What? A leader is in the back barking orders at the silly rogues... why work when you can let others do the work for you? I'm a sorc all the way if i have the choice, bossy, all powerful, arrogant... life is good :P
When I was a kid, I tended to go for straight up fighter types, mostly because they got to wear cool-looking armour. Then, kinda like @BelgarathMTH I got jealous of spell-casters doing flashy fancy things whilst I was stuck smashing and stabbing.
When I got a little older, and realised that I'd never become a tall, muscle-bound behemoth clad in steel plate (so sad), I found myself drawn more towards characters that employ speed and skill over brute strength, and when I came across the Wuxia genre a few years ago, I became captivated by the stories of skillful warriors whose abilities are so advanced they are basically magical.
Hence in the last few years I've tended to be drawn towards the "battlemage" type characters; warriors who use magic to enhance their fighting capabilities. In Baldur's Gate that means Fighter/Mage types who use Mirror Image, Improved Haste etc
I do enjoy more traditional spellcasters too. Though I prefer a sword to a staff and robes, I had a blast with a Wizard in Diablo 3 and really enjoy my Sorcerer in my multiplayer BG full saga playthrough. Commanding the unbound potential powers of the arcane is just awesome!
The "abilities so advanced they're almost magical" thing sounds like a monk to me. But then again, that character archetype isn't really very prevalent outside of D&D and related games.
I think that one reason I personally gravitate toward roguish characters is because I like the idea of getting the jump on my foes so that I'm never really in danger. I've also enjoyed playing controlling characters and healers in the past, and like archers more than front-liners as well.... I think I'm talking out loud and realizing a trend as I'm typing. I'm a big sissy... I'm scared of face-to-face confrontation, so I try to control or sneak or heal or [if I have to] just backstab my way out of it.
I usually end up with a multi Fighter/Thief. Any race. Focus on stealth and LOVE to one-hit backstab enemies. When I play other classes I miss the T/M....I never miss anything playing F/T's
I usually end up with a multi Fighter/Thief. Any race. Focus on stealth and LOVE to one-hit backstab enemies. When I play other classes I miss the T/M....I never miss anything playing F/T's
I have a problem with multi and dual classing. It seems imbalanced, and just doesn't sit well with my idea of role playing. Thus, I have never multi or dualed my charname. If I wanted a fighter/thief I would play Stalker.
More generally speaking, in most games I play/played(GW, GW2, WoW, BG, NWN), I always drift towards frontliners with a divine streak, you know the holy warrior type. Paladins in WoW, BG and NWN, Dervish and Warrior in GW1 and Guardian in GW2.
PS. I would like to try DA Inquisition but I think my laptop can't handle it.
I never said it made any sense, I agree with your opinion BUT I do gravitate in that direction wheter I like it or not...and I like it
I wasn't trying to get on my extra tall horse and tell anyone how to play their game. If people want to multi or dual, have fun! But in my experience, the game and most characters are much more realistic and balanced when single classed (this includes kits, of course, which are awesome imo).
Why do we need a fighter/mage/thief multi when the bard exists? The only thing that happens is an imbalance of power at higher levels, where a multi or dual character is far more powerful (most of the time) than their single classed counterparts. And to me, that kind of detracts from the unique flavor of each class.
My favorite class has to be the Thief class, both mechanically and roleplay-wise.
As to the mechanics, stealth is a major reason but generally I love all the thief skills and the role those skills give them in party play: scouting, dealing with traps, securing access to locked buildings, etc. In my first completed BG1 playthrough, my Charname was a Ranger, but I found myself micro-managing my Thief (probably Imoen, can't remember), more than my Charname or any other character. I soon wanted my Charnames to be doing all those neat things, so for years I've pretty much only played Thieves, be they multi, dual, kitted, or unkitted. In solo runs, being a Thief (or at least part Thief) also helps a lot btw.
