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[MOD] -Scales of Balance- a post-hac tweak mod



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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited April 2015
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  • ColonelFlagColonelFlag Member Posts: 2
    Hi Subtledoctor,

    I am still getting the errors Leonardo described here even after installing SoB 2.9.1 via BWS . Specifically- ERROR: Failure("resource [D5_CANT.spl] not found for 'COPY'").

    This prevents SCS Better AI from installing. Are you able to replicate this issue at all ?

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015
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  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 636
    Don't suppose any of the cleric kits allow for weapons not included in their proficiency pool as standard? ^^
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  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    /just read your post about the proposed necromancer changes

    Question, would my Cleric/Pale Master (TnB) style of "True Necromancer" get all the benefits of your cool necromancer class design?

    'cause I'd be SUPER hype for that.

    I really like TnB's Pale Master because it's like slowly transforming into a Lich as you level with the undead immunities and stuff.
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015
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  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459

    Ha ha, glad it sounds good. I'm not totally sure about TnB yet. This component, when formally released, will completely override any choice you make in TnB about 0, 1, or 2 opposition schools. I'm also going to make this remove TnB's arcane crafting of wands and potions, since those will now be kit-specific abilities. As for TnB's extra kits (Red Wizard, Harper mage, etc.), I'm not sure how those will fit in here. I assume the Pale Master is one of those. I'll have to do some testing once this is complete. I assume I'll have to specifically code in compatibility, like I did for Oracles.

    I really need to do some playtesting with necromancers in particular. Permanent, at-will access to Chill Touch/Ghoul Touch/Vampiric Touch could be horribly, horribly overpowered, or it could be not a very big deal (since it still requires a very fragile character with bad thac0 to engage in melee). We'll see.

    Also, I'm just realizing that if there are no opposition schools and every specialist gets extra special abilities, Edwin doesn't need such an insanely overpowered necklace. So I'll probably make this component revert his BG2 necklace to its BG1 form ("only" one extra spell per level).

    Indeed, the Pale Master is one of the sub-kits to the Necromancer kit in TnB.

    Your version of the necromancer reminds me of the Dread Necromancer a bit from Heroes of Horror 3.5 book. It casted like a sorcerer but automatically knew all of its spells like a Cleric.

    It only had access to necromancy spells from both arcane and divine magic. They could also cast in light armor and were proficient in any one martial weapon of their choice. The Dread Necro also had Charnal touch which was an at-will ability that was a touch attack. It did 1d8+caster level in negative energy damage if I recall. Similar to how your necro is getting some "bad touch" at-will abilities. Charnal touch also upgraded over time, giving it like a disease componant, negative levels, and other such things as the dread necro progressed in power.

    Are they any necromancy spells in BG/IWD (aside from healing) that are Divine only?

    Also, if you don't mind, could I shoot some ideas for the Necro kit? You don't have to do them or anything. I'm not a modder so I have no idea the work involved (though I plan to be soon, just have one week of final exams and they I begin my journey to create Alora in BG2).

    I'll think of more stuff in the future but one immediate thing is would it be possible to make Animate Dead a 3rd level arcane spell like it is for Clerics? I feel this very iconic spell should be able to be achieved at a lower level, though if that unbalances things/is impossible I understand.
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  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited May 2015

    I'm always happy to hear ideas from players :)

    Right now the "special necromancer-only" spells amount to about 1-2 spells per level, which is not very much... this is because I took away the ___ Touch spells and made them innate. They are good spells - Larloch's Drain is upgraded, and I'm gong to seriously upgrade Ray of Enfeeblement; then you have stuff like undead summoning, Disintegrate, Finger of Death, Wail of the Banshee, and an upgraded Level Drain.

    Still, a few more necromancer-only spells would make them stand out more, so I'll look through the cleric lists and see what would work well. Maybe the "cause wounds" spells. (Although, that might conflict conceptually with the innate ___ Touch powers.)

    I'm not very inclined to mess with undead summoning, because Spell Revisions already does it amazingly well: Skeletons from a 3rd-level spell, Shadows from a 5th level spell, Skeleton Warrior from 6th level, and Demon Knight from 7th level (though that last one should really be 8th level imho). I wouldn't do it any differently, and I don't want to spend a bunch of time re-creating what Demi already did. In this and other ways, the wizard component will be cool, but 10 times cooler if used in conjunction with SR.

