@subtledoctor Thanks. I'm seen some exclusions, but initially due to lack of knowledge how this script work doesn't realize this possibility. But, i'm will write item codes next time.
Another thing that SCS installs very long time... E.g. typical situation: i'm meet new item and realize that it is wrong: i'm can't just fix SoB and reapply, because SCS will be reapplied for hours. The most annoying thing, that most of this post-install fixes can be applied after install finished without any drawbacks, but for this need another mod (at least in terms of weidu and in terms of SoB - i'm afraid if i'm apply YARAS twice it will not behave good).
PS: I'm tried BG1EE with 300% HP enemies. Looks funny, minor enemies doesn't blows up at least (Huge Spiders, Ghasts - all doable without big difference, but: Sleep still work on Spiders, but if half of them are sleeped - three of them still has chance to strike and poison you - agh! , Ghasts - gain real chance to paralyze you, because you will not be fast enough to kill them => you will not want melee pack of Ghasts, and/or will want to get saves higher). Too weak enemies probably still too weak (like gibberlings, because 20-30HP is not a real threat). Real threat is after 100HP... for example 300HP. I'm almost finished EET install, will try to tweak game in this way (by altering creatures). I'm know SBO already buff creatures by providing them at least 12 in stat (which is also questionable - 12 is sweet point in term of stats, but debuffing spells also has own limitations and some calculations behind. Contagion for example strong spell, but -6/-8 penalties can be eventually not worth, but it surely depends from many factors). Any way I'm think that HP buffing really needed (may be 200%) + selective creature stat buffing should work. Or may be "leveled" buffing, e.g. use different buff coefficient depending from creature. Another thing which probably even more important is that many creatures doesn't wear any armor. Ogres doesn't wear armor. Why? Ogres even on graphics wear some armor. Armor in our case can provide some DR which already act as HP buff. I'm probably would prefer adding armors instead of blindless HP buff: increased HP acts like damage resistance for any kind of damage - as result this will indirectly nerf all damaging spells - better to not increase HP too much. Also big HP increase leads to disabling magic much more important... and there is problem here - early there is no strong choices at all. I'm can cast endlessly "Hold Person" on ogres without any luck, but it should work... or no. Ouch!
Just want say again, that installing IR Weapon Changes + SoB Weapon Changes is really BAD idea. SoB alone looks better (at least with bows).
1) IR turns all bows into 1.5APR weapons, while SoB do it only for longbows (and bigger). So, shortbows remains light and faster. And distinctive.
2) When IR+SoB installed - longbows get unintended buff: both component adds bonus damage to longbows, IR adds another +1 damage there.
3) IR treat enchantment level as bonus damage. So in result:
Same character using standard longbow, 4 pips in bows: SoB: 7-11 damage IR+SoB: 8-12 damage
Not big change, but for first "vanilla" magical longbow - "Long Bow of Marksmanship +2" (Dead Shot) things becomes completely different:
SoB: 7-11 damage IR+SoB: 10-14 damage
Getting 3 point jump from abyss is bit surprisingly.
Note, that some bows from mods even with SoB alone still can add more damage than i'm expect. E.g. normal "longbow +1" will give only THAC0 bonus, but "Elven Longbow" will provide +2 damage bonus compared to base bow (e.g. overall +4 bonus (e.g. 9-13 damage output)). But this is part stay aside from SoB.
So, i'm suggest doesn't install both this components together! And reword this phrase from documentation "Compatibility: this component covers some of the same ground as the "Weapon Changes" component of Item Revisions. I, for one, use both together. But be aware that this might compound or override some of the IR component's effects." This states very unclear about "be aware".
Also light crossbows for me with IR's weapon changes are doesn't work with shields. I'm doesn't use this, but just for know.
In my current install PLAT07 has been processed by YARAS. Does it generally intended? From my understanding this plate is undroppable and it wearable only by foes. I'm assume that this is intended because armor system should play fair. But there is problem here:
Battle Horror (BATTHO.CRE) has natural immunities for Cold, Poison and Missile damages done by setting creature's resistances to 100. And this creature wear PLAT07 armor which... sets new resistances, and effectively lowers Missile resistance to 27, making Battle Horror vulnerable to arrows.
I'm consult for you how it is should be / can be fixed? What we can do? I'm doesn't know, probably some other creatures with other resistances exist, never search them. Just found issue with Battle Horror because in my previous install it was immune (because PLAT07 was untouched by YARAS), and now... whoa-whoa!
