I've shot the new writer an e-mail a few days ago. Haven't heard anything back yet unfortunately. Last I heard, he had finished writing a book, and was looking to continue working on the mod. Will try to keep you posted.
I just wish Fade npc mod was a fighter/thief.. and not a useless pure class thief xD
@Khyron EEKeeper can fix that right up. When I take Fade into my party, I always make her an Archer/Thief multiclass.
How do you get ranger/thief to work? Didn't think EEkeeper could do anything that wasn't in the game already. Yeah sure adding a kit to a multiclass is no problem, but the base class?
Cross-post from the Imoen forum(http://imoen.blindmonkey.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=11818#p11818): Finishing up what I was working on got far longer than expected, sorry again. I'm pretty obsessive when it comes to stuff like this and I zoned out the Imoen mod completely until I can get this book out of my head; it's just a couple emails that reminded me, hey, maybe you should give everyone an update, you scum!
In my head I was like, but it hasn't been that long... then I checked the date and it's been a frikkin' month since I last posted. Oops.
I didn't finish the book but it's now to a point where I can take a break. The mod work is now resumed. Back to editing Imoen's overlong origin story!
For those of you who are encountering bugs with the current SoA version, Vanatos our coder has done some bug fixes for us. The version is still 2.4, but the code has been updates. Feel free to download the new version and replace your current version.
Hey just wondering if a click to talk function will ever be added to Imoen? Would be a nice extra, not the most important thing in the world, but it would be cool.
Click to talk? Like clicking the talk button, and selecting Imoen? I personally haven't played with the most recent version, waiting on the ToB release, but I thought there was some times where you could do that (usually when you insult her). You can suggest it over on the Imoen forum if you want, and see where it goes from there: http://imoen.blindmonkey.org/forums/
I don't really see sharing Bhaal as a "father" is very relevant. It's just his divine essence that is in each of his offspring. No shared genes or anything.. the child is 100% it's mother's race, no bhaalspawn even remotely look like one another.
It's as if modern day god decided to impregnate 50 women just because he felt like it, using his divine power. Not one of those children would be related.. that said, i've never tried the mod and am sort of unlikely to anyway.
I agree.
Saying that an Imoen romance is wrong or incesty is the equivalent of saying that Adam and Eve committed incest because they were both children of God.
Or that every religious person of one religion commits incest with another religious person of the same religion because "we are all children of God".
Also, the core and only reason why incest is considered bad in modern society is because the children will have health problems growing up, so it turned into a taboo to be avoided over the centuries.
Since this issue is removed when having a divine parent, considering it a taboo still is irrational.
Saying that an Imoen romance is wrong or incesty is the equivalent of saying that Adam and Eve committed incest because they were both children of God.
Or that every religious person of one religion commits incest with another religious person of the same religion because "we are all children of God".
Couldn't be any children born like twins? If is Imoen our twin, then it certainly is an incest.
Got the latest version and the music is still way louder than anything else in the game, any chance it could be turned down to be on par with the ingame music? It's just kinda annoying I have to turn down my sound to next to nothing every time a dream sequence or a lovetalk happens.
If you're not attached to the music, you can remove it from the override folder, and the music won't play. In terms of quietening it, I don't think there'd be any plans at this stage. You can use Audacity to modify the music files to be more quite, if you still want to hear them.
Just here to support the mod, even though I haven't tried it yet.
I was debating which romance to go with in the game, but none strike my fancy, besides the Imoen one. I'm still in chapter 2, but looking forward to trying this mod (V 2.2 is the latest, right?).
The only thing that makes me worried is the lack of ToB content, which I'd like (it's my first time through the BG series), but that seems to be on the way.
Do your best Sarevok08, we thank you for all your work and look forward to playing the finished product!
I never tried this mod before. Are there any class specific dialogue options like paladin, cleric and other? And is it worth playing? Because I fear, that could be even worst than Saerileth Romance mod. Should I try it?
I'm waiting for completion Tactic mode, but then I also want to try Imoen romance. But all descriptions are quite vague.
