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Faiths and Powers: Gods of the Realms (Kitpack and divine caster/spell tweaks)



  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 734
    I think he meant EET Install Tool. I've reported about the old version on their forums. I believe the reason EET Install Tool is installing the old version is because it's downloading from the original UnearthedArcana fork instead of the current one.

    Yes I used this one.
    Trouveur wrote: »
    Trouveur wrote: »
    In my current game, Branwen as a Battleguard is limited to studded leather, and even when I change her to a fighter/battleguard she still can't wear better armor than studded leather.

    Sounds like there's an off-by-one error somewhere. Which I have fixed at least once before... what version of the mod are you using? it seems. It is the version installed by default by EET.

    I fear updating the mod will breack my install, maybe I can fix it with EEkeeper ?

    It would probably be a lot of work. More trouble than it’s worth. Better to reinstall, unless you’re well into the game. If you didn’t install SCS after FnP, then a reinstall should be okay. If you installed SCS then might be better to do a full do-over.

    Btw the latest stable(ish) version of the mod is 0.77sd10. Just make sure you install IWD spells from IWDification or SCS 32 before installing FnP.

    Trouveur wrote: »
    It is the version installed by default by EET.

    EET is a mod just like this one. It doesn’t install any other mods, by default or otherwise.
    My main problem is the time required for EET to install. But I will try again on a more powerful computer, and replace the F&P version by the most recent one before launching the installation process.

    Thanks for the hindsight.
  • ChaoticTabrisChaoticTabris Member Posts: 13
    Trouveur wrote: »
    I think he meant EET Install Tool. I've reported about the old version on their forums. I believe the reason EET Install Tool is installing the old version is because it's downloading from the original UnearthedArcana fork instead of the current one.

    Yes I used this one.
    I reported this to Roxanne. EET Install Tool was using the wrong repository, she has already fixed it and it should install the latest version of F&P now.
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2019
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  • MythalarMythalar Member Posts: 68
    Should make more sense since nearly all god's have Benediction domain.
    Creation seems nice (prismatic spray seems odd no? Love the spell but it's not very "materialistic")
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  • MythalarMythalar Member Posts: 68
    I figure the sphere should have something other than weapons/summonses...

    Totally agree on this, that was just a thought.

    Why not use some of the Bigby's spells? More of a force spell but I think those are not used on other spheres?
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  • MythalarMythalar Member Posts: 68
    Also true, was just thinking of something a little more tangible like Otiluke spells, or stone/ironskin for defense or one of IWD "lance" spells.
    But I, for one, also love Prismatic spray so happy with it (and that's so shiny!)^^
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Mythalar wrote: »
    Also true, was just thinking of something a little more tangible like Otiluke spells, or stone/ironskin for defense or one of IWD "lance" spells.
    But I, for one, also love Prismatic spray so happy with it (and that's so shiny!)^^

    So shiny that Golum would love it. :D
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2019
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  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited October 2019
    The good thing is that even as it is now, it is possible to make multiclass characters using the single class cleric kits you have created. I have been making multi-class fighter/clerics and cleric/mages in EE-keeper using your cleric kits. :) An example below.


    It is the single classes that are the problem. For instance I wanted a Champion of Bane and had to make do with a champion of Iyachtu Xvim.

    I was wondering if there is a manual anywhere to teach people like me how to make new kits?

    I have done a small amount of programming in a survey company where I worked, but mainly did trouble shooting when I found that the software wasn't working correctly. Usually left the programming to those who were supposed to know what they were doing. Trouble shooting usually amounted to pointing out that there was a bracket missing. :D Something that the programmer should have been able to do without my help.
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  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Well, the zealot kits are kind of underwhelming, being just angry vanilla rangers. The Arvoreen thing might work better as a straight up ranger kit, forget about the bland rage ability.
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  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    I’m pretty sure we have a champion of Bane kit in here. It might only be enabled for IWDEE, because at the time BG takes place, Bane was dead...

