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Jaheira and Aerie

I've been playing through BG2EE recently with Jaheira and Aerie in the party. I've noticed a lot of times on this forum people will talk about how much they hate/are annoyed by both of these characters. I'm wondering if people who hate Jaheira also hate Aerie or vice-verca.

The reason I ask is because these characters are polar opposites. On one end you have Jaheira who is a strong willed woman who knows her mind and is not afraid to speak it. She is wise in the ways of the world and has seen much in her time with the Harpers. On the other end you have Aerie who is naive and innocent in the ways of the world. She hasn't seen much outside of the circus and is very timid.

Both of these characters can be romanced and neither of them is bad as far as abilities go. Their voices are very different as well. They are both far from being 1 dimensional characters and they each grow over the course of the game.

What I'm most curious about are the people who dislike both characters. If neither are appealing what characters do you find appealing and why?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    one problem I can see why people might hate those characters is their multi-class weakness, in the early game it's not bad, but mid game and beyond ( and especially in ToB) they need GOBS of XP to gain levels, for jaheira's druid level to go from 14-15 she requires and additional 3 000 000 XP for one level, and aerie, for her mage levels to go up one, requires 750 000 XP per level, plus jaheira's HP is kind of low as well, I have a game in ToB where I am around 6.4 million XP and I gave jaheira tons of HP + stuff ( +1 con from lum the mad's machine, +10 HP from DoMT, +15 HP from sendai's iounstone) and she is only in the 140s while keldorn and mazzy without even trying are in the 170s, if people want druid spells they probably either go with cernd or make their own druid so they can get the spells faster,

    now aerie on the other hand, she has great potential but that multi-class weakness really hurts, infact, fighters will almost be hitting level 30 before she can cast level 9 spells, while single class mages are casting level 9 spells near the tale end of SoA or near the beginning of ToB, and basically at the 6 million mark, if you are not near the end you are pretty close to it, and also, she has insanely low HP, I have another SoA team with her in it and at 2.5 million XP she only has 51 HP ( 56 with sensate amulet) while anomen at 2.5 million XP has double that, and of coarse single class characters get their high level spells faster, so that is why, sometimes players prefer the single class clerics or mages over her because they can hit those cap spells faster which makes those harder battles easier

    but I have played games where I had both of them on the same team, because in reality you can beat the game with pretty much any combo of characters as long as there is a mage and cleric in there somewhere, so that is my guess why people might not like them as much
  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2015
    I don't think the problem is their is multi-class, cuz many people don't choose companions for powerplay reasons, but for roleplaying ones. After reading dozens of similar threads I'd say that the problem is that some people find Aerie annoyingly whiny, and some people find Jaheira too bossy and/or too quick to fall for the protagonist after Khalid's death.
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    I almost always have both in my party if that helps.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Jaheira is freaking awesome in my opinion. I'm sad she lost some of her condescending remarks from the first game. Straight up I hate multiclassing, I usually only focus on one side of the spectrum when using characters that have more then one class. Do aerie spell book is pretty empty.

    Aerie I will say I don't hate she was just too shallow.charname was captured, tortured, and lost his sister Jaheira lost her husband, imeon lost her soul, Viconia lost everything she has ever known and worked for... But you cry about your damn wings!!! I only did her romance once and it was a speed run, but I think she only mentioned her family once through her whole SoA romance. I never did it in ToB, so I don't know there.

    If she had cried more about how she missed her parents and siblings, her homeland, and just friends in general. I would have nothing but love for her, but really? I'm willing to listen, and I sympathize with you losing a part of your body that you were born with, and knew your whole life, but there has to be more to you girl.
  • OurQuestIsVainOurQuestIsVain Member Posts: 201

    Jaheira is freaking awesome in my opinion. I'm sad she lost some of her condescending remarks from the first game. Straight up I hate multiclassing, I usually only focus on one side of the spectrum when using characters that have more then one class. Do aerie spell book is pretty empty.

    Aerie I will say I don't hate she was just too shallow.charname was captured, tortured, and lost his sister Jaheira lost her husband, imeon lost her soul, Viconia lost everything she has ever known and worked for... But you cry about your damn wings!!! I only did her romance once and it was a speed run, but I think she only mentioned her family once through her whole SoA romance. I never did it in ToB, so I don't know there.

    If she had cried more about how she missed her parents and siblings, her homeland, and just friends in general. I would have nothing but love for her, but really? I'm willing to listen, and I sympathize with you losing a part of your body that you were born with, and knew your whole life, but there has to be more to you girl.