How long is romance? How long are gaps between lovetalks? Is Imoen jealous? (Any conflicts with other romances?) Are there any new items, quests or enemies related to romance?
Hi Vanatos the coder for the mod just answering some questions and i guess possible spoilers.
1. For the Click to Talk you can do so after successfully romancing Imoen then you get the lovetalks in the style of the flirt pack.
2. In terms of class specific dialogue, there's quite a few flavour responses depending on your class ,banters and stronghold dialogues.
3. The mod works at least if you've installed it during chapter 2 (ie after Irenicus dungeon) and that should be fine although there is 2 talks (of no real consequence) in the dungeon.
4. Not sure how to answer how long the romance is since events for it are different to traditional romances (since you get imoen only at the end of spellhold) but there are stuff that happens even in Chapter 2. I guess the only accurate thing to say is there is no TOB yet (currently in the works).
5. During the Install you can choose whether you want romance conflicts or not, however there only exists conflict dialogue for the traditional romance characters.
6.There is a new item, and a pretty good one for the romance.
7. The music being a bit loud has been mentioned before, I will see if i can quiet it down a bit.
Also funnily enough this is seldom mentioned, but the dialogue is tweaked so you can romance her as a female or male.
The latest version i've made is 2.5 here's 2 links to it (not sure the site has updated with the latest yet).
@vanatos Thank you so much for those updates! I also was curious to know if it would be recommended to rush and pick Imoen asap in case of extra Imoen-dialouge added to the various quests around Athkatla? You mentioned the strongholds etc.
Normally I do all the quests I can before going to pick her because she never comments on anything.
Not sure how specific i should write about this since its possible SPOILERS.
There is a small number of Athkatla/overworld quest-specific imoen dialogue which normally people wouldn't see because you would be completing as much quests as possible in CH2, they have no consequence though.
So if you really wanted to see everything then you would have to rush to her but make sure you've experienced the required 3 dream sequences of Imoen prior to spellhold.
Though i don't know i'd recommend that since you'd be going through Spellhold, Sahuagin and Underdark being pretty underleveled and crappy magic items.
Has any content been written to tie into the EE NPCs? Because if not, it'd be relatively "safe" to do their quests prior to Spellhold to level and gear up without missing any potential mod content. Neera and Rasaad's quests can be triggered without having to wait on any timers. Hexxat and Dorn require some waiting around (or messing with variables in the console), but that just gives you time to get all the dreams.
Biggest praise should be given to Vanatos and Israel for the coding and writing respectively.
I'm about to upload version 2.5 to the forum, which fixes an issue with the non-EE version crashing in Chateau Irenicus. It can be found here: http://imoen.blindmonkey.org/downloads.php
Wow so happy to see that the mod makes progress again Unfortunately I have encountered a problem. After the last update of BG2:EE I had to reinstall in the mod (my current version is 2.2). Everything worked fine but now I got out of the Underdark and Imoen said it would be a good idea to rest. Apparently a campfire scene is supposed to follow but nothing happens when I rest in the forest! Is there a way to trigger the event or should I reinstall the mod? Does the game remember the conversations I had so far and which answers I chose if I reinstall it? I hope someone can give me advice, I already got this far in the mod!
Wow so happy to see that the mod makes progress again Unfortunately I have encountered a problem. After the last update of BG2:EE I had to reinstall in the mod (my current version is 2.2). Everything worked fine but now I got out of the Underdark and Imoen said it would be a good idea to rest. Apparently a campfire scene is supposed to follow but nothing happens when I rest in the forest! Is there a way to trigger the event or should I reinstall the mod? Does the game remember the conversations I had so far and which answers I chose if I reinstall it? I hope someone can give me advice, I already got this far in the mod!
You should probably reinstall with the latest version though it was pretty stable even at 2.2
The campfire scene can be triggered with rest if you've progressed enough with personal conversations with Imoen.
If you haven't then you have to keep playing/waiting till you've had them all.
You can check via if the global MRLoveTalk is greater then 9 then you can get the scene, otherwise you'd need to play longer to get more talks.
