at least he had the chestnuts to tell them all this in their faces instead of writing biased articles or bashing him every chance they got on tv.
Trump invites the press to an off the record meeting then acts like a spoiled brat.
Been saying it for a while, this guy is a danger to democracy - and all this while he's not even President yet.
Today he's trying to intimidate the press. He's been great at spin and misdirection but what little he can't spin he's trying to shut down. And he even found time to complain that a TV network was using unflattering pictures.
Can you imagine Obama calling a meeting with news networks and saying that Fox news was full of liars? While that might be true, no he's not that type of thin skinned insecure guy.
As told by the same people he was criticizing after they agreed it was off the record. Nice. Not skeptical of partisan reporting, I see.
Doesn't anyone here find it strange that 6 companies in the United States own 90% of the media we consume offline? And that they all supported Hillary?
Doesn't anyone find it strange that 500 newspapers endorsed Hillary, 32 were Not Trump, and only 26 supported him?
I find it strange that the president elect wanted to go off the record so he could go after a personal vendetta against the press.
No I don't find it strange the 500 newspapers saw Trump as the conman he is. I find it odd that 26 newspapers supported him. I find it odd that people seem to think he should be treated equally when he often acts irrationally or childish.
Let's take the case of a cow in a field. If there is a cow and 500 people report that it's a cow, then it's probably a cow. There's no reason for equal time saying it's a bird. Especially when the thing moos from it's own mouth.
This guy tweeted that SNL should allow for his people to get equal time. Why? They are a comedy show, they say what they want, make your own show if you don't like it. "Both sides" sheesh.
Trump invites the press to an off the record meeting then acts like a spoiled brat.
Been saying it for a while, this guy is a danger to democracy - and all this while he's not even President yet.
Today he's trying to intimidate the press. He's been great at spin and misdirection but what little he can't spin he's trying to shut down. And he even found time to complain that a TV network was using unflattering pictures.
Can you imagine Obama calling a meeting with news networks and saying that Fox news was full of liars? While that might be true, no he's not that type of thin skinned insecure guy.
-Spend a year blasting Trump for every little thing, smears and hitpieces abound -While constantly cheerleading Hillary despite her own numerous fuckups -Trump gets elected anyway -They expect him to jump at their word now -He can't even have a nice steak dinner without letting the media know -They're surprised that he still absolutely hates their guts and rips into them in a way that only he can do -"Woooowww what did we do to deserve this? Trump's a big meanie! We're the victims here!"
I find it strange that the president elect wanted to go off the record so he could go after a personal vendetta against the press.
No I don't find it strange the 500 newspapers saw Trump as the conman he is. I find it odd that 26 newspapers supported him. I find it odd that people seem to think he should be treated equally when he often acts irrationally or childish.
Let's take the case of a cow in a field. If there is a cow and 500 people report that it's a cow, then it's probably a cow. There's no reason for equal time saying it's a bird. Especially when the thing moos from it's own mouth.
This guy tweeted that SNL should allow for his people to get equal time. Why? They are a comedy show, they say what they want, make your own show if you don't like it. "Both sides" sheesh.
False equivalence.
Since when has the media been motivated by the altruism of reporting things as they really are? No, they twist the facts to serve their own agenda: making money.
They are motivated by one thing only: money.
Trump's net worth was 1.4 billion and Hillary's was 32 million.
If he is worth so much, then how come more of those greedy media wouldn't take his money which is just as good as Hillary's?
Do not naively say altruistic motivations. They haven't had altruistic motivations since the repeal of the fairness doctrine. That is just naïveté talking.
They are threatened. His decry of drain the swamp applies to them more than anyone.
I find it strange that the president elect wanted to go off the record so he could go after a personal vendetta against the press.
No I don't find it strange the 500 newspapers saw Trump as the conman he is. I find it odd that 26 newspapers supported him. I find it odd that people seem to think he should be treated equally when he often acts irrationally or childish.
Let's take the case of a cow in a field. If there is a cow and 500 people report that it's a cow, then it's probably a cow. There's no reason for equal time saying it's a bird. Especially when the thing moos from it's own mouth.
