Godhood for everyone~

I don't know about you guys, but becoming the God of Murder for the xyz-th time is reaaally boring. So this kind of got me thinking, tinkering and then my headcanon workshop was running again at full speed: "What kind of deity would *I* become when ascending after the Throne of Bhaal?"
This thread is just for giggles. So feel free to let your silly imaginations roam around.
In my case, it would probably be something like this:
(The Thermae Dweller, Hot Springs Digger, He Who Sleeps In The Tub)
Lesser Power of the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Steam, True Neutral
PORTFOLIO: Baths, hot springs, saunas, purification through cleansing
DOMAIN NAME: Quasi-Elemental Plane of Steam / The Floating Rubber Duck
SUPERIOR: Istishia
ALIES: Leira, Eldath, Istishia
FOES: Ilmater, Loviatar, Talona
SYMBOL: A bathtub, or geyser.
HOLY ANIMAL: Geyser Dragon
The battle between the numerous spawns of Bhaal had left him utterly exhausted. Much blood, dirt and sweat was still clinging on his body. However, to his dismay the civilization level of Faerûn had yet to reach the knowledge of creating public bathing facilities. Thus, the first thing Kamigoroshi (Kah-MEE-gho-RO-shee) did after ascending to godhood was planewalking to the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Steam and digging up a giant and steaming hot spring. He then soaked in the pleasant water for untold years. By the time Kamigoroshi realized it, Bhaal's portfolio of "Murder" has been washed away and was replaced with "Baths".
At its heart, the Kamigoroshian faith believes that every city, town, settlement and household should have baths and cold drinks. Hot water and steam will wash away stress, ease diseases, allay pain, and purifies the mind. All sects of the Kamigoroshian faith tend to avoid personal combat and direct confrontations in public bathing areas. That is not to say that the faith ignores ill-mannered events going on around them in such facilities. But rather that they work quietly along less-obvious paths to accomplish their goals (such as hardening the comfy chairs of non-believers). Members of the faith are also to follow the path of rinsing their bodies from filth before entering the bathing water.
Day-to-Day Activities:
Keeping bathrooms pure and clean is one major goal of the church, and this responsible long-term goal has made the Kamigoroshians one of the more easily accepted elemental "cults" to visit. Other activities include of creating bathing toys, mixing shampoo, harvesting bathing salt and the invention of waterproof books.
Holy Days / Important Ceremonies:
Each moring for a follower of the Thermae Dweller begins with a quiet, hot bath and tea. Each night ends the same way. There are no fixed holy days within the Kamigoroshian faith, however the church sponsors various bathing festivals in Summer and sauna festivals in Winter.
Priestly Vestments:
Priests of Kamigoroshi dress in turquise-and-violet bathrobes with hot springs symbol decorations for ceremonial occasions.
Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring priests are free to wear whatever clothes they deem appropiate. Though they have at least one swimsuit ready in their backpack for taking a quick dip on the go.
This thread is just for giggles. So feel free to let your silly imaginations roam around.

In my case, it would probably be something like this:
(The Thermae Dweller, Hot Springs Digger, He Who Sleeps In The Tub)
Lesser Power of the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Steam, True Neutral
PORTFOLIO: Baths, hot springs, saunas, purification through cleansing
DOMAIN NAME: Quasi-Elemental Plane of Steam / The Floating Rubber Duck
SUPERIOR: Istishia
ALIES: Leira, Eldath, Istishia
FOES: Ilmater, Loviatar, Talona
SYMBOL: A bathtub, or geyser.
HOLY ANIMAL: Geyser Dragon
The battle between the numerous spawns of Bhaal had left him utterly exhausted. Much blood, dirt and sweat was still clinging on his body. However, to his dismay the civilization level of Faerûn had yet to reach the knowledge of creating public bathing facilities. Thus, the first thing Kamigoroshi (Kah-MEE-gho-RO-shee) did after ascending to godhood was planewalking to the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Steam and digging up a giant and steaming hot spring. He then soaked in the pleasant water for untold years. By the time Kamigoroshi realized it, Bhaal's portfolio of "Murder" has been washed away and was replaced with "Baths".