Another thing I like about them, and now we're entering more into roleplay-territory, is that they're underdogs. They're arguably the weakest class in terms of combat as they have neither brute strength nor powerful magics at their disposal. Instead they need to rely on their cunning and on clever use of items and potions which they acquire through theft of course. (Potions of explosions feel like they're made for Thieves for example; shame they become obsolete in BG2).
Finally there's something romantic about Thieves for me. The light armor, hiding in dark corners, a quick blade, disappearing into the night, a well-placed trap, unsportsmanlike behavior if the circumstances call for it, Thieves Guilds... it's all very appealing to the imagination.
I never said it made any sense, I agree with your opinion BUT I do gravitate in that direction wheter I like it or not...and I like it
I wasn't trying to get on my extra tall horse and tell anyone how to play their game. If people want to multi or dual, have fun! But in my experience, the game and most characters are much more realistic and balanced when single classed (this includes kits, of course, which are awesome imo).
Why do we need a fighter/mage/thief multi when the bard exists? The only thing that happens is an imbalance of power at higher levels, where a multi or dual character is far more powerful (most of the time) than their single classed counterparts. And to me, that kind of detracts from the unique flavor of each class.
And finally I understand that this was posted under role playing
Sorry for any weird remarks I made as I was only referring to the BG saga. I never really go all in when it comes to role playing in computergames, I usually go all over the spectrum, often picking the options that sounds the most interesting for one or another reason.
In PnP roleplaying I usually end up with what is needed for the group, that usually means I start with a clean slate and work from there. I do prefer conflicted characters (Love Khalid) and characters with all sorts of weaknesses that allows the game master ample possibilities at interesting/intriguing/embarassing events at my cost.
I promise I will look more carefully on where things are posted in the future. On the other hand I am old enough to easily forget almost anything I promise
Fighter/mages. I strangely can't see myself being a main character without some sort of magic, but the feeling of being helpless in melee combat sucks. I also prefer the bruiser-y, strength-focused kind over the standard elven fighter/mage. My half-orc fighter/mage was my all-time favorite PC to play.
When I'm not playing the main character, though (in multiplayer) I favor playing a support character, like a cleric or bard.
Fighter/mages. I strangely can't see myself being a main character without some sort of magic, but the feeling of being helpless in melee combat sucks. I also prefer the bruiser-y, strength-focused kind over the standard elven fighter/mage. My half-orc fighter/mage was my all-time favorite PC to play.
When I'm not playing the main character, though (in multiplayer) I favor playing a support character, like a cleric or bard.
I could definitely see the appeal of playing a half-orc magic user.... But I didn't think half-orcs could be fighter/mages... only fighter/clerics?
If I could make a half-orc avenger druid, that would be my ultimate favorite character....
As those that know me know, I always play dark magic mage guys and ditzy thief/mage (Bards also work) girls.
I'm really spacey IRL and so it's easy to RP that kind of character for my gnomish rogue mage characters.
My dark magic guys are usually elven (Drow when I can) and are VERY cowardly. Send in the undead minions and hide. Usually I max out my cha/diplomacy/persuasion since he's a smooth talker as well.
I'm a psych major IRL so I should be a psionic maybe. . .? XD
I'm obsessed with death, undeath, and cute/derpy things.
Played the NWN OC as a combination of the two. A pink haired gnomish cleric (Necromancer). I wish I could drop her wisdom to 8 since she's (and I'm) really not aware of her surroundings and is always day dreaming but unfortunately wisdom is the Cleric casting stat.
I also LOVE Chaotic Neutral. Help your friends, destroy your enemies with no mercy, and be cheerful/cute all of the time!
Edit: My Drow guy's name is Val'myr and the gnome Girl is Piro btw.
My profile pic is actually what Piro mostly looks like and my username is Vallmyr
I also have an account named Valmyr on this forum but I forgot the password a long time ago and never recovered it >_>
So both Valmyr and Vallmyr are me.
