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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Distance from civilization is no excuse for a lack of spell scrolls when +3 weapons are widely available for purchase in Kuldahar. It isn't a rural backwater--magic is very prevalent in IWD.
  • dok0zhivagodok0zhivago Member Posts: 82
    edited March 2016

    Distance from civilization is no excuse for a lack of spell scrolls when +3 weapons are widely available for purchase in Kuldahar. It isn't a rural backwater--magic is very prevalent in IWD.

    Well I guess we can assume that those few mages in the North are more willing to spend arcane resources on crafting gear rather than on scribing scrolls.
    Even Orrick the Gray moonlights as an armor crafter/enchanter.

  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    So. Reasons for highly enchanted equipment in the frozen norths: (And I'll concede that it's preposterous, but I'm playing devil's advocate)

    Going back to my point that not many people know how to use magic: What does this mean for salesmen like Orrick who use their magical abilities to supply the money they need to fund their research or even allow them simply to keep living in the north? It means that when it comes to the magic they supply to the rest of society, it needs to be something that everyone else can actually use. While magically talented individuals are scarce, the ability to swing a blade is not limited. A mage could make an excellent profit (albeit perhaps a lesser one than if he were to live further south) by selling magical equipment to a society that would highly benefit from their use. Not to mention, a fair number of the highly enchanted pieces of equipment we see in IWD are relics of a bygone era, likely discovered by adventurers or part of a mages' collection that was sold off due to disuse or a need for money to fund other pursuits. After all, how many times have we, while playing BG or IWD have found a bastard sword of +infinity, but simply sold it off because who the heck uses bastard swords? It makes perfect sense that other adventurers would do the same.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    Want to share a close shave moment and illustrate the challenge of a take-the-first-roll party:

    First, the party (IWD; Insane without extra XP or dmg)
    - Dauntless Nahael, a barbarian returnin to the North on a family quest, helped by a mysterious sage known simply as...
    - The Mother (C/M)
    - Barakh the Shield, a clueless Paladin (rolled an INT of 5)
    - Khial Neverbetter - Halfling C/T (She answers "neverbetter" whenever someone asks how things are going)
    - Vitra the Storm - an Avenger
    - Bahamut Diresong - he... errr.... sings

    Almost no one has exceptional DEX; the The Mother has the highest INT of 15. At this point no one has memorized any Spells yet, because potions of +INT are rare and I can't afford the scrolls anyway.

    The Mother rolled a sequence of 1HP level ups and is sitting at 13HP as a 4/4 C/M.


    Visiting the Temple of the Forgotten God. Second level, end of the corridor, you are faced with about 4 Verbeegs and 3 acolytes. Hardly an epic encounter. But it almost wiped my party.

    At this point in the game I have basically no money left (earlier Resurrections were costly; and I bought a few necessities, including Belt of Dong -- wait, is Dong the Dog of Arfitice?).

    My Avenger's mage spells prove decisive as I Web the Acolytes (Web is useless against Verbeegs) and throw a Spike Growth at them. But they manage to Hold Person Nahael. Barakh the Shield holds of the Verbeegs for a few precious seconds and is down to 1HP; Khial off-tanks.

    This is all carefully micromanaged and at the moment of the screenshot I am almost about to lose two characters as the Verbeegs dash past my lines. A lucky roll with a Chromatic Orb (Avenger again) buys enough time for Nahael, while Barakh finds the better part of valor.

    I return to Kuldahar beaten but not broken.

  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060

    Question: I couldn't help but notice that my Bard is acquiring a lot of Pickpocket skill (and can perhaps improve it further with a potion).

    Rumor has it that some people in Kuldahar carry interesting items on their persons.

    How much pickpocket would reliably permit me to Pickpocket, say, oh, a certain Druid, a town Wizard, or a potionous Gnome?

    (How does the success formula work?)

    Naturally, I don't wanna ruin a plausible game with a botched attempt...
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @BelgarathMTH: As somebody I don't remember once pointed out, the reason why a 97% chance of scribing fails so often is because specialty mages get a +15% chance to scribe spells from their specialty school, but a -15% penalty when scribing spells outside their specialty. Dynaheir would therefore have a 100% chance of scribing an evocation spell, but only an 83% chance of scribing any other spell.

