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Greetings, travellers!

Though I am new to the forums, I am not new to Baldur's Gate. I've been playing since I was probably a little too young for it.

I'm Saiga, and I look forward to meeting many of you, should it happen. :)


  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    CrevsDaak said:

    kaguana said:

    Hmm hoo silly me I forgot to tell you about our supper dupper meagloth‌ and CrevsDaak‌ two amazing smart hmm people :)

    Yay! I'm a supper! I always wanted to be a meal but it's OK anyways…
    Hmm whoopsi let me correct myself lol
    kaguana said:

    Hmm hoo silly me I forgot to tell you about our super duper @meagloth‌ and @CrevsDaak‌ two amazing smart hmm people :)

    There fix ;)
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    edited October 2014
    ............. ........... . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .... ................ . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .................. .... . . . .. ..... .. . ................................. .............. . .. ... . ... ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . .. .. . . .. . .. ... . .... . . . ... . . . . . . ... . .......... .. . ... .... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... ............... ..... ............. ............................IND.. . ........... =,................................. ................... ...DMMM8 ..... .. .... MMMM ......... . ...... .. ...~?............ ..... .........$MMMD. ...MMM~ ..... MMMM... .... ... .... .. .MMMM........,MO: .. ...........$MMM8 ..=MMMM ......MMMM................ ........MMMM,..... .MMMO ..............$MMMD. ..MMMM$ . ....MMMM......... . ..... .....MMMM.. ...MMMM? .. . . .. ZMMMN. ..MMMMO .....,MMMM .... .. ... . .... . . MMMMN......ZMMMM. ..............$MMMD . MMMM?..... MMMMO................ .......MMMM.......MMMM. ...............$MMMD. MMMM: . MMMM7 . . NMMMM. . .MMMMM. . . . .OMMMD. ..MMMM... ...MMMM,...... ...DMM$.. . .MMMM, . .MMMM.. .MMMMD ..MMMM... ...MMMM.......MMMMMMMMMM . ..DMMMM.. .MMMMD. .MMMMZ ..MMMM... .~MMMM . ..NMMMMMMMMMMM. .MMMM,. ..MMMM. .MMMM7. .?MMM8......MMMMI....MMMMMM,.DMMMM......MMMM.... MMMM8 .. . .... . .MMMMI. .MMMM+. DMM8NMMM: .:MMMMM....MMMM. .MMMM~ .MMMM. .+MMMMMMMMMN,... .MMMM+. .MMMMMMMMMMNMMMM. .MMMM=...DMMMM~. . .MMMM. MMMMZ..MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. MMMM~ MMMMMMMMMM=MMMM. MMMM=..:MMMMMI. . $MMMN. . ..MMMM.NMMMMMMDDMMMMMMMMM..MMMM,. MMMMMMM,..+MMMN..MMMMMMMMMMMM.. MMMM~ .MMMMOMMMMMM.. ..,MMMMM MMMM. ,MMMM......MMMM7.+MMMMMMMMMM=. . . . MMMM,. ..MMMMMMMMM... . . . ..MMMM.MMMM. ,MMMM.... .MMMM,.=MMMMMMMN..... . . ..MMMM... .MMMMMMMM8... .MMMMMMMMZ OMMMZ .. ..MMMM...MMMMN.. . ZMMMN. .MMMMMMM~.. .MMMMOMMMM, DMMMI.... MMMMD....MMMMMM:.... .... MMMM7. .MMMMMMM?. ..MMMMM.$MMM. MMMM.. MMMM+ ....MMMMMMMMMMMZMMMM.MMMMI .MMMMMMM. ...8MMMMM...,... MMMM.. MMMM,.... .~MMMMMMMMMMMMMM7MMMM=. MMMMMMMM.. .....OMMMMMMM..... MMMM..... MMMM....... ...OMMMMMMMMM..MMMM,..NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,.,MMM? . MMMD......MMMM.......... . .. .. ..NNI...MMMM,.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMI,..MMMMMN.. .. MMM+. .....,~. ......... .. .MMMO...,IMMMMMMMM~,.. ..MMMMMM~ . .. MMM. . . .. ......... . . . . ... . .. ~... ...... ..... ....,MMMMD..... MMM. . . ... .. .. ... ... . ....... . . .. .. . .... MN7 . .. ... ..... . . . . .. . ... . . .. . 8O.. . . ............ . . . . . .... .. .. ...... . .... .. .. . ?~. .. .........
    kaguana said:

    Hmm hoo silly me I forgot to tell you about our super duper @meagloth‌ and @CrevsDaak‌ two amazing smart hmm people :)

    Yes. Crevs is The Lord of Chaos, I am the resident sorcerer/jester/avenger/thief (lvl 100/25/15/7). I like tea, cats, swords, high speed projectiles and thier repective launchers, and explosions. I'm sure well get along great. Also, @kaguna I think you tagged @Elrandir‌ wrong.

    I am not new to Baldur's Gate. I've been playing since I was probably a little too young for it.

    So have I! I learned to read on bg. And coincidentally, I am currently helping my little brother with Icewind Dale. I would post a picture, but the beta is very hush hush:)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited October 2014
    @Troodon80‌ yeah, I'm pretty sure there are much better ways of doing the same thing, starting by improving this:
    // main.m
    // Fibonacci
    // Created by CrevsDaak on 03/10/14.
    // Copyright (c) 2014 ######### ########. All rights reserved.

    #import < Foundation/Foundation.h > // spaces added to prevent HTML from making that vanish.

    int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSLog(@This program will display Fibonacci's sequence up to Objective-C's consideration of infinity.);
    double n = 0;
    double j = 1;
    double i;
    while (j != INFINITY) {
    i = n + j;
    n = i + j;
    j = n + i;
    return 0;
    #inexperiencedProgrammer #totalN00b

    @meagloth‌ if you use an HTML spoiler be sure to tweak it's length if you want some to understand what is inside it ;)
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    CrevsDaak said:

    @Troodon80‌ yeah, I'm pretty sure there are much better ways of doing the same thing, starting by improving this:

    // main.m
    // Fibonacci
    // Created by CrevsDaak on 03/10/14.
    // Copyright (c) 2014 ######### ########. All rights reserved.

    #import < Foundation/Foundation.h > // spaces added to prevent HTML from making that vanish.

    int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSLog(@This program will display Fibonacci's sequence up to Objective-C's consideration of infinity.);
    double n = 0;
    double j = 1;
    double i;
    while (j != INFINITY) {
    i = n + j;
    n = i + j;
    j = n + i;
    return 0;
    #inexperiencedProgrammer #totalN00b

    @meagloth‌ if you use an HTML spoiler be sure to tweak it's length if you want some to understand what is inside it ;)
    :D I was actually copying your code that you stole from troodon80 on the formatting thread. fixed now. It took a little tweaking.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Hello, @Saiga_tatarica‌ and welcome!

    I see the forum has been literally shot by your saiga rifle with the bullets of warmth and craziness.

    I'm one of the moderators here now but I still remember the time when I came here for the first time. It were the people who contributed to my staying here. I congratulate you with joining this forumfamily and wish to get the best Internet experience there can ever be.

    Subete no besuto

    that is All the best
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