For the desert druid with 0.69c. I'm in BG2EE and shapeshift into Basalisk form. Why do enemies get such massive to hit bonuses (+23 which never miss). See screenshot below.
EDIT: Forgot to say that when I am in Basalisk form, I see two special ability icons, One looks like a person, but the hover says Wolf form. The other icon looks like a hold spell, but hover says return to normal form.
EDIT 2: Why is only one form available to shapeshift to? Should I not have all 3 at 9th level instead of just the Basalisk?
Typically, i translate, ' we leave the 'i' out, to ' we do not hold ourselves to our commitments', though that is clearly not the case for committed Buddhists.
Following Kant, I think of the 'i' as a unifying function. At a basic level, that unification is merely passive. For instance, vision is not experienced in the way that the information is taken in-- as distinct ' bits'-- but as a unified whole in the visual field. Further, perceptual experience is not merely visual or auditory, etc. Rather, all experienced modalities are experienced singularly (i.e. each forms a part of an experienced whole). Further, they are experienced as a temporally ordered continuum. As James pointed out, no experience of the world is like any other because past experience informs present experience.
None of this so far is inconsistent with Buddhism.Kant would have liked that Buddhists do not fetishize the 'i' like they do in the West. Most of us are little Descartes's, dogmatically asserting not only that we have souls, but that they have so and such properties, etc. Further, he points out that, for all we know, consciousness is nothing more than a sequence of information states; that is, for all We know, all We are are a series of processors operating on information passed to us from previous states, which is then passed on to the next in the series (updating the language a bit!)
However, Kant would have argued that we must postulate a persistent 'i' in order to engage with the world around us (this is a modification of his postulates that i think Kant would accept). Think of what it would mean if we could accept the above. We would be like Sartre's gambler, who, though recently committed to stop gambling, finds themselves tempted (I'm drawing on Richard Moran's critique of Sartre than Sartre himself, here). 'Sure', he thinks, 'I committed myself yesterday, but what hold does the word of that ' yesterday me' have on my today? If i am to be committed now, I must recreate the commitment ' out of nothing'. Here, the 'i' is treated as one among many, with no special relationship to the ' current me' (though, there is also a recognition an intimate connection, creating a supposed ' paradox'-- it's more like dissonance. The problems of consciousness have no hold on reality). That is, in holding ones past commitments as having no real bearing on ones current conduct, the commitments of a past self is treated like the commitments of others. You can commit to stop gambling, but that has no bearing on me.
Were we able to accept the premise that the 'i' is merely an illusion, we would be like the gambler, but worse because there would be no dissonance. You would make a commitment to stop gambling today, and tonight you could gamble without contradiction. We could not even suggest that you ' broke' a commitment. We couldn't take you to be bound by your word anymore than we could take me to be bound by your word. In face, We would have to revise our language to something that would be unrecognizable (and, frankly, incomprehensible).
That is weird. I'll check it out.
@subtledoctor if you want, i can look into both this and the forest ranger thing. I was going to be chugging away at bugs this weekend (for both fnp and the spells stuff). That said, if you want to do fnp stuff this weekend, i can just focus on spells. God knows, i have plenty of spell stuff to do...
Can you guys tell me how to add or subtract a sphere from a kit? I feel like Baraevan's acolyte has one too few Major access spheres, which I would like to remedy.
I think I figured it out on my own, sorry for the question. I got rid of thought as a minor sphere and added exploration as a major sphere since he is the gnomish god of forests, travel and nature.
I am sorry if I offended @Grammarsalad . I am very grateful for the efforts you and subtledoctor put into this mod!
I'm not offended!! Not at all!!!
Edit: *looks up* okay. Maybe that weird post is why you think i might be offended. Its nothing like that. @Necromanx2 I apparently pasted from a Facebook post rather than quoting your report. That wasn't directed at you. Lol, it's the beginning of a Kantian critique of Buddhism...
Hmm, something is weird though. The multiclass Baervan kit isn't getting spells, and the single-class acolyte of Baervan gets them twice. It may be an isolated case - I noticed the multiclass kits for Shar/Leila/Mask seem fine. But I can't figure out what the issue is...