I'm think that i'm will try apply some fixes on top of existing installation (it is anyway easier test them in this way)... but - any idea? May be i'm can apply some spells/effects on creature, but... do we have any magic which lower foe resistances? Ideally i'm want ultimate solution which will work for any type of resistance (and so applying something like protection from normal arrows is something different.)
Alternatively, may be simplest soultion, is "mimic" armor's attributes on creature and remove item... Basically good way, but "what if we hit in creature which wear droppable armor and it is resist to something"?
Also... do PC can gain own natural resistances in any way (permanent way)? In that case regular armors also will override this. Oh. So many possibilities.
UPD: (!) Ah, brilliant, i'm can just add effect 89 (Missile resistance bonus) on creature, it is even allow increment...
@subtledoctor in my taste armor should play fair. For me DR is part of fun, when by DR you deal less damage to enemies. So, i'm prefer to affect all armors in game.
I'm think that armor should increase resistances instead of (re)set them. And game (should) already cap it to 100 for you. The only thing where we should worry about cap/mechanics is how "Know Opponent" or similar spell work: if we have effective 110 resistance - i'm think it is actually will not lower resistance (because 110 - 10 = 100). For Battle Horror it is no matter - it is should be immune to this spell, because it is construct, but... surely better allow mechanics work correctly and just do not worry about this details.
Regardless of chosen way - we will need alter creatures.
Just now i'm will try create very first mod which will alter YARAS armors to increase resists and alter creatures to lower their natural resists (if needed). Then will look how to deal with it. I'm doesn't think that you should immediately hack the world, because looks like this require some patience... If i'm will succeed (or fail) - i'm will let you know.
This is should not bee too hard, but i'm newbie in modding so... will take some time.
The new Weapon Styles do not install, or rather, they appear to install, but have no effect in-game. When selecting proficiencies, the vanilla fighting styles appear. In order to ascertain whether this is merely a cosmetic effect, I've watched combat information with a character specialized in shield style, but see no indication that Shield Bash is installed; I've created other characters with different styles, but they do not (appear to) get any of the bonuses listed in the readme, either.
I've tried installing this twice on different copies of the game with different selections of mods. Current Weidu & screenshot attached.
@Contemplative_Hamster Just as addition: i'm use 122 component "Weapon Proficiency Overhaul (WPO): Overall Overhaul" alone, and weapon style descriptions are also not updated, but in this case it is pure cosmetic effect. May be your's issue @subtledoctor mean when say that 5.8 is beta.
PS: BTW - which weapon collapsing component you use? "Blunt weapons", "Missile weapons" - looks foreign for me.
@subtledoctor i'm turn YARAS armors to use increment resistance... 50 lines of code (bit smaller actually). This is definitely easier than trying to fix this in YARAS just now and then bother with reinstalling EET! So i'm will go to more interesting part - dealing with some creatures. I'm hope this issue is bit broader than only one Battle Horror.
But, instead of hardcode DR values i'm want just read them from item's effects...
So, couple of offtopic newbie questions:
1. How to match and read effect parameters? E.g. something similar to ALTER_EFFECT but actually need to read matched effect parameter to variable... 2. Can i'm get programmatically information if effect has been changed by LPF ALTER_EFFECT? 3. While just now i'm doesn't see errors in items: e.g. all items has exactly one DR bonus effect - there is possible that item can have more than one effect. Can we match/select and sum parameter(s)?
Please, kick me in right direction / links / topics / everything what is more fitted to this topic.
ADD: Just verified - this bonuses on armor works fine, now Battle Horror looks much better. The only thing is exactly that i'm need alter creature's resistances to allow "Know Opponent" work. E.g. internally game calculates resistances as it should, so having more than 100 in resistances is possible, but character sheet will just report 100. And after debuff applied - they will be lowered from high values (so depending from value - character sheet will report 100 or not 90 as it should be (i'm checked spell on my PC)). Same in two words: character sheet is cap DR only when displayed it, but doesn't cap internally. Negative DR shown in character sheet, but it is doesn't provide more damage, so virtually capped at 0.
PS: Actually never used Know Opponent before... and not sure that will do, horrible casting time (1 round), single-target and small debuff (-10% DR...), +2 to attack rolls is cool of course, but... well, at low levels it is just not needed. At higher levels this is probably too weak. Don't know.
@subtledoctor Edit - My results might be an unrelated issue. It turns out that an opcode 233 that "Sets if higher" to 'zero' actually considers 'zero' the higher value in some situations. Removing it allowed the shield bash to function without issue on SoD.
@subtledoctor thanks. I'm almost understand how to read/toss around. Really annoying part... Writing own functions? But since excellent tools / formats described, it is looks like not so hard to implement.
