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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,749
    edited February 2016
    lroumen said:

    Shield amulet has never failed me before. Do you guys have mods installed? In general I do not...

    In the single-player it haven't failed me as well, both with the SCS mod installed and not. Rasaad has been heavily relying on it so far.

    But in the MP it indeed has been working randomly: at one time preventing the damage from MM and at another not preventing it.

    The duo monks run is difficult because I can't let any of the characters to get close to the majority of enemies, no matter how low their AC is - they are being hit even with -9 AC that potions of invulnerability provide. A wizard slayer or a shapeshifter druid can at least wear helmets, so they may not be afraid to tank in different situations.

    Also, this run has changed my view on monks - they are actually not "one-trick ponies" - they require a lot of micromanagement, starting with constant kiting and switching fists for daggers and darts. They can hide in shadows, and I constantly use this skill - the added speed lets them run away from enemies and hide often. The ring of free action works on monks not slowing their speed.

    But for a run with the full party I wouldn't risk choosing a monk, even a dark moon monk, as charname.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    bengoshi said:

    I figured out it was time for Meshanis to send Nabassu back to Nine Hells...

    @bengoshi Demons come from the Abyss, you silly.
    bengoshi said:

    Tresset read that Nabassu had 50% MR and regenerated 2 HP/round, but it turned out this one didn't.

    I actually checked its stats in NI when I told you that. The Nabassu does have 50% MR, but the regeneration rate was what I was unsure of. Now that I have time to check more thoroughly it turns out that it has an extremely slow regeneration rate of 1 HP per 6 hours.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I have lost quite some characters in a noreload on impossible odds critical hits, well, then you do the math and your character is bound to be hit with one throughout the game...
    I can understand micromanagement being need for safety.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,749
    An excellent idea of making a post here: this way one person can write a report and I can add screenshots (it looks like it's easier for me to take them than for others).

    The spirit of MP run lives even in such united reports.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited February 2016
    This challenge is modeled off of this one:

    Female, Half-elf, Cleric of Helm

    Lawful Neutral, 7 rerolls, Female2(I changed it to default)
    I'm not gonig to roll my characters this run.
    Post edited by GemHound on
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    Ah a new post in this thread. I thought it was the calm before the storm.
    Or perhaps everyone is busy beta-testing or they went skiing. :smile:

    Indeed your monks were lucky guys, not sure there is a way to eliminate such a factor under your conditions but I am not used to monks in BG1. Do you have a way to identify the assassin before he strikes ?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,749
    edited February 2016
    Musigny said:

    Indeed your monks were lucky guys, not sure there is a way to eliminate such a factor under your conditions but I am not used to monks in BG1. Do you have a way to identify the assassin before he strikes ?

    The Dark Moon Monk has the Detect Illusion skill (and according to it should work against a thief who used the potion of invisibility) but Slythe is hasted and there's simply no time to dispel his invisibility before he strikes. Even if Sigyn retreated, Slythe would still get her due to his speed being faster than the monk's of the 8th level.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    Well done!

    I have to check whether you can dispel Slythe's illusion. I tend to believe you cannot, again to be checked.
    In fact my initial question was more related to the dopplegangers (sorry for the lack of precision)

    Here that's even different.
    From the general perspective one thing that may help a bit is to "track" a hidden guy with the ring scorcher obtained from the red wizards but you need the opportunity to do so and this may never come. Obvioulsy in the no-reload you don't want to take the first hit. Anyway this lasts two rounds.
    The way you managed Sarevok perfectly makes sense but it makes me think that the designers who initially made him 100% magic resistant were not entirely wrong.
    I like the SCS idea to decrease his elemental resistance. Taking one more step and having average score in all categories would make him a challenge for most party composition.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,749
    edited February 2016
    Update from the Monty Python Crew.

    After the Bandit Camp we decided to go straight to the Cloakwood forest, without exploring the Sword Coast.

    There, when we reached the archdruid tree, Tresset expressed a desire to see how powerful the archdruid was. Gotural and me previously shared our thoughts on this: "We need to fight with druids as little as possible". But brave Shari went upstairs. The Dispel Magic ability from the Inquisitor works wonders in BG1. After the druid's protections were gone, Shari attacked with bolts of biting. The poisoned archdruid couldn't do anything. When my character reached the second floor, the druid was already dead.


    The journey through the Cloakwood forest was rather smooth. We reached the Mines but still didn't get any ambushes. So we decided to travel back and forth till we get one - we didn't want to get an ambush when we wouldn't be prepared.