This guy tweeted that SNL should allow for his people to get equal time. Why? They are a comedy show, they say what they want, make your own show if you don't like it. "Both sides" sheesh.
False equivalence.
Since when has the media been motivated by the altruism of reporting things as they really are? No, they twist the facts to serve their own agenda: making money.
They are motivated by one thing only: money.
Trump's net worth was 1.4 billion and Hillary's was 32 million.
If he is worth so much, then how come more of those greedy media wouldn't take his money which is just as good as Hillary's?
Do not naively say altruistic motivations. They haven't had altruistic motivations since the repeal of the fairness doctrine. That is just naïveté talking.
They are threatened. His decry of drain the swamp applies to them more than anyone.
That is why.
Definitely NOT false equivelencies.
By the way, every president-elect has a meeting like this off the record with the media shortly after he gets voted in. Trump just surprised them by calling them on their nonsense instead of trying to appease them as most presidents in the past have.
Trump invites the press to an off the record meeting then acts like a spoiled brat.
Been saying it for a while, this guy is a danger to democracy - and all this while he's not even President yet.
Today he's trying to intimidate the press. He's been great at spin and misdirection but what little he can't spin he's trying to shut down. And he even found time to complain that a TV network was using unflattering pictures.
Can you imagine Obama calling a meeting with news networks and saying that Fox news was full of liars? While that might be true, no he's not that type of thin skinned insecure guy.
-Spend a year blasting Trump for every little thing, smears and hitpieces abound -While constantly cheerleading Hillary despite her own numerous fuckups -Trump gets elected anyway -They expect him to jump at their word now -He can't even have a nice steak dinner without letting the media know -They're surprised that he still absolutely hates their guts and rips into them in a way that only he can do -"Woooowww what did we do to deserve this? Trump's a big meanie! We're the victims here!"
Just astonishing.
First off, the guy did EVERYTHING to himself. He called Mexican immigrants rapists. He called for a ban on an entire religion entering the country. He admitted to sexual assault on tape, and then over a DOZEN women came forward and confirmed exactly what he'd already admitted to (apparently in America it takes more like 50 women coming forward, like with Bill Cosby, before people even start to think something might be up). Second, the steak dinner has nothing to do with him wanting a nice night out. You don't get to do that when you're President of the United States. It's called the protective pool, and it has nothing to do with the media's ego. It's about his own safety and the ability of the American people to know where their President is at all times in case of a national emergency or if something happens to him.
I have no love for the media. They are, after all, the ones who gave Trump 3 BILLION dollars of free air-time this election. They created him. I can't count the number of times they had their cameras trained on an empty podium waiting for him to speak. But if you're ok with Trump simply circumventing them and releasing Youtube clips like Big Brother, then enjoy the creeping authoritarianism while this malignant narcissist takes office. The media does deserve everything it's getting. But not for any of the reasons you think.
The media is supposed to report the news. What a person says and does. They shouldn't have to check with his liars first and see if he likes their stories before running the story. That is not a free press. Did they do that with Obama despite all the ridiculous spin on Faux News? Reporters have their own opinions and biases but they are going to report the facts as best they can - well unless you are watching Fox news. In a big city you can earn a living working for Uber or posting a blog or being a reporter for the national media. Trumpville, Kentucky can't support a national news media.
Trump ran for and was elected to the presidency. It's time to stop acting like a kim kardashian reality star and start acting presidental. That means you shouldn't spend all your energy on petty grudges and you can't have it your way. This isn't burger king. The job is to be president of the most powerful nation on earth. You can't be out there winging it anymore. You shouldn't be talking to other world leaders and trying to get permits for your golf course or be on TV hawking one of your products. You are more than a person, you are a public servant, you are the President. The American people need to know what you are doing at all times because history.
On the campaign trail he said ISIS was the biggest threat but since the election he's spend more time complaining about broadway musicals and saturday night live.
I don't think we'll see a nasty backlash against white people in this country, even if we see a severe downgrade in race relations. People have made that prediction before, and it has yet to come true.