    I can understand this completely. You have good and valid reasons for not liking Aerie as a character BUT you do like Jaheira. This makes sense to me. How can people dislike both characters? They couldn't be more opposite.
  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232

    How can people dislike both characters?

    Those must be Viconia fans, lol.
  • OurQuestIsVainOurQuestIsVain Member Posts: 201
    Aramintai said:

    I don't think the problem is their is multi-class, cuz many people don't choose companions for powerplay reasons, but for roleplaying ones. After reading dozens of similar threads I'd say that the problem is that some people find Aerie annoyingly whiny, and some people find Jaheira too bossy and/or too quick to fall for the protagonist after Khalid's death.

    Aerie can definitely be whiny at times and she really needs charname and the other NPCs to boost her confidence.

    Jaheira's romance with you only comes about if you encourage her. At that point you are both guilty of not letting Khalid's body get cold before moving on. Perhaps players feel guilty about themselves.
  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2015

    Jaheira's romance with you only comes about if you encourage her. At that point you are both guilty of not letting Khalid's body get cold before moving on. Perhaps players feel guilty about themselves.

    Perhaps you're right. Personally, I've never felt guilty over this, cuz, first of all, realistically BG2 probably takes a whole year or so to complete - Amn is huge. And secondly, it's a classic story about two people getting together during a big personal ordeal. Big ordeals and constant life-or-death situations tend to bring people together inexplicably fast sometimes. That's not to say that there's no questioning this in the game - there was such talk about guilt in ToB, which just makes the romance more realistic, imho.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    I always liked both of them, even from a personality perspective.

    From the moment that I meet Aerie and free her from her (invisible) bonds, I feel a sense of responsibility toward her. Call me a sucker, but I can't resist her helpless and innocent persona. I also admire someone who is so ostensibly naive and helpless, but still puts their life on the line in the heat of battle.

    I like Jaheira for the exact opposite reason - she is a strong, fearless, defiant, and dedicated sidekick, who has sacrificed so much and will continue to sacrifice much more for your case.

    Both characters are generally staples of my BG2 parties.

  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2015
    You sound like a person who fell in love with one romance option and started justifying why you won't betray it for others.

    Some of the reasons of why you dislike Jaheira are just laughable - if you'd paid more attention to her you'd know through her dialogues that the protagonist over the course of their adventures had gained her respect and she started seeing him as equal, not becoming his "mother-figure" as you seem to think.

    Besides which, if you've read about Tethyrian history and her personal one, you'd know that she's not that much older than the protagonist, even though she acts as wise beyond her age. Aerie though is probably older than Jaheira's and protagonist's ages combined, lol. I won't even mention Viconia's age here :)

    Jaheira is indeed at times bossy and patronizing, but that's because she's a no-nonsense, strongwilled woman who takes her obligations to the Harpers and to her friend Gorion very seriously. As a guardian she has a duty to keep the protagonist safe and on the right path, and therefore is not shy to make suggestions about the best course of action, from her neutral point of view of course (although there is a consensus about her actually being neutral good, but 2nd edition not allowing it for druids). And though she may be upset if you steer too far from neutral reputation she never leaves the party if you've heroic reputation, she does that only if you're an utterly evil bastard.

    Personally, I like this type of character in women - strong and confident, but with an occasional desire for a stronger shoulder to lean on. If she wasn't so dead serious she'd make an excellent tsundere material - the most popular and funny anime archetype. But alas, the crown goes to the true tsundere queen - Viconia :)

    Personally, I can't say that I dislike any of the vanilla romances, they all have their interesting moments, even Anomen, but EE characters and their romances never grew on me, they seem kinda..I dunno, out of place, not as good written?
    Post edited by Aramintai on
  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2015
    Agreed, Jaheira is an awesome selfbuffing tank, especially if you give her good shield and armor. And, being a druid, she can lend support as a versatile offensive/defensive spellcaster. Though Aerie in that role is even better.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    @Aramintai Excuse me? I literally stated I play Female CHARNAMES. (If that doesn't point it out enough, Aerie is not a lesbian. You cannot romance her as a Female.) At what point did I try to come across as some Aerie-Sexual player? Do inform me of that. I'll have you know I like to romance all of the options, as they all have something to bring to the table. Why are you being such an ass hat to me? You don't like my opinion, that's fine, but stop laughing at everything that doesn't fit your idea of good. Jaheira's romance is creepy to a LOT of players in the BG Community, I'm not the only one. And no, she IS appointed your Guardian at the very first steps of Baldur's Gate 1 if you follow through and talk to Jaheira, but even if you don't, it's forced canon in BG2. FACT. She is essentially your Mother-Figure, regardless of how young she is and how close CHARNAMEs & Jaheira's age is, but regardless, I NEVER stated age was a problem. You brought that into the conversation. If I cared about age so much, why the heck would I be romancing the likes of Aerie & Viconia, who are probably like 500 years old in human years. It takes time to get to know Jaheira and it takes time for her to respect you as an equal. Otherwise, she doesn't do that for quite a while. Regardless of how loosely tsundere she could be perceived as.

