@Fake_Sketch I was going to ask him that myself, but decided to let it pass and concentrate on the question of believing a multi OS package would cost the same as a single OS one.
I seriously doubt Blizzard even knows their customers are human beings and not wallets, the amount of disrespect they have shown is absolutely incredible.
Allow me to quote myself in another thread:
"I really can't imagine what else Blizzard could do wrong to make their image worse. No answer to complaints, selling the game at full price in some countries, latin america, for instance, and them language locking them because they supposedly bought a "limited" edition, banishing linux players for supposedly cheating, providing no proof at all of cheating or if their cheat detecting software just flagged a false positive due to Wine's memory management, etc. "
This comes from a very interesting thread, as well,"How gamers treat developers"
Also, are we going to be able to use certain spells in dialogue? Some mods I've played for other roleplaying games have allowed you to get out of fighting with an npc though casting charm person in dialogue (obviously if the enemy makes the save, he just goes ahead and attacks). In others, the ability to use a certain spell or ability at will (paladin detect evil) allowed for other unique dialogue options, like a paladin being able to sense the evil of the snake cult in Icewind Dale. Are checks like this being implemented?
Also, are we going to be able to use certain spells in dialogue? Some mods I've played for other roleplaying games have allowed you to get out of fighting with an npc though casting charm person in dialogue (obviously if the enemy makes the save, he just goes ahead and attacks). In others, the ability to use a certain spell or ability at will (paladin detect evil) allowed for other unique dialogue options, like a paladin being able to sense the evil of the snake cult in Icewind Dale. Are checks like this being implemented?
I sure want this to be implemented in BG3!
Yeah, I always thought my Paladin should be able to cast detect evil during dialogue. Whether or not someone is evil greatly influences my Paladin's reaction to the NPC.
Well considering that Blizzard packages/sells Windows and OSX versions of their games together, and they happen to have some of the best selling games of all time, I think it's safe to say they are doing it right.
You all out there can pay double/triple for the same game, but I tend to support companies who treat their customers with respect and not just wallets to fork over money.
You have a very naive comment there :-) if you think Blizzard is "Giving" you anything for free....you haven't examined the price tag very well, and the micro-transactions that are currently sucking MILLIONS out of their customer. Seriously take some business classes.
Don't know much about the actual game company, but I get emails from so called 'Blizzard' telling me to verify my battle.net account details because they found out that I was trying to sell my account, something that was illegal.
I had to cover my nose to delete them because those emails stink like fermented phish and rotten spam in a bulked up can. I don't even have a battle.net account.
Is possible to get a hard copy of this game or is it a download only game? I've never done any of the Beamdog or Steam before so I'm confused on how they work.
Is possible to get a hard copy of this game or is it a download only game? I've never done any of the Beamdog or Steam before so I'm confused on how they work.
There will be no Hard Copy because the negotiations right now are stalled.
You dont have to use Beamdog Client, you can Direct Download the game and installed it without any other requirements other than online install verification which will happen automatically.
@PakaOno, its alright to package both microsoft and mac in one game when you have the money, blizzard makes millions from their company, beamdog doesn't. obviously beam dog doesnt respect the people they just wanted to colour in baldurs gate and make a few pounds while they were at it.
well done for undermining Beam dogs efforts. its £12 for Baldurs gate pre-order digital download for PC that is hardly expensive so I cant see why you insinuate that they care for our wallets? Diablo 3 was like £30 when it came out???
Take a lesson from the joker, "If your good at something, never do it for free" Trent oster needs pizza where else he going to get money? ^^
@DanBoulos Please update the first post adding that BG:EE consists of BG1 and ToSC, Not BG2+ToB. So that we hopefully get fewer threads about it in general. Any other important bits to of coarse.
@DanBoulos Please update the first post adding that BG:EE consists of BG1 and ToSC, Not BG2+ToB. So that we hopefully get fewer threads about it in general. Any other important bits to of coarse.
@Tr_ond , DanBoulos isn't active since June 22th, Maybe @Coriander will do us the honor.
Are we able to transfer the purchase of BG:EE to other computers? My school computer is a lot better than my personal netbook so I want to play it on the better computer. Eventually though, I have to return my school computer, would I be able to move my purchase over to my personal computer or would I have to buy the game again?
Can you please confirm that the Find Familiar spell scale to level? (It would be an oversight if it did not, obviously. I.e., given that we're starting in BG1 at level 1 with 0 XP.) Any details will be appreciated. Thanks.
Will it be a completely stand-alone adventure module--a separate mini-game in it's own right--that you open outside of the official campaign, and start at level 1?
