Jokes aside, mine was, other than an explanation request, a suggestion too: I believe a quick reference to the post/thread adding a link and a brief explanation in spoiler tag under the related badge may be useful to who (like me) didn't followed a certain thread, because of different timezones, etc. What do you think @lolien? Do you think it could be feasible?
Jokes aside, mine was, other than an explanation request, a suggestion too: I believe a quick reference to the post/thread adding a link and a brief explanation in spoiler tag under the related badge may be useful to who (like me) didn't followed a certain thread, because of different timezones, etc. What do you think @lolien? Do you think it could be feasible?
It's feasible, if you would like it, and i have time i can do it.
I begin at the starts.(Or start at the beginning?) The first time i met with badges was at scouting. I'm a scout, and actually i have some scout badges. There are badges amongst the scouts for the scouting years, for participating on events, like camps and jamborees, making certain tests and challenges, and so on. I will share some of my badges later, when i can make some photos. From here comes my love for badges, or so i think.
Badges bring some colour and game-like attitude on the forum to me. I'm aware, that there are many, who don't like the badge- and/or the reaction system, and i agree that in some cases it can be abused. I must even admit, that without them maybe i would be less addicted to the forum (everyone can decide, is this a good or a bad thing for him/her), but still like them. With reactions i can make someone know my opinion from their comment, without writing (yes, i'm that lazy!). This seems maybe a bad thing first, but without it there's high chance, that the comment owner will never know that i read the comment, and find it likeable/agreeable/insightful. And here comes the other part: i always like to know, if my comment made some reaction to someone. Badges make also some material to discuss, when there's no fresh news, and fresh ideas on the forum (Ok, i know a poor theme, but still better than generating flame and troll wars against developers and other forumites.)
From the developers part it's totally understandable, that forum badges are at the end of their to do list, and vanilla forum has it's own limitation too. Still they attend to the matter, for this thanks.
Now, after this little prologue, i continue with @Metalloman's request
The very first custom badge was constructed to @Shandyr, you can find it, and it's description in the second post in this thread, so i won't repeat this. This exist as an "official" badge too, so we can call this the 0. in the row. @Shandyr earned this badge 9 September 2014.
@Buttercheese was the second participant. She made several (a lot of) post on 10. September on the forum, and she commented this on the activity page:
I thought, that someone must respect her hard work, so i created her the first unique badge, the Master Spammer. @Buttercheese earned this badge 10 September 2014.
After this the badge business started to roll. In the comment of @Buttercheese's badge @Anduin ordered an other badge from me:
@Anduin's badge has no special explanation, sorry I just read some of his posts, and come up with that. But you don't have to read too many from his writings to know, that he is a superb gnome mummy. It's not a secret. @Anduin earned this badge 10 September 2014.
The following badges was made for those, who commented on other badges, or ask a badge from me.
@CaloNord: There was a week, when Calo found, that the forum is an interesting place, and he made a lot of comment:
*fake spoiler tag* He earned this badge for X, Y and Z *fake end-spoiler tag*
All in OP.
*fake end-spoiler tag*
so you could copy/paste each explanation in OP under spoiler tags just below the corresponding user. Doing this will allow everyone who'll read your thread for the first time to have a quick reference in OP.
That's what I've thought, but it's already a great job the one you've done, so if you agree and you like it I could edit your OP for you in the way I said.
EDIT: I forgot the Vanilla bug about the matrioska spoiler tags... That's what is in the spoiler:
*fake spoiler tag* He earned this badge for X, Y and Z *fake end-spoiler tag*
That's what I've thought, but it's already a great job the one you've done, so if you agree and you like it I could edit your OP for you in the way I said.
If you look at the OP, you can see, that i done that already ; )
@bengoshi: not the first time, TBH... This time I can't understand what broke the layout: I've re-edited my post removing all spoiler tags but the bug still persists, so I haven't the slight idea of the reason...
EDIT: not sure if I'd like a forum-breaker badge, but that's funny! ;P
It please me, that people like my badges, and those, who ask for one puts me under an obligation. (I hope i said it right.)
