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Unpopular opinions



  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    I don't know who that is, but I was on my phone and slightly drunk when I saw that image last night, and I thought it was some sort of red-eyed daemon screaming. Was I wrong?

    Well she is known as Mother Monster to her fans, who themselves are known as the Little Monsters. It's Lady Gaga.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    However, getting back to the point, most a capella singers do not put their finger in their ear.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538

    However, getting back to the point, most a capella singers do not put their finger in their ear.

    But they do put them in the air :)

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    lroumen said:

    However, getting back to the point, most a capella singers do not put their finger in their ear.

    But they do put them in the air :)

    Well, its not like weapons are incable of being raised.
  • JoenSoJoenSo Member Posts: 910
    I forget. Was "Korgan is not chaotic evil" the popular or the unpopular opinion?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Anyone who thinks Korgan isn't Chaotic Evil clearly has never read his epilogue.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    It's page 100; every opinion have been voiced on both sides ten times already, hehe :)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    well like Jaheira there is a component in the tweak pack that changes korgan from ce to ne like it changed her to ng.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    well like Jaheira there is a component in the tweak pack that changes korgan from ce to ne like it changed her to ng.

    However I never use that as druids cannot be anything but neutral otherwise they are no longer druids.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235

    well like Jaheira there is a component in the tweak pack that changes korgan from ce to ne like it changed her to ng.

    However I never use that as druids cannot be anything but neutral otherwise they are no longer druids.
    Only in 2e.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I think allowing neutral good and neutral evil to Druids makes sense. I can't look at Jaheria or Cernd, and then look at any Shadow Druid and go, "Yup, same alignment."
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    elminster said:

    On the subject of Jaheira's alignment (and reposted what I wrote on reddit)

    Jaheira certainly skirts the line between true neutral and neutral good more than other neutral characters, but I think bioware made the fair call on her true neutral alignment. The big thing to remember with Jaheira is that she has a close relationship with your character and as a Harper (who was close to Gorion) she does not want to see you become the next Lord of Murder. Her actions are deeply related to that fact. So unlike say Nalia or Aerie, you won’t be seeing Jaheira pushing you to help out the poor. Instead you’ll see her saying lines that talk more about opposing evil to maintain the balance. For instance

    “I think it would be an excellent idea to get outside of the city and administer justice on such evil creatures. Tyranny is best matched with equal force.”

    As arguably more of a neutral character she's opposed to inflicting significant harm on innocent people - but otherwise is unwilling to part with the group unless it involves basically you murdering an innocent person (as a result of dialogue) or defiling nature. For instance, unlike Rasaad, Keldorn, and Mazzy she only cautions the player against siding with Bodhi (as opposed to leaving your party).

    In fact, the decisions you make that will cause her to leave the party through her own dialogue only involve murdering innocent people or doing something that would seriously defile nature. So for example she'll leave your party in ToB if you kill Countess Santele. She'll also leave your party if you attack Drizzt (in BG2), the deep gnomes, or Priestess Demin (all of whom you have no cause for attacking). She’ll also leave if you poison the druid grove (due to the action defiling nature). Same with the handing over of the dragon eggs to the demon (which she describes as being a “sacrilege against nature”).

    She does however get lumped in a lot with the good characters when it comes to mass exits from the party. So maybe there is somewhat of a case as well to argue that she is neutral good from that. But when push comes to shove she’s really more interested in making sure you don’t become the next Lord of Murder (perhaps because it's in the interest of the Harpers specifically, perhaps because of how close she is to you and was to Gorion) and really doesn’t push to address many of the issues you’d expect a “good” character to be interested in (like defeating evil, helping the poor, etc). That's why you won’t see her leaving your party if you side with Bodhi, kill Valygar, or side with Firkraag. It's because she's not a good-aligned character.

    I'm actually glad that call was made to have Jaheira skirt the line between TN and NG. I often tend to play a NG character, and had there not been a romance option with Jaheira I would have always completely ignored romance in BG2. As far as I am concerned, she is the only worthwhile romance option for my (male) PC. In the many times I have played these games I have never not had Jaheira (and Imoen) in my party, so I am very glad that the choices that would make her leave are somewhat limited.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited September 2018
    Jaheira's romance is by far the best.

    If it is better because it is genuinely good or because all the others are quite bad is something that I haven't decided yet.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Raduziel said:

    Jaheira's romance is by far the best.

    If it is better because it is genuinely good or because all the others are quite bad is something that I haven't decided yet.

    one reason why it can be the best is because you can get a ring of wizardry with it ( although tecnnically you dont have to do the romance to get it but hey, if you aint exploiting, thats pretty much the only way to get one without being a mage of some sort )

    in my opinion i like the viconia one the best because out of the 3 vanilla female romances i like her music the best, although jaheira comes in a close 2nd, i think viconia has the best music track, aerie's always makes me laugh when i hear it because it sounds so wussy and weak, and i've only ever done anomen's romance once a loooong time ago, and i just remembering it being a pain in the ass ugh, with a so-so romance tune

    but now adays when it comes to romances i just tell everyone to go pound sand right away, we are out killing baddies, no time for this "falling in love" garbage :)
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Viconia has always been a very frustrating companion for me. I really, really like her overall attitude and brass, and of course she's very easy on the eyes, but I just can't abide the evil alignment. I never do evil. Period. I just wish BD would create an alternate companion evolution path for her whereby she could be redeemed somewhat soon after you first meet her.
  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    I think most of my unpopular opinions stem around Mass Effect. In order of best to worst... Mass Effect 3, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect Andromeda, Mass Effect 1. I enjoyed them all. One caveat.. I was worried about Andromeda and purchased it very late, at the point Bioware were saying it's a good game "now".
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    kanisatha said:

    Viconia has always been a very frustrating companion for me. I really, really like her overall attitude and brass, and of course she's very easy on the eyes, but I just can't abide the evil alignment. I never do evil. Period. I just wish BD would create an alternate companion evolution path for her whereby she could be redeemed somewhat soon after you first meet her.

    irony at it's finest, you actually can change her alignment to good, if you say the right stuff through her romance lines she will change alignment, apparently this was even doable in the original SoA
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Raduziel said:

    Skatan said:

    I was kinda surprised one of my first playthrough with Dorn when there was suddenly a proposal for naked wrestling when I was just thinking we were bonding as battle bros. I felt kinda stupid when I realized that was actually me romancing him and not just being nice to a friend.

    Women call it "just another Monday".

    Queue 9gag "friend zone" meme :P
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