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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited October 2017

    Guys, I've sometimes considered doing a no-reload run made entirely of player-created NPCs, each of which was named after a no-reloader in this thread. The character class would be whichever build the no-reloader in question is most notable for attempting, or which most suits his or her general playstyle.

    For me, that would be a gnomish cleric/mage, and I assume @Alesia_BH would be a halfling Bounty Hunter. What about you guys? What character class would best represent you? @Grond0? @JuliusBorisov? @Enuhal? @Ygramul? @Gotural? @Blackraven? @Wise_Grimwald? @Corey_Russell? @Neverused? @Pokota? @StummvonBordwehr? @Mantis37? @Arctodus? @Harpagornis? @ussnorway? @Iroumen? Anyone else I've forgotten?

    Hear. Hear. This is a great idea.

    Looking forward to the runs this notion will generate.

    Feel free to cross-link any new threads and no-reload runs here.
    After the new thread develops I am also happy to feature it on the front page here.
    Post edited by Ygramul on
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    @Ygramul You gotta give us some pictures man ! We want to see that undestructible Cavalier !
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060

    Do you have Smarter Mages installed? Paladins cast spells as if they were 8 levels lower, which means your Armor of Faith spells will be very easy to dispel even when you max out at level 34 (assuming you still have the XP cap installed), since various ToB enemies will dispel stuff at caster levels well over 20.

    Otherwise, remember that Maze offers no saving throw and instantly ends solo runs. Magic resistance can block it, but an 80% chance of survival sounds really unreliable. Drink Potions of Magic Protection whenever you're around mages to get that MR to 100, and if you see a nearby mage casting a conjuration spell, be aware that it might well be Maze, and you can't stop it once it finishes casting. I don't think there are ToB Maze traps, but I'm not positive.

    Psionic Maze bypasses magic resistance, but it offers a save vs. spell at -4. Since your paladin has the Cavalier kit, you don't need to worry about an extra -2 save penalty for schoolless effects.

    One more thing I'm concerned about: if you don't have everything from SCS installed, you might have vanilla celestials, and unless EE changed them, that means a Fallen Planetar has a 25% chance of landing a vorpal strike with no saving throw (the SCS version offers a save vs. death at -2). Don't know if you'll face any enemy Planetars in your install (I doubt it), but without that SCS nerf, they could easily be fatal.

    Good points, again. Thank you, @semiticgod

    I do have Smarter Mages and indeed they dispel my self buffs if they ever sneeze in my general direction. (Not so with Viconia and Imoen's buffs; they rarely go down.)

    But Armor of Faith is cast fast and I use it basically only for melee emergencies. So, no great worry about that.

    I do not dare solo runs. I have no discipline for it, I think.

    Re: celestials. I think that is one of the SCS components that I do have as it seemed not too disruptive in the readme.

    (I also, e.g., have Improved Dragons. Even with triple hit points and refusing to use HLAs, the endgame Black Dragon in the elf city was quite manageable with some care.)
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited October 2017
    Grond0 said:

    Nice going @Ygramul, but don't relax - there are still threats out there. Not all status effects offer a save, e.g. sleep effect from Mel, implosion spell and Harm from Sendai, maze from Abazigal, stun from Balthazar. However, your party members should be able to help you out there.

    Oooh, thanks for the warning.

    See, I have never faced them in a no-reload run before. (I vaguely remember them from over a decade ago.) Hope I'll get that far.

    Unless any of them have Time Stop immunity (I remember the shock of seeing for the first time that Mel does!!!), Imoen is beginning to get into her own formidable power. (She is a sorcerer in my game.)

    In both the Illisera and Irenicus fights she mopped the mage defenses with a Time Stop, opening the door for a beatdown.

    In the last Irenicus fight, she layed down triple Chain Lightnings with Time Stop and finished off a Balor and maimed a Glabrezu (I figured MR was riskable in a cluster; it paid off).

    Nice team work so far.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060

    Oh, hey, wanted to ask one more thing. (Pardon my many posts today.)

    From a RP and game narrative point, do you recommend taking Sarevok along?

    My party so far is:

    Imoen, Jan, Minsc, Jaheira, Viconia

    If I take Sarevok along (considering dualing him to Mage) then I may have to drop Minsc as all others are necessary.

    But I am worried about missing out some nice Minsc banter. (It has been ages since I played ToB.)

    So, whaddayathink?

    Minsc? Sarevok?

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    ToB is pretty much void of banter, as I recall. I do recall at least dialogue between Sarevok and Viconia, but I can't think of a single banter from Minsc in ToB. Though that might be because I never really did play ToB with him still int he party.

    Sarevok is marginally stronger and I would prefer him to Minsc. But a paladin would probably find it heartbreaking to part with Minsc after slaying so many evil monsters together.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited October 2017
    Mantis37 said:

    Please add my run to the list of immortals :).


    Please tag me with a pasteable 'quote' text including any links that you want me to post.
    Post edited by Ygramul on
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  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    chimaera said:

    Thing is, both Jan and Minsc have hilarious banters with Sarevok. If I had to throw someone out, it would be Jaheira or Vicky.

    Vicky would have my guts for garters, if I tried. ;)

    ... and Jaheira is starting to kick serious but while keeping everyone alive.

    After all, this is still a no-reload run: I can't quite risk not having at least two healers in the party, especially now that they can cast Mass Raise Dead. (Used it a few times as "Heal everyone quick" last resort when hit with AoE damage.)

    I think my survivability for this run is much higher with Jaheira in the party versus Minsc instead.

  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    edited October 2017
    Ygramul said:

    chimaera said:

    Thing is, both Jan and Minsc have hilarious banters with Sarevok. If I had to throw someone out, it would be Jaheira or Vicky.

    Vicky would have my guts for garters, if I tried. ;)

    ... and Jaheira is starting to kick serious but while keeping everyone alive.

    After all, this is still a no-reload run: I can't quite risk not having at least two healers in the party, especially now that they can cast Mass Raise Dead. (Used it a few times as "Heal everyone quick" last resort when hit with AoE damage.)

    I think my survivability for this run is much higher with Jaheira in the party versus Minsc instead.

    Hard luck Wise.

    It's an odd quirk of the game that a berserk Minsc is probably more likely to 'friendly fire' you than your old foe Sarevok.
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