I encountered a critical bug in my setup.
I have FnP with SR and SCS installed, including IWD spell component of the latter. Helarine has IWD spells available like Snowball Swarm and Emotion: Courage. A minor problem is that they lack an icon in the spellbook: only the spellname is listed and a memorized spell looks like an empty slot. In the casting menu they are displayed normally. What's much worse is that they break the game: after casting everything hangs and the application needs to be killed - this seems to be the case for all IWD spells. I play on iOS in case it is important. Sorry if it's not FnP's fault, but you are in the best position to know which of the above might be the culprit.
Can confirm that a few spells crash the game: it's not ALL the IWD spells (for example Sunscorch works properly), but Snowball Swarm, Icelance, Emotion: Courage and possible Emotion:Hope cause a CTD after casting. This happens with or without SCS arcane and divine spells installed, as far as I can determine. I could attempt to get a comprehensive list of bugged spells, but that might take a bit of time.
A minor question. Is it correct that Beastlords cannot wear armour, like Shapechangers? It's not listed in the kit's drawbacks so I was curious.
Edit: I see that this was addressed earlier in the thread now. I suppose the Beast Lord will have to be a bit softly softly until they find some sort of protection then .
A minor semi-issue. I see that Viconia is by default a Darkcloak of Shar and that's certainly nice. However she still holds a mace she can't use, so she's dead weight when met (I have the 'extra customization component' of SCS, which causes all spellcasters to have no memorized spells on joining).
If it wouldn't be much of an issue, I'd recommend to check the inventory of any NPCs you granted new kits to verify it against new restrictions. It would be also cool if the kit descriptions listed what armour and especially weapons are available; especially with the latter I ran into an issue where I put proficiency points during intial NPC level up into something they could not equip.
Other than that I really like it, makes Clerics much more appealing. As an atheist I only kinda don't like the name change to Priest, which brings to much real-world conotations to me.
A minor question. I seem to remember that the Inquisitor of Azuth used to have true sight like the Inquisitor. Firstly is my memory correct and if so what are the changes that have been made since then?
@subtledoctor Re-created the error so that I could provide the debug file. Just to recap, Imoen Romance + some other mod means Faiths and Powers fails to install.
A minor question. I seem to remember that the Inquisitor of Azuth used to have true sight like the Inquisitor. Firstly is my memory correct and if so what are the changes that have been made since then?
To be honest, I don't quite remember. However, my intention was to have a version of each of the original pally kits. I believe that I was going to call the inquisitor version an inquisitor, and so the IoA might just be it. If that is the case, then yes, it should probably have true sight...
A minor question. I seem to remember that the Inquisitor of Azuth used to have true sight like the Inquisitor. Firstly is my memory correct and if so what are the changes that have been made since then?
To be honest, I don't quite remember. However, my intention was to have a version of each of the original pally kits. I believe that I was going to call the inquisitor version an inquisitor, and so the IoA might just be it. If that is the case, then yes, it should probably have true sight...
In that case I might add true sight to my IoA using EE Keeper at present since the only other champion with true sight is the Champion of Gruumsh, an altogether different kettle of fish.
I can't speak for SD, but I've had no motivation to work on this mod for quite a while. My sensibilities have...changed over the years to the point where I would have done it completely differently were I to have started it today. More to the point, I would have done things in a much more modular fashion. This means that I would have done fewer, more robust and more flexible kits that would work well with or without the sphere system (which is by far the best part of this mod, imo, don't get me wrong). I would have experimented with multiple different subsystems, like spontaneous casting, domains (with maybe 3e and 5e inspired variations), divine channeling and so on. When I do get motivated to mod, I really only feel like working on that other stuff (and who knows if it'll ever get finished).
Oh, that's kinda saddening to hear. This is one of the best kit mods out there. Well, its a hobby right? Nothing tying you down. I hope you find a project that lights your creative fires again.
Tbh you and SD have done so much with this mod that it is still very impressive. Even if you don’t get every single little thing done, there is plenty of content here.
I think that SCS needs it's own version of IWD spells, with tiny tweaks in order to better fits into it's AI system. F&P can use SCS version when it detect them.
I've used F&P during my SoD playthrough and it was awesome. I hope that this mod will be developed further. So if the lack of IWD spells is holding the mod, please simply use option #2 and skip 'IWD Spells' component if the SCS is installed. It looks to me as most flexible way.
Hi @subtledoctor i quite like your take on the new druids and their at will shapeshift, that is more elegant than the scs method in my opinion.
I do think it's an issue, however, that the original druid kits do not seem to gain the same kind of at will shapeshift. Would you consider making an opinion for changing that, so that the original kits and the original druid shapeshift in the same manner as the new druid kits?
I would like to use it in order to correct the spells selection in my game.
I also have some questions about armor restrictions ans proficency points.
From what I read, if i understood correctly :
- druids can't wear better than studded leather
- most clerics can't wear better than chainmail
but :
- what about fighter/druid ?
- fighter/cleric ?
In my current game, Branwen as a Battleguard is limited to studded leather, and even when I change her to a fighter/battleguard she still can't wear better armor than studded leather.