At its heart, the Kamigoroshian faith believes that every city, town, settlement and household should have baths and cold drinks. Hot water and steam will wash away stress, ease diseases, allay pain, and purifies the mind. All sects of the Kamigoroshian faith tend to avoid personal combat and direct confrontations in public bathing areas. That is not to say that the faith ignores ill-mannered events going on around them in such facilities. But rather that they work quietly along less-obvious paths to accomplish their goals (such as hardening the comfy chairs of non-believers). Members of the faith are also to follow the path of rinsing their bodies from filth before entering the bathing water.
Day-to-Day Activities:
Keeping bathrooms pure and clean is one major goal of the church, and this responsible long-term goal has made the Kamigoroshians one of the more easily accepted elemental "cults" to visit. Other activities include of creating bathing toys, mixing shampoo, harvesting bathing salt and the invention of waterproof books.
Holy Days / Important Ceremonies:
Each moring for a follower of the Thermae Dweller begins with a quiet, hot bath and tea. Each night ends the same way. There are no fixed holy days within the Kamigoroshian faith, however the church sponsors various bathing festivals in Summer and sauna festivals in Winter.
Priestly Vestments:
Priests of Kamigoroshi dress in turquise-and-violet bathrobes with hot springs symbol decorations for ceremonial occasions.
Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring priests are free to wear whatever clothes they deem appropiate. Though they have at least one swimsuit ready in their backpack for taking a quick dip on the go.
(Ruler of the dead and Lord of all that is Cute)
Lesser Power of the damned and adorableness, Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Undead, Short Races, Adorable Ceatures
ALIASAS: Archmage of Necrotic Cuteness
DOMAIN NAME: Land of Undead Cuddles
Superior: Kelemvor (Much to Kelemvor's disdain)
Allies: Velsharoon, Kiaransalee, Jergal
Enemies: Talona, Lathander, Malar
SYMBOL: A Pink Crow
Holy Animal: Crow
Worship Alignment: CN, CG, CE, and N
After the long battle to godhood Val'myr (Val-Meer) decided to take the death domain that his father possessed but also in honor of his beloved Alora he took domain over "cute." Death should be shown as a gate to your dreams as opposed to a closing to them. He follows Kelemvor to help establish proper rest for the dead but also takes in those who willingly take undead forms such as Liches and Vampires unlike his friend, Kellybro (Val'myr's nickname for Kelemvor).
Dogma: Death, and undeath, is fun! The passing of death and un-passing of it is a wonderful thing that should be studied! Those that follow Val'myr are endorsed to study death and undeath. Many of his priests are healers and necromancers. They ease those that wish to die into death but if one doesn't wish to die then undeath is an alternative that is also welcome. Churches of Val'myr will help fund mage academies to study the arts of necromancy and becoming a Lich. Many times Kelemvor and Val'myr clash on this as Kellybro doesn't want people entering undeath but Val'myr does. Val'myr also endorses the "delightifying" of graveyards. They are to be decorated with bright colors like pink, blue, and teal. In the cute domain his priests are encouraged to protect tiny, adorable creatures from harm.
Day-to-Day Activities: Priests of Val'myr will be found in graveyards studying necromancy and decorating them. Some also are professors of Necromancy in mage academies. They also explain that (most) of them aren't evil and are mostly harmless. They may also be found protecting forests with druids and keeping adorable creatures from harm.
Holy Days / Important Ceremonies: Everyday is to be celebrated though the primary holiday is known as "Alora's birthday." On this day Val'myr's priests celebrate all things cute by coloring everything pink. Skeletons dance in the street; they are painted with various flower designs and bright colors.
Priestly Vestments: Normal priests wear black robes with pink trimmings.
Adventuring Garb: His priests in the adventuring field wear all black full-plate with skull motifs on the joints (shoulders, knees, elbows, etc.) because as their god says, "It's super hype and skulls are radical."
