Vanatos, do you know what's going to happen with the mod once Siege of Dragonspear is released? By that I mean is the mod going to ignore it and continue as if it didn't exist or are there plans to eventually tie it with Dragonspear? (Hopefully there is.) Thanks in advance.
From my point of view, I don't think it'd change anything. The mod mostly deals with what happened in BG2, and events prior to BG1 (namely when you were around 8, and then again when you are early to mid teenage years)
Oh, an update from Israel, he said writing would be finished hopefully within two weeks, at which point coding by Vanatos would begin
Vanatos, do you know what's going to happen with the mod once Siege of Dragonspear is released? By that I mean is the mod going to ignore it and continue as if it didn't exist or are there plans to eventually tie it with Dragonspear? (Hopefully there is.) Thanks in advance.
I have no idea really, until Siege is released can't really plan on anything.
So, I understand the ToB part is already in the coding stages? How soon can I start celebrating/taking a few days off from University work and girlfriend/become a complete shut-in?
Not sure if Vanatos will visit and give more detail, but from he's most recent update, there is only a few things left. A cut scene, a quest, and a possible transformation.
I don't really see sharing Bhaal as a "father" is very relevant. It's just his divine essence that is in each of his offspring. No shared genes or anything.. the child is 100% it's mother's race, no bhaalspawn even remotely look like one another.
It's as if modern day god decided to impregnate 50 women just because he felt like it, using his divine power. Not one of those children would be related.. that said, i've never tried the mod and am sort of unlikely to anyway.
I agree.
Saying that an Imoen romance is wrong or incesty is the equivalent of saying that Adam and Eve committed incest because they were both children of God.
Or that every religious person of one religion commits incest with another religious person of the same religion because "we are all children of God".
Also, the core and only reason why incest is considered bad in modern society is because the children will have health problems growing up, so it turned into a taboo to be avoided over the centuries.
Since this issue is removed when having a divine parent, considering it a taboo still is irrational.
@Khyron I have a one word argument for you, "Abazigal" you know the half-dragon in ToB who's mother was a blue dragon. That of course is solely directed at the "the child is 100% it's mother's race" part. @Archaos Technically in a sense Eve was born from Adam.
But in defense it can also be considered that each time Bhaal changed forms what little if any genetic information he passed on changed as well (as I recall this is usually handled in a case by case method based on the method of shape-shifting used).
You could also consider that Bhaal couldn't sire a dragon divinely like the other children for whatever reason (similar levels of power for example), so simply took on what seems to be the most genetically viable race (human) to sire Abazigal.
In any case, what ever people's point of view, they can choose to play the mod or not, considering it's possible implications. There is of course options to simply maintain a close friendship with Imoen, and use the mod to add more personality to your childhood friend.
Guess there is a lot of testing to do And christmas time probably doesn't leave a ton of time for @vanatos . Still, can't wait to be able to play the mod once it's released! A fresh character for a complete playthrough is already prepared!
So I've found a rather annoying problem and I can't seem to find a solution with this mod, I'm at the very beginning of the game...and for some strange reason, Items and weapons are having clips from Imoen's dream dialogue instead of well, anything they normally have. Their names are replaced, flavor text, damage, bonuses and the like. And I can't figure out what I might have done wrong, only other mod I have is Ascension and the Imoen Romance, can anyone help me here?
Also just tried uninstalling everything but the Imoen Romance Mod, doesn't seem to have done anything =/
There is a minor issue with the area map of the first Imoen dream sequence in BG2:EE. The water overlays are drawn incorrectly. [spoiler=Screenshot][/spoiler]
I didn't find the Imoen romance listed on the Mod Order Install list, anyone have any recommendations on when would be best to install it? Specifically, I have a build with the Saerileth NPC, Unfinished Business, Dungeon be Gone, BG Tweaks, and Wizard Slayer Rebalance.
Would it be best to install this at the begninning of the list, at the end, or somewhere in the middle? Do any of these mods have a history of corrupting the Imoen Romance Mod?
I would follow the installation order as defined in BWS, which is Saerileth first, followed by Imoen Romance and the remaining mods listed in your post.
Hi is there any expected update incoming or will it work fine with the new 2.0 patch?
I'll quickly check if it breaks the mod, i haven't been following dragonspear at all but i havent found any general links to 'modding changes required with update for Dragonspear'.
If it breaks, ill fix it.
There is a general plan to do some updates, nothing game breaking just some trivial improvements like 'i dont really like where that guy is standing in the cutscene'.
So I noticed, I started a new game, with the Imoen Romance installed (Along with Acension and Dungeon Be Gone) both the Dungeon Be Gone and Imoen, had very weird...text instead of what they normally said. It was like a string of numbers. Im going to try reinstalling both and see if it helps though.
Thanks again for your help!
Now I only hope that the rest of the mod will work properly as well!
Oh, an update from Israel, he said writing would be finished hopefully within two weeks, at which point coding by Vanatos would begin
So all i can say is no plans atm.
@Archaos Technically in a sense Eve was born from Adam.
But in defense it can also be considered that each time Bhaal changed forms what little if any genetic information he passed on changed as well (as I recall this is usually handled in a case by case method based on the method of shape-shifting used).
In any case, what ever people's point of view, they can choose to play the mod or not, considering it's possible implications. There is of course options to simply maintain a close friendship with Imoen, and use the mod to add more personality to your childhood friend.
Still, can't wait to be able to play the mod once it's released! A fresh character for a complete playthrough is already prepared!
Here is the link (while it gets uploaded to the site). Romance -
Use that instead any updates will be there
Also just tried uninstalling everything but the Imoen Romance Mod, doesn't seem to have done anything =/
Would it be best to install this at the begninning of the list, at the end, or somewhere in the middle? Do any of these mods have a history of corrupting the Imoen Romance Mod?
If it breaks, ill fix it.
There is a general plan to do some updates, nothing game breaking just some trivial improvements like 'i dont really like where that guy is standing in the cutscene'.