    If you're avoiding the use of non-vanilla kits, are you going to avoid using non-vanilla spells and items? They likely won't unbalance the game too much.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @semiticgod , I haven't decided yet. I'm thinking about limiting myself to BG1 spells for challenge's sake, but that means no Cure Moderate Wounds, and no IWD druid spells. And that would make Jaheira be restricted to the weak BG level two druid spells, without even Slow Poison in IWD. So, her only semi-useful level 2 spells would be Flame Blade for troll killing, creating a stock of Goodberries for slow hp top-offs in between combats, and Find Traps during Imoen's thief down time.

    As for mage spells, I think I'll allow Cat's Grace for Dynaheir, especially since she's restricted in IWD from both divination and conjuration/summoning. I haven't seen any non-BG mage spells other than that that look interesting. I'll probably let Dynaheir cast whatever she can scribe, given her strict IWD restrictions. She can't have a Familiar. I may let Imoen get one in the far distant future when she duals to mage.

    That's a good point about Dynaheir's invocation specialty affecting her scribe scroll chances. I didn't think of that. Is that bonus/penalty rule for specialist mages implemented correctly in all the EE's?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    That's a good point about Dynaheir's invocation specialty affecting her scribe scroll chances. I didn't think of that. Is that bonus/penalty rule for specialist mages implemented correctly in all the EE's?

    I think it is. Note also that specialist mages have a -2 modifier to spells cast from their specialist class. That can be a pain if you're playing solo and relying on saving throws, but can also make your specialist mages significantly more effective.

  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Another experience recently showed that there are probably some penalties when trying to scribe scrolls from spells you cannot cast at the moment.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Ygramul said:

    Question: I couldn't help but notice that my Bard is acquiring a lot of Pickpocket skill (and can perhaps improve it further with a potion).

    Rumor has it that some people in Kuldahar carry interesting items on their persons.

    How much pickpocket would reliably permit me to Pickpocket, say, oh, a certain Druid, a town Wizard, or a potionous Gnome?

    (How does the success formula work?)

    Naturally, I don't wanna ruin a plausible game with a botched attempt...

    Check the list of what you can pickpocket here:

    Also, it seems that IWDEE doesn't check how many points you have in PP. In order to fix that, I used the @elminster 's excellent mod - . Take a note, though, that if you fail to pickpocket, you'll ruin your no-reload game - if you fail to pickpocket the Archdruid, for example, the whole town of Kuldahar including the Archdruid himself will start attacking you, thus meaning an end to quests.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    It may be a good idea for all EE SCS no-reloaders to copy their game folders before upgrading to the 2.0 version when it's released:
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    semiticgod wrote: »
    Experiments with EEKeeper and Near Infinity indicate that it's impossible to stop chunking in IWD:EE. Both the "disable permanent death" opcode and the minimum HP opcode fail to prevent chunking.

    I lost a run to this once: my *Thief* got chunked half way into IWD (months ago). I could have continued with a new Lvl 1 Thief, but decided to abandon the run.

    I actually kinda like having such a perma-death possibility. No encounter is to be taken for granted as it can permanently cost you a whole character!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Ygramul: Meh. I got chunked six times (maybe more) in my last no-reload BG2 run, and the hassle wasn't worth the added suspense. That's not the only no-reload game I've had where chunking played a major role, either. After seeing it happen so many times, eventually it loses the shock and the novelty, and just becomes obnoxious and boring.

    Auto-pause. Looks like my druid is down 100,000 XP. Just like my bard and my cleric/mage. Wow. How exciting.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    bengoshi wrote: »
    It may be a good idea for all EE SCS no-reloaders to copy their game folders before upgrading to the 2.0 version when it's released:

    Thanks, @bengoshi

    I kinda anticipated this and am keeping separate BG1EE/BG2EE installs with SCS/Tweaks etc..

    As I mentioned in another thread, I'll buy SoD upon release just on principle, but expect that it will be a year before I can actually play it.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @semiticgod I think chunking becomes a very fun element of gameplay if you don't create another character afterward. It adds a lot of tension to the run and force you to invent new strategies on the way.

