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[MOD] -Might and Guile- a tweak mod and kit pack for warriors and rogues.



  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2017
    Sorry about that. If you already have fnp version 0.61 installed, drop the itm file in the attached zip in your override folder. Otherwise, fnp has been updated to 0.61a to address this issue.

    Edit: To be clear, there is no need to reinstall, nor re-download fnp. Just place the itm file in the attached zip into your override folder.

    Please let me know asap if this does not work!
  • whileNotZerowhileNotZero Member Posts: 6
    That was quick! I'll start reinstalling now and let you know. Thanks!
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    That was quick! I'll start reinstalling now and let you know. Thanks!

    Anything to get me away from Grice's take on Implicature.


    But seriously, let me know.
  • whileNotZerowhileNotZero Member Posts: 6
    Haha, are you a philosophy student? I don't envy you; that looks pretty dry.

    We've passed M&G, Tweaks Anthology, and SoB and now we're on SCS! I think we're in the clear!
  • Woolie_WoolWoolie_Wool Member Posts: 153
    Are feats only for base class fighters? Dwarven Defenders and Berserkers don't seem to get any, and manually adding Choose a Feat to characters with those kits in EEKeeper makes the feat selection dialogue menu not appear.
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  • Woolie_WoolWoolie_Wool Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2017
    Also is Heroic Resolve a passive ability or one that triggers automatically instead of being manually cast by the player? I selected that one for a fighter but it didn't show up in the innate talents menu afterward.
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited March 2017
    What if you did the old magic weapon trick, the one that created multiple different magic weapons? That is, before the new opcode that added a magic bonus to a weapon

    That is, create multiple innates as 3, but have the player activate a single ability and then choose their stance like they used to choose what weapon they created. It's a one at a time thing, so each stance can automatically dispel any others.

    (I'm not sure that i understand 2 as you are making the stances mutually exclusive as i understand it)

    Edit: The tactical abilities and stances need not account for each other. Tactical abilities can just dispel other tactical abilities and stances just other stances.

    Or it might be a little better aesthetically speaking to create three abilities: stances, tactical and quickstride/movement
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    Or it might be a little better aesthetically speaking to create three abilities: stances, tactical and quickstride/movement

    Right - I'd like to limit this to only taking up three spots in the abilities bar. That, plus 3-5 for nahal abilities, plus whatever else the game gives you... you really want to keep it under 12 abilities total.

    The issue is, I don't want a single feat that allows you to choose from 5 postures. I want you to choose each separately. So you learn the aggressive posture, and you more or less walk around with it active all the time. Then you can learn to parry slashing attacks, and you can choose between aggressive and parry slashing. And then you can add a third, etc. AFAIK there are only theee ways to do this:

    - Have .2da files prepared for every permutation of the five postures, and use the dialogue and local variables when you learn one to make sure you have the right ability invoking the right .2da file.

    - Use a stat(s) or spell state(s) to keep track of which postures are known, and gate the choice behind 326 effects. this probably also needs pre-made .2da lists for every permutation, but the dialogue will be much simpler.

    - When you learn a posture you get a behind-the-scenes wizard spell for it, and instead of referring to a .2da list, the innate ability chooses from "all wizard spells" like NRD. The problem here is, I would have to either disable dual-classing to mage, or else remove the fighting postures ability if you dual-class to mage. Players won't like that. (Even though the latter is actually completely reasonable, to me.)

    Maybe a compromise is to give the 'aggressive' and 'precise' postures their own spots in the abilities bar, and only have the three parry abilities use .2da files. That would only need 7 .2da permutations, and would use 3 ability spots if you learn them all (5 total if you also learn Quickstride and Tactics). If you have 5 bhaal powers that's 10 slots of the 12 taken up... more than I'd like.

    (Of course the unspoken issue is that the stupid bhaal powers, half of which are useless, can take up so many spots. Just give me a couple uses of CLW and a couple uses of DUHM and leave it at that.)
    Oh, yeah. I hadn't considered that these abilities weren't all going to be available at the same time.

    You could actually incorporate them into your selection dialog and have the whole thing take up one slot, period. That is, the same ability that allows you to select the stance can allow you to use them.

    Or, if that is too jarring, you could do all stances/tactics/movement in a single dialog. You can have some of them cancel certain others--e.g. parry slashing cancel blunt/piercing-- but not others--e.g. it leaves tactics alone. The whole thing could use internal variables set by your selection dialog to determine what your selections are dynamically.

    This way again all stances/tactics/movement feats would take a single ability.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • Woolie_WoolWoolie_Wool Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2017

    Here's my rough plan for the new warrior feats, informed by what I've done and liked/not liked about the old ones and the rogue feats:

    Permanent Bonuses:
    - +5 hit points
    - +5% crit chance
    - +5% damage resistance
    -- (alternatively, +10% vs. a single damage type)
    - +2 to saves vs. spells and wands
    - +2 to saves vs. death and petrification

    Toggleable Abilities:
    - Quickstride (toggle speed boost on/off)
    - Tactical Leadership (enable one at a time)
    -- Offensive: party-wide thac0 bonus
    -- Defensive: party-wide AC bonus
    - Fighting Postures (enable one at a time)
    -- Aggressive: chance of knockback on hit
    -- Precise: chance to disarm (brief Slow) on hit
    -- Parry: AC bonus vs. slashing attacks
    -- Parry: AC bonus vs. crushing attacks
    -- Parry: AC bonus vs. piercing attacks

    That's about 12-14 feats, of which most fighters could get, let's say, 7. Maybe one extra if you have high INT.