Neutral good minor power of reasonable discourse, moderation in life, and pizza. The last one is to ensure that I have enough followers to not fade away.
Chaotic Good deity of colourful hats.
I encourage all my followers, both mages and non-mages, to wear them. Preferably pointed ones.
Alas, I fear I am *ahem* a bit too "sleepy" at the moment to follow the established "format", so, I'll just post my summary answer, and then perhaps revise into "proper" format later if this topic takes off.
So, I would basically take over the portfolio of whatever Santa Claus equivalent there might be in Forgotten Realms, but only if my forerunner and mentor had been "killed" in the Godswar. If He were still around, my next choice would be as whatever minor deity was allied with Him.
So, my "portfolio" would include, in no particular order: "Reward and punishment of children", "Duty, honor, and protection of the 'weak', "Home and hearth", "Teaching and education", "Symbol and myth", "Preservation of knowledge and lore", "Festivals of joy and celebration of life", "Colored lights", "Trees decorated with colored lights", "Cats and other intelligent mammals, but especially cats", "Father or Old Man anything", "Music", "Frugality and profit", and "Nighttime, the moon, the stars, and entities plagued by a bestial nature (I'm plagued with manic-depressive illness in my real life.) Oh yes, and also "Winter", and "Warmth in Winter".
So, that means my desired portfolios encompass, among the greater gods' portfolios, Oghma's, Helm's, Liira's, Selune's, Silvanus', and Chauntea's.
Among minor gods' portfolios: Deneir, Milil, Mielikki, Lurue, Eldath, Sharess, and Waukeen.
Pardon me if my attempted division between "major" and "minor" is perhaps not fully correct.
Hmm. Based on the portfolio allegiances determined by my core nature, I wonder if I might have been able to choose to rise to the status of some kind of "messenger" god, like Hermes or Mercury - a deity always in service to the aims of the other good gods.
So, the thing is, all of the portfolios with which my essential nature is harmonius, are taken both before and after the Godswar. I would have to have a new portfolio offered to me by either Ao or one of the major deities willing to split his or her portfolio with a newly ascended mortal in order to thwart Bhaal and Cyric. That would probably mean that I would need the grace of Oghma, Silvanus, Helm, Selune, or Chauntea, clearly communicated to me before I faced Mellissan, the Chosen of Bhaal, in order for me to accept Ascension. Because, without the guidance of my Gods, I would unhesitatingly choose annihilation rather than to accept Ascension to an evil divine portfolio.
Nimran, the Ferret Lord, Lawful Good minor deity of ferretkin and weaseloids everywhere! Allied with animal lovers, and mortal enemy of things that kill for something other than survival. I curse them with a plague of unending hordes of ravenous ferrets that eat them alive, starting with the scrotum.
(God of unfunny jokes)
Greater Power of the fathers everywhere
Portfolio: One Liners, Groaners, Puns, Awkward Laughter
ALIASAS: The Face Palmer, The Groan
DOMAIN NAME: Don't Go There
Superior: Ilmater
Allies: NO ONE
Enemies: Oghma, Hlal
SYMBOL: A hand planted upon a face in anguish
Worship Alignment: N,LN,CN,NE,NG
How he ended up being the last surviving bhaal spawn was a bad joke in itself. Out of all the worthy candidates, Deltago ascended into the heavens to take his rightful place among the Gods, his first words were, "wow I am star struck, get it." No one laughed.
AO decided that murder was a serious portfolio to have, and therefore gave it to a God who didn't take everything so lightly. Instead, Deltago was given the portfolio of bad comedy. Deltago's presence was immediately felt by fathers everywhere. They began following the new God, even indirectly, with corny one liners, puns and other horrible jokes that should be forgotten as quickly as they are told.
Since these jokes need to be forgotten, Deltago faces the wrath of Oghma. Instead of father's spreading wisdom as they are dictated to, they began spreading the unmentionable.