Fun fact as well, Val'myr is Drow for Black Necromancer n_n
Well I actually never play by any rules, (when I'm playing PnP) so I cant really use DnD terminology, but for the long time my usual characters in past were human melee fighters. However as I'm growing older and older I experiment more, but I generally stay away from any character that has to do too much with religion. Oh and I never like pure mages. Hybrids however, that's more like it. Actualy, one character which I really want to play in some PnP is the witcher. (not Geralt himself, no, but another witcher)
@Vallmyr You remind me of Tally's character in temple of the Lava Bears. She was a dwarf Warlock who was all bouncy and happy. After the last session, the watchers got to ask questions. Someone asked her how a cheerful dwarf became a Warlock. And Tally said, "One day, she was patrolling part of the tunnels and awoke a dark entity and when it rose, she was like, "Hi! Want to be friends?"
@Vallmyr You remind me of Tally's character in temple of the Lava Bears. She was a dwarf Warlock who was all bouncy and happy. After the last session, the watchers got to ask questions. Someone asked her how a cheerful dwarf became a Warlock. And Tally said, "One day, she was patrolling part of the tunnels and awoke a dark entity and when it rose, she was like, "Hi! Want to be friends?"
Mages are best. Not just mages, but powerful ones. If I am to play a mage, my INT must be enormous, my gear has to be the absolute best and my spells have to be totally devastating. My favorite characters from the FR are Elminster, Irenicus and Edwin. I would both enjoy playing a good aligned, or an evil aligned mage. Though chaotic evil would be not that fun for me to play. I created a min/maxed mage more often than once in BG and enjoyed soloing BG2 with one.
I found enjoyment in playing an evil gnomish illusionist/thief too, he had a cleptomanic side to him and was stealing everything he could carry and was really full of himself.
There's one alignment I gravitate towards as I find it hard to play a character with morals other than my own, so it usually ends up Neutral Good (with a slight tendency to Chaotic Good). As for character classes, I've played a lot of different classes but almost always they've got the ability to cast arcane spells.
I've had this preference for arcane spellcasters ever since my first ever PnP AD&D (1st edition) character, who was a fighter-mage. In BG, I've played fighter-mages as well, bards, cleric-mages and thief-mages (thief-illusionists actually), though I dislike dual-classed mages. I made a Fighter3>Mage once and he was boring to play for he had just as much spellpower as a single-class mage, but with a lot more hitpoint, making him far too powerful (and not likely to drop dead on top of it) to be fun.
I rarely play characters that only cast divine magic, I've had a cleric-ranger multi and a Berserker>Cleric dual-class and for a very short while a Painbearer of Ilmater (me in a BG campaign, but I didn't continue the campaign). Pure rogues and fighters are even more rare, I've played a Stalker once and a half-orc Barbarian once (in a United Races campaign where all 6 were a different race).
I was a huge fan of clerics when I first learned dnd. My first character was Jozan the Pelor cleric from d&d 3e starter set. I always liked the idea of being supportive and healing. Was not much into holyness or religion or gods, though.
My first dnd computer character was an elven cleric of Selune, in iwd2 game. I loved the domain spells and abilities, and I was an avid fan of Sailor Moon and anything moon-related (hence, my name on here) so it was a natural match. Other characters in the party were based on my friends, a roguish fighter guy (who I was secretly in love irl) a half orc barbarian, an aasimar paladin, a human necromancer, and a drow illusionist. Yeah I thought I was smart by picking two specialists that opposed each other so they could have all the spells together.
However, come bg2, arcane spells really lured me. My elven, unkitted cleric was very lackluster in bg2, and enemy mages in bg2 were just so cool. Hence, I was a cleric/mage various duals and multis for a time, and come ToB, I finally gave in:and became a full fledged, wild mage!
