I have forgotten what cures ENERGY DRAIN?
Member Posts: 124
I know the effects aren't permanent.
Which class and spell is it that I need to learn?
Which class and spell is it that I need to learn?
Restoration scrolls can be used by anyone with int over 9. (For convenience, I guess)
If you want to cheat you invest in a few potions and then you can start your great collection over the city.
You can even resell to some guys.
You can use the revised thievery component of the rogue rebalancing mod to prevent this grab-everything method.
However I am still glad to use the mod and this component in particular which implements other features. Have a look at the readme before recommending to not install that mod.
You mentioned the mod directly adjacent to your comment about pickpocketing and potentially making that feature preventable. My comment was very clearly stating that if that is your concern, just don't do it since, as I had stated above, it can break the game. And again, that was mainly intended for the OP since he/she seemed to have less experience with the game and perhaps could need that info (no offense, @thewisefool!). In no way did I recommend anyone to not install the mod due to it's other features since those features were not under discussion.
Take a chill pill mate, if you like the mod then keep on using it. It's of no concern to me.
I prefer anise, licorice, violet, honey (and even propolis) sweeties to name a few.
Someone's party member has been LEVEL DRAINED. This is not the time to argue:) We have to help him, and quickly!
Other than that, load up your cleric with lesser restoration and be prepared to rest after casting it. Or just wait it out if it's not permanent.
*Casts restoration on thread*
There you go, back in business!
Prevention is another method, of course. Boon of Lathander, from the Priest of Lathander kit, also grants immunity to level drain. And the Amulet of Power and upgraded Mace of Disruption (you need illithium for the upgrade, available through the illithium quest you get from the Temple District) both grant immunity to level drain.