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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Anselm's Rampage : SoA part 2

    The evil party went to the Shadow Thieves Guildhall and completed a few missions. They stole some statuette, killed some cowled wizard, recruited Edwin then betrayed their master Mae'Var and murdered him.


    In the tombs beneath Athkatla, Edwin's Death Spell proved to be very handy against a swarm of spiders.


    Afterward, the group faced its first big challenge, a Lich. Edwin and Hexxat, both protected by Mirror Image, provoked the spellcaster. They were accompanied by a few Skeleton Warriors summoned by Viconia.
    The rest of the party was left behind, especially Anselm, to avoid drawing attention and getting annihilated by some Dragon's Breath or other nasty spells.

    The Lich was fully prebuff, and its Chain Contingency contained some ADHW, so my strategy worked fine. Nobody was hurt.


    But then it started to summon very nasty creatures, notably a Fallen Planetar which could very well slaughter our whole party alone. Plus some Nabassu and Glabrezu for the fun. Our party retreated to the north while Hexxat, who was chased by the Planetar, went to the south in the tomb we already cleared a few days ago.


    Hasted by a Oil of Speed, she managed to outrun the Planetar for 20 rounds straight, until it disappeared. I chose Hexxat for this job because as a Vampire, she has a very high natural regeneration which proved useful against the Insect Plague spells (even if she still had to drink a Potion of Extra-Healing to survive the three Flame Strike spells).

    She came back to our party, all the fiends were unsummoned aswell, trying to fight their own master and the Skeletons Warriors and now we were nearly ready to destroy the Lich.


    In my opinion this is by far the biggest of their weakness : a very slow movement speed.
    The fight started 25 rounds ago, and the Lich was still in the corridor, attacked by our summons.
    We summoned a few others, thanks to Hexxat's innate power and Edwin's spellcasting.
    The Lich wasted more and more spells on them until it has nothing else than Magic Missiles and Melf Acid Arrows.


    At this point, everyone in the group is at full health and the Lich has nearly nothing left. It's time to close in for the kill. Hexxat took the last spells remaining with her passive regeneration once again and the job was done.


    Edwin could finally get the Nether Scroll he wanted so much ...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Adding to the Tresset's report, I should mention the party had a lot of fun in the wyvern cave. Just count all those creatures on the ground:


    Dealing with the Drasus's party was unexpectedly easy in this run. The fact Gowrek can now freely run through the area with Webs helps greatly. If I'm correct, we didn't even need the Greenstone Amulet so far.

    The situation when Gotural used the Wand of Fire instead of the Wand of Paralysis so that 3 members of the team suffered greatly doesn't count :)



    Before the Davaeorn's fight it was decided that Gowrek would tank the mage while the rest of the group, especially Moros, would keep waves of coming guards at bay.

    At the start, it went as we had planned:



    But then, completely suddenly for me (because I was focused on the door), our group lost one member - Llolnae. I checked back the log - the drow was petrified, but thankfully wasn't hit afterwards. According to @GemHound, Llolnae saw the Davaeorn's magic defences were over and she rushed to use some magic ... only to become a victim of magic herself...



    It was a moment of panic, with people warning Davaeorn would go for Llolnae. But she still wasn't dead and there was a hope that Gowrek would block the mage's way to the statue.

    Loki had to actively start using the Wand of heavens on the coming guards, because there were plenty of them, and then the lucky message was shown in the log: Davaeorn: Death.


    It wasn't "the greatest miracle of luck" that we had a Stone to Flesh scroll: in fact, there's one more left in the scrollcase. With Chromatic orbs from Silke and Nimbul flying around, Loki thought it was a good idea to spend our money on buying several scrolls.

    After Davaeorn was defeated, we had a task of clearing the previous floor because of its potions, scrolls and a katana +1. The task was not easy because it turned out we couldn't rest anywhere - although Loki did get a new Slow Poison special ability.


    Being unable to rest, we had to use all the inner resourses to fight. Gotural, being a FMC, became nearly a god, enhancing his skills and using Mirror Image:


    The ogre mage fell under the effect of the Wand of Paralysis, while Natasha couldn't resist Web.



    Tldr: the Davaeorn fight is a tricky one. The party still is not of high levels while the enemy can cast high-level spells and the constant waves of bandits don't leave much time to wait till the Davaeorn's defences end. Usually it's a fight that separates the beginning of BG1 from the rest. Out tactics worked in the end, with only one surprise in the form of Llolnae's petrification. Gotural touched an interesting topic that in a single player no-reload losing a created character - the charname - means the end, while here it was just one of those "use additional spell" things.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @Blackraven Thank you very much ! Yes I defeated improved Thaxxy', it is an easy battle even with SCS and the optional component to increase their HP, here is the line of my Weidu log that refers to it.

