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Beamblog Enhanced Edition!



  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    So not BG III......any idea what happened to the BG III project? I cant find any mention of it lately.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286

    So not BG III......any idea what happened to the BG III project? I cant find any mention of it lately.

    Beamdog only said they would love to do a BGIII in the future. There has been no news/message/comment from the company whatsoever that they were actually working on BGIII.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I think what Trent said, actually, was that the game he wants to make is Baldur's Gate V. I won't say anything more than that, though. :)
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Dee said:

    I think what Trent said, actually, was that the game he wants to make is Baldur's Gate V. I won't say anything more than that, though. :)

    I KNEW IT ! ! !

    BG with TotSC = 1
    SoD = 2
    SoA = 3
    ToB (with A) = 4
    TLoP = 5
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428

    So not BG III......any idea what happened to the BG III project? I cant find any mention of it lately.

    They are referring to it as ''BGNext''.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768

    Might be a bit off topic but Ive been gone a while, But uhh What Happened to BG III?

    Well, the journey has just started. After all, David Gaider joined Beamdog only this week.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Cool portrait! I sense an Edwin's original portrait mod!

    He still has hair though. :wink:
  • Amber_ScottAmber_Scott Member Posts: 513
    bengoshi said:

    Thank you for making fans' wishes come true, Beamdog!

    It's honestly my favorite thing to do. :)

  • wojtekwojtek Member Posts: 311
    sod release date?
  • Amber_ScottAmber_Scott Member Posts: 513
    I'm trying! I know I keep saying "soon," but soon.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Make sure to announce the release date in Drow when the time comes! Or at least reveal what "soon" is called within the Drow language. Preferable in the mids of a live stream~
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Will it be before Overlithe? Will it be after the Ides of Smarch?
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    @Amber_Scott @Dee @bengoshi
    AH! I'm so happy! I was really worried that 2016 and 2015 would be lack luster years where I did really nothing of note, but ironically even though I am learning game design (and struggling to do so in bad conditions) I still have the strong sense of fulfillment in that I helped give something to one of my most favourite gaming communities and a little something special that I can look back on as successful that in some way arguably improved my absolute favourite game of all time -and- I even did it within such a struggle that I have had in my past few years. Ah! Yes, I feel such a great fulfillment.

    Ironically again I was really feeling worried that my efforts in Baldur's Gate, World of Warcraft, World of Tanks and other passions of mine would not see the light of day and that 2014, 2015 and 2016 would be absolute lackluster 'blank' years of my life where I could say that I did nothing of note. Ironically I see that my work and efforts in unexpected ways become a reality, a good example is this here where I actually forgot about it filed it away in my brain as another dead end; but lo and behold I have helped give a new light to share with the gaming community at large, I feel so much fulfillment herein for that I have been struggling ever since that I have graduated from high school as in I have had to fight many upward battles to just stay afloat and keep and household working, it has been tough but now finally I see my passions working in unexpected ways to the gaming community and I am so grateful and so proud and more over so fulfilled for now I can say that: aye, I have become and I am becoming my dreams, and that I have beaten, overwhelmed and annihilated my circumstances to become who I want to be; what I dream of every day -to make great games-.

    Although I am far away and I am barely treading water herein; although I see that life is yielding to my dogged will to become a game creator to a community of which I enjoy so much. This is not the only game that I have influenced; no I have recently influenced World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, and now the upcoming Legion expansion via through knowing Blizzard artists via deviantART. I have helped build one of my friend's (who I also met on deviantART) news portals into becoming the dark horse #1 English news portal for a AAA title called World of Tanks after inspiring him to clean up his unprofessional style and pressed him to believe that he can be #1 in the face of other amateur news sites and that he has the right stuff to rise to become the best, even though the other portals had more resources and advantages than himself and I helped him believe that he is the one, of which in that game that I have helped build in that I have helped create the Italian Tech Tree with another of my friends when at the time when we started and worked -the community thought that the Italian Tech Tree was a joke, and could not be filled out-. I helped research and got some results from some of the deepest and most obscure sources I could find and I helped shape the Italian Tech Tree which is now going to be officially become integrated into World of Tanks.

    (Disclaimer: This is a bit dark and really long winded, I just got caught up in the moment and this vent was caused by this event's success and with it brought the final crack in my dam of emotion as I have been really struggling in these past few months and it just all came out like water rushing over a arid dried wastescape.)
    [Spoiler]I was worried that 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2015 would be lack luster years were I did really nothing of note after previously fighting tooth and nail to move to a place where I could actually attend and then graduate high school (of which I did in 2013 at the age of 17), of which I did with flying colours -I do not want to toot my horn too loud- but when I left that new town of which I had moved to (when I was 13 mind you) to just a have a chance at a high school education (for my old town was a nightmare incarnate); I did so and I walked away with 18 scholastic awards, 2 scholarships and two consecutive honour rolls and of which upon I graduated.

