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Critter Parts mini-mod for Baldur’s Gate: EE



  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @Ravenslight Walked up to him invisible (carrying Tob) and tried talking to him, that turned me visible, but he would not speak after that, Tob did not walk into house as usual, just stood there. I passed the save I had now to check again.

    Tob usually hops out of inventory (approaching house) before I ever get to Mr T. That always seemed to be what triggered the conversation of thanks.

    I was thinking since Tob could not see the invisible CHARNAME, when he hopped out of inv., before CHARNAME talked to Mr T., somehow Mr T did not acknowledge the rescue and Tob never disappeared from sight.

    Were you testing it with a solo invisible CHARNAME?
    First time in many tries anything different happened, no mods different from other times installed. This just happened to be the only time I walked up invisibly carrying Tob, solo. I HAD an autosave that tried it again with , I used it to walk up visible, no probs, worked normally.

    Just strange. I'll check it again next time I run through with a solo character.

  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    I believe I understand. When Mr. Tanner did not approach your invisible character you tried to initiate the conversation yourself using the “force talk” icon.

    This triggered the talk to try to fire but things got jumbled. It has something to do with the script that spawns Tobias.

    A similar situation would be the NPC Permidion Stark who you can encounter in the same area right outside of High Hedge Keep. If you walk near that NPC while visible he will run up to you and start his conversation. However, if you’re a solo PC who happens to be invisible he will just stand there as if he doesn’t see you. As far as the game is concerned he doesn’t :)

    In that case if you “force talk” him, you become visible and he starts his conversation as usual.

    In this case however, Mr. Tanner is also trying to run a script in order to spawn Tobias. It is kind of an unusual situation. Not only the PC being invisible at the time, but solo as well so that there is no chance of Tanner picking another “visible” character in your party to talk to instead, as Permidion Stark might do.

    As we never do solo runs ourselves it would never have occurred to us. After scratching our heads a bit, we may have come up with a solution involving having the PC always initiate that dialogue with Mr. Tanner. An extra bit to insure that the PC becomes visible before the main talk takes place.

    Will do some more testing tomorrow. Thank you for bringing this possible scenario to our attention. :)
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @Ravenslight I was thinking that it probably was unusual. I run solo for parts of the game at times. I am wondering if it might also work if the PC is allowed to make conversation first and have Mr T just detect if Tob. is in inventory, then Tob could hop out of inventory and begin the conversation as normal.

    Sometimes monsters are present around the house, and skele's in the whole area , hence being invisible to get there without gettin into a fight. Just thinking aloud, if PC is forced out of invisibility against his will, until ready to talk to Mr. T, he might have to fight when not ready to. Just an idea. One solution may be easier that the other however, so whatever you think works best of course.
    Thanks for checking on this. :)

  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Yes, Mr. Tanner will now patiently wait for the PC to prepare themselves and initiate dialogue when they are ready. This change, along with the change to allow a bard to cast spells while wearing the Bone Armor, will be in the next update.

    The update might happen later today. Or if Shadowhawk’s schedule does not allow this, then it will be updated next weekend.

    Acknowledgment of your testing and helpful feedback has been added to the mod’s Readme.

    Thank you :)
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @ravenslight That sounds great for both updates, thanks for keeping an eye out for this VERY useful mod. Glad you went with the change to the armor, I really think it will allow a bard to enjoy running through both BG and SoD with it. :)
  • ChidojuanChidojuan Member Posts: 211
    @Ravenslight Just wanted to thank you for the mod. It added a lot of flavor to this current playthrough. Very well done and really enjoyed it.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Thank you, @Chidojuan

    I’m glad you enjoyed it. I really appreciate your taking the time to let me know. :)
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Update notes for version 1.1 May 7, 2017