What I love about playing a mage, is you can be the support/back up/buffer/debuffer and utility. Also, when necesarry, I can dominate the game with powerful blast spells. Wild mage is just too much fun and I am a huge fan of randomness and chaos. Always played neutral good characters, with chaotic tendencies, and nowadays I think I have matured into chaotic good mind set more and more. My latest wild mage is chaotic good, and is having a blast (literally!) in Athkatla, with a mp created badass archer companion. (who is also my real life boyfriend this time!)
...My latest wild mage is chaotic good, and is having a blast (literally!) in Athkatla, with a mp created badass archer companion. (who is also my real life boyfriend this time!)
So, you'll know it's over when he force attacks you with death arrows and dispelling arrows. Not that it will be over - I just find that funny somehow. So much better than the other changing their facebook status to 'single' or something.
I was a huge fan of clerics when I first learned dnd. My first character was Jozan the Pelor cleric from d&d 3e starter set. I always liked the idea of being supportive and healing. Was not much into holyness or religion or gods, though.
My first dnd computer character was an elven cleric of Selune, in iwd2 game. I loved the domain spells and abilities, and I was an avid fan of Sailor Moon and anything moon-related (hence, my name on here) so it was a natural match. Other characters in the party were based on my friends, a roguish fighter guy (who I was secretly in love irl) a half orc barbarian, an aasimar paladin, a human necromancer, and a drow illusionist. Yeah I thought I was smart by picking two specialists that opposed each other so they could have all the spells together.
However, come bg2, arcane spells really lured me. My elven, unkitted cleric was very lackluster in bg2, and enemy mages in bg2 were just so cool. Hence, I was a cleric/mage various duals and multis for a time, and come ToB, I finally gave in:and became a full fledged, wild mage!
What I love about playing a mage, is you can be the support/back up/buffer/debuffer and utility. Also, when necesarry, I can dominate the game with powerful blast spells. Wild mage is just too much fun and I am a huge fan of randomness and chaos. Always played neutral good characters, with chaotic tendencies, and nowadays I think I have matured into chaotic good mind set more and more. My latest wild mage is chaotic good, and is having a blast (literally!) in Athkatla, with a mp created badass archer companion. (who is also my real life boyfriend this time!)
I love making parties based on my IRL friends/significant others n_n
...My latest wild mage is chaotic good, and is having a blast (literally!) in Athkatla, with a mp created badass archer companion. (who is also my real life boyfriend this time!)
So, you'll know it's over when he force attacks you with death arrows and dispelling arrows. Not that it will be over - I just find that funny somehow. So much better than the other changing their facebook status to 'single' or something.
LOL. One time he got dominated, and was raining down death on my party! Archers are truly nasty dpsers. I put Jaheira with fullplate+tower shield right next to him so he attacked at point blank range, and even then, hurt her pretty badly. 'that's for hitting on my guy!' I thought he was saying in game, that was so funny!
I was a huge fan of clerics when I first learned dnd. My first character was Jozan the Pelor cleric from d&d 3e starter set. I always liked the idea of being supportive and healing. Was not much into holyness or religion or gods, though.
My first dnd computer character was an elven cleric of Selune, in iwd2 game. I loved the domain spells and abilities, and I was an avid fan of Sailor Moon and anything moon-related (hence, my name on here) so it was a natural match. Other characters in the party were based on my friends, a roguish fighter guy (who I was secretly in love irl) a half orc barbarian, an aasimar paladin, a human necromancer, and a drow illusionist. Yeah I thought I was smart by picking two specialists that opposed each other so they could have all the spells together.
However, come bg2, arcane spells really lured me. My elven, unkitted cleric was very lackluster in bg2, and enemy mages in bg2 were just so cool. Hence, I was a cleric/mage various duals and multis for a time, and come ToB, I finally gave in:and became a full fledged, wild mage!