Hmm, something is weird though. The multiclass Baervan kit isn't getting spells, and the single-class acolyte of Baervan gets them twice. It may be an isolated case - I noticed the multiclass kits for Shar/Leila/Mask seem fine. But I can't figure out what the issue is...
well, that's weird...this is after this fix?
Yeah... I don't recall checking earlier so it could have been there since we added the kits a few days back. The doubling-up of the sphere spells is harmless... but obviously the cleric/mage not getting any spells is a problem. It seems like it should be something obvious - the wrong clab file referenced somewhere - but (admittedly tired) eyes couldn't find anything.
Okay, I fixed it, but I found a number of other weird errors. When installed via option 2, the mc mystra kit was not showing any alignment selections. MC azuth got stuck at character creation. They couldn't advance past mage spell memorization. I fixed that, but now both kits can select all alignments. I have no idea what is going on!!
It's an improvement, so I'll upload it to github...
Okay, I fixed it, but I found a number of other weird errors. When installed via option 2, the mc mystra kit was not showing any alignment selections. MC azuth got stuck at character creation. They couldn't advance past mage spell memorization. I fixed that, but now both kits can select all alignments. I have no idea what is going on!!
It's an improvement, so I'll upload it to github...
Edit: Uploaded... heh 0.69e
I wonders if there's a variable somewhere being carried over from earlier iterations of a loop in the code.
Meantime, as long as there's an update I'm going to make a couple changes I've been working on.
EDIT - uploaded v0.69f which reduces the number of files in /Faths_and_powers/spheres/clab/ from 115 to 5. That should make for easier maintenance. Also this update implements the delay of acquisition of minor-access spells to 2 levels after the acquisition of major-access spells.
I'll take another look at some point. I haven't tried option 1to see if any alignment can select these two. If, by some miracle, selection is right, maybe we can brute it and just patch the relevant alignment 2das near the end of the install for a quick fix...
Edit: meanwhile, I'm also chugging away on spells (fixes, improvements and maybe additions...)
meanwhile, I'm also chugging away on spells (fixes, improvements and maybe additions...)
Sweet! My to-do list now looks like: - More work on assigning kits to NPCs (we need to deal with Jaheira especially) - Add a single-use "scroll of memorization" so you can actually use your sphere spells immediately after choosing a kit in the deity choice dialogue - Start working on the new usability/proficiency system - Update the compatibility package for other mods - Revise/add druid kits
The first two of those are very self-contained, they shouldn't interfere with anything you are doing.
Sounds good. I'm especially interested in getting the proficiency thing on line. There is so much potential, there...
I have some thoughts on the alienist kits, particularly if they are still being thought of with a darker Lovecraftian Cthulhu aspect. Which are you still planning on finishing? Looks like I have seen activity with the Diabolist and Demonologist.
Anything with the others, particularly the oozemaster? My latest message on G3 for that was that DR was abandoned, and gave a link to this thread. A few modifications for a newer version might work, that's why I ask.
The basic lvl abilites of the original kit seems to fit pretty well. Charisma penalties and immunites at certain lvls. It has an oozy touch already, maybe acid damage instead of paralyze. There is an ooze mephit set up already from BG2.
Not sure of how your adding spells to spheres but an Ooze sphere could contain things like grease, acid arrow, ray of enfeeblement,stinking cloud, free action, cloudkill, contagion(or dolorous decay), etc. Possibly a new spell
'Slime Wave' that could deal acid damage and death results in transformation to green slimes under caster's control. A charm animal (ooze's n jellys only) spell. Summon ooze spells (creatures increase with lvl- say green slime up to mustard jelly or something. Maybe a turn undead like ability only for oozes n slimes. Secrete slime ability at certain level- x/day. Body secrets acid slime that does damage to those that hit him (like fire shield (make it green).
Just some ideas.
As to the mention in the description of the alienist mystics involvement with the unusual and being open to psychic manipulation, I was wondering on your thoughts to this. You may already have something in mind. Right offhand I was thinking perhaps immune to fear and then say, maybe -2 ST's vs the enchantment/charm sphere of spells,as they might be more open to manipulation.
Hey I encountered the same problem as mentioned by @LupusSolus in previous page, i.e. only Cleric and Zealot at the selection of Cleric subpage.