Well, now i'm select all creatures which wear armors and has >70 physical DR... most of them are plain quest-related figurines maden to be immune to everything (some of them has 1000 hp for example, probably just in case if someone somehow strike them! ). Result in about 70 creatures.
But, there is still exist some picks: FIRMON04 (Revenant) wear plate and has 80 missile DR AND immunity to normal weapons. With armor... he becomes immune to any missiles at all. WTF! ) Good thing - he vulnerable to Know Opponent. Other similar creatures to Battle Horror also exists - Doom Guard in some variations, - but again, for them it is works as is because there is no difference between 100 and 127 DR while we doesn't able to debuff resists. NTBKNIGH - has just 80 DR to missiles. OHBBRVGR (Ravager) has 75 phys DR - and wear... Enkidu's Plate +4 = +37% DR. Ravager probably alone should show that armor system should not just set DR - 75 vs 37 is like nerfing poor Ravager in two times.
May be some of this creatures buffed by SCS, Ascension or whatever. But, i'm goes so deep that think that there is really has sense to switch armor system to use bonus DR (which will probably be stackable with other items). And make mod which rebalance creature DR. There is only question how to balance creature's DR's. E.g. we basically have DR prior to new armor system, and after... do we want "debuff" creatures to match their original values, or debuff them only if them becomes unrealistically strong.
I'm personally thinking about some "steep" rules:
1. Creatures which has natural 61..100 - should be debuffed to compensate armor buff - as result they will be strong as before, or immune as before. (Assuming that armor DR cap is 39.) 2. Creatures which has natural 30..60 - should be debuffed to half of armor values. This actually will still act as creature buff. (I'm not sure that this kind creatures exist) 3. Creatures which has natural 0..30 DR - we doesn't touch. They become even more stronger. But most of them are "generic" foes which is already weak.
Surely, each DR bonus i'm should treat separately. I'm will work in this direction... i'm not sure only when finish it.
BTW: Resistances looks like is signed values. E.g. FIRMON04 has -25 fire resistance. And... in that case we really obtain damage bonus! In my previous test it was not work, but for fire damage from weapon - it is definitely work. So negative values should work... may be not with bows. So... need be careful to not introduce creature weakness.
Ouch! I'm learned how to read creatures, then how to read which armor creature wear, then read this item itself and finally read effects to get resistance bonus! Need polish code a lot, just now truly imperic code, but... it is simple. And will be simple. Looks like component should be done more easier than i'm expect. But, i'm will go to sleep just now...
My initial test was flawed - my test character had an effect on them that was interfering with it. Once I removed it, it worked just fine. Here's Adbel in SoD with just the Fighting Style component:
The problem with my initial test:
I had assigned the proficiency to the shield itself so I could test it on various characters and classes, and oddly enough it only wasn't working on Jaheira. When you increase a proficiency during level-up, but then decrease it and choose another, you are still given an effect to "Set if Higher" to '0' for that proficiency. It appears that the "Set if higher" mode of opcode 233 still prioritizes spells over equipped items, unlike the "Set Base AC" of Opcode 0, which always uses the best value regardless of source.
@subtledoctor when you has a chance - can you explain logic/thoughts behind YARAS DEX table (dexmo2.2da)? I'm feel we already discuss about in 2016... but i'm not sure. I'm basically okay with this table, only sometimes feel that unlike standard armors, enchanted armor becomes twice rewardable (in term of AC).
@subtledoctor i'm probably should reconsider my EET install by stripping miscellaneous mods. Having 3x (Protector of Second +2) armors is looks too much. Can you share own "good" setup (weidu logs) and/or recommend things which should be avoided? I'm know i'm already ask this. May be stick with "recommended" BWS mods as base (and of course use own number of rule tweaks / scs / etc).
I'm now continuing to fix armor + creature resistances. Hope be able share prototype soon.
EDIT: PS: I'm sure i'm seen yesterday creature which has two effects with (magic? resistance, not sure which of them) - one was set it 40. Second - increment by some value. I'm doesn't know - how engine treat them - e.g. does order of effect matters - but anyway i'm consider this as bug. In my opinion nothing should use "set" mode.
First: component turn armors to provide DR bonuses (SoB can do this naturally).
Second: process ALL creatures in game - this time no exclusions, sorry! This component lower creature resistances if new armor bonuses will change creature tastes (grant immunity for example). In my install it process 68 creatures (and i'm sure that most of them - are quest givers). This component look on armor which creature use and read DR bonuses from armor item. So, i'm think that this component can actually be freely applied on unmodded game (should change nothing) or on similar armor systems or on new unique items.
