[MOD] v3.3 Dorn romance expansion for BGII:EE

I strongly recommend you read this whole post again if you intend to install this mod.This mod is a romance expansion for Dorn, and NPC character added into BG2:EE by Beamdog. This brings content to about 29 talks in SOA and 6 talks in TOB, including some interjections for TOB.
The expansion adds new talks, expands and modifies existing ones and sometimes changes their order. It adds Bodhi abduction and new/modified epilogues for romanced Dorn. Some of Dorn's unused voiced lines in bg2:ee and few voiced lines from other games (bg:ee and sod) were added to make the talks feel more alive. With the permission from Aeryn, author of Haer'Dalis Romance over at Spellhold Studious, I used her code and template from her mod to add three additional talks in Underdark. This adds some content to otherwise empty stretch of the game.
I believe this mod brings the content to the same level as the vanilla romances, at least quantity-wise. If you happen to like it, I'm glad, if not, it's ok, I'm interested in feedback in both cases.

when you download rar file from github (simply click download button when you open link), unrar it and drop "dorn" folder and "setup-dorn.exe" file into installation folder of your BG2:EE game, double click setup-dorn.exe and follow instructions.DOWNLOAD LINK
: https://github.com/trinit2/Bg2Dorn/archive/master.zipREADME-
1. Install this mod before any other mod that affects Dorn. Starting a new game is STRONGLY recommended, as the romance might not make sense otherwise. Post 2.0 patch update of the Infinity games, the mod seems stable.
2. I tried to remain in-character for Dorn, taking into account what we learned from bg1:ee. It is still the same character, but with added talks comes a bit more depth and reasons for affection toward CHARNAME. I guess it makes him a bit more tolerant over time, although he he is still evil.
3. The expansion is written for Dorn FREE OF PATRON. Seriously, it will not make sense otherwise.
Consider it like this- if Dorn has a patron, he is effectively slave/bound to someone else. He has no reason to open up to CHARNAME or make any concrete plans for the future, even if he does care for CHARNAME. Perhaps he might have an ulterior motive for romancing you. Thus, the original romance (no bodhi abduction, old epilogues etc.) makes sense and this mod should not be installed. Different romance path (as presented in this mod) is a roleplaying reward for making Dorn mechanically weaker, something often used in CRPGs.
4. Somewhere in the romance (SOA), there is an alignment shift on chaotic/lawful scale. Dorn stays evil! There are no variables tracks implemented because of my limited coding knowledge, so try to give Dorn more or less consistent responses for the sake of your roleplay.
5. If you notice grammar and similar errors, point them out to me please.
- Credit must go to Grim Squeaker, since I took his code from Tyris Flare mod (on G3 site) to make a few interjections for Dorn in Watchers Keep and TOB. I also used his code to make bodhi abduction and epilogues work.
- Big credit also goes to @EekanImp for great suggestions, hunting typos and corrections of the text that helped to integrate this mod more seamlessly into the game. Thank you very much!
- Thanks to @WhiteAgnus for help with the coding side of the mod, eliminating "begin" for installation. The mod should be safe(r) to use.
- Thanks to Aeryn who permitted me to use her template and code from her Haer'Dalis Romance mod (Spellhold Studios) to create few additional talks
- PaulaMigrate added EET compatibility
- Thanks to Aeryn, author of Haer'Dalis Romance over at Spellhold Studious, for her permission to borrow the code from her excellent mod
Thanks, all of you!
7. I take no responsibility for any damage caused to your game, computer, mental health or otherwise if you decide to download, install and play this mod. You have been warned.
8. KNOWN BUGS- - stuttering bug when initiating terpfen questline should be fixed in version 3.1!
- when you exit underdark, sometimes the cutscene will interrupt romance talk. If dorn doesn't talk to you after elhan, try talking to him manually (click talk icon and then click on dorn).
This is it, I hope at least someone enjoys this mod