I used to install FnP by BWS (version 0.64a by default) and it works fine and I tried installing the most updated 0.69f by pausing BWS before MnG and it happened to be this issue.
And I used to install new mods in clean install and with appropriate order as suggested by BWS.
More Ideas: As I am a big fan of Lovecraft, an idea is brewing for a few other things as well. Three kits that address the possibility mentioned in the alienist kit section that referred to Cthulhu. A bard, a champion (Paladin), and a mystic (alienist kit). MOstly ideas from Middle finger of vecna site.
Beings referred to as the 'Old Ones'(Cthulhu and others). Banished by the Elder Gods these are alluded to somewhat in the FR's, a battle between the primordials and the Elder Gods (some primordials remained neutral and survived, like say Kossuth (and other Elemental gods like Grumbar (earth)).
The first: Bard I saw mention of a possible bard in the mod. I am thinking of the possibility for a bard of the Mad God (Azathoth- Cthulhu's great great grandfather or something (Far Realm entities). He hears the same strange music every night in his dreams (nightmares), from a dull droning to a mix of maddening like sounds. When he wakes he finds the ability and need to replicate them. They call for him to do something, but as to what, he is not quite sure. The bard just knows of an other worldy influence on him, not any god in particular( at least at start). Bard songs could be one basic song with the the addition of the innate spell like songs, say 1or more times a day.
Spell like songs(cast as extra spells per day) Deaf creatures immune, plus probably golems, undead, oozes, and non-sentient undead. Frenzied Strings:3rd lvl Plays an insane tune that drives hurts the mind 2d6 magic(?) damage vs fail save. Number of targets like hold person of something. 1x/day to start. Bypasses MR *Mad Melody: 6th lvl Decreases ST's and THACO of enemies, say -1 every 10 lvls(similar to dirgesinger) no save, bypasses MR Cacophony: 14 lvl 1x/day (tiring) Creates a deafening droning like noise that breaks spellcasting unless save is made. Those within 10' also take 5-30 pts magic damage (no save) bypasses MR
*Not sure on a base bard song, could be that relative to the dirgesinger, or the mad melody as above, starting at first, then the other two as innate spell like abilities per day. Alignment restricted to CN or CE most likely. Immunity to confusion like spells due to his wild playing and higher influence.
Keeper of the Elder Sign These champions are led by their dream to a calling. To keep an ancient and extremely powerful sign, protected and hidden from those that might destroy it, allowing those from the Far Realm to enter the FR's. They no not from where it comes from only that is a feeling of law and righteousness. (so no deity in specific, just a strong call and feeling). Dedicated to keeping the more dangerous and evil aspects of the universe hidden and at bay, from portals and gates as well, as even knowledge of such can drive people to fear and even madness. They are secretive and try to keep out of the public eye as much as possible. They seek hidden knowledge to help with their cause.
It is a secret order, and it is preferred to keep it that way, they are granted powers to help with this. Immune to Fear Immune to Confusion No Lay on Hands Standard 'Protection from evil' fits I think
Additional Arcane spells cast as divine(needs more thought-staying hidden and seeking hidden type things) 1st lvl Identify 2nd lvl Improved Invisibility 3rd lvl True Seeing 4th lvl Mislead
Specials: Invoke the Elder Sign X/day increase with a certain number of lvls, not sure Duration: 1 min. 20' radius as centered a spot Effect: Allies +1 THACO, +1 damage, -1 to AC (beneficial) All celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and outsiders CANNOT enter. If they are in the area when it is cast, thy are pushed to outside the radius.
Glimpse the Unspeakable: Range 30' One creation targeted is given a glimpse of the Far Realm. They are stunned with fear if a save is failed Duration 1 rd X/day increase with lvl. Bypasses MR
Aura of mental fortitude: Gained 7th lvl Immune to enchantment/charm( or possibly given to allies within 10' as well)
Word of Revelation: 1x/day (tiring to use) The Keeper utters a word used in the creation of the universe. 15' radius Effect of Remove Magic
Sunder Reality: Gained 20th Lvl 1x/day ONLY (tiring) Bypasses MR Te Keeper calls upon the Elder Sign to open a one way rift to the Far Realm, that leads either to or from the Far Realm. Duration 1min 5' radius on center of area targeted (appears as shadow door graphic or something) If it opens TO the Far Realm, creatures within 30 ' are dragged 5' closer each rd by an unseen force. If they Enter the portal, they are sent to the the Far realm for one round after which they are ejected. Causes fear and 8d10 damage. ST's maybe?
if it leads FROM the Far Realm, those directly adjacent to it are held by tentacles and various appendages of abberations from the Far Realm. A ST each rd negates this hold ( not sure if negatives should apply, possibly with lvls to be more useful.
