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Miner Beldin and the yipping demons

I was curious how many players try and save poor ole Miner Beldin. He's the poor sap who greets you at the entrance to the second level of the Nashkel Mines. The guy who warns about the yipping demons. I find it rather difficult to keep him alive after the squad of four kobold archers suddenly appear, but over the years I've developed techniques which may be about 25%-33% successful in protecting him, so he can live to wander off the screen.

I know it may be silly and has nothing to do with the big picture, but I'm always really disappointed when Beldin takes an arrow and dies. I'm a hero(Anti-Hero) and my being there is supposed to make a difference!

Yay! My latest hero (Human Stalker) has saved poor ole Beldin. This small victory will not be noted in the official journals of this campaign, but I'd like to believe that Beldin uses the rest of his life to accomplish some good in the world, perhaps later having a child who grows up to be a great hero in the future. Goodness will always win when accomplishing the small things...image


  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Cast Protection from Normal Missiles on him.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    Cast Protection from Normal Missiles on him.

    ... if you've already got that spell at this early stage of the game, and a Mage of high enough level to cast it. But I don't think I've ever left the Nashkel Mine so late that I could already do this, and I suspect that most other players also wouldn't yet have that option.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    I managed to "save" Beldin once, mainly because he was lucky enough not to be killed by the first arrow that hit him and was even luckier not to be hit by a second before he disappeared.



    Most times though, he gets shot down before I can maneuver my party members into the line of fire.

  • GandaGanda Member Posts: 35
    If solo you can walk past him and lead him far enough away that he wont get shot at.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    bengoshi said:

    The BG1 NPC Project adds an extra dialogue with Beldin as soon as you kill those kobolds, in which he thanks you. A nice touch!

    Only if you have Kivan iirc
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    I have the BG1 NPC project mod installed and have never had Beldin thank me after saving him. He always just silently totters off, presumably to have a progeny who later becomes the savior of Faerun, but he's never thanked me. (I suppose knowing his daughter will be a great hero is thanks enough!)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Summoning @AstroBryGuy here, to share the knowledge about that dialogue :)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Artemius_I is correct. You need to have Kivan in your party. He will interject on Beldin's initial dialog. Then there is another dialog after the battle.
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    I never usually recruit Kivan until after the mines and I'm getting ready to assault the bandit camp, so i guess that explains it. (Now I'm going to have to recruit Kivan earlier just to see this dialog :blush:
  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688
    Aren't there Amnian soldiers on guard right down the corridor where Beldin comes from, chased by goblins? What *does* the government know?!
  • TheWhitefireTheWhitefire Member Posts: 119
    Actually, i believe by that level of the mines there are no longer any soldiers standing guard. Also, Kobolds, not goblins. ;)
  • YelocessejYelocessej Member Posts: 182
    There's totally guards all over Level 2. Map Refresher:
  • TheWhitefireTheWhitefire Member Posts: 119
    My mistake, for some reason I thought you ran into him on level 3.
  • YelocessejYelocessej Member Posts: 182
    edited December 2015
    (Anecdote Alert)I had a friend that used to be a cop. He said their motto was "At the end of the day, I'm going home." (Please don't take offense, just giving an example on why the guards aren't eliminating the kobolds.)
    Post edited by Yelocessej on
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    i always play with evil parties.

    so dont rly care ;x
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    My evil/goth Blade used the @Gallowglass technique and it worked like a charm, although my nihilist Bard thinks Beldin has lived in order to just die later, a meaningless gesture before the inescapable march of oblivion...image
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    I haven't been able to save him yet. I like to think of it as a little cut-scene, where he's in the middle of talking and gets shot down then and there without finishing his sentence. Adds to the tension, and makes me feel better about my crap reaction speed of saving the poor sod.
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    edited August 2016
    I can't help but use some meta-knowledge here.
    I hang back a bit and let the miner come to me. Then I start a sleep spell which 'almost' reaches it's destination when his dialog starts. When dialog finishes, poof, instant beddy-bye time for the noisy little yippers.
  • ConjurerDragonConjurerDragon Member Posts: 110

    @Artemius_I is correct. You need to have Kivan in your party. He will interject on Beldin's initial dialog. Then there is another dialog after the battle.

    How does that work in ingame context?
    When the intended way is to do the Nashkel mines before the bandit camp (because only at the end of the mine you find the next clue for the superior of Mulahey) and Kivan has a rather strict timelimit in days until he simply leaves when you don´t enter the bandits camp?

    With pre-knowledge and visiting the bandits camp briefly (to prevent Kivan leaving) only to the go to the Nashkel mines?
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    I never let him die. Here's how you do it:

    (1) Walk forward so he approaches you.
    (1a) The kobolds don't appear until dialogue starts.
    (2) So walk back towards the exit, as close as you can get without leaving the map.
    (3) Dialogue starts and the kobolds pop up. But if you do it right, he will be out of line of sight for the kobolds and will promptly leave the map.
    (4) Walk forward and kill all the kobolds.

    Miner Beldin saved!
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Another way to do it is to run someone past him after he starts heading toward your party leader. When the kobolds appear, they'll fixate on your character instead of Beldin.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,423

    @Artemius_I is correct. You need to have Kivan in your party. He will interject on Beldin's initial dialog. Then there is another dialog after the battle.

    How does that work in ingame context?
    When the intended way is to do the Nashkel mines before the bandit camp (because only at the end of the mine you find the next clue for the superior of Mulahey) and Kivan has a rather strict timelimit in days until he simply leaves when you don´t enter the bandits camp?

    With pre-knowledge and visiting the bandits camp briefly (to prevent Kivan leaving) only to the go to the Nashkel mines?
    First off, the NPC Project was made long before the Enhanced Edition, and in Vanilla, Kivan's quest was bugged and never triggered, so the duration was not a concern.

    Secondly, to my knowledge, you cannot visit the Bandit Camp during Chapter 1/2, so that's not an option. However, you can practically go straight from the Nashkel Mines to the Bandit camp, so it shouldn't be too much of a concern. The question is, are you planning on doing all the side areas before the Nashkel Mines (and potentially before picking up Kivan), in between the Nashkel Mines and the Bandit Camp, or after the Nashkel mines. (Personally, I prefer my characters to have some experience under their belt before going dungeon crawling.)

    Also, if you're taking Kivan straight to the Bandit Camp, you're missing out on an encounter at the Shipwreck's Coast, and potentially a second, if you don't let him talk to Thalantyr.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Dat feel when you're being notified of a conversation that doesn't even relate to you...
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