    To give a perspective of what this meant in my case -this was a major, major success in my life- for all of my family (across the board) not even in 3 or more generations had anyone obtained honour roll, not even once; and I had earned honour roll twice consecutively. Also you know what, in that town of I moved to and knew no one when I went there initially; I graduated as the vice president of the student council and I even got 3 communities (towns) together to change the scheduling format of the next classes to come years and years after I left because the students did not like and were afraid of the proposed 2014 change of schedule brought by a principle that would move to their school (my school) the year after I graduated. That level of change raised from a student and parent base that I brought to those communities' high school has never been done in the history of their school district.

    I moved to and graduated in a community of which initially myself having known nobody but I moved at the age of 13 only upon the determination to rise above my circumstances and to not let myself sink and become frozen in the cold clutches of poverty and drug and alcohol abuse that was raging all around myself. I was labelled mentally handicap and unfit to attend proper classes. I was used by a corrupt backwater school for funding by giving me a label that destroyed my self of steam and my confidence at a young age. I was told that I would not become great, amount to nothing; become a shadow.

    No, I knew in my heart of hearts that no broken family, no amount of abuse day in and day out, no 7+ (or how many years that I forget the exact number) of foster-care, no drug addict parents, no alcoholic parents, no heart crushing labels, no amount of bitter depression, and no corrupt principal who smoked cigars in his office and labelled me mentally handicap and unfit for regular classes could hold me back from my dreams.

    I fought, and I rose above my circumstances, I rose above my labels and doubters, I learned to read at the age of 9 from the very quest and character dialogs in Baldur's Gate for my past house life was so broken and negative that my school life didn't even have a chance, I learned 3 grades in one year when I moved away from my broken parents at the age of 13 for I was so broken inside in the past that I felt that in my life I would amount to nothing and I lost all of my past heart to even try to better myself, I was not mentally handicapped as everyone in my past school system thought I was and labeled me as such and drove my self-of-steam down the toilet even more that it already was - taught to think I was inferior and worth-less than my peers; no I was not mentally handicapped for at the ripe age of 7 I was heart broken and could feel my dreams dying inside of myself, I moved to another town with my father at the age of 12 and started middle school hoping for a better life but my life got even worse and the abuse and depression become so much a that at the age of 13 I was overweight, acne covered my face, become of greying hair, sunken eyes, death of close friends all around me that I decide within myself that my horrible broken little mental handicapped outcast world filled with pain and abuse from my parents addicted to hard drugs and hard liquor of which I had known my entire life was coming to an end. I grabbed a knife and became to cut my left wrist; it was going to finally be over for good -an end-.

    Although as you read this, written in 27/02/2016 by myself, I did not die, I stopped the knife before I really did any real damage; I still bare the scar on my left wrist -a reminder-. I remembered about a promise I had made earlier to a recently past friend of mine that I would live where he could not. So I choose pain and abuse and I fought and I fought and I dropped the knife and grabbed onto hope. I finally left my parents just before Christmas that year and fought for a new future. I changed my life and I did find an end. It was there, in an entirely off-white box of a bathroom, sitting on a smooth cold plastic toilet lid beside a bloody sink to my right, my feet upon a reflective ceramic tiled floor with drops of my one blood that I had willfully letted in a duplex bathroom as my father was fighting his one of his many now ex-girlfriends upstairs, this moment is where in that I looked down to the cold ceramic floor at my feet and stared deep and long for an eternity the into my own blood as it dried upon the floor; lit by fluorescent light, in that very moment -time had seemed to have stopped-, the clinical smell of bathroom cleaners mixing with the irony off-stench of my own blood racing all around my reality and in that vortex of focus and pain that a new and unfamiliar path appeared in my mind's eye and it seemed to pull at my very being, as if welcoming and promising me to whisk me away to a future where I could grow and become whom I was born to be.

    I worked day in and day out, day after day, to hold onto this vision of a new brighter life, I then moved away from the my house of abuse, drugs and alcohol only to find a new town with the youth choking upon them and having children at the age of 15, I remember that was asked on the street to buy alcohol for no life drunk who was barred from the liquor store just a little ways own the street for I did not look 16 or 17 I looked ~5 years older than I actually was; as I always also had to do and still do to this day -I walked away-, I had grown I full beard at 15 and I had to pull the invasion of grey hairs from my scalp and face for I was afraid to lose what little youth that I had left, I made a promise to a past friend of mine to become better than my parents, to never drink, never do drugs, never smoke anything, and lose all of my terror of being an outcast; for that is what I became in many ways, although I fought and rose and kept fighting, I took my resolve and doubled down on it in my new community, I was hungry and resolute to make the best of my new lease on life.