    If my research was correct, Bane is dead only in BG1 (for less than a year, actually), being already resurrected in BG2. That's why I didn't bother with creating an Xvim kit.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    In the Stone of Askavaar mod, (A BG1 mod) there are clerics of Bane (No kits though, just ordinary clerics) who are trying to raise Bane. If he has clerics, why not champions?
  • ArdulArdul Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2019
    Hey Subtle. Tried installing the latest stable version of FnP. v. 0.77 SD beta 10. edit: I did the test on a clean BG2:EE install.

    As I have also seen in previous versions, the installer fails when I try to install only a selection of kits.

    The error I get:
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [faiths_and_powers/kits/clerics/201_lathander/b_cla04.spl] loaded, 394 bytes
    Copied [faiths_and_powers/kits/clerics/201_lathander/b_cla04.spl] to [override/b_cla04.spl]
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Select an installation method below: -> install everything (as designated in settings.ini)], rolling back to previous state
    Unable to Unlink [faiths_and_powers/backup/102/OTHER.102]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "faiths_and_powers/backup/102/OTHER.102")
    [faiths_and_powers/backup/102/UNSETSTR.102] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
    Will uninstall 1073 files for [FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2] component 102.
    Restoring backed-up [faiths_and_powers/backup/102/bg2fp_effect_batches_fnp.tpa]
    faiths_and_powers/backup/102/bg2fp_effect_batches_fnp.tpa copied to faiths_and_powers/lib/bg2fp_effect_batches_fnp.tpa, 138289 bytes
    Uninstalled 1073 files for [FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2] component 102.
    Unable to Unlink [faiths_and_powers/backup/102/READLN.102]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "faiths_and_powers/backup/102/READLN.102")
    Unable to Unlink [faiths_and_powers/backup/102/READLN.102.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "faiths_and_powers/backup/102/READLN.102.TEXT")
    ERROR: Failure("Unknown macro: cleric_lathander_spheres")
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-FAITHS_AND_POWERS.DEBUG and look for support at: SubtleD and Grammarsalad
    Using Language [English]
    [English] has 4 top-level TRA files
    [faiths_and_powers/language/english/setup.tra] has 1083 translation strings
    [faiths_and_powers/language/english/IWD_spells.tra] has 177 translation strings
    [faiths_and_powers/language/english/new_spells.tra] has 177 translation strings
    [faiths_and_powers/language/english/HLA.tra] has 75 translation strings

    The .ini settings I choose:

    // functional options:

    DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO d5_sphere_system BEGIN

    OUTER_SET d5_use_spheres = 0 // change to 0 to skip the sphere system



    OUTER_SET d5_2E_spheres = 1 // change to 1 for a conservative, 2E-style sphere system


    DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO d5_item_usability BEGIN

    OUTER_SET d5_item_use = 0 // change to 0 to disable item use changes


    DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO d5_dual_classing BEGIN

    OUTER_SET d5_dual_class = 1 // change to 1 to enable dual-classing to cleric


    DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO d5_minor_access_levels BEGIN

    OUTER_SET d5_minor_shift = 0 // change to an integer to shift minor-access spells to higher spell levels


    // kit installation options:

    DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO d5_kit_choices BEGIN

    // CLERICS:
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_lathander = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_torm = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_tymora = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_helm = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_kelemvor = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_tempus = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_leira = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_baravar = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_loviatar = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_talos = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_cyric = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_cleric_umberlee = 1

    // ACOLYTES:
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_ilmater = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_deneir = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_sune = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_tempus = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_mask = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_shar = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_moander = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_beshaba = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_acolyte_baervan = 1

    OUTER_SET d5_incarnate_mystra = 0

    // DRUIDS:
    OUTER_SET d5_forest_druid = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_totemic_druid = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_hivekeeper_druid = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_northern_druid = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_lost_druid = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_multiclass_druids = 1

    // MYSTICS:
    OUTER_SET d5_earth_mystic = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_water_mystic = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_air_mystic = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_fire_mystic = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_light_mystic = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_shadow_mystic = 0

    OUTER_SET d5_beast_lord = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_elementalist = 1