To force conversations you can use CLUAConsole:SetGlobal('MRImoenLovetalkTimer','GLOBAL',1) which will instantly trigger most talks.
The campfire scene can be triggered with rest if you've progressed enough with personal conversations with Imoen.
If you haven't then you have to keep playing/waiting till you've had them all.
You can check via if the global MRLoveTalk is greater then 9 then you can get the scene, otherwise you'd need to play longer to get more talks.
To force conversations you can use CLUAConsole:SetGlobal('MRImoenLovetalkTimer','GLOBAL',1) which will instantly trigger most talks.
Thanks for your help Vanatos!
Unfortunately installing the newest version didn't solve the problem. I also tried forcing conversations like you suggested - Imoen behaves as if I would have just encountered her for the first time in Spellhold. Trying to force further conversations doesn't work using the console command.
I couldnt find MRLoveTalk though, only IMTALKSMR. Raising it above 9 didn't have any effect. Any further ideas what I could do?
I believe you first installed the old (discontinued) version of the Mod 1.202 that was made for vanilla BG2 but not for BG2EE (Lord M's Original Mod) then installed 2.2 at some later point.
Their fundamentally different mod's.
The new version of the mod starting at 2.0 onwards (latest is 2.5) is a complete rewrite both of the code (completely different) and dialogue (mostly just cleanup/improvements) of the old mod to work with BG2EE, Vanilla BG2 and make way for TOB romance content.
Not sure if this will work to bring your save start to where it should be if you installed the latest version of the mod and your already out of the underdark, but all i can suggest is set these variables with CLUAConsole:SetGlobal
HadImoenDreamRomance1=1 HadImoenDreamRomance1=1 HadImoenDreamRomance1=1 ImoenRomanceActive=1 MRCampfire=1 MRLoveTalk=9 (OR you can run down the timer global like i suggested before if you want to go through every talk but this variable should be at 9 or greater eventually).
Then you should be able to get the sleep event at underdark exit.
I tried to set the variables like you suggested using a save from before I got out of the Underdark - it still doesn't work...
Thanks for your help anyway Vanatos I guess I will have to reinstall everything and start a new game.
Just one more question: in the Underdark conversations with Imoen were triggered during certain events. If everything is installed correctly, is Imoen supposed to start conversations from time to time like she did in Spellhold?
Yes the normal romance required conversations are timer-triggered (though some might need you sleeping) but other stuff is flavour material just for fun.
MRLoveTalk should be greater then 9 actually, try setting it to 10 and see if you get anything triggered.
Although it sounds like you played most of the game with the old mod and this was known to have tons of things not triggered properly for BG2EE.
Finishing up what I was working on got far longer than expected, sorry again. I'm pretty obsessive when it comes to stuff like this and I zoned out the Imoen mod completely until I can get this book out of my head; it's just a couple emails that reminded me, hey, maybe you should give everyone an update, you scum!
In my head I was like, but it hasn't been that long... then I checked the date and it's been a frikkin' month since I last posted. Oops.
I didn't finish the book but it's now to a point where I can take a break. The mod work is now resumed. Back to editing Imoen's overlong origin story!
You can suggest it over on the Imoen forum if you want, and see where it goes from there:
Saying that an Imoen romance is wrong or incesty is the equivalent of saying that Adam and Eve committed incest because they were both children of God.
Or that every religious person of one religion commits incest with another religious person of the same religion because "we are all children of God".
Also, the core and only reason why incest is considered bad in modern society is because the children will have health problems growing up, so it turned into a taboo to be avoided over the centuries.
Since this issue is removed when having a divine parent, considering it a taboo still is irrational.
If is Imoen our twin, then it certainly is an incest.
It's just kinda annoying I have to turn down my sound to next to nothing every time a dream sequence or a lovetalk happens.
I was debating which romance to go with in the game, but none strike my fancy, besides the Imoen one. I'm still in chapter 2, but looking forward to trying this mod (V 2.2 is the latest, right?).
The only thing that makes me worried is the lack of ToB content, which I'd like (it's my first time through the BG series), but that seems to be on the way.