Dogma: There is a one liner for everything thing. Wisdom is in knowing the joke, not when to say it. Jokes should be shared regardless of the situation and to the younger. Laughter should be encouraged. If laughter is not shared, then explaining the joke and what makes it funny should be done immediately. There is no such thing as a bad joke, only people who do not see humour. These people need to lighten up, and encouraged to do so.
Day-to-Day Activities: Followers of Deltago should tell atleast one joke a day. If the follower has children, these jokes must be shared with them, regardless of distance or time of day the joke was gifted to the parent.
Holy Days / Important Ceremonies:Father's Day.
Priestly Vestments: Khaki's, usually pleated with a tucked in polo shirt. Black socks and sandals are worn by high priests only, usually with Khaki shorts.
Adventuring Garb: "Witty T-shirt"
(Your friendly moderator)
One of the Round Table of the "Boards", Lawful Neutral
PORTFOLIO: Swordsmanship, Bushidō, Samurai
DOMAIN NAME: BG forum / https://forums.beamdog.com
SUPERIOR: The Round Table Administrators
ALIES: Those who obey the forum rules
FOES: Those who don't follow the forum rules
SYMBOL: A kabuto
HOLY ANIMAL: A samurai tanuki (edited)
Noone remembers how Bengoshi came to godhood. It happened long ago. Bengoshi studied strategy over the years and achieved the spirit of the warrior. With the virtue of strategy he practises many arts and abilities — all things with no teacher.
There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.
Do not think dishonestly.
The Way is in training.
Become acquainted with every art.
Know the Ways of all professions.
Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters.
Develop intuitive judgment and understanding for everything.
Perceive those things which cannot be seen.
Pay attention even to trifles.
Do nothing which is of no use.
Day-to-Day Activities:
Eat, sleep, work, comment.
Holy Days / Important Ceremonies:
Each moring, a follower should open https://forums.beamdog.com in a browser and stay there at least for two hours. Repeat each evening.
Priestly Vestments:
Priests of Bengoshi are packed in full samurai armour and wield a katana and a wakizashi.
Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring priests are still packed in full samurai armour because they're trained warriors and to wear a full armour for a full day is not hard for them.
I don't have to be the lord of murder, I can be the Lord of Red Rum! C'mon and worship, there's always a party at the Red Rum temple. My religion would be loved by bartenders, pirates and university students throughout the Realms. My divine mount would be a winged scarlet bull.
All I need now is an overly complex scheme to get everyone in the Sword Coast and Amn drunk on distilled spirits at the same time. First, I hire bandits and mercenaries to create a wine shortage...
I'm pretty sure Cyric did exactly that and offed Talona. Then Ao was all like "A God of Murders gotta do, what a God of Murders gotta do."
So you don't necessarily have to live in a crappy hell dimension, surrounded by ugly slayers and whatnot, you just kill a God with better Spheres of influence than you and get some prime real estate and shiny new followers in process. Also lets face it, a lot of FR gods totally deserve a axe to the face.
Being the Lord of Murder, basically means you could be the God of anything and everything in time.
Lesser Power of an unknown plane, Chaotic-kinda Good.
PORTFOLIO: Shiny forks, spoons and other utensils.
ALIASES: The Magpie, Pica Pica.
DOMAIN NAME: The tree just outside your bedroom
ALLIES: Unknown
FOES: Everyone lawful
SYMBOL: A silver fork
Skatan after his rise to godhood, took refuge in a huge castle for some much needed R 'n R. There he built himself a throne made of no less than 10 000 stolen shiny utensils. All over the realms, the inhabitants had to eat their dinner using nothing but their hands and/or wooden spoons. The grief and agony caused by this massive theft was unheard of and a plethora of followers rushed to the churches of Skatan to gain his favour (and a new set of utensils).
Everything that is shiny is owned by him. Everything not bolted down (yes, this includes whatever you have in your pockets) is his. Everything that can be used for eating supper is his and his alone. Also screws, nails and coins catches his eye and can be given as tribute.
