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  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,931
    edited January 2021
    Tresset wrote: »
    If you keep the Helmet of Opposite Alignment till ToB, you will have the option of forcing it onto the head of the solar and then she will help you slay Ao and take over his job instead.

    ... but if you force the helm onto Korgan's head in ToB instead, he'll get so confused that he just stands there instead of offering to join the party. Some things are just not meant to be.

    [Edit: added quote, since that post wound up on the previous page]
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Wouldn't an item like the kneecapper be affected?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,931
    It tests for the type "giant humanoid", which he is. Race doesn't come into it.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,014
    jmerry wrote: »
    Yaga-Shura isn't really a giant. He's actually a space dwarf that somehow came to Toril. The giantish looks are just a result of the rituals he performed under his so-called mother's tutelage, in order to fit in on this world.
    In the game files, Yaga-Shura inexplicably has the race "dwarf". That fact inspired this bit. Since it's not possible to take either "dwarf" or "giant" as a racial enemy, I'm pretty sure this has no gameplay impact whatsoever.

    actually it does have some game play implications because being a dwarf is way more disadvantageous than being a giant because that means yaga shura is now susceptible to the level 1 mage spell charm person or perhaps even the level 2 druid spell charm animal/person


    in fact, that also means that hold person would work on him as well, wowzers, talk about a big disadvantage
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,931
    Nope. Those spells test for type "Humanoid", which he isn't. Again, they're not actually checking the race.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    jmerry wrote: »
    Yaga-Shura isn't really a giant. He's actually a space dwarf that somehow came to Toril. The giantish looks are just a result of the rituals he performed under his so-called mother's tutelage, in order to fit in on this world.
    In the game files, Yaga-Shura inexplicably has the race "dwarf". That fact inspired this bit. Since it's not possible to take either "dwarf" or "giant" as a racial enemy, I'm pretty sure this has no gameplay impact whatsoever.

    actually it does have some game play implications because being a dwarf is way more disadvantageous than being a giant because that means yaga shura is now susceptible to the level 1 mage spell charm person or perhaps even the level 2 druid spell charm animal/person


    in fact, that also means that hold person would work on him as well, wowzers, talk about a big disadvantage

    Does that mean Yaga Shura gets shorty bonus? Now isn't that a funny thought...
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,931
    Yaga-Shura has the save array standard for a level 17+ non-shorty fighter, so no - as long as you're playing the game normally. If you brought him into the party and leveled him up, he would get the shorty bonus then.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited April 2021
    Actually all of this was part of Elminster's plan.

    He foresaw the coming of the Bhaalspawn and knew of the battle that was to unfold between Gorion and Sarevok. He could have intervened but instead he decided that it needed to play out.

    Instead, he arranged to have Jaheira and Khalid be sent by the Harpers to assess the situation Nashkel.

    He gave Firebead the book about the Dead Three with the hopes he'd find some excuse to give it to charname eventually.

    He warned Gorion via his letter.

    And he booked a few (foreseen) days off at work in advance so he could pop in from time to time as needed.
  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    Nope, the whole thing was actually Noober's plan. He'll even explain the entire scheme to charname eventually, but most players never even get to that point because you need to go through exactly 1000 Noober lines before he finally spills the beans...
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,931
    Do you know where your children are? They could be ... climbing all over the roofs of Waukeen's Promenade!
    It's terribly dangerous there. Please, think of the children. Don't let them wander off.

    (Picture from today's post in my "Dorn It" run.)
    OK, what's going on? It's a slight bug with the area's graphics. Wall polygon #281 should have the "cover animations" flag, but doesn't. So when a creature stands in the right spot in that entryway, they show up as if they were on the roof instead.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,802
    Good find! Maybe report this to the EE Fixpack at G3? Chances might be slim, but if it's reported, it might get fixed.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,931
    Did you know that the protagonist gains a secret power by completing the Hell trials, regardless of what good or evil choices they make? They gain the power to ... never be chunked. No matter what kills them, they can always be resurrected.*