    And again the Inquisitor was the main character here. The True Seeing ability - and both thieves went visible.


    After the main threat was cancelled, the fight didn't last too long.




    Before facing the Drasus's party we discussed how we were going to do it. Webs-Fireballs and summons to distract them.

    After Gotural casted Webs, we waited several rounds till Drasus could spoke. But he didn't. And then Gotural released a fireball. Then I added another from the Necklace of Missiles. The fight didn't even start before it was over. Later we discussed it a bit - I said that it was our 3rd time and we won twice in a fair way, so maybe cheating a bit this time was OK. Gotural said we didn't cheat because we prepared for the fight but it turned out our preparation was not needed. Tresset said that basically you couldn't expect Drasus and Co to be friendly because it was the bandit's territory.





    In the Mines Shari, being a paladin, talked to a bandit's soul:


    Then, because of the wrong pathfinding, our Mr. L&T got trapped by bandits. We decided we would ctrl+r him later and concentrated on fighting this group of bandits from the start.


    Hareishan was the first enemy in BG1, on whom Shari's Dispel didn't work:


    Then Shari got into a sutuation when Chaos was flying into her way. Tresset gulped a potion of Magic Blocking, which was the only correct option. Even a Gotural's advice came later.



    Then Meshanis was pushed through the wall by his own summons:


    The next level of the Mines was a bit buggy. At first, Meshanis nearly died because Gotural was not ready for an area switch.


    Then Meshanis inflicted 48 damage on my character, although he casted Skull trap on the normal level and it should have inflicted 36 damage maximum.


    It was an obvious bug, so we revived my character. At last, our summons became permanent - they didn't unsummon with time:


    Both Ogre Mage and Natasha fell because of bolts of biting, used by Shari.




    Our Inquisitor should have been a Blackguard inside.


    Before facing Davaeorn, we again discussed the strategy. It was decided Shari should face him, use Dispel (because it's possible even under the effect of Protection from Magic), while my character would gulp potions of heroism, invulnerability, and frost giant strength and would block the way for bandit guards, with the support of Meshanis.

    Davaeorn almost from the start teleported to the main group. That was a bit scary but... he was dispelled, he didn't have protections. I used the Crev's character and casted Command - it succeeded, then Shari poisoned him with her crossbow.

    Gotural: "Is this real life? Am I dreaming? It should be a dream".

    It was probably the easiest and the fastest Davaeorn in my history of playing BG, just like the Bandit camp previously had been.





    Tresset later said that the Dave's saving throws are 4,3,5,7,5 - in our case he failed his 2 saving throws against Spells (Command) and Poison (bolts of biting).

    Overall, it was a great session. I'm very impressed by the Inquisitor. I had read in the past @Lord_Tansheron 's view that an Inquisitor is a must for SCS no-reload party runs but actually haven't tried this kit much. And our current run shows that probably the Inquisitor is the best option for the Bhaalspawn. At least, in the MP, when you have not much time to go inventory management and have to react quickly to glitches and unexpected actions, the character who can dispel almost everything, who can stop enemies' invisibility, and do both these things very quickly, who has a lot of HPs, a good armor and whose weapon causes poison in mages is definitely the "man of the game".

    In the end, we had a small chat about, you know, a pity that there're only three of us currently participating in the MP. It was very fun when GemHound, Meyahi, semiticgod, Neverused, CrevsDaak played. Even while there're only three of us, it's very cool, the coolest way of playing BG is to play in a team. The playthrough will be quite a long one, and maybe we'll even play SoD - and it will be the first ever playthrough of a BG game for all of us.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    It was a really great session! Not only very fun, but also very productive.

    To my mind Inquisitors are better in BG1 than in BG2 if SCS is installed. The first reason being their immunities to Hold and Charm effects which are so dangerous early in the game. In BG2 you can find many ways to make you immune to these and your saving throws are good enough anyway.

    Then their Dispel Magic and True Sight abilities are, I think, far better in the first game where enemies don't have access to Spell Immunity : Abjuration / Divination and your own casters won't get Remove Magic until a good portion of the game. And you won't be able to use Breach at all during BG1.

    Meanwhile in BG2, every casters come prebuffed with Spell Immunity : Abjuration/Divination which makes the Inquisitor abilities useless as long as you don't destroy them, then all it takes is a Breach from your Mage to bring down the enemy's protections (Dispeling the smalls buffs like Shield, Chant, Free Action, and so forth isn't really important).

