Should the BGII patch include Clara or a new NPC

- Should the BGII patch include Clara or a new NPC77 votes
- Yes -- there is a enough fan dissatisfaction with Hexxat to justify a new NPC18.18%
- Yes -- other, explain15.58%
- No -- I think Hexxat is fine36.36%
- No -- I dislike critiques of the dev's work / I try to make my opinions align with the dev's  3.90%
- No -- other, explain  6.49%
- Other / My position isn't represented19.48%
More importantly, I REALLY don't want them adding any new features in this patch. New content always comes with bugs attached, and BG2EE has enough of those as is. I'm hoping they just backport all the fixes from the 1.3 patch, squash the bugs from the already added content, (new NPCs' quests, items, abilities, etc.), and shove the thing out the door already—it's been more than a year
Save any new stuff for DLC or the 1.4 patch, I say.
1.3 isn't the end all.
as for other npc's i don't want new ones. i want a better treatment of bg1 npcs in soa.
No but really I think this encounter lacks options, I sadly think the whole Hexxat questline lacks options but that is for another day. The option to save Clara would add a lot to the game even if she is crap and lacks story. Maybe add her like a secret npc like Wilson?
Like bring a silence spell, Jan, Mazzy, a cloak of non-detection and the Mask of King Strohm III. Equip Clara with the mask and tell Mazzy to stand on Jans shoulders while wearing the cloak to hide Jan. Cast silence on Clara and let her approach the tomb, Hexxat will jump up seeing the silent female at her casket but disregarding her since she knows Clara is a thief and thieves can't wear helms so instead she goes for the first best thing: the suspiciously-tall-handsome-Clara-looking-female(did I mention you need to find the secret purple wig found in Kangax tomb?) and sinks her teeth into her neck. After noticing she just munched on a halfling she is angry and you will have to fight her while Jan runs around confused with a cloak over his head while muttering about turnips.
If the fight goes well considering Hexxat is now empowered by halfling paladin blood you get to keep Clara. Sadly she dies shortly after(25 days) from some STD normally associated with Illithids, but you get a whopping 2 000 000 xp(split by party) and a small fine toothed comb you don't know the use of.
Though a secret easter egg is that it can be given to Anomen if the PC is romancing him to instantly terminate the romance and making him turn chaotic neutral and permanently losing the ability to wear any armor. But gaining the ability to cast insect plague two times a day and spiders as racial enemy.
The thing is that Beamdog worked for many months and fixed a universe of bugs. They have already given the patch notes to the Wizards of the Coast, as Phillip Daigle said last week. Taking into account the working on the patch took so long and as a result they have a ready build, thoroughly tested internally, and this build has already been sent to the approval, the patch cannot be changed, at least in terms of such a major part as a new NPC.
And let the hype begin!
Perhaps a Thief dualled to Cleric at Level 6. 100pts in Traps/40 in Pickpockets/40 Open Locks/30 Hide/30 Silence/40 Set Snares. With an innate ability affecting Saves to balance Viconia's MR and Anomen's fighter levels.
Or, like me, contribute more than once
As for this whole Clara v.s. Hexxat nonsense, it is seriously growing stale. I hate both characters after seeing people bicker about them ceaselessly.
Still, I do truly think that it would benefit the devs to make a statement on the issue -- *achem* @trentOster @PhillipDaigle *achem*.
Communication = good
Communication had been bad for a while but has improved as of late. I think the devs earned themselves lots of good will by setting a date for Adventure Y -- now I don't come once a week, check the forum and go *gahh* still no new adventure, still no patch *gahh*, still no new NPCs *gahh* . . .
What stopped the where is Adventure Y grumbling? Information from the devs. Now people are enjoying Gazebo hijinks.
So, I have hope that the devs will get that critique =/ trolling and give a thumbs up or down on Clara.
@typo_lilly Yeah, that would be improvement. And I agree -- the game needs a new single class cleric more than anything. Still, I would still like access to Hexxat's areas and a pure thief or a thief with the ability to dual to cleric would also be nice and would fit into the existing game.
Perhaps Mask has taken an interest in the bhaalspawn? By Mask's Mask!
but tbh i've given up expecting anything from this. If it happens great if not meh. Hexxat really soured the experience for me tbh im pretty uninterested in new chars at this point unless its was specifically interest in