    I just like Aerie the most out of all the characters, I'm not scolding you for being up Jaheira's Ass, why do you have such a big problem with me liking Aerie? Jaheira is probably the only character in the entire series who I really just don't like and for very good reasons that I pointed out. I dislike her condescending tone, which means I won't experience her character to it's full extent. But that in no way means I didn't at least try. I romanced her for a little while with a Male CHARNAME, just to see how it went and I found the whole thing creepy and stopped it. I have played with Jaheira in my party quite a few times, either for loot (usually for the former) or to get to know her, and I just don't like how she talks to my CHARNAME in the game. But let me just state it again; You need to like a character to want to take them around with you. You won't learn everything if you don't like their first impressions. Hence why people aren't incredibly informed on every single NPC in the game, because they don't all fit into everyone's idea of a merry or dastardly boat. I spent time trying to get to know Jaheira, but, her constant attitude got in the way, so I stopped taking her beyond the start of the game. I switch her out for Cernd ASAP. But that's just how I play.

    Sue me for not liking one character, god. I don't want a party member who is constantly going to sass me at every moment. I also wrote "iirc", which means I was probably wrong, which you indeed went out of your way to prove me wrong in quite the rude, but informed, fashion. I accept that I got the good thing wrong. And obviously I have not read into Jaheira's extra backstory in the Tethryian lore, so obviously I am not informed, but as I stated earlier age really doesn't matter and is entirely irrelevant. So I'm not entirely sure why you'd bring that up as some "She cant be your guardian cus she's only X older than you." when she quite literally tells you she is now your appointed Guardian now that Gorion is dead.

    Anomen and Jaheira probably aren't that far off from each other, really, in terms of how patient you need to be and if you say the wrong thing, end of the line for CHARNAME. They both take quite a long time to get into their "good" moments. Understandable or not, not everyone has the time or patience to get through a cream egg for it's delicious center and heavenly moments.

    I get that you clearly hate the guts out of Aerie (At least you've come across that way), but can you just stop being so rude to me based purely on my like of Aerie. You haven't even tried to be nice, straight off the bat you've been aggressive to me without me even so much as saying anything to you. I don't even understand why you've taken such a heavy tone with me, it's so unnecessary and rather random, gives me this impression you're trying to get an argument out of me and on my bad side. But I'm also not the type to sit around and be told my opinions and experiences are laughable. Perhaps if you want to discuss this is a more mature fashion and educate me more on Jaheira, I am happy to listen, but do not tell me anything I say is laughable.

    On the "power gaming" note, Aerie and Jaheira are as strong as each other for different things. Jaheira is obviously the perfect tank due to defensive druid spells, fighter stats and good rolls. Aerie is the perfect spell caster due to decent stats and being a Cleric/Mage, only thing Aerie actually sucks at is her low constitution, but that is technically explained as to why her con is bad. Which I like, she has a bad stat but it makes sense so you don't question it.
  • blackchimesblackchimes Member Posts: 323

    I can understand this completely. You have good and valid reasons for not liking Aerie as a character BUT you do like Jaheira. This makes sense to me. How can people dislike both characters? They couldn't be more opposite.

    Jaheira is a bitch, Aerie is some waifu shit. Polar opposites, but both too far from the middle.

    The fact that both are also mid-tier NPCs isn't helping.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979

    I can understand this completely. You have good and valid reasons for not liking Aerie as a character BUT you do like Jaheira. This makes sense to me. How can people dislike both characters? They couldn't be more opposite.

    The reasons I like Jaheira is similar reasons why I love Viconia. Despite the events that made her start to question herself, which all and all is actually indirectly Gorion and Charname's fault. She is quite a strong woman. Capable of doing for herself if need be. Can she be a bitch, can she be bossy yes she can, but that gives her character for me.

