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Imoen Romance V3.0 Release



  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 81
    To my knowledge, you must wait until the 2nd Imoen dream to happen before heading off for spell hold. This is required to trigger the option of romancing Imoen. You can leave before but only the friendship will be available I believe. I think the sooner the better? But I'm not 100%.
    Argent77, we'll have to await a response from @vanatos for that problem.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    So there are 3 *new* dreams with this mod?

    Cool. I'd definitely want to see all 3 before heading off to Spellhold!

    Are there any class-dependent dialogues? (I'm tempted to try out a shaman in a future game, but worry that it may cause problems for this mod if it doesn't recognize the new class.)
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    edited June 2016
    @Thrasymachus I'm playing version 3.6. I went to Spellhold after the 3rd dream, but given what happened after the second one I think it is safe to assume that 2 dreams are enough. Right now I am in chapter 5 and I left almost every sidequest for chapter 6. So far, I did not have any class dependent dialogue. As for the bug @argent77 mentioned, the dialog in Spellhold was ok for me, though I had Dorn, Viconia and Neera, which is not 3 or more Bioware NPC's. I remember that in 3.4 there was some dialogue option how to introduce Imoen and it lead to bugs, but 3.6 did this automatically.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,518
    It's triggered only if none of the Bioware NPCs are present (which also includes Viconia). I was running a party of four custom-made characters and Neera when I encountered this bug.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    edited June 2016
    @argent77: Thanks have fixed the spellhold Imoen join bug, map graphic problems in EE (didn't realize i was talking to you on Gibberling as well lol).

    Still looking for a quick batch way to search for and fix hyphen encoding problems, most of them appear ok its just the odd ones out.

    @Thrasymachus: There are some quest specific convo's of no consequence for the major quests in CH2,if you want to see everything then do spellhold as quick as possible.

    Version is 3.7 now
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @vanatos where do I find v.3.7? according to site description the version to dowload from seems to be 3.6?
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Cahir said:

    @vanatos where do I find v.3.7? according to site description the version to dowload from seems to be 3.6?

    The version on the site is 3.7, just haven't updated the html.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    vanatos said:

    There are some quest specific convo's of no consequence for the major quests in CH2,if you want to see everything then do spellhold as quick as possible

    I want to be sure that I understand correctly.

    Are you saying, that Imoen has comments or small dialogues to major quests, but these talks have no impact on her romance/friendship?
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    edited June 2016
    @vanatos I had the camp scene at the start of ch. 6. I did a lot of possible outcomes and the one which seemed best to me left the Imoenromance variable on 1. So, just to be sure I didn't break the romance, any of the options don't lead to variable being 2, right?

    Nvm, figured it out.
    Post edited by ChorazyGlus on
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Edvin said:

    vanatos said:

    There are some quest specific convo's of no consequence for the major quests in CH2,if you want to see everything then do spellhold as quick as possible

    I want to be sure that I understand correctly.

    Are you saying, that Imoen has comments or small dialogues to major quests, but these talks have no impact on her romance/friendship?
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    That is exactly what I wanted to hear, thank you.
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
    I have both Dungeon Be Gone and the latest version of Imoen Romance and mine works fine. Can you post the WeiDu log file?
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
    Sorry that post was directed @Hizaka99. If he sorted out the problem, then never mind.
  • PteranPteran Member Posts: 388
    @Sarevok08 @vanatos A few pages back there was mention that (at the time) Imoen didn't have interactions with the EE characters. That has changed with the new versions. I'm curious though, if you install the romance conflict component (and I don't recall if I did or not...) does she conflict with EE romances too? Or just the originals? I haven't seen the Neera one yet, and I thought it might be nice to kill two birds with one stone.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    just the originals
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited June 2016
    Is there any time limit for this romance?

    Something like:
    You must do (or wait for) this, before you come there, otherwise you're screwed and romance is screwed.
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94

    To be specific:
    There are three new dreams that you have on top of the standard ones. You have to have all three for the romance to continue. Otherwise, it will switch to the friendship track.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Before or after Imoen join to group?
  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 81
    Actually, you only need to have seen the first two new dreams. The third doesn't have to be seen for the romance to be applicable.

    In relation to getting to the commitment part (typically when the romance variable is set to 2), don't rush the under-dark. I'm pretty sure this is still the case, but Vanatos would be able to give more certainty.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Thank you.

    So, wait at least for 2 dreams and don't rush under-dark.

    Any problems with chapters?
    Do I have to wait for some specific time before I kill Bodhi?
  • Saber83Saber83 Member Posts: 94
    As far as I know and form what I understood from the readme, she will signal that she wants to talk with you away from the rest of the group.

    Sorry I'm being so vague, but I haven't progressed that far in the romance yet.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    Edvin said:

    Is there any time limit for this romance?

    Something like:
    You must do (or wait for) this, before you come there, otherwise you're screwed and romance is screwed.

    You need to see two of the three imoen dreams prior to spellhold, which is almost guaranteed but you can speed it up with inn rest's.

    You need to have a certain amount of lovetalks, there is no game limit to see all of these except don't finish the game (you can finish underdark quickly if you want, you'll see them throughout the next chapter).

    Imoen will then prompt you to do certain thing's which will be obvious.

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Does this mod play nice with ascension?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Sarevok08 thanks, I'll check it out.
  • vanatosvanatos Member Posts: 876
    argent77 said:

    Another issue: A number of dialog lines contain special dash characters encoded in ANSI that are displayed incorrectly in BG2:EE (which requires text encoded in UTF-8). WeiDU provides the HANDLE_CHARSETS function for something like this, but it can only be used on traified lines. It's probably less time-consuming to convert the dashes into regular US-ASCII hyphens. Several dialog files in "dialogues/SOA" are affected.

    The file "dialogues/TOB/Misc/RandomComments.d" seems to be encoded in UTF-8 already. While that works fine in BG2:EE it will most likely produce garbled text in the original BG2.

    I have fixed all the dash symbol problems that you might see in dialogue, current version is 3.8

  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    what NPCs does this imoen talk with most?
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2016

    what NPCs does this imoen talk with most?

    Having perused the dialogue/epilogue files of it, unquestionably Aerie. To the point that it has a Imoen/Aerie friendship/romance on the side and is a good chunk of the reason it's got dozens of epilogues. Because it considers
    your alignment, whether you ascend or stay mortal, whether you drag Imoen with you in ascending, and to what degree you share Bhaal's power if you do, what degree she loves you?, whether Aerie is loved, befriended, or not even in the party, etc.

    1 variable makes 1
    2 variables make 4
    3 variables make 9
    4 variables make...

    You get the point. Lot of different variables makes for lots of endings. It's got like 30 odd endings.

    Which is unfortunate for me, because my head canon is that Aerie and Haer'Dalis split off from the PC's party in Chapter 3, take up the Bard stronghold playhouse and they practice overcoming her timidity in safety while I run down Irenicus and engage in open warfare, and then they join the circus (again) and tour the realms with the circus to keep Haer'Dalis entertained from his plane-hopping ways while Aerie does the "fight slavery" schtick with the circus as a moving base.

    (The game reality is that after the HAerie romance peters out pre-Spellhold I give them both the boot at a table in the Five Flagons.)
    Post edited by Quickblade on
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Thank you for spoilers... :/
    (But seriously, you should edit your post.)
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