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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2016
    Grond0 said:

    RIP Aglaia


    @Blind_Visionary So sad.

    Seluna and party wiped out more assassins at Gullykin. They were helped somewhat by one of the assassins putting their party out of action with Stinking Cloud. :D

    They then wiped out the Thay wizards with no problems. Web plus area spells did the trick. (Holy smite and fireball)

    Then they wiped out Nicarian's party by charming Aoln and sending him in to absorb their spells, confusion being the most dangerous. Sadly he died, but his sacrifice meant that the party didn't even get wounded. :)

    They then went to the bandit camp and used web to hold the bandits. Imoen determined the position of Tazok using stealth, whereupon Starlight used Holy Smite, Imoen used Fireball and Xan used wand of fire.

    Presumably it was the death of Tazok that caused the game to crash. :(

    Now that really IS cheating by the devs. :s Things like this cause me to seriously consider reverting back to Tutu.

    Running off with the ball because you were losing was frowned upon in my day.

    I presume that a reload is permissable in this situation. Or do I give the characters the experience and items that they should have received using EE_Keeper? When I used to kill him as a matter of course using a variety of methods, he dropped plate armour, gauntlets of weapons expertise and a few minor bits and pieces. It was only the gauntlets which were of great value as by then plate armour is commonplace.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2016
    @semiticgod I agree to a point, but there wasn't a problem when we played either vanilla or tutu, so why is there a problem now? Isn't the game supposed to be basically the same with tweaks where there were problems with the original. There weren't problems with the original.

    I made complaints when the spells that allowed you to kill the dragonknight at the top of Durlag's Tower were changed quite deliberately to stop people doing that. The spells after that change no longer followed the description of them. (The spells were to stop him teleporting away) Klorox used one spell and I used another with much the same effect.

    That gave me the impression that somebody was peeved, not that they wanted to correct the game. I may be wrong, but I don't think so.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Wise_Grimwald: I'm not really clear on the reason. I've never heard of this happening before. I assume it's an oversight of Beamdog's.

    Try killing him again and see if the crash happens again. If it does, I would either (1) Keeper in the rewards and hit Tazok with CTRL-Y at the final battle to replicate having killed him already, or (2) just proceed as if the fight had not happened. Mostly because I'm too impatient to track down and fix the actual bug that's causing it.

    You might stop by the Troubleshooting forum in search of the cause.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    The Adventures of Kythran: Part 5 - Return to Gnoll Stronghold.

    Adventuring through the wilderness again, and a gnoll bandit named Rugdug attacked us for not giving him money, or humoring him with a fight. So, Jaheira cast bless, and Dynaheir used her magic missile.

    The next thing was that the group had found a little girl out in the woods. Her cat had fallen...into the waterfall, which Kythran knew, without a shadow of a doubt that the cat was dead.

    While clearing out the Gnoll Stronghold, properly this time, Kythran found a book that raised his charisma to 15!

    Then, the party moved onto the next wilderness area, found a polar bear that was blocking the bridge, and Minsc took a hit, but Jaheira healed him. However, it appeared that someone else wanted the way cleared.

    Kythran: Stalker - 2
    Imoen: Thief - 3
    Jaheira: Fighter/Druid - 2/2
    Khalid: Fighter/Mage - 1/1
    Minsc: Ranger - 2
    Dynaheir: Invoker - 2

    Note: I might dual class Dynaheir to Cleric at around...Third Level, or Fourth because I feel I might need a more designated healer than Jaheira.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    Grond0 said:

    RIP Aglaia

    I presume that a reload is permissable in this situation. Or do I give the characters the experience and items that they should have received using EE_Keeper? When I used to kill him as a matter of course using a variety of methods, he dropped plate armour, gauntlets of weapons expertise and a few minor bits and pieces. It was only the gauntlets which were of great value as by then plate armour is commonplace.
    I presumed that Beamdog intended to make him unkillable to avoid the odd situation where there's apparently no-one left to resurrect him, but he appears at the final battle anyway. The gauntlets he had are now found in the main tent anyway, so there shouldn't be a great benefit from killing him.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I suppose that it's just me wanting to be able to do so. I don't think that there should be ANYONE unkillable.
    In a land where resurrection is commonplace if expensive, there is no need for it for plot reasons.