3rd kit to consider: A mystic(alienist) Cthulhu Cultist (Cultist of the Old One) These mystics have a connection to Cthulhu and would like nothing more than to bring about his return to the Realms. He is reputed to be 'sleeping' far down in the deepest depths of the ocean, banished by the Elder Gods long ago. They have felt a calling however, and are granted abilities to achieve such a purpose.
Not sure on what your spheres contain but am thinking possibilities of choosing between Death, destruction, deception, thought, affliction, and water, knowledge?. And a new sphere CHAOS, with added arcane spells(Confusion, Chaos, Sphere of Chaos, Maze?, -just or starters)
Cthulhu is CE from Deities and Demigods Alignments:CE, NE, (LE?) Possibly a water mephit familiar. Acid blob attack (as melfs acid arrow), maybe stinking cloud. Or ability to summon a deep one, a fish man (kuo-toan like, higher lvl one) creature that serves Cthulhu 1x/day or something.
They grow to be more like their lord in shapechanging abilities. may be tougher to implement so could sub some things if needed Can take the form of an aberration at 5th lvl Starts with: Neolithid animation in SoD would be PERFECT, not sure if it can travel in the game animation
Say base armor class of 5 or something that improves with lvls maybe +1 str or 16base Claw attack 1x/rd d8 slashing See invisible and darkvision Poison Breath-close range attack does poison damage on hit. Extra limbs means extra speed. 1.5 movement speed
Next step up Additional limbs attack 2x/rd Dd12 damage and considered magical weapons Tougher HP increase +2/lvl +2Str or 18base Attack Range increases to 2h weapon range
Next step up 10th lvl Acid blood, attacks on cultist splashes enemies for 2d6 acid damage Colossal form, gains in size translates to str bonus +3 or 20base Can phase in and out of site. Improved invisibility x/day(?) More appendages deal extra crushing damage. say +2d6(save vs spell perhaps)
14th lvl A great eye that can be open or shut at will, causes antimagic field 15' radius (requires concentration, no other action can be taken-no spellcasting or attacks) Extract brain on hit as per mind flayer's ability (relatives of the Far Realm) Hideous appearance: enemies receive penalties to hit (not sure how much yet) Membranous wings (if possible would allow travel over acid or lava (something like that as flying can't be done.
@franco8737 I'll track that down, just have attention split a few different ways at the moment.
@Zaghoul I'm adding a hotfix for the DR Oozemaster to make its immunity non-dispellable.
Btw one idea I really want to get away from is adding a new sphere for a new kit. Spheres are meant to be buckets into which all existing (and added) spells get divided; kits can have particular niches and particular sphere access and extra special abilities beyond their spheres. So I would advocate for either 1) IF and only if an "Ooze" sphere has broader application, to be used by other kits, then sure let's make a sphere; or 2) if this Ooze sphere is really only something added for Oozemasters, then they can just get the stuff as special abilities.
Spell Revisions already has Summon Green Slimes and Acid Sheath (green, acid-based Fire Shield). I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if someone else has already done this. Also IWDEE has Vitriolic Sphere.
Maybe just detect the DR Oozemaster and - let Grease and Acid Arrow as cleric spells, - if Vitriolic Sphere is present, let it be cast as a cleric spell - if SR is installed, let Summon Slimes and Acid Sheath be cast as cleric spells
@subtledoctor I get it with the spheres, like I mentioned, was not sure how ya'll were working with them. Special abilities would be just fine.
I only use the OM kit from DR, no spheres or spells as it trips it up on V2.0+ EE games. Are you thinking it can be integrated then into FnPs as is with the additional special powers (summon slimes, etc)?
