Which non joinable NPC would you make joinable and why?

Hey everybody
Just wondering if you could give a non joinable NPC in BG2, proper voice acting, a decent backstory, a characater arc, some banters and a few quests who would it be and why?
Also please no BG1 joinable NPC's, yes we would all love to see our favorite BG1 characters in BG2, but this is not the poll for that.
Just wondering if you could give a non joinable NPC in BG2, proper voice acting, a decent backstory, a characater arc, some banters and a few quests who would it be and why?
Also please no BG1 joinable NPC's, yes we would all love to see our favorite BG1 characters in BG2, but this is not the poll for that.
- Which non joinable NPC would you make joinable and why?87 votes
- Gaelan Bayle "cause coo he's just so coo coo cool"  2.30%
- Valen "NOT the Weimer mod, this would be something completely new"  3.45%
- Solaufein "same as Valen, something completely new"26.44%
- Saemon Havarain "maybe just to make him go naked mind flayer hunting, no but seriously would you consider having Saeman in your party?"  8.05%
- Unger Hilldark "cause Rasaad ended up not being a duergar"  5.75%
- Kruin "Githyanki wild mage, with sword swinging action"  1.15%
- Reyna knight of Solamnia "well there is a decided lack of female frontliners in BG2"12.64%
- Phaere "Priestess of Lolth"  9.20%
- Ihtafeer "because tigers are cool"  4.60%
- Other/None26.44%
Also learning about his take on Eilistraee, would be interesting.
"why they have so many eyes?"
"whys one bigger than the rest?"
"can they smell if they have no noAGHHRR!!!"
then being promptly petrified and then shattered. XD
That Dwarven phrase means "I will dance in the inn, is it not so?"
I really enjoyed playing the Weimer mod, back in the day. I thought it was an interesting take on him. There was a time when that mod was very popular. I remember seeing cute little cartoons made by fans. One had Anomen boasting to someone in the foreground, while Solaufein was behind the bushes with the PC… Umm… proclaiming her delight in his company… Very cute
Still, I personally got a different vibe from him in the base game. A bit more broody and quiet. A little harder to approach. I have often wondered how the original writers would have written him as a party member and romance.
Similar to what @Lathlaer said, Coran gets a choice to join, but doesn't. Now that I think about it, how many NPCs have that dialog option? Maybe all of them should come in.
I really like what unfinished business adds too his quest,
o SHADOW FORM: This ability temporarily transposes some of the
Shadowdancer’s tissue with shadow-material, making the subject partially
incorporeal. For the next 5 rounds, all physical attacks directed against the
Shadowdancer deal only 50% of their normal damage. During this time the
Shadowdancer is also under the effects of Improved Invisibility and cannot be
directly targeted by spells.
o SHADOW MAZE: This ability opens a temporary gateway to a small pocket
within the Plane of Shadow. All enemies within 10 feet of the Shadowdancer must
make a saving throw vs. spells at a -4 penalty or become trapped inside a shadowy
labyrinth, as per the Maze spell.
o SHADOW TWIN: This ability creates an almost exact duplicate of the
Shadowdancer for 2 turns. The duplicate is created at 60% of the level at which
the Shadowdancer is currently on. It has all the abilities that the Shadowdancer
would have at that level. It also has 60% of the hit points of the Shadowdancer.
The duplicate is fully under the control of the Shadowdancer.
Plus the usual non-trap thief HLA's (use any item, etc)
Oh and Duergar HATE dwarves (Korgan) and probably have mixed feelings about drow (Viconia), their could be alot of potentially interesting bantering going on.
(Unless you side with Bodhi)
I have googled to remember the girl's name and seen that I'm not the first person to think about this: http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php?topic=8932.0
Man, I like travelling. With me in a party, you could feel the Universe.
It would be a fun party if Zaviak and Xan were there.
Because his alignment and personality would fit perfectly in my party (finally, a Lawful Evil Thief!).
I thought the voice actor, Maurice LaMarche, really brought his character to life (he also did Yoshimo's voice). I'm sure much more could have been done to further flesh out his personality and biography with a sharp and witty writer.
also, Lord Foreshadow.