Post edited by trinit on
Would you consider hosting it on GitHub? With GitHub we can set up download links that automatically update whenever you release new versions.
In any case, I would be glad if you would include this mod in the setup. I 've also updated OP with the download link to github!
I want to use this URL: lynxlynx.info/ie/modhub.php?trinit2/BGII-Dorn-EE
This redirects to the latest release zip, which is currently empty.
I think I got it this time, here you go: https://github.com/trinit2/Bg2Dorn
and thanks for the help!
@bengoshi can you please move this thread to "bg2II:ee mods" section?
edit: Thank you, @bengoshi!
well, Dorn was my first attempt at modding so I went into decompiling Dorn with weidu blindly to get dialogue files, since i actually wanted to make changes even to existing dialogues (order, choices etc.)
I will simply say that I learned the hard way that any additions should be put at the bottom of the files. The basic code is still untouched, i just changed a few numbers to reorder lovetalks and change a few pointers, so I'm hoping that will minimize the potential risks...
Since then I did another expansion using existing mods that allowed me to understand some my errors more clearly but I'm still far from being competent.
Thank you for your links, I already checked all of them before, and I thank you for your LaValygar and White mod (hope to see him or some variant of him in bg2 someday!)
I really like the idea of your mod, but you may consider asking a coder for help and making some notes like which lines were modified/added or something.
Sorry I can't help you more, but I kinda retired. I'm more like a guest modder right now. Too much stuff to do at the Uni and work...
Open call: if any experienced modder is willing to take a look and play around with this mod, be my guest. you may modify, add and/or take at your leisure, you have my permission, just mention me in the credits.
If required, maybe I can make a list of changes that were made to the original files. Can't say for sure though.
I am waiting for SoD to come out before I try another run through but I will definitely use this when I do.
Love Dorn and his romance, but I did feel it wasn't fleshed out enough, so maybe this will help.
Thanks again
Just wondering does this mod change the epilogue (ending) for Dorn?
>Dorn romance mod>ascension>bg2fixpack?
Currently the only other mod i have aside from Dorn's romance mod is the Keeping Yoshimo mod, and am considering to install fixpack.
So if you wrote epilogues, what would you like for the Dorn ending?
@Madrict you want the ascension mod (be sure to read the readme for it) shawne's EE epilogue component. you can find it here:
and thanks for the words of support. i really hope the mod will be to your liking!
oh, and if you haven't, please download the latest version of the mod (as of today), since there were some missing tildes preventing proper installation.
Thanks for the reply.
Just wondering if these mods are compatible with the beta patch (v2.0)?
I didn't get fixpacks, but saw online that Ascension comes first. I got a bug though, both Ascension and EE epilogues were showing up.
@sansserif did you install JUST shawne component? ascension is divided into components so you can choose which to install, and it has multiple variants of epilogues. take care you install only one of them. if you did that, then i'm afraid i have no idea what went wrong
Dorn is my favourite npc romance so this is awesome. Good work!
When I was a fifteen something I wondered if I would still be playing BG and BG 2 fast and furious into my thirties. The EE content cemented my love for this iconic game and hooked me right back in! My paladin pc has never had the time of day for any of the evil npcs, however, the introduction of the brutally badass half orc blackguard spelled my Cavaliers instant doom; hot damn! He fell from grace just to be used and abused by this hunk of a blackguard, those tusks were too irresistible :P
The whirlwind romance left me craving for more and I, like my cavalier charname, went against my staunch principles and installed this mod to get some more half orc sugar, and it didn't disappoint! My hat is off to you, trinit; excellent job! You gave Dorn depth, intelligence and dark grace without straying from the Canon concept with exceptional results! Thank you so much for this! Cheers
I.couldn't find a single thing I didn't enjoy about the way you handled this project, as npc expansions and modifications may get clumsy at best, disastrous and out of character at worst.
Your work definitely set the bar high, and this is no reflection or criticism on others hard effort but both novice and veteran modders can learn a thing or two from you about how it's done.
I particularly enjoyed your intelligent take on Dorn`s willingness to learn from charname after his initial, instinctive refusal to submit and the clever handling of his evil alignment axis, and his particular brand of obtuseness before succumbing to charname body and soul without going all mushy.
Way back when SOA first came out, I stumbled upon the romances quite by accident like some BGamers out there. I didn't really have a favourite, though my clueless and idealistic Cavalier leaned toward Aerie as she appealed to his maiden saving, Dragon slaying knight in shining armour thing (yes, I have always been in the habit of creating paladin pcs, big surprise :P ) though he always rescued Viconia and was intrigued by the idea of the redemption angle, it got a abit tiresome.
Then lo and behold, years later Beamdog created Dorn il Khan, praise the gods!
Title and OP updated with new info! Hope you all like it!