Great to hear on the Hotfix. I have to EEkeeper the acid immunity back on anytime a dispel magic hits or drinking the potion of magic blocking. The poison immunity stays, have not got any higher to check the later ones.
For the current DR mod used separately (regarding the hotfix); Where will you upload the hotfix to? G3?
EDIT: Forgot to say that when I am in Basalisk form, I see two special ability icons, One looks like a person, but the hover says Wolf form. The other icon looks like a hold spell, but hover says return to normal form.
EDIT 2: Why is only one form available to shapeshift to? Should I not have all 3 at 9th level instead of just the Basalisk?
Following Kant, I think of the 'i' as a unifying function. At a basic level, that unification is merely passive. For instance, vision is not experienced in the way that the information is taken in-- as distinct ' bits'-- but as a unified whole in the visual field. Further, perceptual experience is not merely visual or auditory, etc. Rather, all experienced modalities are experienced singularly (i.e. each forms a part of an experienced whole). Further, they are experienced as a temporally ordered continuum. As James pointed out, no experience of the world is like any other because past experience informs present experience.
None of this so far is inconsistent with Buddhism.Kant would have liked that Buddhists do not fetishize the 'i' like they do in the West. Most of us are little Descartes's, dogmatically asserting not only that we have souls, but that they have so and such properties, etc. Further, he points out that, for all we know, consciousness is nothing more than a sequence of information states; that is, for all We know, all We are are a series of processors operating on information passed to us from previous states, which is then passed on to the next in the series (updating the language a bit!)
However, Kant would have argued that we must postulate a persistent 'i' in order to engage with the world around us (this is a modification of his postulates that i think Kant would accept). Think of what it would mean if we could accept the above. We would be like Sartre's gambler, who, though recently committed to stop gambling, finds themselves tempted (I'm drawing on Richard Moran's critique of Sartre than Sartre himself, here). 'Sure', he thinks, 'I committed myself yesterday, but what hold does the word of that ' yesterday me' have on my today? If i am to be committed now, I must recreate the commitment ' out of nothing'. Here, the 'i' is treated as one among many, with no special relationship to the ' current me' (though, there is also a recognition an intimate connection, creating a supposed ' paradox'-- it's more like dissonance. The problems of consciousness have no hold on reality). That is, in holding ones past commitments as having no real bearing on ones current conduct, the commitments of a past self is treated like the commitments of others. You can commit to stop gambling, but that has no bearing on me.
Were we able to accept the premise that the 'i' is merely an illusion, we would be like the gambler, but worse because there would be no dissonance. You would make a commitment to stop gambling today, and tonight you could gamble without contradiction. We could not even suggest that you ' broke' a commitment. We couldn't take you to be bound by your word anymore than we could take me to be bound by your word. In face, We would have to revise our language to something that would be unrecognizable (and, frankly, incomprehensible).
That is weird. I'll check it out.
@subtledoctor if you want, i can look into both this and the forest ranger thing. I was going to be chugging away at bugs this weekend (for both fnp and the spells stuff). That said, if you want to do fnp stuff this weekend, i can just focus on spells. God knows, i have plenty of spell stuff to do...
Edit: *looks up* okay. Maybe that weird post is why you think i might be offended. Its nothing like that.
I apparently pasted from a Facebook post rather than quoting your report. That wasn't directed at you. Lol, it's the beginning of a Kantian critique of Buddhism...
Fun stuff! Hmmmm, that's one that @subtledoctor is going to have to look at...
It would make sense that that there is an issue with the exploration sphere as it's a new edition
It's an improvement, so I'll upload it to github...
Edit: Uploaded... heh 0.69e
Edit: meanwhile, I'm also chugging away on spells (fixes, improvements and maybe additions...)
Anything with the others, particularly the oozemaster? My latest message on G3 for that was that DR was abandoned, and gave a link to this thread.
A few modifications for a newer version might work, that's why I ask.
The basic lvl abilites of the original kit seems to fit pretty well. Charisma penalties and immunites at certain lvls. It has an oozy touch already, maybe acid damage instead of paralyze. There is an ooze mephit set up already from BG2.