Feel free to use anything from this mod. At this moment... i'm will not publish it separately because it is too small/has nothing than small tweak which already aimed to SoB and normally SoB should has this fix internally. (Alternatively SoB can fix problematic creatures separately, but my way should be better - play fair and we don't need seek & patch special creatures.)
Rules below i'm keep in mind when alter resistances:
// If creature's equipment provides bonus we adjust creature's natural resitances // to keep creature power near original. // Some rules which i'm follow: // 1. Creatures which was designed with immunity to some kind of damage, should stay immune. // 2. Creatures with resistances >=100 should stay at original resistance level: // This allow spells which lower resistances work correctly: 100 resistance can be lowered // by spells and creature will be no more immune. 110+ resistances usually can be treated // as "stay immune even if resistances lowered". Surely, this depends from magic spells. // I'm know only "Know Opponent" spell which lower resistances by 10. // 3. Creatures which was not immune to some kind of damage should not gain immunity. // E.g. creature with 75 in resistances should not become immune because our new armors // adds another 30% to resistances. // // 4. Creatures with medium resistances (for example 30..60) should not go to the top-tier (60+) // resistances just because we add another 30 from armor. Let's say creature has 50 resistance, // with PLAT07 it is becomes 77. 77 resistance can be considered as top tier. // So, we just lower creature resistances at half of equipment bonus power. // E.g. creature's resistances will be lowered to 50 - 27/2 = 37 (e.g. effective 64). // This is still bigger than original resistance, but whole new armor system aimed to buff resitances. // // 5. Creatures with normal or bottom-tier resistances (<30) remains untouched and gain pure // resistance buff from armor: this has common sense - Flaming First Mercenaries is heavy-armored // figures - they should be strong.
Notable fixed creatures:
1. Battle Horror (remain immune to arrows, was vulnerable to missiles in 5.8.1) (Durlag's Tower) 2. Doom Guard (something similar, don't know origin) 3. Ravager (OHBBRVGR in unmodded game had 75 melee DR and wear Enkidu Plate. In my case (IR installed) this plate gives +37% DR -> leads to absolute melee immunity without any chance to debuff it: 75+37 = 113. After fix his melee resistances lowered to 38, so he will act at original level).
If/when you decide to go in this way, then i'm suggest make creature-patching as different stage / separate SoB component: because i'm want change creatures a bit, give them armors, may be edit resists, and only after this stage it is has sense apply "creature resistance fix". Otherwise i'm need to track if creature already has fixed resistances. Simply reapplying same fix (with my rules) will degrade creature qualities.
Basically i'm just want have installed BWS with SoB with some excluded component and after this apply my changes. BTW, installing SCS before SoB may be is a real way, but... hm. What if i'm just install EET without SoB and then apply SoB on top of it? Have sense to try. Well, anyway i'm suggest to make creature-fixing optional (only in sense to use another mod to same purpose or apply it at later installing stage).
My current setup is here. Note, I play on an iPad so that list doesn't contain any mods that have new areas.
I see... You have lot of mods which i'm seen first time (no poison bypass or colorful specialist slots o_O). And mixing some "crazy" mods together like Divine Remix & F&P. I'm previously avoid mix them, just because think that they will not play good together. Same with TomeAndBlood... Ugh. The only thing that i'm will target on EET. Will try some thing from your setup, thank!
As for avoiding adding tons of dumb items, I basically just avoid the big old mods: no DSotSC, no NTofSC, no Dark Horizons, no Grey Clan, no TDD.
I'm actually still doesn't has clear concern here: i'm like to see more new content especially in "BG1-era", especially part when you hunted by some organization. So... if assume that issue only is providing OP items: i'm simply can edit them items to normal levels and even patch equipment. Basically at some time party has so many good items that there is just no slots for them.
In last run i'm found lot of items which somehow protect from gaze attacks... (early mirror shield for example), also one of excellent items which i'm like in term of design is hood (blackveil?) for thief(?) who also gains penalty to attack rolls against this gazy creatures (because hood pick on your eyes in unpredicable moments !!! ). But... wait what? This (other) items actually useful for poor non-magic-user fighters only - for users who can get just cast right spell (Free Action) - there is pure dead weight (item weight), because they can choose better equipment.
I'm sure i'm seen yesterday creature which has two effects with (magic? resistance, not sure which of them) - one was set it 40. Second - increment by some value. I'm doesn't know - how engine treat them - e.g. does order of effect matters - but anyway i'm consider this as bug. In my opinion nothing should use "set" mode.
Ha ha, I think the opposite: nothing should increment resistances, everything should only set them. And you can simply choose the item that sets it highest.