Do your best Sarevok08, we thank you for all your work and look forward to playing the finished product!
I'm waiting for completion Tactic mode, but then I also want to try Imoen romance.
But all descriptions are quite vague.
How long is romance?
How long are gaps between lovetalks?
Is Imoen jealous? (Any conflicts with other romances?)
Are there any new items, quests or enemies related to romance?
You're not the only one with questions.
1. For the Click to Talk you can do so after successfully romancing Imoen then you get the lovetalks in the style of the flirt pack.
2. In terms of class specific dialogue, there's quite a few flavour responses depending on your class ,banters and stronghold dialogues.
3. The mod works at least if you've installed it during chapter 2 (ie after Irenicus dungeon) and that should be fine although there is 2 talks (of no real consequence) in the dungeon.
4. Not sure how to answer how long the romance is since events for it are different to traditional romances (since you get imoen only at the end of spellhold) but there are stuff that happens even in Chapter 2.
I guess the only accurate thing to say is there is no TOB yet (currently in the works).
5. During the Install you can choose whether you want romance conflicts or not, however there only exists conflict dialogue for the traditional romance characters.
6.There is a new item, and a pretty good one for the romance.
7. The music being a bit loud has been mentioned before, I will see if i can quiet it down a bit.
Also funnily enough this is seldom mentioned, but the dialogue is tweaked so you can romance her as a female or male.
The latest version i've made is 2.5 here's 2 links to it (not sure the site has updated with the latest yet).
Normally I do all the quests I can before going to pick her because she never comments on anything.
There is a small number of Athkatla/overworld quest-specific imoen dialogue which normally people wouldn't see because you would be completing as much quests as possible in CH2, they have no consequence though.
So if you really wanted to see everything then you would have to rush to her but make sure you've experienced the required 3 dream sequences of Imoen prior to spellhold.
Though i don't know i'd recommend that since you'd be going through Spellhold, Sahuagin and Underdark being pretty underleveled and crappy magic items.
I'm about to upload version 2.5 to the forum, which fixes an issue with the non-EE version crashing in Chateau Irenicus. It can be found here:
Unfortunately I have encountered a problem.
After the last update of BG2:EE I had to reinstall in the mod (my current version is 2.2). Everything worked fine but now I got out of the Underdark and Imoen said it would be a good idea to rest. Apparently a campfire scene is supposed to follow but nothing happens when I rest in the forest!
Is there a way to trigger the event or should I reinstall the mod? Does the game remember the conversations I had so far and which answers I chose if I reinstall it?
I hope someone can give me advice, I already got this far in the mod!
The campfire scene can be triggered with rest if you've progressed enough with personal conversations with Imoen.
If you haven't then you have to keep playing/waiting till you've had them all.
You can check via if the global MRLoveTalk is greater then 9 then you can get the scene, otherwise you'd need to play longer to get more talks.
To force conversations you can use CLUAConsole:SetGlobal('MRImoenLovetalkTimer','GLOBAL',1) which will instantly trigger most talks.
Their fundamentally different mod's.
The new version of the mod starting at 2.0 onwards (latest is 2.5) is a complete rewrite both of the code (completely different) and dialogue (mostly just cleanup/improvements) of the old mod to work with BG2EE, Vanilla BG2 and make way for TOB romance content.
Not sure if this will work to bring your save start to where it should be if you installed the latest version of the mod and your already out of the underdark, but all i can suggest is set these variables with CLUAConsole:SetGlobal
MRLoveTalk=9 (OR you can run down the timer global like i suggested before if you want to go through every talk but this variable should be at 9 or greater eventually).
Then you should be able to get the sleep event at underdark exit.
Thanks for your help anyway Vanatos
Just one more question: in the Underdark conversations with Imoen were triggered during certain events. If everything is installed correctly, is Imoen supposed to start conversations from time to time like she did in Spellhold?
Keep up the great work!
MRLoveTalk should be greater then 9 actually, try setting it to 10 and see if you get anything triggered.
Although it sounds like you played most of the game with the old mod and this was known to have tons of things not triggered properly for BG2EE.