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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • sluckerssluckers Member Posts: 280
    edited November 2015
    A good run, Neverused. It's nice to see another druid. I've recently fallen in love with the class myself. Haven't played an avenger but I'll definitely need to give it a try. I'll just have to add it to the list of non-fighter types I've yet to play... which is becoming a rather long list the more I read this thread. After reading your playthrough I might even have an inkling of how to use an Avenger, too.

    Very informative and enjoyable.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    sluckers said:

    A good run, Neverused. It's nice to see another druid. I've recently fallen in love with the class myself. Haven't played an avenger but I'll definitely need to give it a try. I'll just have to add it to the list of non-fighter types I've yet to play... which is becoming a rather long list the more I read this thread. After reading your playthrough I might even have an inkling of how to use an Avenger, too.

    Very informative and enjoyable.

    Haha, informative? I thought I was posting the very, very barebones of what I was doing with little to no explanation. :tongue:
    I'll give a bit more in-depth here, though. The very early game is played as a standard druid until level 2 spells are available, so easy experience like Shoal (5k), Marl (900), Firebead Elvenhair's book (300), and so on. Anything without any ranged capabilities is fair game here, really. Level 3 you get to play with Webs, and things are low enough level that outside of immunities and minor globes of invulnerability that two Webs can almost always guarantee a successful Hold and thus free hits. All level 2 slots should go to Web for awhile; by the end of BG1, Milan had something like 6 Webs and 1 Resist Fire/Cold, and that wasn't even used. Make sure that even if you're not proficient with it to carry a sling for this, since Dart range sometimes doesn't allow you to hit the target without getting hit yourself.
    Level 3 Druid spells are pretty standard; Miscast Magic, Summon Insects, Call Lightning are all decent options for shutting down casters if Web hasn't already done it already.
    At level 7, two important benchmarks: first, you gain your shape shifts; I have SCS installed with improved Shapeshifting, so my experience is probably significantly different than someone playing without mods.
    Sword Spider is probably the craziest one at this point at this level, since most things still can't save consistently vs a Web and the Sword Spider is immune. So 1d4 + 1 damage 4 times a round, perma-hitting, with a chance to poison every hit. Also note that you have Hasted speed, which allows the Avenger to easily be the best kit for kiting tactics. (Maybe not the best kiting damage, but you really can't be caught if you're kiting in Spider form.) Also note that this has the best AC value; with something setting DEX to 18, and a +1 Ring or Cloak, and a regular buckler, and you have -6 AC.
    Fire Salamander's good for the Fire Shield, also has the Haste effect, and is 100% immune to fire. Useful for some things, useless in others.
    Baby Wyvern I can't find a use for.
    Note the Bear forms, if only because it has the highest STR scores and might be useful in busting a few locks and doors.
    Second important benchmark: Level 4 grants both Call Woodland Beings and Improved Invisibility. The former, positioned correctly, ends mundane encounters and Improved Invisibility can help end caster encounters.
    There's not too much improvement from here, though Iron Skins certainly helps and Chaotic Commands as well (why I never remembered to cast this is a mystery).

    Important equipment: Wand of the Heavens, since an Avenger still doesn't have THAT much blasting power.
    I like Gauntlets of Dexterity to improve the Spider form's DEX, though that later got replaced by the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (Bandit camp) and eventually the Gauntlets of Ogre Strength, turning the Spider form into a monster hitting for 4 - 9 with 4 hits per round, plus poison on a failed save vs death. Silly? A little bit. Painful? Very much so.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    This reminds me of an old myth that Might and Magic 6 cannot be completed with a party consisting of all 4 knights. Now when you're trying to beat BG2 with a party of all fighters, it's very interesting. I haven't seen that before.

    Also, about your portraits at the left side of the UI, it looks differently when the portraits have black frames around them.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited November 2015

    The Alliance

    A no-reload 4-character modded IWD run

    The End

    Rest in Peace good Darien, for we will miss you.