As a single class battleguard shouldn't her be able to wear chainmail, and as a fighter/battleguard be able to wear plate mail ?
As a fighter/battleguard, I can put two points in weapon proficiency but only one in fighting styles, is it normal ?
On another subject, as a new god to add I suggest Finder of course.
As for the spheres :
Major : Plant, Thought, Exploration, Deception
Minor : Magic, Benediction, Dread, Knowledge
In my current game, Branwen as a Battleguard is limited to studded leather, and even when I change her to a fighter/battleguard she still can't wear better armor than studded leather.
Sounds like there's an off-by-one error somewhere. Which I have fixed at least once before... what version of the mod are you using? it seems. It is the version installed by default by EET.
I fear updating the mod will breack my install, maybe I can fix it with EEkeeper ?
I think he meant EET Install Tool. I've reported about the old version on their forums. I believe the reason EET Install Tool is installing the old version is because it's downloading from the original UnearthedArcana fork instead of the current one.
I have FnP with SR and SCS installed, including IWD spell component of the latter. Helarine has IWD spells available like Snowball Swarm and Emotion: Courage. A minor problem is that they lack an icon in the spellbook: only the spellname is listed and a memorized spell looks like an empty slot. In the casting menu they are displayed normally. What's much worse is that they break the game: after casting everything hangs and the application needs to be killed - this seems to be the case for all IWD spells. I play on iOS in case it is important. Sorry if it's not FnP's fault, but you are in the best position to know which of the above might be the culprit.
Edit: I see that this was addressed earlier in the thread now. I suppose the Beast Lord will have to be a bit softly softly until they find some sort of protection then
A minor semi-issue. I see that Viconia is by default a Darkcloak of Shar and that's certainly nice. However she still holds a mace she can't use, so she's dead weight when met (I have the 'extra customization component' of SCS, which causes all spellcasters to have no memorized spells on joining).
If it wouldn't be much of an issue, I'd recommend to check the inventory of any NPCs you granted new kits to verify it against new restrictions. It would be also cool if the kit descriptions listed what armour and especially weapons are available; especially with the latter I ran into an issue where I put proficiency points during intial NPC level up into something they could not equip.
Other than that I really like it, makes Clerics much more appealing. As an atheist I only kinda don't like the name change to Priest, which brings to much real-world conotations to me.
*edit* Bumping and also tagging @Grammarsalad
To be honest, I don't quite remember. However, my intention was to have a version of each of the original pally kits. I believe that I was going to call the inquisitor version an inquisitor, and so the IoA might just be it. If that is the case, then yes, it should probably have true sight...
In that case I might add true sight to my IoA using EE Keeper at present since the only other champion with true sight is the Champion of Gruumsh, an altogether different kettle of fish.
Agreed. Heh, also, it never made sense to me that canon Helmites don't have access to the Law sphere.
Full disclosure:
I can't speak for SD, but I've had no motivation to work on this mod for quite a while. My sensibilities have...changed over the years to the point where I would have done it completely differently were I to have started it today. More to the point, I would have done things in a much more modular fashion. This means that I would have done fewer, more robust and more flexible kits that would work well with or without the sphere system (which is by far the best part of this mod, imo, don't get me wrong). I would have experimented with multiple different subsystems, like spontaneous casting, domains (with maybe 3e and 5e inspired variations), divine channeling and so on. When I do get motivated to mod, I really only feel like working on that other stuff (and who knows if it'll ever get finished).
Don’t be too hard on yourself about it.
I've used F&P during my SoD playthrough and it was awesome. I hope that this mod will be developed further. So if the lack of IWD spells is holding the mod, please simply use option #2 and skip 'IWD Spells' component if the SCS is installed. It looks to me as most flexible way.
I do think it's an issue, however, that the original druid kits do not seem to gain the same kind of at will shapeshift. Would you consider making an opinion for changing that, so that the original kits and the original druid shapeshift in the same manner as the new druid kits?
I just did an EET installation with many mods and particularly this one.
It is really awesome.
I must have some mods interfering with this one as it seems that some clerics don't gain all the spells they should have.
Is there please somewhere a sheet like in the OP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uQJia0z1FePlkodb_AHajvlOl7dyRavOMR9US8acNP4/edit#gid=571285541) but up to date ? the Exploration sphere is not mentioned there.
I would like to use it in order to correct the spells selection in my game.
I also have some questions about armor restrictions ans proficency points.
From what I read, if i understood correctly :
- druids can't wear better than studded leather
- most clerics can't wear better than chainmail
but :
- what about fighter/druid ?
- fighter/cleric ?
In my current game, Branwen as a Battleguard is limited to studded leather, and even when I change her to a fighter/battleguard she still can't wear better armor than studded leather.
As a single class battleguard shouldn't her be able to wear chainmail, and as a fighter/battleguard be able to wear plate mail ?
As a fighter/battleguard, I can put two points in weapon proficiency but only one in fighting styles, is it normal ?
On another subject, as a new god to add I suggest Finder of course.
As for the spheres :
Major : Plant, Thought, Exploration, Deception
Minor : Magic, Benediction, Dread, Knowledge
Thanks for your amazing work.
I fear updating the mod will breack my install, maybe I can fix it with EEkeeper ?