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What is your favourite alignment group to play in Baldur's Gate?

AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
As mentioned in these forums, I stick to good alignments, usually a combination of Lawful and Neutral Good.
  1. What is your favourite alignment group to play in Baldur's Gate?256 votes
    1. Good. (May light, justice, and honour guide your path. Always.)
    2. Neutral.
    3. Evil.


  • EidolonEidolon Member Posts: 99
    Evil. I don't really care that it isn't really rewarding. Some of the best NPCs in the game have an evil alignment like Edwin and Viconia.
  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106
    Neutral allows me to work with any NPC I like.
  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150
    By remaining flexible, one can take advantage of more opportunities. It works better in BG2, since you can have conflicting alignments in your party without them eventually fighting to the death.
  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
    Im a goodie-toe-shoe :p

    So one more for the "helping old ladies and kittens across the street"-group :)
  • EidolonEidolon Member Posts: 99
    Wow please tell me there are others who enjoy all that the evil alignment has to offer!
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    I play a paladin so I have to be good. However, I play a paladin who doesn't always choose her friends wisely and often ends up with Kagain, Shar-Teel, Viconia and Edwin in her party. I guess she is hoping to reform them by her example.

    Curiously, she never seems to be able to work out why her reputation suddenly plummets every so often. There she is on rep 17, getting great deals in stores (paladins love a discount) and out of the blue it drops back to 8 and even Imoen is calling her mutton-mongering riff-raff. She is far too-trusting to ever work out that Kagain and Shar-Teel have been sneaking off to commit more acts of murder and mayhem in Beregost.
  • DougPiranhaDougPiranha Member Posts: 50
    BG lacks good alignment mechanic, and because of reputation discount and lack of evil options nudges you pretty hard towards good part of the spectrum. One of the things that screams for "enchanting".
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Evil hands down. Not only is it way more challenging (and thus more fun) than "Good" ever will, but the immersion of being the scion of murder feels more fitting for an evil alignmented character as well. Not to mention the quasit familiar is just too adorable to pass by.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    Neutral - allows you to be more flexible in the path you take and the party set-ups.
    Plus it feels more natural to me, all alignment quizzes taken showed me as either LN or TN with strong lawful tendencies :).
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Evil elf assassin or neutral Blade is the way to go for me. both played a bit (or all the way) on the evil side mixed with few good things to not drop reputation to 0
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Neutral - you do anything you want, good or evil, without caring for morality!
  • EidolonEidolon Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2012
    Solyaris said:

    good, mainly on the count that most people would never actually perform evil actions in real life, at least not to the extent that videogames portray them. DayZ is a perfect example of this: if there was a zombie apocalypse, i can guarantee you people would be happy as hell to find another survivor. it wouldn't be some hellish nightmare where every russian tries to shoot you on sight for the lolz.

    But how people react in real life isn't really a compelling argument when most people play video games to get away from real life.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    edited August 2012
    Mostly play Good of the Chaotic variety; I'll be nice and help people that seems to deserve it cause that's just me, but it won't stop me from looting their houses while at it. I'm not huge on the whole stupid "for honour and goodness!" thing that Minsc subscribes to though.

    I've never quite understood how people can play evil in these games. Seems freaking hard, them randomly spawning guards with their ridiculous caster support are tough cookies. Though maybe I just haven't tried hard enough or started being evil too early *shrug*
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    edited August 2012
    Evil (rep ~7-9). It's more challenging (less XP/higher prices), the evil NPCs are specialists in their own classes (Edwin, Viconia, Korgan/Sarevok, etc.) and it's a much rarer thing to see a D&D adventure where the protagonists are fighting evil for a different reason than "Because they're Good". :)
  • MokonaMokona Member Posts: 89
    Chaotic Neutral represent!
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    I see this thread sparked some response! Very interesting posts so far. While I stand my ground on my choice of alignment and how I pursue it, I enjoy seeing what others choose (And perhaps more importantly, why).
  • KlonoaKlonoa Member Posts: 93
    I mix it up, but I always go for neutral evil first :) Sure I'll help you - now empty your damn pockets!
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
  • RapscallionRapscallion Member Posts: 81
    Though I would consider myself either True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral (and I always make my characters one of these two alignments) I always end up with 20 rep and a good party. Why? Because when I attempt to complete a quest to the best of my ability, it nearly always involves taking the good path.

    Evil options tend to shortcut quests or just stick out as a bit odd or psychotic. Neutral options are so limited, they are basically restricted to 'I will not do this quest because I don't care' or it involves choosing anything that is non-evil.

    So even though I'm not actively picking the 'goody goody' option every time, over the course of the game there is a natural trend in that direction.
  • SallparadiseSallparadise Member Posts: 94
    On a gameplay level, I never take evil just because it seems to eliminate alot of expierence and quests to do.
    And playing "good" is to stereotypical and cliched
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    I choose good because I am afraid of Minsc :D
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    Can't believe no-one's mentioned the cheesiest reason for being good yet. It allows you to use super-munchkin Drizzt's super-scimitar +5 when you use super-cheesy tactics to waste him :).
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    Evil: because (1) I found the evil NPCs to be the most interesting, (2) it's more challenging, since the game was designed for a primarily good party, and (3) simply because I find evil more fun to play, especially when taking into consideration the law/chaos axis and the various ways to pursue the path of evil.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I primaly play as a good, but I think that playing neutral or evil is also interesting option. I've stated is somewhere before, but I wish that reputation system in BG:EE would remind that of a Virtue Mode, where reputation divides for "reputation" and "virtue". Former stands for how people see you, latter stands for your morality. So you could be rotten to the core, but still likeable by rest of the world. THAT would be awesome.
  • WoldanWoldan Member Posts: 41
    Neutral - true freedom.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    Never agreed that a Chaotic Evil person could actually party with anyone even other chaotics...the end would always be the same, CE person either slaughtered everyone else in the party or the party killed him off. Lawful evils and Neutrals can work with anyone and have everyone come out in one piece. that being said I prefer Neutral Good and Chaotic good for my characters...with an occasional lawful thrown in.
  • SirickSirick Member Posts: 94
    Good, but pretty chaotic.
    Not above working with evil for good results or picking up everything that isn’t nailed down and sending off Imoen to get all that is.
    And perhaps I killed Drizzt a few times, but it was just a big misunderstanding and he was basically asking for it.
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