When I'm not being Alora in LadyRhian's role playing games, I generally play as a not very bright female paladin.
WOAH woah woah. You RP as Alora? and LadyRhian has roleplaying games?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE, MY LOVE?!
/RP Romances Alora in BG1 until I finally make a mod to do so.
LadyRhian runs games right here on the Role Playing thread (in fact I think the existence of the Role Playing thread might be down to her). At the moment we are exploring Castle Greyhawk but we have also done Tomb of Horrors, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh and Ravenloft. If you want to play just drop LadyRhian a line and she will give you a slot when one becomes available (however, I know she is not very well at the moment and the game is on hold so it might be a good idea to wait until Castle Greyhawk starts up again).
I should warn you though, you won't get very far with romancing Alora the way I play her. She's not too interested in the yukky love stuff.
When I'm not being Alora in LadyRhian's role playing games, I generally play as a not very bright female paladin.
WOAH woah woah. You RP as Alora? and LadyRhian has roleplaying games?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE, MY LOVE?!
/RP Romances Alora in BG1 until I finally make a mod to do so.
LadyRhian runs games right here on the Role Playing thread (in fact I think the existence of the Role Playing thread might be down to her). At the moment we are exploring Castle Greyhawk but we have also done Tomb of Horrors, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh and Ravenloft. If you want to play just drop LadyRhian a line and she will give you a slot when one becomes available (however, I know she is not very well at the moment and the game is on hold so it might be a good idea to wait until Castle Greyhawk starts up again).
I should warn you though, you won't get very far with romancing Alora the way I play her. She's not too interested in the yukky love stuff.
Fortunately I wouldn't have it any other way! Val'myr is kind of a douche and will hit on you constantly as Alora but I fully expect him to be denied, turned down, and ignored every single time.
In a recent PnP game Val was infatuated with a Cleric NPC named Meeris who was the most True Neutral, indifferent, joyless person in the world. It was great because Val is overdramatic and was like, "WORRY NOT, MY DEAR LOVE MEERIS! We may be separated, for a time, but I will return!" and she was like, "Get out of the library I'm trying to work." The (non)romance was beautiful.
Edit: Reminds me when my male elf mage in Dragon Age: Inquisition constantly flirted with Sera. Since she only romances female characters when I hit on her once she said, "Wait, you and me? No, we wouldn't work. We have too much in common; we both like girls!"
To this, I imagine Val would say OH WE'RE PERFECT TOGETHER THEN!
Romances never works for Val despite his super high charisma.
In LadyRhian's games you have to play as one of the characters from Baldur's Gate so I am afraid poor old Val will have to find some other way to express his devotion to Alora.
In LadyRhian's games you have to play as one of the characters from Baldur's Gate so I am afraid poor old Val will have to find some other way to express his devotion to Alora.
In LadyRhian's games you have to play as one of the characters from Baldur's Gate so I am afraid poor old Val will have to find some other way to express his devotion to Alora.
Awwwww QQ
Does anyone RP as Mazzy or Baeloth currently?
No. They are both free. Actually I don't think anyone has played any of the new characters yet.
In real life I make my living on my brain (scientist) and I'm pretty much a pacifist. I enjoy the outdoors, make my own homemade bows, meditate frequently, and used to be an athlete.
In real life, I too am living on brains. Brains for breakfast, brains for lunch, brains dinner... I enjoy the Underdark, the brains I hunt, meditate on psionics and used to be a Mind Flayer (who am I kidding ... I still am)
Plus the occasional ranger. I guess I love stories, storytelling, music and.... I'm a bit of a goody-two-shoes deep down inside. I'm most comfortable playing these characters since they come most naturally to me. My favorite characters are female paladins and they are usually the first class I play.
I love Arthurian mythology and usually play a character that is like Gawain, except the female version. Hence my first Pillars of Eternity character was a female Kind Wayfarer paladin named Gwen .
For bards I do both genders in Icewind Dale or Temple of Elemental Evil, but I usually go male in games with a clear protagonist. In Baldur's Gate I played a straight-up Errol Flynn blade. I play them VERY over-the-top bard-y, as in he never passes up a chance to be as goofy-flirty as possible, even if he does not always succeed. Except that in his head he always succeeds.