    I mismanaged this fight right from the start. Celebrian got held and I didn't want to use my only dispel to free her, so I tried to fight on without her. Gudrun couldn't do it with potions alone, so I tried to bug out using Invisibility 10'. Gudrun died before the spell was cast and then Darien fired an arrow just after and broke his invisibilty. The lizard men chunked him in two hits. I was actually able to get the other two out, mainly because the lizards didn't follow them.

    I can't see any hope of winning this with only three characters and no thief.

    I don't think I'm ready for a four person party yet. When I try again, it will be with a full 6 characters. I'm thinking of a fighter heavy party next time, with only a bard for arcane casting.

    This was my first no-reload run in any game, so it was quite a learning experience.

    Really weird thing too, in the mad scramble to pick up all the stuff from the ground, I ended up with two copies of the bag of holding and the ammo belt. They're pointing to the same store file, because if I take something out of one of them, it's gone from the other also.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @BillyYank: I had that happen to me in a no-reload IWD thread, getting a character chunked in single-player mode. I permitted myself to create a level 1 character to replace them, even though that's only possible in multiplayer mode (I moved the save file temporarily from "save" to "mpsave"). I figured the rest of the game would be unpleasant if I continued like I was.

    It actually happened twice, I think. A third of my party got chunked. I had a similar thing happen in a BG2 run, in which I think four characters in total got chunked.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    @BillyYank: I had that happen to me in a no-reload IWD thread, getting a character chunked in single-player mode. I permitted myself to create a level 1 character to replace them, even though that's only possible in multiplayer mode (I moved the save file temporarily from "save" to "mpsave"). I figured the rest of the game would be unpleasant if I continued like I was.

    It actually happened twice, I think. A third of my party got chunked. I had a similar thing happen in a BG2 run, in which I think four characters in total got chunked.

    I actually thought about bringing in a new character, but it didn't seem right somehow. I've had this other party in mind for a long time anyhow, so I think I'll just see how that plays out. I still have the saves, so I may just come back to it someday.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Hilarious, @sluckers !

    "Hii-YAA! It's me, Yoshimo..."

    Sorry to see your run ended, @BillyYank! I hope your new adventure will outlast the previous one.

    And excellent discovery about the Efreeti Bottle, @semiticgod .
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @BillyYank , Condolences on your lost run, and good luck with your new one. I like the Robin Hood theme. IWD is great for trying theme parties.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    edited November 2015
    Wow. I am overwhelmed at the stream of excellent posts!

    I try to give prominent 'Subject Line' exposure to every run. Having so many fascinating events happen all at once means that I will be rotating the titles between runs.

    Thank you all.
    Particularly, @bengoshi @semiticgod @sluckers @BillyYank for fantastic adventures -- with extra kudos to Epona Rae for the hillarious narrative.

    Also, particularly looking forward to more of the Multiplayer run.
    Post edited by Ygramul on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Several things could have probably fixed the situation had I thought a little more. Bringing out Ice Arrows and Darts of Wounding earlier on, and maybe some other melee weapons like the Flail of Ages and Halcyon, would have prevented the first Chaos spell, allowing us to coordinate our attacks and shut down the other mages' spellcasting as well, though it would have been costly in terms of ammunition.

    Potions also could have kept us safe from the disablers, either Potions of Clarity to block them, Potions of Invulnerability (an expensive and less effective option in this case), or even Potions of Invisibility to sneak away and wait out some enemy buffs. It's another costly option, but it likely would have helped us come out ahead.

    Most importantly, I should have avoided the Sphere of Chaos. Even a dwarven fighter won't make all of his or her saves without adequate support. I did the math and the odds of getting hit by a disintegration effect during Sphere of Chaos is surprisingly high. It's a 10% chance each time, but Sphere of Chaos strikes 10 times over 10 rounds. The odds of a character never getting hit by a disintegrate effect are equal to 0.9^10, or about 35%. That doesn't account for saving throws, which can negate the effect regardless. But it's pretty high for a no-reload run.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    In the Narrator's voice:

    You have been disintegrated by enemies and must restart your game!
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    I had no idea the game would attack me while it was "paused"! Stupid... whatever the heck kind of lag went on there...
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