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Best overall weapon?



  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    edited August 2015
    doggy said:

    It's a close call between carsomyr and foa. Will depending on party take both. I normally tend to use the items for CF separately because they are useful by them selves in every party.

    I also love the way cespenar says hindos doooooooom. Almost never used it though.

    imo Celestial Fury is better, because Anomen has restoration.
    and I never play bg2 without a high level mage. xD
  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    Grum said:

    Naten said:

    I'm surprised Staff of the Magi isn't on the list.

    Don't think there is a more overrated weapon in the game than the SotM :P

    It's alright, but there's like half a dozen weapons that I would say blow it out of the water.

    I love staff of the maji! It allows a mage to break aggression.


    Imoen casts greater malison onto a group of enemies right outside of line of sight. Usually they'd go hostile and attack her. Quickly switch from her bow to the SotM, and they forget all about her. This lets you cast it again, or prepare for other measures.

    It also means that enemies will stand still when you cast area of effect damage spells, when they would otherwise move towards you.

    And it's great for saving a mage who is under attack. Ambushed? Got an enemy gunning for your mage? Instantly go invisible! If you have nondetection on, it's even better.
    Something weird:
    I had SotM and non-detection on my mage in Amkethran, but the monks still attacked him.
  • FinaLfrontFinaLfront Member Posts: 260
    Dagger of the Star +5/Crom Faeyr on a F/T anyone?
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    Crom for me, because well, i love warhammers/mauls
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited August 2015
    Best overall weapon? Your MIND!!!

    EDIT: Oh wait, I voted Carsomyr.
  • JaskoJasko Member Posts: 31
    Depends what ure playing, on a pure kensai i'll take adjatha, foebane and blackrazor if evil with a ring of regeneration. Overall, Carsomyr wins imo. 50%MR and dispel on hit is pretty OP.
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    Am I the only one here who never adds the fifth head to FoA "unless I use the free action mods." I find free action to be way too much of a hindrance. Having one party member not at the correct move speed all the time is way too annoying, switching out weapons when ever you want to go anywhere is way too annoying. I use free action mod nowadays, but my first few playthrough's I didn't mod and ended up not upgrading FoA and not using Ixil's Spike. Ixil's Spike is such a great weapon too, bah free action sucks.

    Carsomyr is just too good, lvl 30 dispel on hit, cast lvl 30 dispel 3 times a day and 50% MR. Plus you can get it as early as getting FoA, Firkraag is really not that much of a challenge.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    Flail of Ages is great for it's accessibility but I'm a MASSIVE fan of Foebane +5. That is a beast.

    Ixil's Spike is also popular with me along with Axe of the Unyielding.

    But there are so many I love. :O
  • SuiboonSuiboon Member Posts: 86
    I'll give my vote to FoA simply because it is so easy and fast to acquire, so you can use the same weapon for 95% of the game.
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    Runehammer gets no love at all...wth? Only one good hammer in the entire saga... Yes, I think that Cromfayer sucks. Sacrificing a good pair of gloves and an amazing belt to craft such a lackluster weapon.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Crom Faeyr's bonuses are slightly below that of its components.

    Crom Faeyr (25): +7 THAC0, +14 damage
    Girdle of Frost Giant Strength (21): +4 THAC0, +9 damage
    Gauntlets of Ogre Power (18/00): +3 THAC0, +6 damage
  • FinaLfrontFinaLfront Member Posts: 260
    There are still 3 other strength boosting items. Belt of Hill, Stone and Fire Giant strength. Unless you are rocking a full group of melee, how many str items do you need? I don't see much of a problem building the Crominator.
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