@laptopman666 was also a badge asker: laptopman666 → lolien hey make me a badge too? @laptopman666 mention himself as Sarevok often (sorry no links:), so from here comes the villain title. He participate in discussions rarely, but time to time he overwhelmes others' wall with interesting posts (search activity page for see some example). @laptopman666 earned this badge 15 September 2014.
@bengoshi earned his badge for his hard work on the forum. He has impressive points/posts rate, because his valuable comments. He try to read every post on the forum, and i think that he gives the most reaction to others on the forum. For being a moderator he get a hammer icon, but maybe i should give him a nice katana @bengoshi earned this badge 15 September 2014.
@rufus_hobart recieved his badge for being supportive in the challenge and playthroughs and fun creation part of the forum, and for being always ready for a friendly banter. The badge icon was tricky, because i knew, that i want the friend spell icon for him, but it was already taken by an official badge. So after some thinking i changed the white hands to gold colour, which, in the end, is even more fitting i think:) @rufus_hobart earned this badge 19 September 2014.
After some time i thought, that @Shandyr needs a real unofficial badge too, so i create this for him. Why ceaserism? Because of his plans to conquer the forum with werebears and with the power of the broccoli! This is a serious thing. See, @AndrewFoley didn't dare to answer to @Shandyr' question here: surley, Andrew fears to give away such important informations to Shandyr! For the icon bays would be more fitting, but i would like something from BG, so i go with the red clothepiece. @Shandyr earned this badge 19 September 2014.
^this, and Narcissism badge seemed a little offending
Thanks for the useful info!
Also visit my webpage:
Jokes aside, mine was, other than an explanation request, a suggestion too: I believe a quick reference to the post/thread adding a link and a brief explanation in spoiler tag under the related badge may be useful to who (like me) didn't followed a certain thread, because of different timezones, etc.
What do you think @lolien? Do you think it could be feasible?
Badge tales (part one)
I begin at the starts.(Or start at the beginning?) The first time i met with badges was at scouting. I'm a scout, and actually i have some scout badges. There are badges amongst the scouts for the scouting years, for participating on events, like camps and jamborees, making certain tests and challenges, and so on. I will share some of my badges later, when i can make some photos. From here comes my love for badges, or so i think.Badges bring some colour and game-like attitude on the forum to me. I'm aware, that there are many, who don't like the badge- and/or the reaction system, and i agree that in some cases it can be abused. I must even admit, that without them maybe i would be less addicted to the forum (everyone can decide, is this a good or a bad thing for him/her), but still like them. With reactions i can make someone know my opinion from their comment, without writing (yes, i'm that lazy!). This seems maybe a bad thing first, but without it there's high chance, that the comment owner will never know that i read the comment, and find it likeable/agreeable/insightful. And here comes the other part: i always like to know, if my comment made some reaction to someone.
Badges make also some material to discuss, when there's no fresh news, and fresh ideas on the forum (Ok, i know a poor theme, but still better than generating flame and troll wars against developers and other forumites.)
In the past we have discussions from badges like this:
Where i didn't hide my opinion from this subject.
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
From the developers part it's totally understandable, that forum badges are at the end of their to do list, and vanilla forum has it's own limitation too. Still they attend to the matter, for this thanks.
Now, after this little prologue, i continue with @Metalloman's request
The very first custom badge was constructed to @Shandyr, you can find it, and it's description in the second post in this thread, so i won't repeat this. This exist as an "official" badge too, so we can call this the 0. in the row. @Shandyr earned this badge 9 September 2014.
@Buttercheese was the second participant.
She made several (a lot of) post on 10. September on the forum, and she commented this on the activity page:
I thought, that someone must respect her hard work, so i created her the first unique badge, the Master Spammer. @Buttercheese earned this badge 10 September 2014.
After this the badge business started to roll. In the comment of @Buttercheese's badge @Anduin ordered an other badge from me:
@Anduin's badge has no special explanation, sorry I just read some of his posts, and come up with that. But you don't have to read too many from his writings to know, that he is a superb gnome mummy. It's not a secret. @Anduin earned this badge 10 September 2014.
The following badges was made for those, who commented on other badges, or ask a badge from me.
There was a week, when Calo found, that the forum is an interesting place, and he made a lot of comment:
The similarity of the word nerd and his nickname was the subject of jokes many times on the forum:
And for the congratulation part:
@CaloNord earned this badge 11 September 2014.
