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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I have gotten tired of posting on Zalos' run. See, the run ended a long time ago and I'm just now posting it, since there was a long time where I couldn't access the Internet on my laptop. I have a new run I'm more interested in that I'd like to start posting on.

    So, I'm going to post the lengthy remainder of Zalos' blind party run in one big post after this one. Attached to this post are ALL of the screenshots of Zalos' run up until Lavok... because I'm putting all of the rest of the screenshots, after Lavok, in a big honkin' zip file attached to the next post, in lieu of posting every single one, or posting none at all.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Okay. This is the story of the rest of Zalos' run. Attached is a zip file with all of the screenshots relating to the last half of the run, in case anyone wants to flip through them.

    This guy uses big spells and comes with a lesser mage by his side. The other mage died to poison damage from our traps, but Tolgerias survived long enough to pelt Xiaohei with a Dragon's Breath spell she survived using a Potion of Fire Resistance. When Tolgerias' weapon immunities ran out, our Archers tore him apart.

    The Tanar'ri:
    We need to kill this thing to get a demon heart to escape the Planar Sphere. Problem is, this guy uses Death Gaze and Silence 15' Radius and can see through invisibility. Our monks drink Potions of Invulnerability to resist Death Gaze, while our halfling Bounty Hunters drink Potions of Freedom for the same purpose. Zalos has Arbane's Sword but I'm not willing to trust it to block the paralysis effect.
    Our preparations were wasted. The demon died in seconds to trap damage.

    Draug Fea and the Sewer Dwellers:
    We baited some buffs out of the enemy with item-based summons, then rushed in to damage and disable with traps. Gaius failed a save vs. spell, surprisingly, and got paralyzed by a Special Snare. With Gaius gone, there was no real threat of disablers. We chopped up the clerics and then trapped the remaining enemies to death.

    Mekrath's Lair, the Coiled Cabal:
    We got a single Arrow of Detonation as a random drop after the fight with Draug Fea. I used it via a Simulacrum (Vhailor's Helm) to hurt the Yuan-ti Mages to the east, but it did little damage.
    We ran away from the enemy and hid, eventually sending out Nibidda on his own to set his traps and weaken the enemy. Later, we got bolder, bringing out Gloomwort to attack directly, with Zalos adding her own traps. Some of us got confused, but we divided the enemy enough so that we never got overwhelmed.

    Mekrath's Lair, the Battle with Mekrath Himself:
    Mekrath himself failed a save against Stunning Blow. There was no battle.

    The Riddle Bridge Beneath the Temple Sewers:
    There's a cluster of Beholders on the other side. I usually prefer to sneak past them, but there's a bug here. A Gauth beholder paralyzed Gloomwort despite his invisibility. But then it used a Repulsion ray to knock him out of their line of sight, saving his life. Since Gauths aren't supposed to see through invisibility, I decided to blast the whole group of Beholders with CTRL-Y. It was more fair than buffing with potions to run past them, and more satisfying than CTRL-J.

    The Pit of the Faithless:
    Zalos snatched the Gauntlets of Dexterity and slipped away from the undead with stealth.

    We went no further in the Unseeing Eye quest. We're not equipped to handle Beholders. Not yet.

    The Guarded Compound:
    Yes, we did the Guarded Compound. And no, it wasn't hard. We entered the area invisible. Nibidda used the Ring of Air Control to remain invisible while he disarmed the nearby traps, while Gelimbi drank a potion to compensate for his failed stealth roll. We snuck around the southern rooms and escaped to the southern portion of the area, without drawing the enemy's attention.

    We baited out LOTS of spells from Sion and waited out the duration of his Cornugons, who would have seen through our invisibility had we strayed anywhere near it. We then sent out our Bounty Hunters, with Xiaohei to clear the fog of war for them.

    Traps absolutely wrecked the enemy party, and there was nothing they could do. Sion died from poison damage during his own Time Stop. Traps killed Koshi, Stalman, and Ketta, and paralyzed Maferan and Olaf Rasmussen, allowing our monks to slay the last two with ease.

    We got Celestial Fury. We don't even need it, but it feels great.

    The Planar Prison:
    The first fight was terribly complex. We had few places to hide, and had to choose where to break invisibility very carefully to manage the enemy's pressure. Ultimately, it boiled down to us maneuvering around to avoid the enemy's disablers, and ganging up on the mages to minimize the number of spells they could cast before dying.

    The Coiled Cabal to the east was badly weakened by traps, but it required a lot of retreating and hiding in order to avoid getting punished by a Confusion or Chaos spell. When the enemy started to run out of buffs, our Archers finished the job with poisonous ammunition.

    The Master of Thralls is a powerful foe, but it has no Stoneskins, and that is a big weakness for a party like ours. We can deal lots of missile damage without needing an attack roll, and the only defense against it is Stoneskin or damage resistance.