So basically my bards are like Errol Flynn meets Johnny Bravo
Unlike many here I NEVER play single-class rogues. I dunno why... it just never appeals to me. I also don't like playing single class clerics. I dunno why, both bore me. It honestly annoys me that I need to have healers and trap stoppers/lock pickers in most games. The exception is Yoshimo, because Yoshimo is amazing and can dance on the head of a pin as well. I love Imoen for many reasons, and it is awesome that she is just enough thief that I don't need to worry about it. I like thieves a lot more in Icewind Dale since I can make a fighter/thief halfling who isn't dead weight in a fight.
Never played a cleric except for like 5 minutes in a NWN module (my NWN games usually last a night before I quite ) and as party members in Temple of Elemental Evil. It was fun since I made them weapon-wielding bad-ass warrior-priests, but for some reason having a healer that worships some strange deity never really appealed to me. I don't have the patience for excessive buffing and debuffing, and I prefer other support classes. I do however like multi-classes and think both Aerie and Anomen are useful because they are just enough healing that I don't need to worry about it too much.
I've got my fighter from Highschool who I will often try playing. Becasue his stats are to awesome for him to be stuck at level 3. His personality is kind of like Alistair from Dragon Age, just a bit more mature. And everytime I dust him off, the campain fissles out before it can go anywhere. One time I actually manage to finish a campain, and it's playing an AntiPalidin who successuffly convereted/strongarmed a whole town to the Service of Asmodeus in Pathfinder.
Warlock or Druid. I'm a cognitive scientist that likes nature, so I guess the whole unlocking the secrets of nature thing extends to this. I was kinda sad when I found out that mage necromancers weren't really for summoning the undead and demons, exactly. But now, at least in D&D, I'm firmly in the druid camp. The whole aesthetic works for me, and I really like walking in the woods anyhow.
Warlock or Druid. I'm a cognitive scientist that likes nature, so I guess the whole unlocking the secrets of nature thing extends to this. I was kinda sad when I found out that mage necromancers weren't really for summoning the undead and demons, exactly. But now, at least in D&D, I'm firmly in the druid camp. The whole aesthetic works for me, and I really like walking in the woods anyhow.
Yeah, as a person who plays a lot of Necromancers in D&D it's strange that Clerics were the better minionmancers.
Being the sort of person who likes to lead by example from the front I found it very difficult to play anything other than fighter classes - until I discovered the joys of a dual-wielding Assassin/Mage!
Necromancers. I've always played as a necromancer. Occasionally starting as fighter to deal higher weapon damage. But in the end the necromancer takes over.
I'm a wizard. I always have been. What kind? Generalist - the mage - I guess. Restrictions have always seemed strange to me, never made much sense. Of course I want to be able to master every kind of magic. And specialists should be rare. They are in D&D. Everyone is a mage by default, unless they have a reason to be a necromancer or an air elementalist. But I quite like ghul lords from Al-Qadim, and Sand magic there. Anything exceptionally rare and powerful attracts my interest.
Multi class mage i remember when i was like 12 i used to play every day getting to the friendly arm in as a mage/thief and dying at the steps. i came back after playing guildwars and wondered how i could be so bad at playing back then. i was really bad at the game and mages were very squishy but i just loved magic missile. magic missile ftw i'd get one off then uhhl! dead lol
I tend to prefer playing as thieves and druids, and the reasons definitely come from my own personality. I tend not to like being at the centre of the attention, but at the same time i dedicate my life in meditation with nature (it's part of my spiritual path) and doing my best to respect mother nature, and various aspects of my life revolve around it, from my diet to my customs.. helpin others is also a big part of my life (i'm on the way of becoming a social-sanitarian assistant..don't know how you would call such job in english): i also rarely take the direct approach to problems if i can find a less invasive and painfull alternate route, and that may also, in part at least, why i really don't like to play as fighters/warriors.
I tend to go to characters who can stand on their own in the front of a fight with the heaviest armor they can wear. Fighters and their kits, paladins or fighter/clerics are usually my choices.
For some reason I always avoid playing wizards and rogues of all kinds, including fighter/mages and all their variants. I tried playing bards and thieves but I never go very far in the game. It's just not my style.