    While the whole submissiveness of Aerie is cute, there is a time where she has to stand on her own 2 feet, and Jaheira and Viconia will/can do this, Aerie not so much from my perspective.

    An above poster mentioned how Aerie was a slave, but she rarely fucking talks about it other than just being in a cage showing off her wings. What else? Because there is lot more to being a slave then just being showed off, history is proof of this. I mean if you take the things she say through her romance on a literal level, she is not ugly, like 90% of females in videogames, she didn't get beat with the ugly stick like alot of guys. Do explain to me how the hell she held onto her virginity being a slave? She does say, you made her a woman after sleeping with her the first time, this usually means you took their virginity.

    She could've talked more about the circus life after she lost her wings, again her family. Hell, hell what made her study magic and be a wizard? I mean seriously, bitch I'm a wizard I can cast a spell to fly. I'm a Sorcerer I can freaking teleport, you were born with wings a Sorcerer is born with magic... Yea, I think we win the born with Viconia game here.

    I mean shoot, Jaheira runs was more or less a quest of self discovery and moving on with her life, Viconia's romance was another quest of " omg I have emotions other then lust and pain!" I mean shoot, only reason Lolth let her live so long was because her whole life after turning her back on Lolth was pain. I mean come on, she is attacked because she's a Drow, was raped because she is a Drow, got geased becauae she's a Drow. Then what happens when love starts to seep into her, when starts to find comfort and trust in someone? Lolth strikes! Cause pain and discord in her life again.

    Neera, aka my little loose cannon, even she doesn't constantly go on about the red wizards. Even though as I try to find stealthiet solutions to our problems, she just wants to kill them all and take no names. Even then, she talks about everything from her home to her interests.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979

    @DragonKing Errr, the fact she was captured, enslaved against her will and thrown into a Cage for amusement? That might be the part where she's a slave? ...

    So where did I say it wasn't or she wasn't? All she talked about was her wings, literally. Last time I checked, slavery is way worse then just been thrown in a cage for amusement! I can open a history book for damn near any culture or race; African/African American, Jewish, Korean, Japanese, Roman, Native American or Greek and find something about slavery that goes far beyond just being thrown into a cage for merr amusement.entire cultures raped and destroyed, parents killed in front of their children and visa versa.

    If being thrown in a cage and simply shown off like a prized pet is what happened to her, while I in no way shape or form support ownership of another sentient life, but all tragedies are not creared equal. She barely touched the hardships of freaking slavery.

    At one point when Viconia actually owned her own land and home outside of a town, she trusted on man enough to show him her face, and guess what happened? He invited her over for lunch and then his sons along with himself beat her, raped her, and then proceeded to bury her alive. Then when she got her revenge, she was chased out of town for killing them.

    Imeon was kidnapped thrown in a cage, raped, tortured, and then had her soul stolen for being born something she didn't ask to be.

    In my very first post I said I have no hatred for Aerie, and I still don't, but I'm not going to cry when no evidence beyond her being thrown in the cage and losing her wings is the worst thing to happen to her, especially when the main character himself has gone through WORSE! She has my sympathy for losing her wings, my grandmother had to have her leg cut off in her 80s because there was a blood clot that was causing her to get closer and closer to a heart attack. So I feel for her, but if her wings make her who she is, then she is empty, the end.

    She went to help some kids (if I remember rightly, it was children.) and got captured for it.

    Complete irrelevant to anything I said.

    I don't understand why people don't find that upsetting or understand why Aerie is so shy and quiet, she's so blatantly pained.

    Now you're just making assumptions, who said they didn't find it upsetting? Just because something is upsetting doesn't mean everyone is going to like that character. Viconia lost everything because she saw no point in killing a damn baby!! She lost EVERYTHING, he status, her brother hell she was the complete downfall of her house. But people still hate her... Why should Aerie be any different?

    Of course she's going to hide it, the mere-mention of that moment in her life upsets her. It's quite literally a trigger for Aerie for anyone to bring it up. Hence why her and Viconia don't get along, because Viconia teases Aerie to no end.

    Hide it, hide what? The fact she was thrown in a cage? She doesn't fucking hide it. It's like the second or third thing she fucking says something to you about and she doesn't talk that long about it. Hiding would be not mentioning it at all, remember they open up to you and tell you all their whole history. It's not like Dragon age or freaking kotor where you actually had to walk up to the people and ask them questions about their past. Literally anything they don't want to tell you in the current dialogue, they are going to tell you in the freaking next.

