Best overall weapon?

Which of these weapons, in your opinion, is the best for overall situations? Not fighting a specific creature, just overall.
- Best overall weapon?98 votes
- Ir'revrykal  2.04%
- Carsomyr27.55%
- Blackrazor  4.08%
- Crom Faeyr11.22%
- Flail of Ages +537.76%
- Runehammer (upgraded)  1.02%
- Angurvadal (upgraded)  2.04%
- Celestial Fury10.20%
- Hindo's Doom (upgraded)  0.00%
- Black Blade of Disaster (spell)  4.08%
That's not to say other weapons aren't useful or powerful, but FoA is just on a whole different level.
EDIT: I suppose you could argue that the best OVERALL weapon is in fact FoA+3. This is of course due to the fact that you can get so ridiculously early, and use it for a large portion of the game. Even at +3 it is a VERY good weapon, and given how much time you spend with it, it's possible that it's THE best weapon if averaged over the entire two games (BG2+ToB).
Nah, I would say Carsomyr or Celestial Fury for sure, these weapons stick with you from the start to the end.
PS: Clay golem rules are retarded, and you all know it
If you are a craftsman, you would know a blade does a HELL of a lot more damage to a lump of clay than a staff.. >_<
FoA +5 seems a popular choice, but I'm not a great fan because it prevents Haste (etc.) (Yes, you can cheese around that by switching weapons in and out while casting, but that's just abusing a bug.)
Carsomyr doesn't merely poke a couple of points of elemental damage through a Stoneskin, it'll dispel it outright. And it gives all that lovely MR too. Much better weapon than FoA +5.
Crom Faeyr is an interesting option ... in itself it's merely a very good weapon rather than "best" (except against particular enemies), but as an off-hand weapon its enhancement to any main-hand weapon is game-changing. I'm not sure how to count that towards an overall choice.
+5 weapon
deals huge damage
the victim has to make a save vs. death with a +4 modifier or be disintegrated
a 10% chance of draining 4 levels from the victim and healing the caster for 20 hit points
Also, I appreciate the fact that this weapon is summoned.
Plus the FoA is extremely powerful because you can dual wield with it. But as a single weapon, I think it can't compare to the sacred sword.
If the recasting violates some principle of the poll, I would instead pick Celestial Fury, the others are either available far too late, or have significant restrictions on their use/acquisition (Carsomyr) or both (Blackrazor).
I discount BBoD as a liability, as (I presume) the disintegrate effect can permanently lose loot, and apparently level-draining things to death costs you their xp too. If both of those assumptions are in error, it is more useful, but still restricted to mages and accessible as a spell quite late in the game.
Don't get me wrong it's a great weapon, but it's a little too restrictive to be called the BEST.