What I love about playing a mage, is you can be the support/back up/buffer/debuffer and utility. Also, when necesarry, I can dominate the game with powerful blast spells. Wild mage is just too much fun and I am a huge fan of randomness and chaos. Always played neutral good characters, with chaotic tendencies, and nowadays I think I have matured into chaotic good mind set more and more. My latest wild mage is chaotic good, and is having a blast (literally!) in Athkatla, with a mp created badass archer companion. (who is also my real life boyfriend this time!)
I love making parties based on my IRL friends/significant others n_n
Haha, glad we think alike. IWD games are perfect for this. When I was younger I told my friends all about my game the next day 'you killed the dragon!' or 'that hook horror really hooked on you!' and now since we are grown ups, we don't talk like that. Doesn't change the fact that I still play and fantasize like before, ofcourse!
Barbarian for me. As most of you who normally talk to me know :P My heritage of the celtic tribes/clans makes me feel so at home with a warrior who wears little to no armor, but when enraged can slaughter everything in sight.
I think that one reason I personally gravitate toward roguish characters is because I like the idea of getting the jump on my foes so that I'm never really in danger. I've also enjoyed playing controlling characters and healers in the past, and like archers more than front-liners as well.... I think I'm talking out loud and realizing a trend as I'm typing. I'm a big sissy... I'm scared of face-to-face confrontation, so I try to control or sneak or heal or [if I have to] just backstab my way out of it.
Ugh. It's ugly in here, inside my head.
More generally speaking, in most games I play/played(GW, GW2, WoW, BG, NWN), I always drift towards frontliners with a divine streak, you know the holy warrior type. Paladins in WoW, BG and NWN, Dervish and Warrior in GW1 and Guardian in GW2.
PS. I would like to try DA Inquisition but I think my laptop can't handle it.
Why do we need a fighter/mage/thief multi when the bard exists? The only thing that happens is an imbalance of power at higher levels, where a multi or dual character is far more powerful (most of the time) than their single classed counterparts. And to me, that kind of detracts from the unique flavor of each class.
As to the mechanics, stealth is a major reason but generally I love all the thief skills and the role those skills give them in party play: scouting, dealing with traps, securing access to locked buildings, etc. In my first completed BG1 playthrough, my Charname was a Ranger, but I found myself micro-managing my Thief (probably Imoen, can't remember), more than my Charname or any other character. I soon wanted my Charnames to be doing all those neat things, so for years I've pretty much only played Thieves, be they multi, dual, kitted, or unkitted. In solo runs, being a Thief (or at least part Thief) also helps a lot btw.
Another thing I like about them, and now we're entering more into roleplay-territory, is that they're underdogs. They're arguably the weakest class in terms of combat as they have neither brute strength nor powerful magics at their disposal. Instead they need to rely on their cunning and on clever use of items and potions which they acquire through theft of course. (Potions of explosions feel like they're made for Thieves for example; shame they become obsolete in BG2).
Finally there's something romantic about Thieves for me. The light armor, hiding in dark corners, a quick blade, disappearing into the night, a well-placed trap, unsportsmanlike behavior if the circumstances call for it, Thieves Guilds... it's all very appealing to the imagination.
Sorry for any weird remarks I made as I was only referring to the BG saga. I never really go all in when it comes to role playing in computergames, I usually go all over the spectrum, often picking the options that sounds the most interesting for one or another reason.
In PnP roleplaying I usually end up with what is needed for the group, that usually means I start with a clean slate and work from there. I do prefer conflicted characters (Love Khalid) and characters with all sorts of weaknesses that allows the game master ample possibilities at interesting/intriguing/embarassing events at my cost.
I promise I will look more carefully on where things are posted in the future.
On the other hand I am old enough to easily forget almost anything I promise
When I'm not playing the main character, though (in multiplayer) I favor playing a support character, like a cleric or bard.
If I could make a half-orc avenger druid, that would be my ultimate favorite character....
I'm really spacey IRL and so it's easy to RP that kind of character for my gnomish rogue mage characters.
