April, 25 and your chance to speak to the Developers. The game exhibition with Beamdog in Edmonton

This year, there will be a big game development event called the Game Discovery Exhibition (GDX).
It's happening on April 25th, 2015, and the hope is to bring together the game community in Edmonton to show off their projects and portfolios, network with other developers, and generally celebrate game development. Ideally, they'd like to make this a yearly gathering for Edmonton-based game devs and players.
The format is going to be a lot like GDC, PAX, IGF and so on. Developers will be there showing off their demos and portfolios of work. There will also be panels on serious games, indie games, and both the tech and art side of the games industry.
Beamdog will be in attendance and on panels, so if you're interested in game development, it's definitely worth checking out! We also want to encourage anyone who's interested in playing games to check out the projects on display, so feel free to invite anyone you know!
So, you can come and speak with the developers.
It's happening on April 25th, 2015, and the hope is to bring together the game community in Edmonton to show off their projects and portfolios, network with other developers, and generally celebrate game development. Ideally, they'd like to make this a yearly gathering for Edmonton-based game devs and players.
The format is going to be a lot like GDC, PAX, IGF and so on. Developers will be there showing off their demos and portfolios of work. There will also be panels on serious games, indie games, and both the tech and art side of the games industry.
Beamdog will be in attendance and on panels, so if you're interested in game development, it's definitely worth checking out! We also want to encourage anyone who's interested in playing games to check out the projects on display, so feel free to invite anyone you know!
So, you can come and speak with the developers.
- it's spring already;
- a "deadline" Amber Scott has mentioned recently;
- an expansion of the Devs' team;
- a recent Error 503 on http://siegeofdragonspear.com/;
- an importance of the whole Game Discovery Exhibition will be greater if something as big as the next Baldur's Gate game is announced there.
Adventure y will be announced at the... Thing that... Whatever this thread is about. Ah, oh! The GDX. That's it. The GDX.
I had to scroll all they way up to the top of the page to figure that out. I hope you're happy.
It would be excellent to see a blog entry this week on the Beamdog panel at the Game Discovery Exhibition.
The Game Discovery Exhibition kicked off with a Keynote address delivered by Trent Oster.
The first thing he told the young hopefuls staring at him was sobering. "Baldur's Gate was sent to 10 publishers and we recieved 10 refusals."
He detailed his journey from creating the proof-of-concept project Blasteroids 3D, to Shattered Steel, to MDK2, Neverwinter Nights and of course Baldur's Gate. Not-surprisingly Trent's journey required a lot of perseverance, which was a big point he tried to drive home during his keynote.
"There are no professionals; we are all frauds. We're making it up as we go and we always will."
Oster told the dim theatre the secret to Bioware's booming success: hardware transitions. "We are a cyclical industry and every cycle is a new opportunity for new developers to jump in."
He spoke of the opportunity created for new developers when new consoles and devices come to market. These transitions help to level the playing field between rookies and veterans.
Of course it's not as simple as bringing your game to publishers at the dawn of a new console. Politics play a part in shaping the game development industry in Canada. Trent lamented, "Montreal has a massive subsidy of 37.5% for game developers; Vancouver has a 17.5% subsidy; Edmonton has no subsidy. We have one large studio while other cities have multiple." He wasn't afraid to voice his displeasure about this either. "I think subsidies create a false economy," Oster proclaimed, "I don't want a subsidy in Edmonton."
He touched on the controversy surrounding Gamer Gate lightly but didn't spend too much time on it. In Trent's opinion, "Having more women game developers will mean having more games that women want to play."
He closed his speech by trying to motivate the young people listening to go build. "Just make something," Oster told them. "The first 20 or 30 are going to suck, but attempt 40 might be something good."
"Build something. It can't be as bad as Blasteroids 3D."
I still remember something similar Trent tweeted once ago. The constant enlarging of the Beamdog team shows the best that if you build/create/mod something, you'll have a chance.