    OUTER_SET d5_champion_tyr = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_champion_azuth = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_champion_moradin = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_champion_kelemvor = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_champion_tempus = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_champion_bane = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_champion_helm = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_champion_talos = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_champion_red = 1

    // ZEALOTS:
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_ilmater = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_corellon = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_sune = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_mystra = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_eilistraee = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_gruumsh = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_talos = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_kossuth = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_zealot_garagos = 0

    // RANGERS:
    OUTER_SET d5_forest_ranger = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_mountain_ranger = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_jungle_ranger = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_desert_ranger = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_arctic_ranger = 1
    OUTER_SET d5_beast_master = 1

    // SCOUTS:
    OUTER_SET d5_mage_hunter = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_barbarian_ranger = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_elven_archer = 0
    // OUTER_SET d5_halfling_slinger = 0

    OUTER_SET d5_cm_mystra = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_cm_azuth = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_cm_bender = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_cf_clangeddin = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_cr_mielikki = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_cr_shaundakul = 0
    OUTER_SET d5_cf_helm = 0


    Post edited by Ardul on
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  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Well, the zealot kits are kind of underwhelming, being just angry vanilla rangers. The Arvoreen thing might work better as a straight up ranger kit, forget about the bland rage ability.

    The rage abilities are just variations on a theme. The main thing that characterizes zealots is having the class abilities of a ranger, while following a deity and getting paladin-like divine spellcasting instead of druid spells. For this kit, I think it would look exactly as I described: Mazzy as a ranger, with divine spells.

    I think Mazzy makes more sense as a fighter. Nothing about her character or dialogue says "ranger" to me. I'd also hate losing heavy armor for her, as she is often my main tank.
  • MythalarMythalar Member Posts: 68
    I'm toying with an idea. Rather than this split between clerics and acolytes/specialty priests, all cleric kits will simply be clerics. However, you will start with an innate ability (or an item or something) that will let you make a one-time choice: limit yourself to leather armors in exchange for an extra spell per level and a one-time Lore boost.

    Would be neat, would that also be the end of "Focus" sphere access?
    Just asking, would be fine by me.

    Waiting for the multiclass tweaks, and how bonuses like Mystra or Azuth kits (yeah, magic and magic and magic for me please) have would be adapted.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2019
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  • MythalarMythalar Member Posts: 68
    To be fair if we do a full install I don't think we would be looking to the watch..., it's not 3 hours!

    Concerning the Monitor and the Abjurist I only play mage/cleric so I guess I just have to see if I'd rather play the dual kits (which I love) or a basic multiclass with the relevant cleric kits
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2019
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  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @subtledoctor Mazzy's whole arc is that she wants to be a paladin, but can't be because its 2e. But she is just so valorous that her god grants her extra abilities that a normal fighter shouldn't have. So she functions as a paladin, without being recognized as one. That's her story and it all comes to closure when a ToB epilogue has her finally recognized as one by a paladin order. Giving her a kit undercuts her whole struggle to be recognized as more than a fighter, which she has to be mechaniclly for her arc to have full impact.
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  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @subtledoctor "I think that take on it contradicts itself. Mechanically, she already has divine abilities - just like a paladin."

    Not necessarily, her abilities could just a as easily be arcane in origin. Haste and strength? Those are some of the quintessential mage buffs. Mazzy is a character that can't be recognized as a paladin because of the time of the setting, so she is as close as possible, a fighter who carries the paladin code simply because she wants to. Nothing in her character or her arc even remotely sounds like a ranger. Even as a group dynamic, rangers aren't really thought of as leaders, while she lead her own adventuring party. But a charismatic fighter is a longstanding trope for that role.

    Making her a ranger kit and taking away her ability to use heavy armor and get grandmastery will completely ruin the two things she is best at. Tanking in heavy armor, or being an absolute death dealer with a bow. You would completely ruin her existing place in most party lineups. Seriously, don't take away my favorite tank and make yet another character compete for rare, good, leather armor. This mod has already reuined me ever taking Viconia in any party again. Don't take away literally my favorite npc in the series.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2019
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