I'm like stacking bit more - may be items should be less powerful. But i'm say about foe creature effects. It is not related to PC items. I'm feel that one of effect comes from SoB's MRO - another - unknown.
And also... hey i'm just turn all armors to have "stackable" DR!
@subtledoctor well, because my previous message disappear... i'm be much more shortly.
I'm attach file with my mini mod:
First component turn all armors to use increment modifier type instead of set.
Second component edits all creatures and lower's their resistances to keep creature qualities.
// If creature's equipment provides bonus we adjust creature's natural resitances // to keep creature power near original. // Some rules which i'm follow: // 1. Creatures which was designed with immunity to some kind of damage, should stay immune. // 2. Creatures with resistances >=100 should stay at original resistance level: // This allow spells which lower resistances work correctly: 100 resistance can be lowered // by spells and creature will be no more immune. 110+ resistances usually can be treated // as "stay immune even if resistances lowered". Surely, this depends from magic spells. // I'm know only "Know Opponent" spell which lower resistances by 10. // 3. Creatures which was not immune to some kind of damage should not gain immunity. // E.g. creature with 75 in resistances should not become immune because our new armors // adds another 30% to resistances. // // 4. Creatures with medium resistances (for example 30..60) should not go to the top-tier (60+) // resistances just because we add another 30 from armor. Let's say creature has 50 resistance, // with PLAT07 it is becomes 77. 77 resistance can be considered as top tier. // So, we just lower creature resistances at half of equipment bonus power. // E.g. creature's resistances will be lowered to 50 - 27/2 = 37 (e.g. effective 64). // This is still bigger than original resistance, but whole new armor system aimed to buff resitances. // // 5. Creatures with normal or bottom-tier resistances (<30) remains untouched and gain pure // resistance buff from armor: this has common sense - Flaming First Mercenaries is heavy-armored // figures - they should be strong.
Notable creature fixed: Battle Horror - returns immunity to arrows. Ravager - unmodded have 75 DR: this component lower his resistances to about 38 to have 38+Enkidu Armor DR = 75. Doom Guards - something similar to Battle Horror.
In my install total 68 creatures affected, most of them i'm think just quest givers or designed to be unkillable: but... few listed above creatures worth of worrying to play fair.
If you decide to go in this way, i'm suggest to keep creature resistance fixing as separate component (or ini file)... I'm want edit creatures, give them some new equipment (mostly armors), and it is more easily to fix resistances after all this done. Applying resistance twice (with my current rules) can degrade creature quality. Or need track if creature was processed or no... If fix it as separate component (or ini file) - you will make my life easier.
Feel free to use anything from this file without limitations. Also any suggestions around mod's coding is welcome. Thanks!
@Lamiar I'm still using Scales of Balance v5.7.6 and here only droppable armors seem to be modified by YARAS (as intended.....)
I'm sure that this is was never intended: why creatures which wear PLAT07 should not gain DR, as "droppable" armors (as other creatures, or as your characters?) Also, there is no makes actual any difference: Ravager wear *droppable* Enkidu Plate. Any SoB version which use "set" modifier type makes creature less resistant to damages than it was originally designed. 75 is original DR - with current SoB version he has around 37 DR because armor simple set new DR.
Another thing that SCS installs very long time... E.g. typical situation: i'm meet new item and realize that it is wrong: i'm can't just fix SoB and reapply, because SCS will be reapplied for hours. The most annoying thing, that most of this post-install fixes can be applied after install finished without any drawbacks, but for this need another mod (at least in terms of weidu and in terms of SoB - i'm afraid if i'm apply YARAS twice it will not behave good).
PS: I'm tried BG1EE with 300% HP enemies. Looks funny, minor enemies doesn't blows up at least (Huge Spiders, Ghasts - all doable without big difference, but: Sleep still work on Spiders, but if half of them are sleeped - three of them still has chance to strike and poison you - agh!
Just want say again, that installing IR Weapon Changes + SoB Weapon Changes is really BAD idea. SoB alone looks better (at least with bows).
1) IR turns all bows into 1.5APR weapons, while SoB do it only for longbows (and bigger). So, shortbows remains light and faster. And distinctive.
2) When IR+SoB installed - longbows get unintended buff: both component adds bonus damage to longbows, IR adds another +1 damage there.
3) IR treat enchantment level as bonus damage. So in result:
Same character using standard longbow, 4 pips in bows:
SoB: 7-11 damage
IR+SoB: 8-12 damage
Not big change, but for first "vanilla" magical longbow - "Long Bow of Marksmanship +2" (Dead Shot) things becomes completely different:
SoB: 7-11 damage
IR+SoB: 10-14 damage
Getting 3 point jump from abyss is bit surprisingly.