Thomas Jefferson, like many people of his time, believed that, if the slaves were ever freed, they would rise up and exact vengeance on their former masters in a bloody race war. He predicted that abolition would result in the extermination of either whites or blacks--whoever happened to win that race war. He believed that the only way to avoid such a war was to ship the entire population of freed slaves to an African colony somewhere.
That was a very common notion at the time. Few people believed blacks and whites could live in harmony. He discusses the idea in his book, Notes on the State of Virgina:
Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state…? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race. (emphasis mine)
(He had other reasons for opposing integration--namely, miscegenation--but that's a separate topic).
But... despite all the fears of a violent backlash, American blacks never tried to exact vengeance on whites. It's not just Martin Luther King Jr.'s influence, either; he didn't show up until decades after abolition. Abolition did involve a spectacular death toll, but it was not black vengeance that did it; it was the Civil War.
It's very curious. There are so many places in the world where people are actively killing each other based on past injustices--where there is no forgiveness, no reconciliation, and no peace. There are racial tensions in America, but we're not waging a full-blown race war. Obama has pointed out that despite our struggles, we've come an incredibly long way on race relations.
You'd think that slavery would trigger a vicious circle in which blacks and whites would launch an endless series of attacks against each other--the same fate that has ensnared so many other countries.
The current political incorrectness by Trump and a part of his voters is of course itself a backlash against the era of political correctness that preceded it. That's how it usually works one backlash follows the next one.
However while the pendulum of backlashes is swinging left and right the demographics of the USA change. It will take a long while but one day the cisgender, male, hetero whites will be a minority, albeit a big one.
Who will then be the majority? And will they remember how they were being treated once?
I am pretty certain I have mentioned before that human beings do not like each other very much. They are always finding ways of quantifying, classifying, pigeonholing, demoralizing, and dehumanizing one another; this is a behavior pattern which has been expressing itself for millennia. Now families are uninviting people to holiday get-togethers because of differing political views and I find that hilarious. I always enjoy it when people allow petty, boring, and meaningless crap like politics or religion to strip away the thin veneer of civility they have and reveal their true faces to one another.
I trace the current fighting back to Bill Clinton's impeachment. The Republicans at the time should have left it alone. Who cared if he was engaging in illicit affairs in the White House? It isn't like every other President hadn't been doing the same thing (well, okay, maybe Ford didn't but he wasn't there for very long). By wasting all that time and spending all that money, dragging everyone through the mud just so they could slap an impeachment over petty horse hockey, they damaged themselves and set up the desire in Democrats to extract revenge. I would advise both sides to bury the hatchet but, truthfully, even if that happened it wouldn't matter because no one ever forgets where the hatchet gets buried.
At this point, I am sitting back, drinking my beer, and enjoying the show. Truthfully, I really want both major parties to crash and burn, to collapse completely and disappear so that more level-headed and mature leadership may be elected. I like Babylon 5 because it is, to me, the pinnacle of science fiction storytelling I have encountered to date. Democrats and Republicans are like the Vorlons and Shadows (you may decide for yourself which side is which since it really doesn't matter) and the rest of us are with Sheridan, wanting to tell the two groups to get the hell out of our galaxy.
The media is supposed to report the news. What a person says and does. They shouldn't have to check with his liars first and see if he likes their stories before running the story. That is not a free press. Did they do that with Obama despite all the ridiculous spin on Faux News? Reporters have their own opinions and biases but they are going to report the facts as best they can - well unless you are watching Fox news. In a big city you can earn a living working for Uber or posting a blog or being a reporter for the national media. Trumpville, Kentucky can't support a national news media.
Trump ran for and was elected to the presidency. It's time to stop acting like a kim kardashian reality star and start acting presidental. That means you shouldn't spend all your energy on petty grudges and you can't have it your way. This isn't burger king. The job is to be president of the most powerful nation on earth. You can't be out there winging it anymore. You shouldn't be talking to other world leaders and trying to get permits for your golf course or be on TV hawking one of your products. You are more than a person, you are a public servant, you are the President. The American people need to know what you are doing at all times because history.
On the campaign trail he said ISIS was the biggest threat but since the election he's spend more time complaining about broadway musicals and saturday night live.