Not sure of how your adding spells to spheres but an Ooze sphere could contain things like grease, acid arrow, ray of enfeeblement,stinking cloud, free action, cloudkill, contagion(or dolorous decay), etc. Possibly a new spell
'Slime Wave' that could deal acid damage and death results in transformation to green slimes under caster's control.
A charm animal (ooze's n jellys only) spell.
Summon ooze spells (creatures increase with lvl- say green slime up to mustard jelly or something.
Maybe a turn undead like ability only for oozes n slimes.
Secrete slime ability at certain level- x/day. Body secrets acid slime that does damage to those that hit him (like fire shield (make it green).
Just some ideas.
As to the mention in the description of the alienist mystics involvement with the unusual and being open to psychic manipulation, I was wondering on your thoughts to this. You may already have something in mind.
Right offhand I was thinking perhaps immune to fear and then say, maybe -2 ST's vs the enchantment/charm sphere of spells,as they might be more open to manipulation.
I used to install FnP by BWS (version 0.64a by default) and it works fine and I tried installing the most updated 0.69f by pausing BWS before MnG and it happened to be this issue.
And I used to install new mods in clean install and with appropriate order as suggested by BWS.
As I am a big fan of Lovecraft, an idea is brewing for a few other things as well. Three kits that address the possibility mentioned in the alienist kit section that referred to Cthulhu.
A bard, a champion (Paladin), and a mystic (alienist kit). MOstly ideas from Middle finger of vecna site.
Beings referred to as the 'Old Ones'(Cthulhu and others). Banished by the Elder Gods these are alluded to somewhat in the FR's, a battle between the primordials and the Elder Gods (some primordials remained neutral and survived, like say Kossuth (and other Elemental gods like Grumbar (earth)).
The first: Bard
I saw mention of a possible bard in the mod.
I am thinking of the possibility for a bard of the Mad God (Azathoth- Cthulhu's great great grandfather or something (Far Realm entities).
He hears the same strange music every night in his dreams (nightmares), from a dull droning to a mix of maddening like sounds. When he wakes he finds the ability and need to replicate them. They call for him to do something, but as to what, he is not quite sure. The bard just knows of an other worldy influence on him, not any god in particular( at least at start).
Bard songs could be one basic song with the the addition of the innate spell like songs, say 1or more times a day.
Spell like songs(cast as extra spells per day) Deaf creatures immune, plus probably golems, undead, oozes, and non-sentient undead.
Frenzied Strings:3rd lvl Plays an insane tune that drives hurts the mind 2d6 magic(?) damage vs fail save. Number of targets like hold person of something. 1x/day to start. Bypasses MR
*Mad Melody: 6th lvl Decreases ST's and THACO of enemies, say -1 every 10 lvls(similar to dirgesinger) no save, bypasses MR
Cacophony: 14 lvl 1x/day (tiring) Creates a deafening droning like noise that breaks spellcasting unless save is made. Those within 10' also take 5-30 pts magic damage (no save) bypasses MR
*Not sure on a base bard song, could be that relative to the dirgesinger, or the mad melody as above, starting at first, then the other two as innate spell like abilities per day.
Alignment restricted to CN or CE most likely.
Immunity to confusion like spells due to his wild playing and higher influence.
Keeper of the Elder Sign
These champions are led by their dream to a calling. To keep an ancient and extremely powerful sign, protected and hidden from those that might destroy it, allowing those from the Far Realm to enter the FR's. They no not from where it comes from only that is a feeling of law and righteousness. (so no deity in specific, just a strong call and feeling). Dedicated to keeping the more dangerous and evil aspects of the universe hidden and at bay, from portals and gates as well, as even knowledge of such can drive people to fear and even madness. They are secretive and try to keep out of the public eye as much as possible. They seek hidden knowledge to help with their cause.
It is a secret order, and it is preferred to keep it that way, they are granted powers to help with this.
Immune to Fear
Immune to Confusion
No Lay on Hands
Standard 'Protection from evil' fits I think
Additional Arcane spells cast as divine(needs more thought-staying hidden and seeking hidden type things)
1st lvl Identify
2nd lvl Improved Invisibility
3rd lvl True Seeing
4th lvl Mislead
Specials: Invoke the Elder Sign X/day increase with a certain number of lvls, not sure
Duration: 1 min. 20' radius as centered a spot
Effect: Allies +1 THACO, +1 damage, -1 to AC (beneficial)
All celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and outsiders CANNOT enter. If they are in the area when it is cast, thy are pushed to outside the radius.
