Greetings, travellers!

Though I am new to the forums, I am not new to Baldur's Gate. I've been playing since I was probably a little too young for it.
I'm Saiga, and I look forward to meeting many of you, should it happen.
I'm Saiga, and I look forward to meeting many of you, should it happen.

Heindrich, Public Happiness Enforcer.
Hmm a little warning we got some undead here @Anduin and some mage @Shandyr that are in hmm internal bottle they are both reallly nice people undead and a mage, but you don't wanna get in their way when the fire playing about
Also we got @elminster around a very old old wise wizerd, that like showing around and disappear when you least expect him.
Some nice moderators around like @Heindrich here, and @bengoshi , @mlnevese and a lot more of them
We got our own boo @booinyoureyes, @Buttercheese as the (woman) Minsc version
A little fungi fella @lolien, @Elrandir who is our fox human (can't see it now tho), our Yanti @rufus_hobart
and a lot, lots lots more amazing, cool, people creatures and nice having them around
And @Heindrich wasn't kidding. We've seen him paint smiles onto people's faces while hitting them repeatedly on the humerus with feathers while screaming "Have fun, damnit! It's the law!". Honest. Ahem.
And on that, as a side note, @lolien , I believe Sir Heindrich needs his own Public Happiness Enforcer Badge when next you're feeling inspired and creative ;-)
@Anduin hurls a horrid wilting spell at @Shandyr , for the fans.
You are doing wisely here
I'm the completely not typical guy that makes mods for the game out of what people say and programs command-line tools for data-oriented projects with objective-oriented programming languages just for easy stuff like Fibonacci's Sequence (even if it's easy I bet you can't make the sequence long enough to get 130698922376339873754511593703999304853661815941920982715896371280424691495866567130509827216117625177952738381240755518030797439683443697785696230802473309617042775347304891963181519627287463521203531259388682404883801028462229399345567884825464934136563115441584430300333788777345438315116223032518554681344 as a result). I'm also the resident and former (as much as Chaos can be…) Lord of Chaos on this place whom also takes into highly philosophical debates even without having any side…
And very probably I confused someone with what I just said… I'll go away and hide behind my computer monitor... Yay! I'm a supper! I always wanted to be a meal but it's OK anyways…
*Casts Light of Cauli-of the-flower-people*
Love the Cauli! May the flower people forever fill you... With ... Love... NO! Don't think about eating them!
@CrevsDaak, Logical or functional languages are like λProlog or Haskell are far more efficient for that sort of stuff (e.g. Fibonacci Sequence).
Time to learn a new language, Crevs. :-)
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Yes. Crevs is The Lord of Chaos, I am the resident sorcerer/jester/avenger/thief (lvl 100/25/15/7). I like tea, cats, swords, high speed projectiles and thier repective launchers, and explosions. I'm sure well get along great. Also, @kaguna I think you tagged @Elrandir wrong. So have I! I learned to read on bg. And coincidentally, I am currently helping my little brother with Icewind Dale. I would post a picture, but the beta is very hush hush:)
@meagloth if you use an HTML spoiler be sure to tweak it's length if you want some to understand what is inside it
Welcome @Saiga_tatarica Have fun!
This place is pretty awesome
Welcome to the Baldur's Gate Forum Saiga-I hope you survive the experience Hail Burrito!
you'll find many inside jokes here, just play along until you've figure it out (or think you have)
blogjournal: see the forum has been literally shot by your saiga rifle with the bullets of warmth and craziness.
I'm one of the moderators here now but I still remember the time when I came here for the first time. It were the people who contributed to my staying here. I congratulate you with joining this forumfamily and wish to get the best Internet experience there can ever be.
Subete no besuto
So @Metalloman join the party.
And @CrevsDaak and @meagloth the time was 1 am in the morning and I was after a longgggggggggg day I can make mistake too when I'm tired .....