It is no secret that the media twists what is said. I have read and seen Trump speak, and have found that most of the hysteria around him and his policies are either blown out of proportion, taken out of context, or recordings of things he said in the privacy of his celebrity lifestyle before he even ran for president. Both articles you posted are very good examples of partisanship in media reporting.
I agree that the media is "supposed" to report the news. But they don't. You have said it yourself, @smeagolheart , more times then I can count how they have slandered and misrepresented Hillary and Obama. And yet you don't believe they are capable of doing the same for Trump and his proposals?
I normally wouldn't care or even notice this. But when I first started paying attention to this election, as I always do I attempted to tune into proponents for and detractors against both candidates. And strangely enough, I couldn't find mainstream media anywhere that was portraying Trump as I believed he would want to be portrayed. I still can't find any, except on his own websites or obscure publishers. Why is this? He is an eccentric wacko, and a racist, but the level of panic that the media is instilling into the public is not justified based on what he actually proposes to do.
He wants to reduce regulations, reduce taxes, and reform immigration, specifically illegal immigration. He says most of his ideas in the most blunt way I can imagine, and he is hypocritical like all politicians, but it's still typical Republican bullcrap.
I can totally get behind this, and we all should. This is awesome. I think it is probably one reason why the mainstream media is so threatened by him.
I cannot find anywhere, except as twisted by the media that opposes him, any plans or proposals of his to crush the rights of minorities or even eliminate free speech, a fear that has frequently been expressed here in this thread. It just is NOT on his agenda. His plans actually seem to be the opposite. He seems like a racist, but not in the "let's crush them," way. It more like an ignorant, no one matters to him except for himself, black or white, kind of way.
He is definitely corrupt. And I definitely don't like him, in fact I am frequently on the fence about whether or not I hate him or Hillary more. But I can put aside my cognitive biases and the media spoon feeding long enough get behind some of his ideas. Just as I could with Hillary.
@semiticgod That test is weird. Its forcing me to associate a skin color with bad by binding my response to them to one key. It goes so far as to tell me that I answer wrong on an association test. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work.
All politicians (and probably all people) have a tendency to 'shade' the way they express facts in order to try and get their own way. However, Trump does seem to take that tendency to an entirely different level. He gives the impression that he thinks it simply doesn't matter whether what he says is true or not - I think on the grounds that he can simply say something else later if necessary.
What concerns me is that I don't think past statements can be simply erased in that way. His portrayal of Mexicans is likely to poison relations for years to come - irrespective of whether or not a wall is actually built. His continual portrayal of Clinton as a dangerous criminal is likely to increase the tendency for some people to justify taking the law into their own hands in a whole range of contexts - despite the fact he's now said that he is not going to try and prosecute "good people".
For someone who's clearly often reacted emotionally to things said about him I do find it amazing that Trump seems to assume that everyone else will put aside emotions and act purely in their economic best interests ...
So today in Trumpistan, 2015 tax returns for his foundation he had to check yes for boxes to whether "any income or assets to a disqualified person" such as he himself or his family. And the preparer checked the box that said that he had done it in previous years as well. Trumps past fillings apparently didn't check that box so likely he has committed perjury multiple times.
So today, Trump has announced that he will not, in fact, be going after Hillary Clinton in regards to a criminal case. Nevermind the fact that this was the entire basis of his campaign for the last month of the election and just more proof he is a pathological liar. The far more important thing to note here is that the President DOES NOT DECIDE who gets investiged and prosecuted in this country. Banana Republic much??
(I actually know one of the journalists involved in this story. She was a senior in my high school when I was a freshman.)
It's actually an interesting read, in all its typical eyeroll-inducing-Trump-behavior glory.
I named you some as you see above. Pointed out also that these countries are not all Arab states but the US deals with them even though they commit crimes against Humanity.
In the meantime, while he doles out an entire video of bullshit, he is personally trying to get to President of Argentina to approve permits for building projects he has in Argentina. This is a kleptocracy in motion.