    I sometimes worked all night on my homework, I gave up my desire to to fit in, I gave up my peace of avoiding judgement, I drank it all in and it came to a point where I paraded myself with a red poncho and a giant paper hat; I had broken by fears of judgement, I wore my giant paper hat so much that I got in trouble from the grade 8 teachers who' classes would stop and stare as I walked by their class, I got a lot of signatures on my giant paper hat; even today I have two names of friends on it that committed suicide before I graduated, I kept wearing the same grey baggy hoodie that one of my past friends gave me, everyday I wore it to remember my promise, I was questioned, asked and given odd looks, but I had no worries of how I was to look or be judged for I was alive and I was learning and becoming a person I never knew I could become, eventually it became a odd status quo in my high school; my grey hoody, I was getting bored and tireless on the weekends and went to no parties nor partook to crime, I was immune to that kind of peer pressure so I created my own fun and got some people off of drugs and alcohol in my school and community with an airsoft (sport guns that shoot plastic bbs that only sting; kinda like paintball but cheaper) club that I ran and spent all of my disposable income into, I would go door to door to anyone I knew around my place and ask on the week ends if they wanted to play airsoft, many people did no and would drink and do drugs and miss school instead, I got fit in school, I bench pressed 285 pounds leg pressed over 1000 pounds, I got an A in Physcal Education even though I was a slow runner simply because I tried the hardest out of everyone and never ever gave in; one time I nearly passed out after a run and almost threw up for I was so tired after I tired my best, I began to run door to door on the weekends and ask, more and more I got people, I didn't know where to play I asked my new friends and we found a few places in the woods and slowly we made a few interesting areas to play all from hard-work, sweat, axes and machetes, I never made an enemy while I was there in that community and I was asked by so many people I knew from my high school's lunch room and my classes of which I shared with them to do be on the student council, I didn't know the town but I did it anyway, come grades 11 and 12 I was doing so good in school that I earned honour roll, I got other awards too but in my heart of hearts had I won my friends, I beat the odds, I beat the naysayers and I beat my demons! I choose my future, but more of I'm proud that in many ways I helped other's around myself who I once saw in their eyes the exact same doubts as my past self, I am most proud of inspiring these people to fight for their dreams and choose their future.[/Spoiler]
    Thank You Everyone, I Am So Damn Happy And Fulfilled Right Now; Thank You All.
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    edited March 2016
    Any progress on updates for existing products that you're currently distributing to buyers?

    Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 (No news since 2014?)
    Ice Wind Dale etc. (No news since early 2015?)

    You might have made posts about progress on the forum but afaik none of that info is pinned or easily accessible/easy to find if it exists.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    edited March 2016
    Franpa said:

    Any progress on updates for existing products that you're currently distributing to buyers?

    Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 (No news since 2014?)
    Ice Wind Dale etc. (No news since early 2015?)

    You might have made posts about progress on the forum but afaik none of that info is pinned or easily accessible/easy to find if it exists.

    It has been stated that both BG1 and BG2 will be patched before SoD hits the shelves (with most, if not all currently known bugs fixed according to a post by @Dee which I cannot find right now apart from all the changes from both IWD:EE and SoD), and as that deadline is looming in the near-future it could happen quite quickly. Besides that, Amber and Phil said we should watch the Beamblog for important information in the next weeks after the last stream, so it could be that a patch release is almost there.
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    I found the post @ including mention that they've been re-writing a lot of engine code.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    @Amber_Scott Another stream, another awesomeness.

    There's a mistake in the entry about times, though. 10 AM PST is 7, not 6 PM CET. It's 6 PM GMT, and GMT is not the same as CET, with CET being +1 hour to GMT.
  • Amber_ScottAmber_Scott Member Posts: 513
    Thanks! I used an online time zone translator but apparently it lied to me.
  • NecdilzorNecdilzor Member Posts: 279
    @Amber_Scott "Your game (and soundtracks, if you pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe or Collector's Edition) will be available to download on March 31, 2016."

    Does this mean we have a release date for Dragonspear? :open_mouth:
  • AndrewFoleyAndrewFoley Member Posts: 744
    Necdilzor said:

    Does this mean we have a release date for Dragonspear? :open_mouth:

    Oh, did we not mention that...? Yeah, it's March 31. 2016.

  • NexusNexus Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2016
    Man, you guys make it really obtuse to find information like that. I was waiting to order until I saw a release date and silly old me went the dragonspear main page to look at the faq, read through the preoder announcement and just went: "*sigh* guess I'll keep checking back for the release date" :P

    EDIT: to make it clear the email/blog post made it sound like PREORDERS start march 31st...
  • MerinaMerina Member Posts: 303
    Our pre-orders are for the version releasing on, so if you don’t have Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition on, you’ll have to purchase it there as well.
    What about Steam? ... Please clarify.
  • NecdilzorNecdilzor Member Posts: 279
    @AndrewFoley Great to know that!! :smiley:
  • Amber_ScottAmber_Scott Member Posts: 513
    Merina said:

    Our pre-orders are for the version releasing on, so if you don’t have Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition on, you’ll have to purchase it there as well.
    What about Steam? ... Please clarify.

    Steam releases on March 31, there are no Steam preorders.
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