Glimpse the Unspeakable:
Range 30'
One creation targeted is given a glimpse of the Far Realm. They are stunned with fear if a save is failed
Duration 1 rd
X/day increase with lvl. Bypasses MR
Aura of mental fortitude: Gained 7th lvl
Immune to enchantment/charm( or possibly given to allies within 10' as well)
Word of Revelation:
1x/day (tiring to use)
The Keeper utters a word used in the creation of the universe.
15' radius Effect of Remove Magic
Sunder Reality:
Gained 20th Lvl 1x/day ONLY (tiring) Bypasses MR
Te Keeper calls upon the Elder Sign to open a one way rift to the Far Realm, that leads either to or from the Far Realm.
Duration 1min
5' radius on center of area targeted (appears as shadow door graphic or something)
If it opens TO the Far Realm, creatures within 30 ' are dragged 5' closer each rd by an unseen force. If they Enter the portal, they are sent to the the Far realm for one round after which they are ejected. Causes fear and 8d10 damage.
ST's maybe?
if it leads FROM the Far Realm, those directly adjacent to it are held by tentacles and various appendages of abberations from the Far Realm. A ST each rd negates this hold ( not sure if negatives should apply, possibly with lvls to be more useful.
The Elder Sign
Lovecraft original version:
Later version used for D20 D&D purposes:
A mystic(alienist)
Cthulhu Cultist (Cultist of the Old One)
These mystics have a connection to Cthulhu and would like nothing more than to bring about his return to the Realms. He is reputed to be 'sleeping' far down in the deepest depths of the ocean, banished by the Elder Gods long ago. They have felt a calling however, and are granted abilities to achieve such a purpose.
Not sure on what your spheres contain but am thinking possibilities of choosing between Death, destruction, deception, thought, affliction, and water, knowledge?. And a new sphere CHAOS, with added arcane spells(Confusion, Chaos, Sphere of Chaos, Maze?, -just or starters)
Cthulhu is CE from Deities and Demigods
Alignments:CE, NE, (LE?)
Possibly a water mephit familiar. Acid blob attack (as melfs acid arrow), maybe stinking cloud.
Or ability to summon a deep one, a fish man (kuo-toan like, higher lvl one) creature that serves Cthulhu 1x/day or something.
They grow to be more like their lord in shapechanging abilities. may be tougher to implement so could sub some things if needed
Can take the form of an aberration at 5th lvl
Starts with:
Neolithid animation in SoD would be PERFECT, not sure if it can travel in the game animation
Say base armor class of 5 or something that improves with lvls maybe +1 str or 16base
Claw attack 1x/rd d8 slashing
See invisible and darkvision
Poison Breath-close range attack does poison damage on hit.
Extra limbs means extra speed. 1.5 movement speed
Next step up
Additional limbs attack 2x/rd Dd12 damage and considered magical weapons
Tougher HP increase +2/lvl +2Str or 18base
Attack Range increases to 2h weapon range
Next step up 10th lvl
Acid blood, attacks on cultist splashes enemies for 2d6 acid damage
Colossal form, gains in size translates to str bonus +3 or 20base
Can phase in and out of site. Improved invisibility x/day(?)
More appendages deal extra crushing damage. say +2d6(save vs spell perhaps)
14th lvl
A great eye that can be open or shut at will, causes antimagic field 15' radius (requires concentration, no other action can be taken-no spellcasting or attacks)
Extract brain on hit as per mind flayer's ability (relatives of the Far Realm)
Hideous appearance: enemies receive penalties to hit (not sure how much yet)
Membranous wings (if possible would allow travel over acid or lava (something like that as flying can't be done.
I only use the OM kit from DR, no spheres or spells as it trips it up on V2.0+ EE games. Are you thinking it can be integrated then into FnPs as is with the additional special powers (summon slimes, etc)?
Great to hear on the Hotfix.
For the current DR mod used separately (regarding the hotfix);
Where will you upload the hotfix to? G3?