Let's stop embodying the hate that we so zealously, blindly condemn by being self aware enough and humble enough to realize that supporters of whatever opposite side are just as human, normal, and rational as we are, and to consider that it is possible that differing views actually benefit and provide growth to our human society as well as to us as individuals.
Failing to do so exemplifies the greatest condemnation that liberals have for conservatives. We should take the higher ground that liberals proclaim to have and exercise the self-awareness and empathy that progressives uphold and preach.
Been saying it for a while, this guy is a danger to democracy - and all this while he's not even President yet.
Today he's trying to intimidate the press. He's been great at spin and misdirection but what little he can't spin he's trying to shut down. And he even found time to complain that a TV network was using unflattering pictures.
Can you imagine Obama calling a meeting with news networks and saying that Fox news was full of liars? While that might be true, no he's not that type of thin skinned insecure guy.
This guy wants to end the free Press.
Doesn't anyone here find it strange that 6 companies in the United States own 90% of the media we consume offline? And that they all supported Hillary?
Doesn't anyone find it strange that 500 newspapers endorsed Hillary, 32 were Not Trump, and only 26 supported him?
Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
No I don't find it strange the 500 newspapers saw Trump as the conman he is. I find it odd that 26 newspapers supported him. I find it odd that people seem to think he should be treated equally when he often acts irrationally or childish.
Let's take the case of a cow in a field. If there is a cow and 500 people report that it's a cow, then it's probably a cow. There's no reason for equal time saying it's a bird. Especially when the thing moos from it's own mouth.
This guy tweeted that SNL should allow for his people to get equal time. Why? They are a comedy show, they say what they want, make your own show if you don't like it. "Both sides" sheesh.
False equivalence.
-Spend a year blasting Trump for every little thing, smears and hitpieces abound
-While constantly cheerleading Hillary despite her own numerous fuckups
-Trump gets elected anyway
-They expect him to jump at their word now
-He can't even have a nice steak dinner without letting the media know
-They're surprised that he still absolutely hates their guts and rips into them in a way that only he can do
-"Woooowww what did we do to deserve this? Trump's a big meanie! We're the victims here!"
Just astonishing.
They are motivated by one thing only: money.
Trump's net worth was 1.4 billion and Hillary's was 32 million.
If he is worth so much, then how come more of those greedy media wouldn't take his money which is just as good as Hillary's?
Do not naively say altruistic motivations. They haven't had altruistic motivations since the repeal of the fairness doctrine. That is just naïveté talking.
They are threatened. His decry of drain the swamp applies to them more than anyone.
That is why.
Definitely NOT false equivelencies.
I have no love for the media. They are, after all, the ones who gave Trump 3 BILLION dollars of free air-time this election. They created him. I can't count the number of times they had their cameras trained on an empty podium waiting for him to speak. But if you're ok with Trump simply circumventing them and releasing Youtube clips like Big Brother, then enjoy the creeping authoritarianism while this malignant narcissist takes office. The media does deserve everything it's getting. But not for any of the reasons you think.
Trump ran for and was elected to the presidency. It's time to stop acting like a kim kardashian reality star and start acting presidental. That means you shouldn't spend all your energy on petty grudges and you can't have it your way. This isn't burger king. The job is to be president of the most powerful nation on earth. You can't be out there winging it anymore. You shouldn't be talking to other world leaders and trying to get permits for your golf course or be on TV hawking one of your products. You are more than a person, you are a public servant, you are the President. The American people need to know what you are doing at all times because history.
On the campaign trail he said ISIS was the biggest threat but since the election he's spend more time complaining about broadway musicals and saturday night live.
Thomas Jefferson, like many people of his time, believed that, if the slaves were ever freed, they would rise up and exact vengeance on their former masters in a bloody race war. He predicted that abolition would result in the extermination of either whites or blacks--whoever happened to win that race war. He believed that the only way to avoid such a war was to ship the entire population of freed slaves to an African colony somewhere.
That was a very common notion at the time. Few people believed blacks and whites could live in harmony. He discusses the idea in his book, Notes on the State of Virgina: (He had other reasons for opposing integration--namely, miscegenation--but that's a separate topic).