    I just like to be able to do things that the original developers didn't think possible. Killing Firebead at Candlekeep for instance. Instead of Gorion killing the PC, he could have just said "Stop that you silly boy, I have resurrected "Firebead, them or whatever" and gone straight to the cutscene to leave Candlekeep, Even that is unnecessary. You don't need to be told who raised a character. The battle against Firebead as a level 1 character was very challenging and I used to enjoy the challenge.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Hard luck Grond0, or should I wish you intelligence for your next game.
    Intelligence however doesn't seem to be your weak point.
    Staying focussed throughout a campaign is far harder.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Grond0 Even with my set-up which is considerably easier than yours, poison has been quite an issue.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2016


    After delivering the key to the floodgates, the mine was flooded and Seluna's reputation rose to 12.
    Upon leaving, Wendell attacked because we had killed his consort, Miranda.
    All he achieved was his own death.

    Seluna then went to the ankheg region and gave away 100 gold pieces thus gaining another reputation point. she then went to help the Archaeologist and Brage gaining 2 more reputation points to make it 15.

    Helping a Dyad and a cat pushed reputation to 17.

    Helping Annabelle and Samuel upped it to 19.

    Seluna is now the hero that she said that she wanted to be when in Candlekeep.

    They went south from the Friendly Arms Inn where they were accosted by Davenport et al.
    After killing Davenport Starlight increased in level to level 8.

    After dealing with more assassins at the bridge into Baldur's gate, Seluna returned to Beregost for her reward for bandit scalps. To her surprise she was able to sell some useless items there for a high price, not only wyvern heads at 1000 gp each, but some clubs that can only be used by druids.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    @Blind_Visionary - just wanted to let you know I've enjoyed your narrative write-up. Best of luck should you make another attempt.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    @Blind_Visionary I actually have the single multi-player run going right now (the Trio with Coretank (me), Pins (Grond0), and Unyo (Gate70, also the protagonist).) The Duo was only a duo because it was a Trio but Grond0's character got chunked. Then Gate70's character got chunked, then a trash mob drow warrior did GWW and burned down Axer quick.

    I have a single player EE run going too (Corey the dwarven fighter), although his party was created using MP function. Should get to that, just so many RL distractions...
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Corey_Russell Looking forward to reading of your exploits when RL permits. :)
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited September 2016
    Selûna helped Scar to start with and did a few other minor quests before Rasaad needed our help.

    He sadly had to kill his own brother and was feeling so bad about it that Selûna gave him some time to recover both emotionally and physically. He will be available in Nashkel if he is ever needed again. Reputation now 20. :)
    Now Neera has joined and as she SAYS that she is also a follower of Selûne, Selûna feels obliged to help her barring evidence to the contrary. She has already had to pay 200 gold pieces which Neera had stolen previously.

    In the Gate Selûne has just killed some mages who were vying over the locks from a sirene.
    She followed this by doing countless trivial tasks as far as dealing with THE problem in Baldur's Gate.
    If it had been possible for her reputation to continue to rise, it would now be in the thirties. :)

    It is however still 20.

    We helped Neera against the wizards of Thay that were after her and then asked her to leave in favour of Coran. She was more than a bit narked about that!

    Much to his shock he is now a father, but whilst he fought for his child, he wouldn't sacrifice his "freedom" to look after it. :( Selûna however thought that with his new responsibilities he should not be part of the group any more, and that even if he wasn't a great father, he was likely to be a better one if he lived in Baldur's Gate rather than "no fixed address." Meanwhile Selûna and Xan have agreed to get married when circumstances permit.

    Selûna then gave Nester's dagger to Quinn.

    They then wiped out the maulers of the underdark without injury followed by an assault on the monsters in a nearby house, helmed horrors, invisible stalkers and the like. Xan then reached level 7 as a fighter.

    Thorin has asked to join the party. He looks like he will be a valuable addition to the party.
    Selûna decided to go to the Friendly Arms Inn to equip him and whilst there Neera made such a heart-felt plea to rejoin that Selûna didn't have the heart to refuse her.

    They decided to help Mendas at Ulgoth's Beard. Fighting the final battle upon Balduran's boat was touch and go.

    After failing to kill the last Greater Wolfwere who had the baby, they fled, rested and regrouped and had another try.

    It was tough and they had to use a lot of wand charges, but eventually they prevailed. :)

    The toughest battle so far. Upon returning to Ulgoth's Beard, the battle there was relatively easy.

    This is the first time that I have played with Rasaad and Neera in the party. This is because I don't like monks , druids and wild mages. I am glad that I played them once, but will not continue to do so. It is the concept that I don't like. One thing I don't like about druids is the "Striving for balance as if it is a good thing. My party is basically chaotic neutral. That I can understand. A lot of people's morality is inconsistant as most people's character contains some flaw, (Coran's lack of fidelity for instance) and that is how I am playing this game.

    Having Neera in the party is definitely for role playing reasons. She won't be much help at all, or so I believe.
    She is taking experience away from those who WOULD benefit the party.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Grond0 Better intelligence this time. :)
    I won't wish you luck as luck runs out.
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