Note, that some bows from mods even with SoB alone still can add more damage than i'm expect. E.g. normal "longbow +1" will give only THAC0 bonus, but "Elven Longbow" will provide +2 damage bonus compared to base bow (e.g. overall +4 bonus (e.g. 9-13 damage output)). But this is part stay aside from SoB.
So, i'm suggest doesn't install both this components together! And reword this phrase from documentation "Compatibility: this component covers some of the same ground as the "Weapon Changes" component of Item Revisions. I, for one, use both together. But be aware that this might compound or override some of the IR component's effects." This states very unclear about "be aware".
Also light crossbows for me with IR's weapon changes are doesn't work with shields. I'm doesn't use this, but just for know.
In my current install PLAT07 has been processed by YARAS. Does it generally intended? From my understanding this plate is undroppable and it wearable only by foes. I'm assume that this is intended because armor system should play fair. But there is problem here:
Battle Horror (BATTHO.CRE) has natural immunities for Cold, Poison and Missile damages done by setting creature's resistances to 100. And this creature wear PLAT07 armor which... sets new resistances, and effectively lowers Missile resistance to 27, making Battle Horror vulnerable to arrows.
I'm consult for you how it is should be / can be fixed? What we can do? I'm doesn't know, probably some other creatures with other resistances exist, never search them. Just found issue with Battle Horror because in my previous install it was immune (because PLAT07 was untouched by YARAS), and now... whoa-whoa!
I'm think that i'm will try apply some fixes on top of existing installation (it is anyway easier test them in this way)... but - any idea? May be i'm can apply some spells/effects on creature, but... do we have any magic which lower foe resistances? Ideally i'm want ultimate solution which will work for any type of resistance (and so applying something like protection from normal arrows is something different.)
Alternatively, may be simplest soultion, is "mimic" armor's attributes on creature and remove item... Basically good way, but "what if we hit in creature which wear droppable armor and it is resist to something"?
Also... do PC can gain own natural resistances in any way (permanent way)? In that case regular armors also will override this. Oh. So many possibilities.
UPD: (!) Ah, brilliant, i'm can just add effect 89 (Missile resistance bonus) on creature, it is even allow increment...
I'm think that armor should increase resistances instead of (re)set them. And game (should) already cap it to 100 for you. The only thing where we should worry about cap/mechanics is how "Know Opponent" or similar spell work: if we have effective 110 resistance - i'm think it is actually will not lower resistance (because 110 - 10 = 100). For Battle Horror it is no matter - it is should be immune to this spell, because it is construct, but... surely better allow mechanics work correctly and just do not worry about this details.
Regardless of chosen way - we will need alter creatures.
Just now i'm will try create very first mod which will alter YARAS armors to increase resists and alter creatures to lower their natural resists (if needed). Then will look how to deal with it. I'm doesn't think that you should immediately hack the world, because looks like this require some patience... If i'm will succeed (or fail) - i'm will let you know.
This is should not bee too hard, but i'm newbie in modding so... will take some time.
The new Weapon Styles do not install, or rather, they appear to install, but have no effect in-game. When selecting proficiencies, the vanilla fighting styles appear. In order to ascertain whether this is merely a cosmetic effect, I've watched combat information with a character specialized in shield style, but see no indication that Shield Bash is installed; I've created other characters with different styles, but they do not (appear to) get any of the bonuses listed in the readme, either.
I've tried installing this twice on different copies of the game with different selections of mods. Current Weidu & screenshot attached.
PS: BTW - which weapon collapsing component you use? "Blunt weapons", "Missile weapons" - looks foreign for me.
But, instead of hardcode DR values i'm want just read them from item's effects...
So, couple of offtopic newbie questions:
1. How to match and read effect parameters? E.g. something similar to ALTER_EFFECT but actually need to read matched effect parameter to variable...
2. Can i'm get programmatically information if effect has been changed by LPF ALTER_EFFECT?
3. While just now i'm doesn't see errors in items: e.g. all items has exactly one DR bonus effect - there is possible that item can have more than one effect. Can we match/select and sum parameter(s)?
Please, kick me in right direction / links / topics / everything what is more fitted to this topic.
ADD: Just verified - this bonuses on armor works fine, now Battle Horror looks much better. The only thing is exactly that i'm need alter creature's resistances to allow "Know Opponent" work. E.g. internally game calculates resistances as it should, so having more than 100 in resistances is possible, but character sheet will just report 100. And after debuff applied - they will be lowered from high values (so depending from value - character sheet will report 100 or not 90 as it should be (i'm checked spell on my PC)). Same in two words: character sheet is cap DR only when displayed it, but doesn't cap internally. Negative DR shown in character sheet, but it is doesn't provide more damage, so virtually capped at 0.