    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6540 // Smarter dragons -> Dragons have a substantial hit point increase: v30

    As you can see in my screenshots, my whole party but Korgan is unharmed so you can see it is quite an easy encounter. However it is in my opinion the only easy Dragon because Fiirkraag is a very different story ...
    My party is also at level 12 which help of course.

    Its sad to see Evangeline gone so soon, I hope you are going to play this Gnome Illusionist/Thief of yours and I'm sure you will do an excellent run with him !
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I debate the matter with myself for a while. Theoretically, I might have avoided the bug if I had given TorGal more breathing room in which to fall down, and that would suggest the reload was my doing, and therefore the run should end. But TorGal did have time to fall down--on multiple occasions, we had to run away from TorGal, and at the end we left him completely alone. Also, the tactic of giving Trolls breathing room to prompt them to fall isn't really how the game is supposed to work. It's just how people cope with the bug.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited December 2015
    @semiticgod Good progress thus far with your party !
    I had a similar problem with Tor'Gal recently when I fought him in my last update but I'm not sure it is a bug.
    I don't know if one of my mods or the last patch of BG2:EE fixed the Troll's issue but during the entire De'Arnise Keep, every Trolls I encountered went down in about one or two seconds at most when focused by my entire party, I didn't need to stop attacking them at Near Death to allow them to fall.
    I was surprised but happy to see that this "famous" bug didn't occur in my game.

    Then I fought Tor'Gal.

    First I killed the others baddies swiftly. In the end it was my entire party versus him alone and I brang him down to Near Death status.
    Note that at this stage, my party is doing a lot of damage and is, hopefully, outdamaging Tor'Gal's regeneration.
    But then he refused to die, he called for help/healing even though everyone else was dead and then he started to regenerate ... very ... very fast.
    In about 2 rounds, he went from Near Death to Badly Injured to Injured and so on, while my entire party fully buffed plus my summons were still dealing damage to him.
    After he was back to full health, his overwhelming regeneration stopped, I brang him back to Near Death status one more time and the same thing happened. He started to regenerate ten times as fast as usual until back to Uninjured.

    At this point I thought of a bug, but I continued to fight, and this time when I brang him to Near Death, he finally died.
    In total I dealt him about 500 damages before he finally went down.
    After the fight, I wasn't sure it was a bug anymore because in my case, he didn't survived the whole fight at "Near Death" while everyone was ganging on him, instead he regenerated his way back to Uninjured, multiples times. So I think that SCS gives him some kind of super strong regeneration when low on health that must be overcome a few times before you can finally kill him.
    Post edited by Gotural on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Gotural: I don't think so. I just went over TorGal's files and there's nothing in his scripts to indicate a recovery period.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    I just fought that battle myself two or three days ago, with a similar but not experience; it's recorded at the Bioware forum. I also had him go to Near Death, and withdrew all my attackers to allow him to fall. Waited two rounds or so running around, and he... didn't. I return to attacking him to find that he's immune to everything I have (!!!!), including Fire and Acid. I wait to see if he collapses again. A mouseover reveals that he's back to Uninjured, as though he had been taken down and not killed. He dies on the second takedown, though.

    This is under SCSv30, improved D'arness Keep without Tactics Spirit Trolls. So I'd look at either SCS or the EEs to find the source of this one, though the staircase locking is definitely BP2.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @semiticgod You did the right thing I think. Strange regeneration, invulnerability, or whatever : Tor'Gal should die after Near Death, period. I don't know what is causing this behavior.

    @Neverused I had the same install, SCS v30 improved De'Arnise without the Tactics Spirit Trolls. Maybe he was immune to my damage after bringing him to Near Death, I didn't look closely enough. It could explain the "incredible regeneration while I was hitting him".
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited December 2015
    @semiticgod @Neverused @Gotural The latest EE patch changed the way trolls behave. I suspect that the problems you are having with TorGal are due to the possibility that SCS may not have updated to accommodate these changes.

    By the way, you could try using a Finger of Death or Disintegrate on TorGal to see if that works. I believe it works in EE without SCS but I wouldn't know about what SCS does to trolls.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Tresset: I'm afraid Trolls are immune to Disintegrate in my install. Finger of Death would work, but it's dicey in a no-reload run. Also, this party has no spellcasters whatsoever. It's two blind Bounty Hunters, two blind monks, and two Archers. No Finger of Death or Disintegrate for us.
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