    Viconia teases every damn body, and arguably no one gets it worse from her then Charname, with Jaheira coming in second. So that is in no way shape or forum a valid argument.

    Aerie stands on her own two feet, maybe not as much as the other girls, but she still does it.

    You can't even argue this to me without evidence. The key phrase in what I said, was my perspective. Vi has more then proven she can, Jaheira, hahaha I'm not even going go there. Neera, definitely can. Aerie, she first leaned on her uncle and then again on Charname. Maybe she has a coming of age in TOB, but I haven't seen in I SoA. And again, that's my perspective.

    I don't get why Aerie always gets into shit for being one of the "weaker" Females in the game. Loads of Strong Female NPCs, but so god help us if there's a single one that didn't get over their troubled past? Oh no, she's such a terrible character design.

    Oh god, please tell me that this bullshit wasn't just directed at me. I called her a shallow character and then gave my reasons why. I never called her character bad or terrible. Just because I don't like her as much as Jaheira or Viconia, doesn't mean I put her in shit. If I did that I'd have to do the same with Imeon, since she is also a "weaker" female character, but I like her more than Aerie. Also don't take that as a "I hate Aerie" because I do like Aerie I'm a similar little sister way I like Imeon.

    I don't think I want to imagine how you guys treat real people after you slate a fictional girl for being enslaved and made a joke out of for money, whilst in a cage and later her wings become diseased and get sawn off! I mean I get it, the weak get preyed on by people with some superiority mind-set, but this is honestly starting to get ridiculous.

    You literally just made me face palm myself so hard...

    What next, hate on Viconia what for happens to her if you romance her? Is she a whiny, weak Woman too? Jesus...

    Now I know you're not talking to me, especially not making this type of statement. What did you even mention me in this post? You should just quoted what ever you wanted to reply to and called it a day.

    What so automatically all slaves are meant to be subject to rape and sexual favours? It was a circus and she was lucky enough not to get raped, how can you even try to use that as some kind of bad thing towards Aerie. I can't believe my eyes when I read all these comments bashing Aerie for being a pure, honest, shy virgin. At this point I just don't even...?

    I'm questioning whether or not if you're actually comprehending what you're reading. Yes I know I've been told I might have dyslexia, yea I know I don't have the greatest grammar, and yes I know I'm using a cellphone, but some of your replies right now are jus, "what?" You're trying to actually twist what I'm saying or you're really just not comprehending it.

    How is it hard to understand how a Winged Elf can cast Arcane Magic and also become a Cleric under a Gnomish God. Do you need to be spoon fed how she learnt magic?

    Last time I checked, what and how aren't interchangeable, switching them out changes the question COMPLETELY! So now I know you're just not comprehending. Asking "what made her start studying magic and being a wizard" is a question of curiosity. What chain of events led to her picking magic, could have been that she simply wanted to pick up the skill to help Quayle with the show, or did she do it as a hobby to try and take her mind off her wings.

    Asking, "How is it hard to understand how a Winged Elf can cast Arcane Magic and also become a Cleric under a Gnomish God."

    Is insinuating that I believe she shouldn't or couldn't do both, which is putting words in my mouth, like what you've been doing through your reply.

    She's a freakin' Avariel. Yes, Aerie is very secluded and has fairly minimal back story and not much is explained about her, the writers made her that way. Her character is pained and secluded, she doesn't want to remember the past and has high respect for Quayle.

    Which is all completely irrelevant since you
    1) felt the need to change my original question.
    2) doesn't come close to answering the original question.
    3) you can't answer the question since you're not one of the original writers, or a writer licensed by bioware to change and/or extend Baldur gates lore.

    Actually, how is it hard to imagine anyone being able to cast magic in a fantasy setting. Almost everyone can cast magic to some extent in Baldur's Gate. It shouldn't need to be explained as to why she started studying magic. I don't entirely remember if it is explained, however; it has to do with Quayle being a Mage/Cleric, he raised Aerie so she was raised as a Mage/Cleric as well. So that makes it self-explanatory if it isn't mentioned in-depth or at all. Her class makes perfect sense. It probably doesn't if you didn't play BG1 or don't know Quayle is a Mage/Cleric.

    Be real, you're just clutching at straws now aren't you? You can search this entire board, and I put this on everything I hold dear, from my love of dragons and creating aren't to my very breathe that is leaving my nostrils right now. I haven't said a single god damn thing questioning how can she be both a mage and a cleric. I never questioned how or why a overused mythological race can cast magic. I made a statement on how she could've talked on the decision that made her choose wizardry and you grabbed a torch and pitch and came at me with patonizing and condescending bullshit.