    I'm just not sure how to implement the fighting postures. 1) I could use my old 'wizard spellbook' trick, but that would mean not being able to dual-class to wizard. 2) I could Make a .2da file for each permutation of multiple postures and control via local variables, but that would be a minor logistical nightmare. 3) I could letceach one be its own innate ability, but that would overfill the innate abilities bar. Sigh... I'll probably end up doing the latter.)

    I would kind of like the current active abilities like Knockdown to be reworked into "spells" that are directly targeted at an enemy and do weapon damage on top of their effect just like similar attacks in Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: Original Sin, complete with some glowy spell effect so you get visual feedback. Right now you click Knockdown, wait a moment, and then click attack, and your enemy may or may not get knocked down. I like "pres butan" feats but right now they don't feel very satisfying (warrior HLAs in vanilla have the same problem).

    Perhaps one day FnP, MnG, TnB, and SoB can all be combined into a comprehensive gameplay megamod with AI that uses cantrips, feats, and other features you added, compatibility with other mods be damned, so it feels like a complete replacement rule set for the game?
  • ArizaelArizael Member Posts: 263
    Did you completely scrap the idea about turning styles into feats ?
  • Woolie_WoolWoolie_Wool Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2017
    Is it from another mod or does MnG (or SoB) unlock longbows for thieves? On my latest BG1 playthrough, after taking -1 THAC0 and -1 AC feats, Imoen has become a longbow murder machine who gets more kills than my warriors. It's kind of shocking how deadly she is, sitting in the back row picking dudes off while my warriors miss many of their melee attack rolls. Granted, this is BG1 where bows really shine and Kivan is death incarnate, but still, she's a thief.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • Woolie_WoolWoolie_Wool Member Posts: 153
    Yeah, I didn't install the YARAS because (a) the small amount of DR from plate armor looked pretty insignificant compared to the severe AC penalty from lowered DEX and (b) because I was afraid it would conflict with the tweak I installed that allows mages to cast spells in armor at the cost of a longer casting time (leather armor is bearable at +1, heavy armors impose +3-+5 casting time and thus hurt more than they help), nor the weapon tweaks (because I want real +1 weapons and not "mastercrafted" items that can't hurt vampiric wolves and other such enemies).

    Also I just realized that since I had elected to spend my first proficiency bonus after level 1 on Shield-Fighting, I didn't have specialization for swords and my paladin of Tyr has only 1 APR in melee. No wonder he's trailing behind Imoen so much!

    Also who's Meyer? Is that your PC? Or is it an autocorrect?
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  • Woolie_WoolWoolie_Wool Member Posts: 153
    So all spell-type attacks must use the standard wizard casting motions, so you can't have your fighter just whack a guy and a glowing flash appears at the point of impact?
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  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368

    So all spell-type attacks must use the standard wizard casting motions.

    Quite literally, yes. Attacking is an entirely different mechanism from targeted skill use in this game, its not like other games where the standard attack is just another skill.

    The ideal would be a touch-range spell with zero casting time (so no casting animation) and have the spell trigger your character to play the melee attack animation. If you get the timing of the effects right, it could work. But AFAIK there is no spell effect that causes you to play an attack animation.

    There is an effect to force a given animation sequence(138), but it cannot override the casting animation, and it can crash due to unknown complications.
    There is a file meant to control the animation used when activating an item - but the only time it ever does anything is when it crashes the game.

    You could:
    - Duplicate the animations for every PC race, class, & tier in new animation slots, replacing the casting animation with one of the 1-h attack cycles.
    - Duplicate that animation cycle for all 1-h weapons to be used in the casting slot, for all tiers.
    - Duplicate that animation cycle for all shields to be used in the casting slot, for all tiers.
    - Duplicate that animation cycle for all helmets to be used in the casting slot, for all tiers.
    - Restrict the skill to only be available if a shield is equipped and proficient.(doable, if complicated).
    - As global effects of the skill, use a chain of opcode 177's to separately target each race/gender/class (7*2*21=294 effects) to use opcode 53 to switch to this new animation for 1 second when using the skill.
    - And note, you wouldn't be just duplicating the animations with a new name, you would need to individually adjust the attack animations to match the frame specifications of the casting animation. Attacks have 14 frames, while there are 4 casting animations with 10, 20, 8, and 7 frames each.
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  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    kjeron said:

    There is a file meant to control the animation used when activating an item - but the only time it ever does anything is when it crashes the game.

    Epic...reminds me of Hitchhiker's Guide... :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2017
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  • Contemplative_HamsterContemplative_Hamster Member Posts: 844
    Love it!
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  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
    edited March 2017
    Hey, that looks like a really nice mod. Is it compatible with BG1EE + Siege? It seems to be pointing towards wrong strings in the dialog.tlk and I get kit names such us "Yes, I know. Duke Eltan sent me.". I tried deleting my English dialog.tlk and verifying the game (gog version btw) and straight up reinstalling and it's still the same.
    Names and descriptions appear to be fine on BG2EE


    the version i used was 3.4.1


    Confirmed, when I uninstalled siege, the names and descriptions are now fixed. Will there be Siege compatibility update soon?
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