But... despite all the fears of a violent backlash, American blacks never tried to exact vengeance on whites. It's not just Martin Luther King Jr.'s influence, either; he didn't show up until decades after abolition. Abolition did involve a spectacular death toll, but it was not black vengeance that did it; it was the Civil War.
It's very curious. There are so many places in the world where people are actively killing each other based on past injustices--where there is no forgiveness, no reconciliation, and no peace. There are racial tensions in America, but we're not waging a full-blown race war. Obama has pointed out that despite our struggles, we've come an incredibly long way on race relations.
You'd think that slavery would trigger a vicious circle in which blacks and whites would launch an endless series of attacks against each other--the same fate that has ensnared so many other countries.
How did we avoid that?
Am I late?
I trace the current fighting back to Bill Clinton's impeachment. The Republicans at the time should have left it alone. Who cared if he was engaging in illicit affairs in the White House? It isn't like every other President hadn't been doing the same thing (well, okay, maybe Ford didn't but he wasn't there for very long). By wasting all that time and spending all that money, dragging everyone through the mud just so they could slap an impeachment over petty horse hockey, they damaged themselves and set up the desire in Democrats to extract revenge. I would advise both sides to bury the hatchet but, truthfully, even if that happened it wouldn't matter because no one ever forgets where the hatchet gets buried.
At this point, I am sitting back, drinking my beer, and enjoying the show. Truthfully, I really want both major parties to crash and burn, to collapse completely and disappear so that more level-headed and mature leadership may be elected. I like Babylon 5 because it is, to me, the pinnacle of science fiction storytelling I have encountered to date. Democrats and Republicans are like the Vorlons and Shadows (you may decide for yourself which side is which since it really doesn't matter) and the rest of us are with Sheridan, wanting to tell the two groups to get the hell out of our galaxy.
I agree that the media is "supposed" to report the news. But they don't. You have said it yourself, @smeagolheart , more times then I can count how they have slandered and misrepresented Hillary and Obama. And yet you don't believe they are capable of doing the same for Trump and his proposals?
I normally wouldn't care or even notice this. But when I first started paying attention to this election, as I always do I attempted to tune into proponents for and detractors against both candidates. And strangely enough, I couldn't find mainstream media anywhere that was portraying Trump as I believed he would want to be portrayed. I still can't find any, except on his own websites or obscure publishers. Why is this? He is an eccentric wacko, and a racist, but the level of panic that the media is instilling into the public is not justified based on what he actually proposes to do.
He wants to reduce regulations, reduce taxes, and reform immigration, specifically illegal immigration. He says most of his ideas in the most blunt way I can imagine, and he is hypocritical like all politicians, but it's still typical Republican bullcrap.
But he also wants to eliminate the corruption of our government by effectively using our Inspector Generals program for the first time in our government for over 20 years.
I can totally get behind this, and we all should. This is awesome. I think it is probably one reason why the mainstream media is so threatened by him.
I cannot find anywhere, except as twisted by the media that opposes him, any plans or proposals of his to crush the rights of minorities or even eliminate free speech, a fear that has frequently been expressed here in this thread. It just is NOT on his agenda. His plans actually seem to be the opposite. He seems like a racist, but not in the "let's crush them," way. It more like an ignorant, no one matters to him except for himself, black or white, kind of way.
He is definitely corrupt. And I definitely don't like him, in fact I am frequently on the fence about whether or not I hate him or Hillary more. But I can put aside my cognitive biases and the media spoon feeding long enough get behind some of his ideas. Just as I could with Hillary.
What concerns me is that I don't think past statements can be simply erased in that way. His portrayal of Mexicans is likely to poison relations for years to come - irrespective of whether or not a wall is actually built. His continual portrayal of Clinton as a dangerous criminal is likely to increase the tendency for some people to justify taking the law into their own hands in a whole range of contexts - despite the fact he's now said that he is not going to try and prosecute "good people".
For someone who's clearly often reacted emotionally to things said about him I do find it amazing that Trump seems to assume that everyone else will put aside emotions and act purely in their economic best interests ...
And yesterday was news about how he had violated election law a record 1,100 times