    Got anything else to shoot Aerie down for?

    I'm didn't shoot her down, you just activated white knight mode because I wasn't sucking her clit.

    I'm here all days folks, I've got time to educate and explain.
    By any means, do PM me if you want to get away with fouler language and bully poor Aerie some more. Fictional or not, none of the characters in the Baldur's Gate setting deserve to get outright bullied because it's not to your taste or you've somehow found a problem with them.

    Bullied? No one bullied her, you just didn't like the opinions you read.

    But hey ho, I'll wait for someone to bring up something new about Aerie or something that doesn't sound absurd like her being a virgin is somehow bad and how she wasn't raped so therefore "omg stupid, make her get raped pls, she has to be like the other Elf Females!". Sure, express your opinions and experiences; But at what point does it become okay to hate on a character just purely based on him/her not being overly strong and resilient? To me, it's absurd. It just reminds me of all that "Cernd's Werwolf form sucks! Waaaah!" "OMG DORN IS BISEXUAL EWWW!!" "Hexxat! WTF BEAMDOG!!! SHE'S NOT HETEROSEXUAL!!" crap that gets/got spouted all the time. Honestly boys, do you need all your girls to be battered up for you to enjoy having them around? That's what it sounds like so far. "She's not been beaten enough. She wasn't raped, not interesting enough for my tastes." Some fucked up White-Knight crap right there, I can tell you that for sure.

    Finishing reading your post literally gave me a migraine. Do you even know what you're arguing anymore?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited August 2015
    *long sigh*

    *crosses fingers expecting thread to get closed*
  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232
    Good points about wings, but I think it's way too deep.

    As @DragonKing said above maybe there simply should have been more to her than that. Bad things happened to other characters as well and to some of them, like Minsc, Jaheira and the protagonist, very recently to boot, but you don't hear them complaining about it as much as Aerie - they just gritted their teeth and swore revenge.

    Aerie's ordeal though, ended some time ago, she lived in a circus for a while now with friends and uncle Quayle who comforted her, so why'd she start chewing the protagonist's ear off about it, a complete stranger from the street? If making people feel sorry for her all the time is her way of getting them to like her, no wonder some of them are annoyed. But unfortunately that's simply her romance hook - bringing this time and again for the larger part of her romance in SoA. I too wish there was more to it than that. Personally, I only started to like Aerie's romance in ToB where she becomes more interesting.

    You can say that those other characters who were hurt are tough experienced adventurers who know what is at stake and Aerie's just a newb in this, which is valid, of course. But not everyone wants to babysit a weak crybaby character until she finally pulls herself together, it's simple as that. Some players just want a badass party, not a cryass one.
  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232

    *long sigh*
    *crosses fingers expecting thread to get closed*

    Yea, these types of threads never end well. Too much angry fanboyism. But I guess the original poster already got the answer to his question :)
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Aramintai said:

    *long sigh*
    *crosses fingers expecting thread to get closed*

    Yea, these types of threads never end well. Too much angry fanboyism. But I guess the original poster already got the answer to his question :)
    I tried to remain in the polite, but when people twist my words and logic, and then put words in my mouth... Politeness goes out the window.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    I like Aerie and Jaheira, but never really got into Viconia that much. I suppose it's just a matter of personal taste. Also, considering Aerie's race, what might constitute as a long time for us may not seem quite so long to an elf. Anyways, I'm just a little bit put off by the sudden shouting match within this thread, so I will just say that and keep my distance.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    @Nimran Viconia is a acquired taste, a woman like that you either have to know how to play that game she's tossig at you or have the patience of Buddha. I personally love how she have zings for almost everybody.I mean hell, when the wannabe paladin is in the group, she'll start flirting with him even if you romanced her, just to shut him down at the end.

    And then omg, to have her and Jaheira together, just beautiful. It's like putting two vipers in a pit together and Charname is the little rat sitting in the corner.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    @DragonKing Hmm, I have to admit, part of me kinda wants to see that...
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Despite my affection for polite discourse, I have to admit I do enjoy watching people argue.

    @DragonKing, you are my favorite angry black man. :wink: And I apologize for invoking such a stupid stereotype.

    Some people see Aerie as whiny and irritating. Some people see her as a gentle soul. And some of us see her as a Cleric/Mage. But I think we can all agree that... uh...


    Well, I'm sure we can agree on something. How about "we love cookies?"
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Praise be to :cookie:s!
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