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[MOD] -Might and Guile- a tweak mod and kit pack for warriors and rogues.



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262

    Is it compatible with BG1EE + Siege?

    Yup. I'm betting your issue is because you bought BGEE from SoD from steam or GOG. Check out the "Modmerge" thread stickied in this forum.
    You would've won that bet. Thanks, the modmerger worked
  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    Hey dude.

    I'm mostly interested in some of the smaller aspects of this mod, like the on/off toggle for monk/barbarian speeds and the ability for bards to sing and fight at the same time.

    I'm not looking to make major changes to the base game, mostly just a few small things that this mod definitely covers.

    So I was wondering if it was possible to install just certain parts of the mod? I'm a little bit of a noob to mods and whatnot, so this may be a very dumb question, haha.

    That's not to say the rest of the mod doesn't look really interesting as well. Perhaps in a future playthrough I'd have a go at some of the bigger changes it makes.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    Awesome! Thanks :#
  • CrimsonBardCrimsonBard Member Posts: 17
    Been testing this mod out for a bit and I'm really impressed with the fighter feats and bard auras. I can't tell you how much the old bard songs irritated me. Watching a skald have to stand at the back of the party and do nothing whilst his teammates were charging into the enemy, all because he couldn't attack and sing at the same time, was really sad. The auras make bards a lot more fun to play overall.

    A question about the fighter feats though: are there any plans to enable kitted fighters to gain access to these feats, perhaps at a slower rate? Or do you feel it'd be too imbalanced?
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  • ManiacalFreakManiacalFreak Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2017
    Problems with Monk Fist Revision (v3.2.1):

    - Casting Ki Fist gives a "magical weapon" effect, disallowing use of other weapons until Normal Fist is used to cancel it. It would be better if the Ki Fist was the default fist, and the Normal Fist was the magical weapon effect, since the non-lethal normal fists will pretty much never be used, except possibly to hit mages with PFMW. Even better would be to avoid having any magical weapon type effect. Not being able to switch to another weapon on the fly can be crippling in combat.

    - The item names are backwards. The magical/lethal fists are called normal fist and the non-magical/nonlethal fists are called ki fist.
  • RangeltoftRangeltoft Member Posts: 83
    Great mod! Loving it so far.

    Tried out an Alchemist, and he started with Advanced Alchemy rather then burning weapons. Tried an unkitted rogue and when I choose burning weapon for him, I got Advanced Alchemy instead.

    just a heads up.
  • CrimsonBardCrimsonBard Member Posts: 17
    I've just had an idea for the bard class. Currently, the MnG Bard Overhaul limits bards from casting conjuration, necromancy or evocation spells. Would it be possible to add an ability similar to the "magical secrets" class feature of the Bard from 5th Edition? In other words, allow the bard to add an arcane spell that he otherwise cannot otherwise learn into his spellbook?

    I'm not particularly knowledgable when it comes to IE modding, so I'm not sure if this is possible, although I know you can use the CLUAConsole to add spells (even forbidden ones) to your spellbook. Perhaps this feature could be added via the thief feat system, or as a class feature for some sort of Loremaster kit?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • CrimsonBardCrimsonBard Member Posts: 17
    Thanks for the reply. You are right, not having blaster spells in some of the early IWD dungeons is pretty annoying, but you do adapt. It reminds me of when I first used Xan many years ago and found that, despite his rather mediocre stats, he taught me how to play a mage properly rather than just as a magic missile and fireball turret. Besides, I'm probably going to take a Monitor of Azuth from FnP in my party alongside the bard, so I'll just carry a few blaster spells on him when needed for dealing with mooks and skeletons.