Day-to-Day Activities:
Flying around stealing things. Singing glorious hymns outside bedrooms to everyone who tries to sleep. Wooing your boo, trying to get inside her feathers.
Holy Days / Important Ceremonies:
Every day brings with it something new that has a previous owner and that's worth celebrating by stealing even more.
Priestly Vestments:
Priests of Skatan wears confortable black and white robes with hidden pockets of endless holding, capable of hoarding epics levels of shiny lootz.
Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring priests wears the same black and white robes but complement with a elven chain mail for protection.
The Lord of Chaos
Greater Power, Chaotic Neutral
PORTFOLIO: Chaos, Freedom, Creation, Destruction, Unpredictability, Adaptiveness
ALIASES: Lord of Chaos, The Ever-Changing, Face of Chaos, The Chaotic One
DOMINION: The Chaotic Plane of Limbo
ALLIES: The Seldarine, The Dark Seldarine, The Norse Pantheon, the Greek Pantheon, Chaotic Deities
FOES: Lawful Deities
WOR. ALIGN: Any Chaotic
DOMAINS: Chaos, Creation, Destruction, Freedom, Change, Luck, Madness
WORSHIPERS: Slaadi, Chaotic Outsiders, Wild Mages, Sorcerers, Bards, Barbarians, Madmen
SYMBOL: Arrows pointing to every direction
Archaos is said to have been a mortal once but no one seems to know what his real name was. Perhaps all those that knew his name, suddenly forgot and now only know of him as "Archaos".
Not many know why he took on such a name. Perhaps so people would associate him by what he is and what he does, while at the same time, not mistaking him for a primordial force.
While he took the powers of Murder, murder is the destruction of life, which prompts someone to create more or create something to counter further murder.
"Do As You Will" seems to be the mantra but also the main if not only dogma or commandment he expects from his followers.
It is said that through chaos, comes strength. Creation, destruction, evolution, change, open-mindedness and freedom are all aspects of chaos. By giving you such freedom, you make what you wish of it, for good or or bad and makes you adapt and prevail when two sides of the same coin of chaos collide.
Day-to-Day Activities:
There are no specific things followers of Archaos need to do. They are free to do as they wish, liberating them from activities that are mandatory and are done for reasons that serve no purpose.
Such individuals travel the world and do as they wish. The smarter or wiser ones, understand that everything has a consequence.
Holy Days / Important Ceremonies:
None. Some temples might decide when such holy days happen, others like to worship him the day he ascended to godhood.
When such days happen, worshipers do as they please. They might celebrate, they might get drunk, others will kill and others will speak nonsense for the fun of it.
Priestly Vestments:
Priests of Archaos have no particular vestments. Some might wear something resembling his symbol, a garb of whirling stars or one with arrows pointing everywhere. Others might dress in random or creative colors. Others might go nude.
Adventuring Garb:
Adventurers that worship Archaos, will pick whatever is best and practical when they go adventuring. Adapting from one situation to another. Others, like casters, might wear anything, or nothing at all and instead decorate themselves as they please.
Kamigoroshi is the god of baths and saunas. Priests of He Who Sleeps In the Tub preach that taking baths are essential for everyone and that bathrooms should be cleaned after usage. Or else the bather will suffer Kamigoroshi's ire.
- May cast Heat Water once a day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter. The caster can heat up small amounts of water in an instant. Larger amounts, such as a full bathtub of water, takes a full round. (WARNING: Do not point at people. Boiling blood makes for terrible stains in bathrooms.)
- May cast Sauna Vapor once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 10 levels thereafter. This spell evaporates moisture from the bodies of every enemy living creature within the area of effect, inflicting 1d4 damage per level of the caster. Affected creatures are allowed a Saving Throw vs. Spell for half damage. This spell is especially devastating to creatures of the fire and cold subtypes, who receive a penalty of -2 to their Saving Throws. Party members who are exposed to Sauna Vapor will sweat a great deal, but it won't harm them. Now will it help their quest for diet in losing weight.