Miner Beldin and the yipping demons

I was curious how many players try and save poor ole Miner Beldin. He's the poor sap who greets you at the entrance to the second level of the Nashkel Mines. The guy who warns about the yipping demons. I find it rather difficult to keep him alive after the squad of four kobold archers suddenly appear, but over the years I've developed techniques which may be about 25%-33% successful in protecting him, so he can live to wander off the screen.
I know it may be silly and has nothing to do with the big picture, but I'm always really disappointed when Beldin takes an arrow and dies. I'm a hero(Anti-Hero) and my being there is supposed to make a difference!
Yay! My latest hero (Human Stalker) has saved poor ole Beldin. This small victory will not be noted in the official journals of this campaign, but I'd like to believe that Beldin uses the rest of his life to accomplish some good in the world, perhaps later having a child who grows up to be a great hero in the future. Goodness will always win when accomplishing the small things...
I know it may be silly and has nothing to do with the big picture, but I'm always really disappointed when Beldin takes an arrow and dies. I'm a hero(Anti-Hero) and my being there is supposed to make a difference!
Yay! My latest hero (Human Stalker) has saved poor ole Beldin. This small victory will not be noted in the official journals of this campaign, but I'd like to believe that Beldin uses the rest of his life to accomplish some good in the world, perhaps later having a child who grows up to be a great hero in the future. Goodness will always win when accomplishing the small things...

If your party hangs back near the entrance and sends one guy forward until Beldin comes into view, then Beldin will start walking towards you. Return the scout to the party, and in a few seconds Beldiin will arrive and say his piece. The kobolds don't spawn until Beldin finishes his dialogue, but now Beldin is standing with you near the entrance, out of the kobolds' line of sight, so they can't shoot arrows at him immediately. You can now rush forwards and kill all of the kobolds before they get a chance to attack Beldin. Works most times.
I managed to "save" Beldin once, mainly because he was lucky enough not to be killed by the first arrow that hit him and was even luckier not to be hit by a second before he disappeared.
Most times though, he gets shot down before I can maneuver my party members into the line of fire.
Its obviously intended that we will fail. I just love that occasionally I can beat the game!
so dont rly care ;x
Should we pity poor miner Beldin? Should we consider his state of being and reflect upon our own mortality? should we think about all the many limbos we enter into one lifetime and all the fates and destinies that remain unresolved in our own lives?
The solo assassin does not see Beldin as the target, nor does he represent an obstacle or a challenge of any kind. To the solo assassin, Beldin does not exist.
The solo assassin is always focused on the mission. The solo assassin does not care...
I hang back a bit and let the miner come to me. Then I start a sleep spell which 'almost' reaches it's destination when his dialog starts. When dialog finishes, poof, instant beddy-bye time for the noisy little yippers.
When the intended way is to do the Nashkel mines before the bandit camp (because only at the end of the mine you find the next clue for the superior of Mulahey) and Kivan has a rather strict timelimit in days until he simply leaves when you don´t enter the bandits camp?
With pre-knowledge and visiting the bandits camp briefly (to prevent Kivan leaving) only to the go to the Nashkel mines?
(1) Walk forward so he approaches you.
(1a) The kobolds don't appear until dialogue starts.
(2) So walk back towards the exit, as close as you can get without leaving the map.
(3) Dialogue starts and the kobolds pop up. But if you do it right, he will be out of line of sight for the kobolds and will promptly leave the map.
(4) Walk forward and kill all the kobolds.
Miner Beldin saved!
Secondly, to my knowledge, you cannot visit the Bandit Camp during Chapter 1/2, so that's not an option. However, you can practically go straight from the Nashkel Mines to the Bandit camp, so it shouldn't be too much of a concern. The question is, are you planning on doing all the side areas before the Nashkel Mines (and potentially before picking up Kivan), in between the Nashkel Mines and the Bandit Camp, or after the Nashkel mines. (Personally, I prefer my characters to have some experience under their belt before going dungeon crawling.)
Also, if you're taking Kivan straight to the Bandit Camp, you're missing out on an encounter at the Shipwreck's Coast, and potentially a second, if you don't let him talk to Thalantyr.