The cutest little elf you will ever see!

My eldest son has seen me play the Baldur's Gate series since his birth. Until now, I've told him the games are too complex for children. But when he recently turned nine I realized that argument wouldn't work on him any longer. So despite not really understanding the rules - or even English very well, for that matter - he started playing BG1 on his Android tablet last week. He was very determined to play an elven archer, so I helped him with that. Before leaving for a week at his mom's, he made it so far as to the Friendly Arm Inn. When he arrives home again tomorrow, this portrait awaits him:

I still have a little work to do on it, but I'm more or less done. Below is the original I worked with:

I still have a little work to do on it, but I'm more or less done. Below is the original I worked with:

Post edited by Astafas on
Hope your kid finds some great memories, like I did.
Also, your portrait skills keep on improving. You have your own distinct style, as well. Nice. I think his face would work as a halfling portrait, but elf is cool too. Because halflings are depicted as having round, child-like faces, with that adorable baby fat in their cheeks.
I am saying this because I consider it a artist's mistake.
Gosh, I want to kiss those cheeks!
But the real story is how awesome Astafa's son is! Cute kid, and must be fairly quick if he can pick up this game at that age.