    The Warden is another story. Early on, he summoned a Fallen Planetar right next to Azorre. The solution was very nerve-wracking, but rewarding in the end. First, we had our thieves and Archers drink an Oil of Speed and flee to the east with the monks (who cannot drink Oils of Speed in EE). Most of the party then fled south to escape the Planetar's attention, but Azorre lingered in the northeast room, leading the Planetar on a merry chase. She circled around the room and stayed just out of the Planetar's reach for round after round, drinking a Potion of Invulnerability to block a vorpal strike from a sword that only once managed to hit her in the first place (the potion still helped block Symbol Fear spells), and using a Rod of Resurrection (borrowed from Zalos to the south, which we got from Mekrath earlier on) to heal Azorre when the Planetar resorted to Fire Storm spells.

    Planetars are tough cookies, but they can't move as fast as a monk with the Boots of Speed... or any hasted character, I think, with the Boots of Speed. If you stay out of reach, all you have to worry about are its spells: Symbol Fear, Fire Storm, and Unholy Word. A high-enough level character will only get deafened by Unholy Word, Symbol Fear can be blocked by Resist Fear, Remove Fear, or a Potion of Clarity, and Fire Storm can be blocked with simple fire resistance (but not magic resistance, which Fire Storm bypasses). But in the chaos of battle, it may be very difficult to keep multiple characters away from the Planetar. It would be better to keep the Planetar focused on only one decoy.

    With the Planetar gone, it was safe to fight the Warden. He hit us with Power Word: Blind and Meteor Swarm, but nothing we couldn't handle. Traps and missile weapons broke down his Stoneskins and took him down.

    Cookies, the Acid Kensai:
    We got ambushed by Cookies on the way out of the Five Flagons. I hadn't thought about him at all. Now that we have Celestial Fury, he's going to be coming after us whenever we show up in Athkatla, until one of us is dead.

    Cookies is a Tactics enemy, a Kensai(13)->Mage with saving throws below -10, immunity to elemental damage, and a special sword, Sanchuudoku, a +4 katana that grants immunity to acid, deals 2d4 acid damage on hit, and lowers acid resistance by 25% on hit, with no save. It also has an infamous Acidic Backlash ability, which will pelt a very weak acid arrow spell at attackers. Problem is, that spell can't be blocked, and it fires every single time you take any offensive action against him. Merely by attacking him, you expose yourself to acid damage, and that damage builds up. Worse yet, Cookies himself does about 40 damage per hit, and he's equipped with undroppable versions of late-game BG2 items. Basically, he's a duplicate of a Kensai/Mage Charname, but with a stupidly powerful katana.

    We flee the area and set some traps in the Slums. Cookies shows up later, but the traps do almost nothing to him. He has lots of Stoneskin spells, and is immune to poison damage, and thanks to his subzero saving throws, there is no chance of him getting paralyzed by a Special Snare.

    Cookies will attack Charname preferentially, but if you run away while invisible, eventually he'll stop chasing you. We lure him across many traps, making a big circle around the Slums, and eventually resort to having Gloomwort attacking him. But we take too long, and Cookies decides to leave. He always leaves the area after 6 turns if the battle isn't yet over, and will return later on to try again.

    I don't know how to deal with Cookies, so I continue instead to the main questline.

    Bodhi's Lair:
    We keep everyone invisible but Xiaohei. Xiaohei has a pip in maces, so we give her the Improved Mace of Disruption and a scroll of Protection from Undead, and send her around Bodhi's lair to smite undead most explosively. The Clay Golem can see through Protection from Undead, so she sneaks past it.

    I know from @Blackraven's runs that it's possible to cut the fight with Bodhi short by running away from her, which triggers her retreating dialogue early. I don't remember if that worked here, though, or if Xiaohei just damaged Bodhi enough to get her to leave. After clearing up the remaining Grimward Archers (the Shield of Reflection helped a lot here), we rested and left the area.

    The Return of the Acid Kensai:
    Cookies appears outside, right on top of Xiaohei. He hits her two or three times before she can drink a potion and slip away.

    He casts Death Fog, tacking on a little more damage. It'll take a full round to escape the cloud, but Zalos had 9 HP left--she can take one hit from Death Fog and keep running.

    Cookies gets stuck behind Xiaohei, so Zalos is safe from Cookies' katana. I consider ducking into the Crypt King's former hideout to heal up, but if Cookies follows us in, he might appear right on top of Zalos, and she could get chunked within a second. Instead, I have Zalos try to drink a second potion.

    Right before she dies, I realize my mistake.

    Cookies lowered her acid resistance with Sanchuudoku. Those strikes brought her acid resistance into the negatives, which means Death Fog does more than 8 damage to her. The Death Fog finishes her off before she can drink another potion and escape to safety.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    That was a long post.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Thank you, @semiticgod , @Blackraven and @Gotural for all you stories. It's not an easy business, to create these reports, and it takes time. But these reports are so useful, they can serve to other players.

    @semiticgod , it's especially not easy to write about things which happened "days and weeks ago". Nice to see new spells in your playthrough. "For every Web there's Stinking Cloud".

    @Blackraven Congrats once again! Am I right in understanding your fiancee participates in your run, at least from a stalking point of view? Also, wands and wands. They help a lot, don't they?