PS: Actually never used Know Opponent before... and not sure that will do, horrible casting time (1 round), single-target and small debuff (-10% DR...), +2 to attack rolls is cool of course, but... well, at low levels it is just not needed. At higher levels this is probably too weak. Don't know.
Whenever I see @subtledoctor and @kjeron discuss their black arts, this is the mental image I get.
I have no position on who is who, of course.
Well, now i'm select all creatures which wear armors and has >70 physical DR... most of them are plain quest-related figurines maden to be immune to everything (some of them has 1000 hp for example, probably just in case if someone somehow strike them!
But, there is still exist some picks:
FIRMON04 (Revenant) wear plate and has 80 missile DR AND immunity to normal weapons. With armor... he becomes immune to any missiles at all. WTF!
Other similar creatures to Battle Horror also exists - Doom Guard in some variations, - but again, for them it is works as is because there is no difference between 100 and 127 DR while we doesn't able to debuff resists.
NTBKNIGH - has just 80 DR to missiles.
OHBBRVGR (Ravager) has 75 phys DR - and wear... Enkidu's Plate +4 = +37% DR. Ravager probably alone should show that armor system should not just set DR - 75 vs 37 is like nerfing poor Ravager in two times.
May be some of this creatures buffed by SCS, Ascension or whatever. But, i'm goes so deep that think that there is really has sense to switch armor system to use bonus DR (which will probably be stackable with other items). And make mod which rebalance creature DR. There is only question how to balance creature's DR's. E.g. we basically have DR prior to new armor system, and after... do we want "debuff" creatures to match their original values, or debuff them only if them becomes unrealistically strong.
I'm personally thinking about some "steep" rules:
1. Creatures which has natural 61..100 - should be debuffed to compensate armor buff - as result they will be strong as before, or immune as before. (Assuming that armor DR cap is 39.)
2. Creatures which has natural 30..60 - should be debuffed to half of armor values. This actually will still act as creature buff. (I'm not sure that this kind creatures exist)
3. Creatures which has natural 0..30 DR - we doesn't touch. They become even more stronger. But most of them are "generic" foes which is already weak.
Surely, each DR bonus i'm should treat separately. I'm will work in this direction... i'm not sure only when finish it.
BTW: Resistances looks like is signed values. E.g. FIRMON04 has -25 fire resistance. And... in that case we really obtain damage bonus! In my previous test it was not work, but for fire damage from weapon - it is definitely work. So negative values should work... may be not with bows. So... need be careful to not introduce creature weakness.
The problem with my initial test:
When you increase a proficiency during level-up, but then decrease it and choose another, you are still given an effect to "Set if Higher" to '0' for that proficiency.
It appears that the "Set if higher" mode of opcode 233 still prioritizes spells over equipped items, unlike the "Set Base AC" of Opcode 0, which always uses the best value regardless of source.
I'm now continuing to fix armor + creature resistances. Hope be able share prototype soon.
EDIT: PS: I'm sure i'm seen yesterday creature which has two effects with (magic? resistance, not sure which of them) - one was set it 40. Second - increment by some value. I'm doesn't know - how engine treat them - e.g. does order of effect matters - but anyway i'm consider this as bug. In my opinion nothing should use "set" mode.
First: component turn armors to provide DR bonuses (SoB can do this naturally).
Second: process ALL creatures in game - this time no exclusions, sorry!
Feel free to use anything from this mod. At this moment... i'm will not publish it separately because it is too small/has nothing than small tweak which already aimed to SoB and normally SoB should has this fix internally. (Alternatively SoB can fix problematic creatures separately, but my way should be better - play fair and we don't need seek & patch special creatures.)
Rules below i'm keep in mind when alter resistances:
// If creature's equipment provides bonus we adjust creature's natural resitances
// to keep creature power near original.
// Some rules which i'm follow:
// 1. Creatures which was designed with immunity to some kind of damage, should stay immune.
// 2. Creatures with resistances >=100 should stay at original resistance level:
// This allow spells which lower resistances work correctly: 100 resistance can be lowered
// by spells and creature will be no more immune. 110+ resistances usually can be treated
// as "stay immune even if resistances lowered". Surely, this depends from magic spells.
// I'm know only "Know Opponent" spell which lower resistances by 10.
// 3. Creatures which was not immune to some kind of damage should not gain immunity.
// E.g. creature with 75 in resistances should not become immune because our new armors
// adds another 30% to resistances.