    *Offer void after Game Over.
    This is genuine. The protagonist actually does gain that power. Which is completely useless, and also a bug. Here are the relevant script excerpts:

    From CUT57C.BCS, played when entering Hell:
    	RESPONSE #100
    // Many irrelevant lines removed
    		ApplySpell(Myself,APPLY_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN669.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player2,APPLY_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN669.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player3,APPLY_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN669.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player4,APPLY_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN669.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player5,APPLY_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN669.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player6,APPLY_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN669.SPL (No such index)
    // More irrelevant lines removed

    From AR2900.BCS, played when using the final Tear:
    	RESPONSE #100
    // Irrelevant lines removed
    		ApplySpell(Myself,REMOVE_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN668.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player2,REMOVE_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN668.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player3,REMOVE_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN668.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player4,REMOVE_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN668.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player5,REMOVE_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN668.SPL (No such index)
    		ApplySpell(Player6,REMOVE_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH)  // SPIN668.SPL (No such index)
    // Irrelevant lines removed

    Have you spotted it? It's that "ApplySpell(Myself,spell)" action. In the cutscene, "Myself" is player 1, as defined at the block's beginning. In the area script, "Myself" is nobody. So APPLY_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH gets cast on every party member when you enter Hell, making them impossible to chunk. Then REMOVE_NON_PERMANENT_DEATH gets cast on everyone but the protagonist when you use the fifth Tear, restoring the possibility of chunking. Everyone else ends up just like they were, while the protagonist comes out of the whole thing with the extra hidden power of immunity to chunking.

    I discovered this one when I looked at a ToB save and saw some effects on the party that I didn't expect. Lo and behold, there's a bug - with precisely zero gameplay impact.

    Oh, and regarding a previous post of mine here ... Yaga-Shura being a dwarf instead of a giant actually does matter in some small way. I've spotted two things that care about dwarves and giants:
    - The "Dwarven Thrower" hammer gains bonus damage specifically against giants. Which then, doesn't work on Yaga-Shura.
    - Generic fire giants get -4 to hit against dwarves (and halflings, and gnomes). Which means that if you charm one of the giants from the army and have him attack Yaga-Shura, he'll take a penalty.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    The Danish word for cheese is "ost", so Beregost actually means "Bereg-cheese", or "Town of Cheese". That is because you can find a book of cheesy tactics hidden in one of the unmarked houses by killing the squirrel that drops it. The squirrel also drops a potion of invisibility and an empty bottle - which explains why so few people have found out!
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,065
    I have now killed every squirrel in Beregost and still not found that book or the empty bottle @Montresor_SP . I also killed all of the squirrels on the adjacent maps just to be sure the squirrel in question had not somehow transitioned to another map. I will go clear out the other maps of squirrels also just in case. Is there a squirrel limit per map like with ankhegs near Bakdurs Gate?

    Also, I did get Officer Vai in the Jovial Juggler to give me 50gp for each squirrel skin. I think she is confusing them with bandit scalps, must be another oversight.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,065
    @Montresor_SP I just encountered the first 10 squirrel ambush! Has anyone had this trigger before? It was on the way to Durlag's Tower and near Adoy's area. I took out 3 before they overwhelmed me. I had no idea their crits could do 2 damage. It was insane!

    I play no-reload, so I guess I'll have to keep looking in my next attempt for that cheese book.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    As pr the 2.0 versions and later you have to kill the Easthaven squirrel in IWD…..
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    edited September 2022
    Hermione Granger from Harry Potter is a red wizard of Thay. And not just any Thayan wizard! If you doubt me, consider this:
    • She is a Gryffindor, and Gryffindor's color is red!
    • She sucks at Divination, which is the restricted school for Conjurers.
    • She has never, ever, been seen in the same room with Edwin!

    Conclusion: Hermione is Edwina Odesseiron!

    A squirrel is worth 1 XP when killed. I therefore conclude, based to totally scientific research and careful calculation, that squirrels account for 22,784 level-ups of adventurers since the revelation that one of them carries a magical ring.
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