    @Gotural It's always right to take a no-risk path, even with insanely powerful Blackguards in the party :)
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    You are right, I often read other players reports to learn about BG2, especially from @semiticgod because we are actually playing the same part of the game at the same time which is funny I think.
    I was wondering if I could take down the first level of Watcher's Keep and boom, he posted a report about it, how he dealt with their HLAs and so forth which is going to be tremendously useful.

    It is also nice to see that sometime he struggles during a fight that I thinked was easy and sometimes it is the opposite, the Shadow Thief Guildhall is a good example as I nearly lost my run there and drained a lot of my ressources.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited December 2015
    Anselm the Blackguard, SoA part 6 :

    We started with Hexxat's quest.

    As soon as I entered the new tomb, a fight occured with a group of specters, two of them are powerful spellcasters able to cast Time Stop.

    I saw they had no spell protections on, so I ordered Edwin to use Power Word : Stun but it went very badly.


    She finished her Time Stop just before Edwin's cast, and she casted Spell Turning during the Time Stop, which means that as soon as the Time Stop ends, Edwin will stun himself with his own Power Word : Stun as I won't have the time to tell him to stop. It was such a great play from the IA, I was really pleased by SCS.

    Another Time Stop, by the second spellcaster who casts the same spell than the first one.

    Hexxat get blasted away, and Korgan suffers greatly.


    We managed to hold them, thanks to Korgan, until their protections wear off. It took some time though, because of their Chain Contingency. But at some point, Anselm poisoned them and soon after they fell.


    Many traps here, as expected from a Thief quest. Some riddles too but nothing too difficult even with my poor english.

    There is another big fight with 3 spellcasters but I send 5 Skeletons Warriors to get rid of them, not very interesting.


    When we come back to Athkatla, we are attacked by some far more dangerous foes than usual. It is a party composed of high level Fighters, Paladins and Mages. And they are not here to take a joke.


    We retreated to the southwest corner to buff a bit while Korgan held Sir Jolus.


    Then we came back to finish the job, using our spells at disposal.


    Just before killing the last knight, the Mage summoned a Planetar then escaped.
    The Planetar was still very strong for us, so we tried to split the group and Hexxat died again.


    We wait in the inn for Hexxat to reappear, then as soon as we left, we are ambushed by another group of guards. A double group this time. Hopefully Death Spell made short work of the majority of them.
    Then we went to the Planar Sphere, a dangerous place at least.

    The first rooms are easily cleared, until we faced Tolgerias of course.


    He casted a combination of Improved Alacrity, Fallen Planetar, Time Stop, Dragon's Breath, and so forth.


    Hopefully Dorn was hasted so he managed to escape the area of effect of the Dragon's Breath.
    But Tolgerias casted a Remove Magic in his direction, so he drank an Oil of Speed just after the dispell to continue to kite the Fallen Planetar.


    During this time, the Fallen Planetar used two Firestorms so we had to run around like mad.
    Korgan get blinded, and Dorn was killed by the vorpal sword. But Tolgerias wasn't protected anymore.
    Anselm rushed in and poisoned him to death.


    Afterward, we fought Lavok.

    There is not much space to flee or run here, so we needed to fight fair this time.
    I scattered my party a bit, to avoid AoE spells as much as possible.
    Soon enough, he unleashed his Time Stop.


    And as usual, a Fallen Planetar was chasing us.
    This time, I decided to confront her directly and send Anselm to deal with her (he has a save vs death below -2 so 'normally' he cannot die).


    He killed her rather fast, then Lavok fell aswell.


    After finishing the Planar Sphere, we are attacked by the high level group again and again. Now I confront the Planetar everytime, Anselm can take her out safely and she is worth 20,000 XP which is strange for a summon. Still the Planetar is a lot stronger than her Fallen counterpart because she can instantly cast the Heal spell at least 3 times. So I need to take her down 4 times to kill her which is draining.
    Post edited by Gotural on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Planar Sphere! We're running out of pre-Spellhold quests.

    These days, the halfling cannibals of the Planar Sphere aren't as scary for me as they used to be. But they remain interesting fights. Death Spell remains a lot of fun.

    As for Togan and his fellows, the real fight, Yoshimo disables several halflings at once, but Mogadish's Physical Mirror bounces Yoshimo's trap, allowing him to reverse Yoshimo's progress with a single spell.

    Yoshimo runs away, tossing a second trap on the way out. The most dangerous enemy fails his save.

    Mogadish no longer has Remove Paralysis on hand. Kayardi is going to stay defenseless until the 5-round hold effect wears off. We use Fire Seeds to bypass any defenses Kayardi might possess. Fire Seeds are quite flashy.

    Fire Seeds burn down the whole enemy group. There was barely any fight.

    For Necre and Taibela, I try a slightly different approach. Instead of attacking from the south and using the chokepoint there, I have Yoshimo initiate the battle from the east.

    Fire Seeds keep the enemy's spells off when we do engage. Necre falls to Anomen, and finally Taibela fails a save against Bala's Axe, twice, before Zalos deals the final blow.

    I've gotten accustomed to snatching items without fighting enemies, so I do it with Yoshimo and whatever items lie in the room east of Taibela. All I remember is that it has 10 Tchazar Gems and maybe a quest item thingy.

    Lavok awaits Zalos. Again.
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