She asked for a badge too:
Her badge comes from mainly for her cat thread:
The witch theme come from here:
And she also refer herself as witch.
@kaguana earned this badge 12 September 2014.
Ok, this is long enough now!
To be countinued
So @Metalloman? You thought on something like this?I can't even say how much work it took... Thumbs up!
Personally, I'm very interested in finding out how all this began and continued.
*fake spoiler tag*
*fake spoiler tag*
He earned this badge for X, Y and Z
*fake end-spoiler tag*
*fake spoiler tag*
He earned this badge for X, Y and Z
*fake end-spoiler tag*
All in OP.
*fake end-spoiler tag*
so you could copy/paste each explanation in OP under spoiler tags just below the corresponding user.
Doing this will allow everyone who'll read your thread for the first time to have a quick reference in OP.
That's what I've thought, but it's already a great job the one you've done, so if you agree and you like it I could edit your OP for you in the way I said.
EDIT: I forgot the Vanilla bug about the matrioska spoiler tags...
That's what is in the spoiler:
*fake spoiler tag*
He earned this badge for X, Y and Z
*fake end-spoiler tag*
Also I'll editing my previous post because that bug is breaking the thread!! XD
EDIT: It looks like that even after editing the double spoiler tag the bug still persists...
EDIT2: Ok, "did I do that?"
This time I can't understand what broke the layout: I've re-edited my post removing all spoiler tags but the bug still persists, so I haven't the slight idea of the reason...
EDIT: not sure if I'd like a forum-breaker badge, but that's funny! ;P
Edit: oh, and BTW it was @booinyoureyes whom first did this AFAIK.
Badge Tales (part two)
As i promised, here are some of my scout badges:Exuse me for the late update
@booinyoureyes pointed out, that i left out him from the badge-rain:
"booinyoureyes → lolien
How come I don't get a badge my beloved mushroom?"
Why @booinyoureyes get this badge? It's already explained in the badge description! Ok, for those, who want more Boo, here is two link:
@booinyoureyes earned this badge 14 September 2014.
It please me, that people like my badges, and those, who ask for one puts me under an obligation.
(I hope i said it right.)
@laptopman666 was also a badge asker:
laptopman666 → lolien
hey make me a badge too?
@laptopman666 mention himself as Sarevok often (sorry no links:), so from here comes the villain title. He participate in discussions rarely, but time to time he overwhelmes others' wall with interesting posts (search activity page for see some example).
@laptopman666 earned this badge 15 September 2014.
@bengoshi earned his badge for his hard work on the forum. He has impressive points/posts rate, because his valuable comments. He try to read every post on the forum, and i think that he gives the most reaction to others on the forum. For being a moderator he get a hammer icon, but maybe i should give him a nice katana
@bengoshi earned this badge 15 September 2014.
@Metalloman gained his badge for his moderator work, and for his love for metal music. Check his wonderful metal poll here:
@Metalloman earned this badge 19 September 2014.
@mlnevese gets this badge also for his hard work as a moderator. As @bengoshi said 'A classy badge for a classy lawyer:)'. You can read @mlnevese speach for the badge here:
@mlnevese earned this badge 19 September 2014.
@rufus_hobart recieved his badge for being supportive in the challenge and playthroughs and fun creation part of the forum, and for being always ready for a friendly banter. The badge icon was tricky, because i knew, that i want the friend spell icon for him, but it was already taken by an official badge. So after some thinking i changed the white hands to gold colour, which, in the end, is even more fitting i think:)
@rufus_hobart earned this badge 19 September 2014.
After some time i thought, that @Shandyr needs a real unofficial badge too, so i create this for him. Why ceaserism? Because of his plans to conquer the forum with werebears and with the power of the broccoli! This is a serious thing. See, @AndrewFoley didn't dare to answer to @Shandyr' question here:
surley, Andrew fears to give away such important informations to Shandyr!
For the icon bays would be more fitting, but i would like something from BG, so i go with the red clothepiece.
@Shandyr earned this badge 19 September 2014.
^this, and Narcissism badge seemed a little offending
*Eyes pop out and roll away*
Oh dang...
You guys are hilarious.