The Sword Coasts Not So Deadliest Warriors. ROUND 1

Everyone can debate on who can win in a fight versus a Beholder and a Lich, but what about the bottom feeders of the XP chain? Which one holds the glory over all other minor annoyances.
If one of these creatures were pitted against each other, which one would come out on top. Elite versions do not count. Cast your vote, explain it and may the loser be chunked by the lvl 1 Warrior with a dagger.
If one of these creatures were pitted against each other, which one would come out on top. Elite versions do not count. Cast your vote, explain it and may the loser be chunked by the lvl 1 Warrior with a dagger.
- The Sword Coasts Not So Deadliest Warriors. ROUND 171 votes
- Kobolds70.42%
- Xvarts29.58%
Edit: Looks like the basic kobold just has a short sword. I'd have to entirely go with the Xvart then.
Start at visible range, and the kobold with a shortbow should be able to get 2 arrows off before the xvart can close to melee (maybe more if he does some strategic hit & fade, but his script is likely too dumb for that). That means about a 50% chance of at least one arrow hitting (9% both arrows hit, 42% one arrow hits, 49% both miss), leaving the xvart seriously wounded before it even gets to swing its sword once.
Recruit a Kobold and a Xvart through Ctrl Q and let them go at it.
Oh the joys of recruiting creatures into a party and then having them fight to the death for my amusement.
Kobolds are no joke in BG1, especially for a low level party - during my last playthrough of BG:EE, a full health Minsc was obliterated by a single kobold arrow in the Nashkel mines.
In fact, I don't think kobolds really deserve to be in this discussion - a much more fitting matchup would be xvarts vs. gibberlings or vs. tasloi IMO.
I typically play on core rules.
Even Xan perks up a bit when fights one! Well, as perky as Xan gets.
but otherwise those pesky Chihuahua from Hell would be more dangerous. Those arrows have one shot Imoen on more occasions that I can count.
I don't know the ingame stats like @Mathsorcerer but I know from experience, I was slaughtering Xvarts for fun in my first noobie run, whilst common Kobolds 1 shot my lv1 Sorc...
it's an interesting discussion in abstract, but there are far more variables than can be accounted for here.