    Other plans: for Conjurers without SR, I might just use the IWDEE Monster Summoning spells... I hope that would be okay, form a legel perspective. (Really Beamdog should just port those spells, and the other ones from IWDEE, over to the BGs in v1.4 patches, and save me the work!)

    Spell revisions? Never heard of the mod. I suppose I should try it out lol

    Edit: So read the description and didn't see, do you know if Spell Revisions is compatible in IWD:EE?
    Post edited by Vallmyr on
  • ColonelFlagColonelFlag Member Posts: 2

    Hi Subtledoctor,

    I am still getting the errors Leonardo described here even after installing SoB 2.9.1 via BWS . Specifically- ERROR: Failure("resource [D5_CANT.spl] not found for 'COPY'").

    This prevents SCS Better AI from installing. Are you able to replicate this issue at all ?

    Try this version, I just tested it and SCS seems to install fine after it.
    Ok- will do, thanks for the quick response, appreciate it. I will be off line most of this week but will defo try upon my return.

  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Oh, another suggestion-thing. It'd be cool if somehow the Dirgesinger Bard from song and silence could learn necromancy spells since that's like their shtick.
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015
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  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited May 2015
    So excited! Going to do a IWD:EE run with this mod once the new version gets released and if I like the changes I'll prob do my full run of BG/BG2/ToB with the mod. Getting closer to college classes ending and I can hardcore work on my "games to do" list.
  • ArdulArdul Member Posts: 211
    Hi SD :)

    I like a lot of the components I see in your mod, but I wish you would make them even more customizable. For instance I would like the following components be split up:

    #7 It seems to me, that there are three distinct minimods in here. Weapon Groupings, Weapon Proficiencies and Class tables (THAC0, saves and such). I very much like your new weapon groupings and to some degree also the Weapon proficiencies, but I prefer the thac0 tables, saves and monk from KR.

    #29 love your changes to the Mage classes. Also a huge fan of innate sequencers and contingencies. I am not so positive about the parry magic option though..

    The cleric kits look really cool. Do they get Spell Revisions versions of the mage spells (Mystra for example) if SR is installed before SoB?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015
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  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    what way is that? it'd have to be drastically different for pnp because that made no sense whatsoever
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015
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  • ArdulArdul Member Posts: 211
    edited May 2015
    Hey @subtledoctor

    I've tried your mod some more, and I must say, the proficiency changes work a lot better than I imagined they would :)

    The kits are very nice and work well together with the changes to the proficiency system.

    How does sequencers work? You get Contingency as a innate, but not the sequencers or?

    I would like to cast a vote for druids being able to use short bows and longs bows too. Seems fairly druidic to me.

    The Mage Hunter Ranger strength penalty seems to be applied in game. You should try to make it lower the class maximum stat in strength and con instead, like the Avenger. It looks annoying with the red number on the character record in game.

    In a multiplayer game with my brother I played a bard and he a cleric. I got an extra proficiency point at level 4 with my bard, but the cleric does not get on at level 4 like it is supposed to.

    This is it for the moment. I will add more comments if I find something else.

    Edit: It would also be great if you could provide a link to an overview of the changes made to spell tables in Component 5.

    Edit II: Creating a character in BG2 is completely messed up. Tried to make a fighter. Theses are the issues I found:
    - Receieves 160k experience instead of normal 89k.
    - Starts without any proficiencies. Only have two pips after level up. This means that classes have to invest that initial point, which is supposed to be free. The pips are not assigned in game via the script either.
    - In a multiplayer game only the first char receives any xp.
    Post edited by Ardul on
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015
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  • BuliBuli Member Posts: 23
    Hello again subtledoctor,

    I have another question for you. Started solo mage/cleric and switched to monitor of mystra. However when I reached 5 lvl of cleric I do not have animate dead. Does that mean monitors cannot use divine necromantic summoning spells? I have no other companions to compare, but I am not sure if this is a bug - monitors are supposed to be barred from necromancy. However description mentions only mage school of necromancy.

    I do not mind either way but it would be nice to know if everything works correctly.
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  • BuliBuli Member Posts: 23
    Well, it does makes sense.
    I mean, lathander priests summoning undead? It was always a little funny, it is nice to be done with that.
    And thanks for answer.
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