Or will it be more like an expansion that is incorporated into the official campaign and the XP gained from it is not applied to the official campaign? I.e., you're playing the game and obtain the invitation scroll. You accept the invitation and are teleported for an adventure. You can bring your party of NPCs at that time if you wish. But regardless, at the end of the Black Pits you return to the official campaign with none of the XP for it added to your total?
Or am I completely misunderstanding the Black Pits and what it will be?
The Black Pits is its own adventure. You can make your own party to play with there (like Icewind Dale) or you can import your party from the main game using a save file.
So there's nothing in-game within the official campaign that offers the opportunity to embark on this adventure? By which I mean you're playing BG:EE and you obtain an invitation scroll for the Black Pits and off you go--i.e., it's not that, right? That's really what I'm asking. That's my impression, just wish to confirm.
Thanks. So if you can import your party from a saved game are the encounters then scaled to level? Or does it start you out at a particular level?
I noticed a Beholder in one of the screenshots. So I'm guessing that this adventure doesn't start at level 1 if you're choosing to create a new character (and party) for it.
I understand that there's probably a limit to what Beamdog is allowed to say about it pre-release. Anything you can share will be appreciated. Thx.
I'm sure this isn't the best place to put this, but seeing how Overhaul intentionally doesn't allow an email address to contact them via, I figured I'd put it here. I was beyond excited for this game to come out (and any sequels that they made) until I found out about the DRM. It's a shame that you would spend so much time making a game and then insist on punishing those who do business with you. As such, as long as any form of DRM is being used, I cannot in good conscience buy this game.
Hopefully you correct this flaw at some point in the future, because I'd like to purchase the game from you.
I seriously doubt Blizzard even knows their customers are human beings and not wallets, the amount of disrespect they have shown is absolutely incredible.
Allow me to quote myself in another thread:
"I really can't imagine what else Blizzard could do wrong to make their image worse. No answer to complaints, selling the game at full price in some countries, latin america, for instance, and them language locking them because they supposedly bought a "limited" edition, banishing linux players for supposedly cheating, providing no proof at all of cheating or if their cheat detecting software just flagged a false positive due to Wine's memory management, etc. "
This comes from a very interesting thread, as well,"How gamers treat developers"
Even if this thead had neon lights pointing to it, people would still open new threads asking what is already answered here.
I had to cover my nose to delete them because those emails stink like fermented phish and rotten spam in a bulked up can. I don't even have a battle.net account.
Will that portrait show up properly, or do I need to import it to the iPad somehow?
There will be no Hard Copy because the negotiations right now are stalled.
You dont have to use Beamdog Client, you can Direct Download the game and installed it without any other requirements other than online install verification which will happen automatically.
obviously beam dog doesnt respect the people they just wanted to colour in baldurs gate and make a few pounds while they were at it.
well done for undermining Beam dogs efforts. its £12 for Baldurs gate pre-order digital download for PC that is hardly expensive so I cant see why you insinuate that they care for our wallets? Diablo 3 was like £30 when it came out???
Take a lesson from the joker, "If your good at something, never do it for free"
Trent oster needs pizza where else he going to get money? ^^
So that we hopefully get fewer threads about it in general.
Any other important bits to of coarse.
Pretty important to have an up-to-date FAQ, And a search function upgrade
Edit: I've also used magic to make myself the OP to make future change requests easier.
If Baldur is to Gate, fill in the space. As evil is to sword, sword is to ____.
There's no limit to how many installations you make, so there should be no issues.
Will it be a completely stand-alone adventure module--a separate mini-game in it's own right--that you open outside of the official campaign, and start at level 1?
Or will it be more like an expansion that is incorporated into the official campaign and the XP gained from it is not applied to the official campaign? I.e., you're playing the game and obtain the invitation scroll. You accept the invitation and are teleported for an adventure. You can bring your party of NPCs at that time if you wish. But regardless, at the end of the Black Pits you return to the official campaign with none of the XP for it added to your total?
Or am I completely misunderstanding the Black Pits and what it will be?
Hope this question makes sense.
The Black Pits is its own adventure. You can make your own party to play with there (like Icewind Dale) or you can import your party from the main game using a save file.
So there's nothing in-game within the official campaign that offers the opportunity to embark on this adventure? By which I mean you're playing BG:EE and you obtain an invitation scroll for the Black Pits and off you go--i.e., it's not that, right? That's really what I'm asking. That's my impression, just wish to confirm.
I believe so.
Thanks. So if you can import your party from a saved game are the encounters then scaled to level? Or does it start you out at a particular level?
I noticed a Beholder in one of the screenshots. So I'm guessing that this adventure doesn't start at level 1 if you're choosing to create a new character (and party) for it.
I understand that there's probably a limit to what Beamdog is allowed to say about it pre-release. Anything you can share will be appreciated. Thx.
Hopefully you correct this flaw at some point in the future, because I'd like to purchase the game from you.