    That's how I felt when I lost Viconia in my Blackguard's run.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    That's a weird thing about IWD, aggroed enemies will follow you across an area boundary instantly no matter where they are on the level.  I once had a crowd of monsters teleport out of locked cells to appear amongst my party in ToL. I wasn't even trying to run away, I was just heading back to Hobart's to rest.
  • dok0zhivagodok0zhivago Member Posts: 82

    Yes, I agree it is quite annoying. It is also a reason why I quit trying to make a stealth based party consisting of rangers, rouges and cleric/thiefs. Hit and run tactics with stalker, shadowdancer or assasin are just not viable. I hope the next patch will fix it

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited March 2016
    First, let me say I HATE the new forum image uploading system. It won't take the default bmp's, meaning everything has to be converted to jpg. This may discourage me from posting any more runs here. This is really, really awful.

    Okay, I'll TRY to post what I wanted to post, for which I had a bunch of images.

    You know what. It's late, and the "update" to the forum has killed my desire to post. I'll just summarize it and try to let the pictures tell the story.

    The yeti cave put us in an indefensible position. Running out of the cave switched us to a good position where it was easy to win.


    The next pictures show two minor boss battles on the first level of Kresselack's Tomb. I tried to Silence Mytos three times before he finally failed his save, but Dynaheir's Web caught him, too. Khalid has the most kills in the party, including the mummy. I think people really underrate what Khalid can do. I have screenshots comparing Khalid's kill percentage with Minsc's, who comes in second. No one else in the party is even close to Khalid's and Minsc's kill rates.  Jaheira's Shillelah helped against the mummy. Goodberries now heal 5 hp each instead of only 1 in IWD. I really wish that improved Goodberry spell would get implemented in BG.

     I'm still having a lot of fun with this run. The canon BG party is pretty awesome.



    Next up, level two of Kresselak's Tomb. I will have to get more stingy with screenshots, unfortunately. It still won't be too much trouble to post a few shots of boss killings, but posting as many as I would like is going to be far too inconvenient now, what with having to convert the file format of every screen shot in
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited March 2016
    @BelgarathMTH I use Irfanview to convert my screenshots. It's got a batch conversion that can convert and rename at the same time.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @BillyYank has just reminded me that I have Irfanview and can easily convert the .bmp screenshots of my IWD run. Time to post some.

    This is Espellier, our first sorcerer. The name came to mind when poking around and I thought it sounded nice.

    Then an old name, Valos, our Avenger. The portrait is from an alternate rendering of the paintings from Ocarina of Time's Shadow Temple.

    Another recurring name, Snowy Tae, this time with her original IWD portrait, instead of her normal one.

    And another familiar name, Marilyn Blueapple. He used to be a dwarf back in the day, but I needed a bard. I know that portrait is made for a mage, so I've made a point of creating non-mage characters with that portrait.

    And Fobie, the original, a halfling thief with the 5th male fighter soundset. All of these people are True Neutral so Snowy Tae can properly bless them with Righteous Wrath of the Faithful... which I still haven't used a single time.

    And my most common portrait and name. Poppy, our second sorcerer.

    A party of single-classed characters with no fighter levels allowed. No summons. Heart of Fury. Level 1. Minimal reload.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    At the beginning, we used Entangle to hold back enemies and Charm Person to turn our enemies into temporary tanks.[spoiler]

    [/spoiler] When we couldn't prepare the area with Entangle first, Snowy Tae, with her 0 AC, served as our tank. She's not nearly tough enough to handle HoF enemies for long.[spoiler]

    [/spoiler] This is me realizing Web and Entangle won't be enough against the most important enemies in Easthaven.[spoiler]

    [/spoiler] Snowy Tae served as a decoy, saving the party. But Web paralyzed her and the enemy boxed her in while her Sanctuary ran out.[spoiler]

    [/spoiler] Still not happy with IWD AI's ability to see through invisibility.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    Kuldahar Valley has almost guaranteed rest interruptions. Makes you wonder why that guy you meet at the start hasn't been found yet. And why you can't just rest in the cave where he's presumably been perfectly safe this whole time.[spoiler]

    [/spoiler]We can only turn four characters invisible. Predictably enough, the other two characters, both at level 5, do not survive the trek to Kuldahar.[spoiler]

    [/spoiler]Less predictably, enemies attack you even when under the effects of Horror.[spoiler]

    [/spoiler]If my characters got hit by fear, they wouldn't keep fighting. Not really fair. But hey, it only cost us another 1000 gold.

    We come back and barely get out of the place alive. Invisibility was a good idea.[spoiler]

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