My dark magic guys are usually elven (Drow when I can) and are VERY cowardly. Send in the undead minions and hide. Usually I max out my cha/diplomacy/persuasion since he's a smooth talker as well.
I'm a psych major IRL so I should be a psionic maybe. . .? XD
I'm obsessed with death, undeath, and cute/derpy things.
Played the NWN OC as a combination of the two. A pink haired gnomish cleric (Necromancer). I wish I could drop her wisdom to 8 since she's (and I'm) really not aware of her surroundings and is always day dreaming but unfortunately wisdom is the Cleric casting stat.
I also LOVE Chaotic Neutral. Help your friends, destroy your enemies with no mercy, and be cheerful/cute all of the time!
Edit: My Drow guy's name is Val'myr and the gnome Girl is Piro btw.
My profile pic is actually what Piro mostly looks like and my username is Vallmyr
I also have an account named Valmyr on this forum but I forgot the password a long time ago and never recovered it >_>
So both Valmyr and Vallmyr are me.
Fun fact as well, Val'myr is Drow for Black Necromancer n_n
That's this series:
There are 21 episodes. This was the finale, broadcast last Sunday.
Unfortunately, the Q&A was not part of the upload. Sadly...
I'll definitely check this out! Thanks n_n
Her Drow sorcerer character is just like my Val'myr character o_o
So she plays a charismatic douchy Drow mage guy and a cutesy short mage girl.
Is she me?
Am I in that game and just don't remember it?
Edit: Derp, as I'm watching this I realise it's two different people playing the Drow guy and later the warlock girl.
I guess I just got divided into two people maybe.
. . .
I found enjoyment in playing an evil gnomish illusionist/thief too, he had a cleptomanic side to him and was stealing everything he could carry and was really full of himself.
I've had this preference for arcane spellcasters ever since my first ever PnP AD&D (1st edition) character, who was a fighter-mage. In BG, I've played fighter-mages as well, bards, cleric-mages and thief-mages (thief-illusionists actually), though I dislike dual-classed mages. I made a Fighter3>Mage once and he was boring to play for he had just as much spellpower as a single-class mage, but with a lot more hitpoint, making him far too powerful (and not likely to drop dead on top of it) to be fun.
I rarely play characters that only cast divine magic, I've had a cleric-ranger multi and a Berserker>Cleric dual-class and for a very short while a Painbearer of Ilmater (me in a BG campaign, but I didn't continue the campaign). Pure rogues and fighters are even more rare, I've played a Stalker once and a half-orc Barbarian once (in a United Races campaign where all 6 were a different race).
My first dnd computer character was an elven cleric of Selune, in iwd2 game. I loved the domain spells and abilities, and I was an avid fan of Sailor Moon and anything moon-related (hence, my name on here) so it was a natural match. Other characters in the party were based on my friends, a roguish fighter guy (who I was secretly in love irl) a half orc barbarian, an aasimar paladin, a human necromancer, and a drow illusionist. Yeah I thought I was smart by picking two specialists that opposed each other so they could have all the spells together.
However, come bg2, arcane spells really lured me. My elven, unkitted cleric was very lackluster in bg2, and enemy mages in bg2 were just so cool. Hence, I was a cleric/mage various duals and multis for a time, and come ToB, I finally gave in:and became a full fledged, wild mage!
What I love about playing a mage, is you can be the support/back up/buffer/debuffer and utility. Also, when necesarry, I can dominate the game with powerful blast spells. Wild mage is just too much fun and I am a huge fan of randomness and chaos. Always played neutral good characters, with chaotic tendencies, and nowadays I think I have matured into chaotic good mind set more and more. My latest wild mage is chaotic good, and is having a blast (literally!) in Athkatla, with a mp created badass archer companion. (who is also my real life boyfriend this time!)
I love making parties based on my IRL friends/significant others n_n
You RP as Alora? and LadyRhian has roleplaying games?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE, MY LOVE?!
/RP Romances Alora in BG1 until I finally make a mod to do so.