Help me out, please: an excess of reputation

So, I'm in a bit of a bind here. My reputation is 17. My party consists of Charname, Dorn, Viconia, Imoen and Baeloth. I just let Neera go, because I intend to get both Minsc and Dynaheir. I am in Nashkel.
I tried to leave Dorn and replace him with Minsc, but the problem is, the moment Dorn leaves, my reputation jumps to 19, so Viconia and Baeloth both leave. Baeloth actually asks to rejoin, at which point my reputation drops back to 17, but Viconia has already left (and disappeared!) at that point. Apparently, there's no way to juggle this without losing Viconia for good. Or at least, I didn't find a way.
I tried stealing. Two guards were called. I killed them. My reputation plummeted to 3. I don't want that.
So, is there a way of losing a couple of reputation points so that I can ditch Dorn without losing Viconia?
I tried to leave Dorn and replace him with Minsc, but the problem is, the moment Dorn leaves, my reputation jumps to 19, so Viconia and Baeloth both leave. Baeloth actually asks to rejoin, at which point my reputation drops back to 17, but Viconia has already left (and disappeared!) at that point. Apparently, there's no way to juggle this without losing Viconia for good. Or at least, I didn't find a way.
I tried stealing. Two guards were called. I killed them. My reputation plummeted to 3. I don't want that.
So, is there a way of losing a couple of reputation points so that I can ditch Dorn without losing Viconia?
There is a couple of quests you can complete to lower reputation. Prim's quest at the Nashkel Mines can be done by lowering reputation, killing the Cloudpeak dryad west of Nashkel also lowers reputation if I recall correctly.
There is a quest in Baldur's Gate about a girl and her kitty - if you kill the kitty (that's even worse than a random commoner you monster!) you lose some reputation.
In Baldur's Gate's south-western section (Flaming Fist HQ) there is an inn facing the southern wall. Entering with an evil party member will make the paladin inside go crazy and attack you. Killing him lowers your reputation.
Last but not least, killing the woman that tells you about Brage, south of the Lighthouse area, lowers reputation if memory doesn't fail me - she initiates the conversation too.
There's likely a few more that I'm currently missing. Likely killing the Archeologist in the same area as Brage will lower your reputation - I never did the quest the evil route though. Siding with Silke might lower reputation too, but again I'm not entirely convinced.
I think resisting arrest from the flaming fist in Baldur's Gate lowers reputation too? I'm not quite sure.
Lie to...Oubek? The bounty guy in Nashel and take his 200gc. I think that lowers your reputation.
Kill Drizzt. RP it as Viconia or Baeloth attacking immediately and Charname jumps in to 'help' his friends. He doesn't stay dead and eventually gets his equipment back. You can even say sorry to him in BG2.
Don't free the slaves in the cloakwood mines. -2 rep
Rescue the petrified woman in the bassilisk area and demand payment. -1 rep there
Steal and then try to bribe flaming fist mercenaries. you get - for stealing and another -1 for the bribe attempt
Agree to murder the workers at the archaeological dig
Finally, at the very end, kill Sarevok's mentor. Winski, I think.
That's about all I can think of
Solution to all problems in life, really
Another spot is just northeast of the south bridge in Nashkel. After finding a greenstone ring in the second level of the Nashkel Mine, take it to the house there. The woman inside will recognize the ring as her husband's, but you can keep it for a drop in rep as well.
(For those who are curious, the list mainly consists of Firebead [post scroll case quest], Shandalar, and Drizzt. Not sure if there's anyone else in the game who pays out big and gives a rep hit.)
I just started a game today and remembered also that I'll sometimes return Unshey's girdle for the XP and then kill 'em to get it back.
They deserve to die considering they beg for one coin while standing next to an unlocked container with loads of coins.
Stupidity shouldn't be rewarded.
And why do they never bother picking up all the random armour/weapons to sell that are left in my wake after dealing with an assasin?
Lazy I reckon.
Nonetheless, it still causes me guilt feelings but if you want to keep people happy, it's the price you have to pay.
As a general update, it looks like killing Firebead costs you like killing a Flaming Fist these days, so he probably isn't worth killing anymore unless you're planning on just tanking your rep.