I once exclusively played Wizard and Cleric Necromancers as noted by an earlier post but now I exclusively play Bards. Most my PnP characters are Bards of some sort and my Charname in NWN2 was a Gnome Bard and now I'm doing my first full BG run as a Blade Bard. Got through BG, SoD, and currently he's in the Underdark. I think this will be the character I finally beat ToB with.
I've grown to love playing supports in games and Bards are the best supports. I am an amateur author IRL and so most my Bards are also authors that write about their adventures.
Tanks, particularly cavaliers and dwarves defenders. Lately I've been getting into clerics, which is hilarious because I am NOT religious at all. In fact, my cousin (a preacher) says I have so little religious impulse that I could be an archbishop.
Steve. Just Steve. A peasant who has the unfortunate habit of being dragged along on adventures he wants no part of. Steve has a familiar. Its a chicken. Just a chicken. He calls it Steve II. Steve isnt great at names. He can cook though. Not Steve II. Steve would never cook Steve II. I lied. Steve would cook Steve II. Steve...*sigh*
I should warn you though, you won't get very far with romancing Alora the way I play her. She's not too interested in the yukky love stuff.
In a recent PnP game Val was infatuated with a Cleric NPC named Meeris who was the most True Neutral, indifferent, joyless person in the world. It was great because Val is overdramatic and was like, "WORRY NOT, MY DEAR LOVE MEERIS! We may be separated, for a time, but I will return!" and she was like, "Get out of the library I'm trying to work." The (non)romance was beautiful.
Edit: Reminds me when my male elf mage in Dragon Age: Inquisition constantly flirted with Sera. Since she only romances female characters when I hit on her once she said, "Wait, you and me? No, we wouldn't work. We have too much in common; we both like girls!"
To this, I imagine Val would say OH WE'RE PERFECT TOGETHER THEN!
Romances never works for Val despite his super high charisma.
Does anyone RP as Mazzy or Baeloth currently?
I enjoy the Underdark, the brains I hunt, meditate on psionics and used to be a Mind Flayer (who am I kidding ... I still am)
http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/40915/rp-castle-greyhawk#latest is the RP. Small pause, while LadyRhian takes a few elixirs of health.
Plus the occasional ranger. I guess I love stories, storytelling, music and.... I'm a bit of a goody-two-shoes deep down inside. I'm most comfortable playing these characters since they come most naturally to me. My favorite characters are female paladins and they are usually the first class I play.
I love Arthurian mythology and usually play a character that is like Gawain, except the female version. Hence my first Pillars of Eternity character was a female Kind Wayfarer paladin named Gwen
For bards I do both genders in Icewind Dale or Temple of Elemental Evil, but I usually go male in games with a clear protagonist. In Baldur's Gate I played a straight-up Errol Flynn blade. I play them VERY over-the-top bard-y, as in he never passes up a chance to be as goofy-flirty as possible, even if he does not always succeed. Except that in his head he always succeeds.
So basically my bards are like Errol Flynn meets Johnny Bravo
[Spoiler] My bards. Inspiring courage.
Never played a cleric except for like 5 minutes in a NWN module (my NWN games usually last a night before I quite
I can play other classes but for some reason I find the above two the most enjoyable to play on their respective platforms.
Psychotic shorties are my favourite, class doesn't matter when you are completely insane.
But typically outside of that, I like playing spell casters. Any and all of them. Cleric/Mage is fun because ALL OF THE MAGIC!
Just how it goes I guess
I tend not to like being at the centre of the attention, but at the same time i dedicate my life in meditation with nature (it's part of my spiritual path) and doing my best to respect mother nature, and various aspects of my life revolve around it, from my diet to my customs.. helpin others is also a big part of my life (i'm on the way of becoming a social-sanitarian assistant..don't know how you would call such job in english): i also rarely take the direct approach to problems if i can find a less invasive and painfull alternate route, and that may also, in part at least, why i really don't like to play as fighters/warriors.
For some reason I always avoid playing wizards and rogues of all kinds, including fighter/mages and all their variants. I tried playing bards and thieves but I never go very far in the game. It's just not my style.
I've grown to love playing supports in games and Bards are the best supports. I am an amateur author IRL and so most my Bards are also authors that write about their adventures.
BG without Vicky isn't really BG for me.