    Speaking of which, is your bard party using a skald? If so what role are you using him in? I was considering running an armoured skald as a sort of off-tank, but the blade might be better suited to that role, what with his AC bonus and blur aura.
  • RangeltoftRangeltoft Member Posts: 83
    a quick question Subtledoctor, have you removed the spellfilcher as a mage/thief multiclass?
    I can only get the option if I use the kit-selector as a pure rogue, and that character is not able to cast spells via the spellbook. Also, if i try to add the kit via EEkeeper, I cant level up.
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    Pour les sons, on peut les récupérer à partir d'une install de tob ma foi bien utile avec ces trucs de traduc.
    Petit script perl qui fait ça, il a besoin de wavc.exe qu'on trouve sur le web, weidu et oggenc pour encoder en ogg, à lancer dans le répertoire de tob vf :
    (c'est du perl, standard sous linux, et sous osx, désolé windows, mais ça doit être possible de lancer ça avec mingw32 sous windows).
    open(F,"<fr.tra") || die "pas de fr, générer avec 'weidu --traify-tlk --out fr.tra' dans le rép de tob\n";
    my @wav;
    while (<F>) {
    	if (/\[([\w\d_]+)\]/) {
    		push @wav,"$1.wav";
    mkdir "audio" if (! -d "audio");
    if (my $ret = system("weidu --out audio --biff-get-list ".join(" ",@wav))) {
    	die "system returned $ret ?\n";
    chdir "audio";
    while (<*.wav>) {
    	rename $_,"$_".c;
    	system("wine ~/bin/wavc.exe $_"."c $_");
        unlink "$_"."c";
    	if (-f $_) {
    		my $ogg = $_;
    		$ogg =~ s/wav$/ogg/;
    		system("oggenc $_ && rm -f $_ && mv $ogg $_");
    Ca a aussi besoin de fr.tra mais ça dit comment le générer avec weidu si il ne le trouve pas.
    Ca extrait tous les sons et les voix référencés dans les dialogues, puis ça les convertit en ogg pour bg2ee, et ça met tout ça dans un sous répertoire audio. Plus qu'à déplacer ça dans lang/fr_fr/override dans bg2ee et voilà. Le répertoire résultat fait 182 Mo quand même !
    Au passage on peut aussi convertir les sons du répertoire sounds de tob pour avoir le choix de voix fr du perso (à mettre dans lang/fr_fr/sounds).
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  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    Hi again.

    There's a very good chance I've missed something about this in the 30-odd pages of this thread, but it seems like the readme is no longer available through dropbox?

    If it's no longer available at all, I just wanted some extra info as to what exactly the bard class revision is — how do the auras and whatnot work? Also interested in what changes the mod does to the monk fists.
  • RangeltoftRangeltoft Member Posts: 83
    @subtledoctor That would explain it. Thanks for the quick respons!
    Also, any plans on fixing the Alchemist? From what I can tell Flaming weapons gives you advanced Alchemy and Advanced Alchemy gives you nothing at all.
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  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172

    @zelurker wrong thread?

    @Rangeltoft the problem is that the Spellficher is still coded the old-fashioned way, as a thief kit. And a recent change to NPC_EE gives mage/thieves the option to choose a mage kit instead of a thief kit. So yeah, I should turn it into a proper multiclass kit. I'll get on that when I can.

    very wrong, sorry !
  • RangeltoftRangeltoft Member Posts: 83
    @subtledoctor Good to know. Too bad I didnt read that before I just reinstalled all my mods :p
    But atleast that opens up for a later run with a Thief Alchemist.
  • draegodraego Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2017
    I am trying to install the Might and Guile mod and the scout kit wont install. It just skips it. Is this common. I am playing BG with SOD. I installed alot of the bg2 tweaks before this mod. and i had installed scales of balance after the mod
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  • TerramotusTerramotus Member Posts: 2
    One thing I noticed playing through with the bladesinger kit - they are unable to equip elven chain armor. This seems like an oversight as the armor is practically made for a bladesinger. It doesn't seem like a big deal balance-wise either as the bladesinger lacks the kensai's AC boost and the same AC is achievable through other means, such as with the robe of the good archmagi. Possibly a hold-over from copying some kensai-related things?
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  • RangeltoftRangeltoft Member Posts: 83
    @subtledoctor Is there a specific reason as to why your warrior kits from this mod are unable to dual-class into Druids? Cleric and Rouge are possible dual (havent had a toon with high enough INT to check on mage) But dualing over to druid does not pop up as an option, works fine with the standard warrior kits (Berzerker,Wizard slayer etc)
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    I always thinking about, why not you further modify the system with feats for every warrior, and you should use the hla screen from level 1 to gain new feats.
  • CrimsonBardCrimsonBard Member Posts: 17
    Okay, I think I've found a bug with the Blade kit for Bards. The Blur aura's AC bonus is not removed upon deactivating the song and when you activate the aura again, it stacks with the previous one. This means that you can keep stacking the auras for as low a base AC as -20. This is not simply a UI bug, as it definately makes the blade much harder to hit.

    Another unrelated bug I've found is that the tooltip for the Blur Aura says that its supposed to give you -4 to AC, but it actually gives -3.
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  • CrimsonBardCrimsonBard Member Posts: 17

    What version of the mod are you using? I'm pretty sure this has been fixed already.

    I'm using version 3.4.3.
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