    The instant cast True Sight is still very good though, especially against all the Thieves who drink Potions of Invisibility every rounds.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Gotural said:

    Meanwhile in BG2, every casters come prebuffed with Spell Immunity : Abjuration/Divination which makes the Inquisitor abilities useless as long as you don't destroy them, then all it takes is a Breach from your Mage to bring down the enemy's protections (Dispeling the smalls buffs like Shield, Chant, Free Action, and so forth isn't really important).

    It's not EVERY mage that has SI:A (though it's frequent), also Dispel can hit invisible enemies, multiple enemies, and your own party when needed. It's also instant and, more importantly, lvl 0 meaning it penetrates spell level immunities.

    I continue to find Inquisitors extremely useful in SCS, but it's by no means "required". However, given how good Paladins are in general (thanks in large parts due to Carsomyr) I find Inquisitor to be perhaps the best choice among their kits in BG2.

    I suppose you could also boil things down to whether you want to trade Paladin spell levels or Mage spell levels for your dispel. Paladins aren't terribly great casters (DuHM is essentially the only thing you'd ever really want to cast) - but mages are.

    The True Sight is also a big part, by the way, especially in SCS.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,749
    Welcome to the thread, @Otherguy! Good luck to Chaen!
  • OtherguyOtherguy Member Posts: 157
    Thank you! been a reader of this particular thread for a few months on and off now. Really some excellent playthroughs here.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    Please do not hesitate to paste your weidu log as well as a few screenshots (me like pictures, cannot read, raahh).
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    Alright... I finally got around to finishing Farien in BG1EE with SCS. I have lots of pictures, but most of them are of my squishy targets eating arrow after arrow and dying. Dwarven defenders in SCS have the problem that they simply aren't focused, ever, and the ones you're trying to protect take all the archer aggression. I had intended at the beginning of the run to donate significant sums to the temples... I revised the idea as I spent around half my gold on resurrections anyways.

    Let's see, memorable moments: I almost got wiped trying to rescue Jaheira's old boyfriend (NPC Project). I was fighting that ridiculous Hamadryad that's just randomly in the Cloakwood, and she ran away afraid, four people Entangled. Farien and Khalid followed her, running directly into seven or so high level druids; there were at least 3 nymphs on the field, Call Lightnings were going crazy, and all my spell casters were out of range and couldn't shut down their casters. Only Farien and Imoen survived, and to save the gear from despawning the duo took apart the Wyvern cave and stashed the equipment they couldn't carry on the body in the cave, the only container I know of.

    Neera died to archers soon after, but we pushed after Daveaorn. One Pro. Magic lets Farien 1v1 him while Khalid leads the remaining 4 against the Black Talon Elites. Branwen almost dies 3 or 4 times because the archers absolutely refuse to retarget onto Khalid who is next to them; many health potions were burnt that fight.

    Iron Throne fight was messy; I actually reloaded here because for some reason there's a duplicated character, Shanarra, up there and the second backstabber proves too much. Second time it's just Farien buffed to the gills fighting solo against everybody: I find that this is the only SCS solution at times, sadly. Trying to take the Gorpel Hind fight, Neera wildsurges a Fireball accidentally killing the bartender. Oops. Had to pay around 2-3k gold to recover 8 of that 10 reputation at a temple, supposedly paying for the Raise Deads of all the innocents she burnt. Whoops.

    Um. Imoen dies in the Ducal Palace fight to a backstab, Neera and Branwen die to traps in the Undercity due to me not knowing that there's 4 and not 2 traps on the Skeleton Warrior aisle. They again die in the final battle, but the remaining 4 survive the full spell-loadout of the mages. We're nowhere close to the Experience cap, but I'm moving to BG2 anyways; I'm kind of sick of having so few reliable, reusable ways to protect my mages and clerics.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    Ooh, I didn't notice that. In that case a reload may've been completely unfounded, in which case I'll retire Farien entirely. I have a solo I need to restart anyhow.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    bengoshi said:

    Davaeorn almost from the start teleported to the main group. That was a bit scary but... he was dispelled, he didn't have protections. I used the Crev's character and casted Command - it succeeded, then Shari poisoned him with her crossbow.

    @bengoshi I don't think I did cast dispel on him actually... I just poisoned him and figured that while he was poisoned he was not enough of a threat to try to dispel. And then he got commanded so I was not about to dispel that. I just beat him down with my crossbow and sword and he died before I had a chance to dispel him.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    super team!
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @bengoshi Hmm, Your strings appear to be all over the place there... Perhaps we should share the same dialog.tlk as Crevs suggested that one time...
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