// 4. Creatures with medium resistances (for example 30..60) should not go to the top-tier (60+)
// resistances just because we add another 30 from armor. Let's say creature has 50 resistance,
// with PLAT07 it is becomes 77. 77 resistance can be considered as top tier.
// So, we just lower creature resistances at half of equipment bonus power.
// E.g. creature's resistances will be lowered to 50 - 27/2 = 37 (e.g. effective 64).
// This is still bigger than original resistance, but whole new armor system aimed to buff resitances.
// 5. Creatures with normal or bottom-tier resistances (<30) remains untouched and gain pure
// resistance buff from armor: this has common sense - Flaming First Mercenaries is heavy-armored
// figures - they should be strong.
Notable fixed creatures:
1. Battle Horror (remain immune to arrows, was vulnerable to missiles in 5.8.1) (Durlag's Tower)
2. Doom Guard (something similar, don't know origin)
3. Ravager (OHBBRVGR in unmodded game had 75 melee DR and wear Enkidu Plate. In my case (IR installed) this plate gives +37% DR -> leads to absolute melee immunity without any chance to debuff it: 75+37 =
113. After fix his melee resistances lowered to 38, so he will act at original level).
If/when you decide to go in this way, then i'm suggest make creature-patching as different stage / separate SoB component: because i'm want change creatures a bit, give them armors, may be edit resists, and only after this stage it is has sense apply "creature resistance fix". Otherwise i'm need to track if creature already has fixed resistances. Simply reapplying same fix (with my rules) will degrade creature qualities.
Basically i'm just want have installed BWS with SoB with some excluded component and after this apply my changes. BTW, installing SCS before SoB may be is a real way, but... hm. What if i'm just install EET without SoB and then apply SoB on top of it? Have sense to try. Well, anyway i'm suggest to make creature-fixing optional (only in sense to use another mod to same purpose or apply it at later installing stage).
In last run i'm found lot of items which somehow protect from gaze attacks... (early mirror shield for example), also one of excellent items which i'm like in term of design is hood (blackveil?) for thief(?) who also gains penalty to attack rolls against this gazy creatures (because hood pick on your eyes in unpredicable moments !!!
And also... hey i'm just turn all armors to have "stackable" DR!
I'm attach file with my mini mod:
First component turn all armors to use increment modifier type instead of set.
Second component edits all creatures and lower's their resistances to keep creature qualities.
// If creature's equipment provides bonus we adjust creature's natural resitances
// to keep creature power near original.
// Some rules which i'm follow:
// 1. Creatures which was designed with immunity to some kind of damage, should stay immune.
// 2. Creatures with resistances >=100 should stay at original resistance level:
// This allow spells which lower resistances work correctly: 100 resistance can be lowered
// by spells and creature will be no more immune. 110+ resistances usually can be treated
// as "stay immune even if resistances lowered". Surely, this depends from magic spells.
// I'm know only "Know Opponent" spell which lower resistances by 10.
// 3. Creatures which was not immune to some kind of damage should not gain immunity.
// E.g. creature with 75 in resistances should not become immune because our new armors
// adds another 30% to resistances.
// 4. Creatures with medium resistances (for example 30..60) should not go to the top-tier (60+)
// resistances just because we add another 30 from armor. Let's say creature has 50 resistance,
// with PLAT07 it is becomes 77. 77 resistance can be considered as top tier.
// So, we just lower creature resistances at half of equipment bonus power.
// E.g. creature's resistances will be lowered to 50 - 27/2 = 37 (e.g. effective 64).
// This is still bigger than original resistance, but whole new armor system aimed to buff resitances.
// 5. Creatures with normal or bottom-tier resistances (<30) remains untouched and gain pure
// resistance buff from armor: this has common sense - Flaming First Mercenaries is heavy-armored
// figures - they should be strong.
Notable creature fixed:
Battle Horror - returns immunity to arrows.
Ravager - unmodded have 75 DR: this component lower his resistances to about 38 to have 38+Enkidu Armor DR = 75.
Doom Guards - something similar to Battle Horror.
In my install total 68 creatures affected, most of them i'm think just quest givers or designed to be unkillable: but... few listed above creatures worth of worrying to play fair.
If you decide to go in this way, i'm suggest to keep creature resistance fixing as separate component (or ini file)... I'm want edit creatures, give them some new equipment (mostly armors), and it is more easily to fix resistances after all this done. Applying resistance twice (with my current rules) can degrade creature quality. Or need track if creature was processed or no... If fix it as separate component (or ini file) - you will make my life easier.
Feel free to use anything from this file without limitations. Also any suggestions around mod's coding is welcome. Thanks!