    CritterParts_v1.1 May 7, 2017

    -As requested, spell casting is now possible while wearing the Bone Leather Vest.
    -Mr. Tanner will now ignore invisibility when initiating a conversation with the PC.
    -In preparation for planed future updates to this mod, it has been un-traified. Shadowhawk prefers working with the mod in an non-traified state.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    edited May 2017
    The new changes are good, I have not run a bard in a bit but the new meet and greet with MrT and Tob is workin fine. :)
    EDIT: Had to check. Bone Hide vest spellcasting changes on bard is working fine. No pick pockets for bard while equipped like regular chain. Just noting this to make sure it is as intended with the new spellcasting changes, as elven chain does allow PP with a -20 penalty and weighs practically the same (actually sounds tailor made for this dirgesinger run as well ;) ).
    Post edited by Zaghoul on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,793
    Gavin now reacts to the spider bodies of this mod, as well. (He is afraid of them. I feel a bit mean to open up to him the world of spider bodies your mod introduces, but life's tough.)

    Thank you for this addition. I am not playing the game currently, but when I'll do I'll do it with this mod installed.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    jastey said:

    Gavin now reacts to the spider bodies of this mod, as well. (He is afraid of them. I feel a bit mean to open up to him the world of spider bodies your mod introduces, but life's tough.)

    Thank you for this addition. I am not playing the game currently, but when I'll do I'll do it with this mod installed.

    That is wonderful! :) Are you the one to talk to concerning possible cross mod banter between our Kerick NPC and Gavin in the future? I would like to do some light, romance related conflicts with both Gavin and Ajantis at some point in the future.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2017
    Oh, that sounds great. berelinde is author of Gavin and she is still available per Email. I can do the communication if you have anything written. And I am always open for Ajantis crossmod, of course.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Great! Not written yet, but now that I know that this is a possibility I will give it more thought.

    Thank you :)
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    I never noticed before but the blink dogs in the counting house in BG drop spider parts, heh. No problems with the doggies, just collectin data. B)
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Ha Ha! Now that is strange. Off the top of my head, I can only think that the game must connect them with one of the spider types somehow. I wonder if they are actually something like a Phase Spider in disguise. Do you happen to remember if they have a similar habit of jumping around?

    Neck deep in editing a voice set for Kerick’s mod and my current reinstall will make any of my testing saves useless, so I can’t look into it just yet but it will be addressed in a future update.

    Thank you so much for letting us know. :)
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938

    Ha Ha! Now that is strange. Off the top of my head, I can only think that the game must connect them with one of the spider types somehow. I wonder if they are actually something like a Phase Spider in disguise. Do you happen to remember if they have a similar habit of jumping around?

    Neck deep in editing a voice set for Kerick’s mod and my current reinstall will make any of my testing saves useless, so I can’t look into it just yet but it will be addressed in a future update.

    Thank you so much for letting us know. :)

    Yup, the blink dogs move (jump) in much the same way a phase spider does, so you may be right as to an internal connection.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    do you know if your mod was inserted inside BWS, and if not, why?
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    No it is not. At this point, we don’t personally use any of the large setup type mods. Though the current content in Critter Parts is complete, additional content is actively being developed for release in a future update. When we feel that we have added all of the content that we want to add for this mod, we will consider the question of whether or not we would like to submit it for use in such large setup type mods.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    okay, thank you.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Using this mod for the first time, and let me tell you, getting a lot of mileage out of wolfing down animal meat after combat.
    Possible bug: Trying to get the bone vest and the Tanner says it shouldn't take more than a day to make but its been about four days and just keeps saying to leave him to his work.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    edited November 2017
    ThacoBell said:

    Using this mod for the first time, and let me tell you, getting a lot of mileage out of wolfing down animal meat after combat.
    Possible bug: Trying to get the bone vest and the Tanner says it shouldn't take more than a day to make but its been about four days and just keeps saying to leave him to his work.

    @ThacoBell Takes actual 'game running' time for it to be finished. I usually take a break from playing for a bit, pause it, then click talk to him again. I think it is 30 min to an hour or so.
    If that helps. B)
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    I’m glad to hear that you are finding the mod useful. :)

    As @Zaghoul mentioned, the wait time is set for the passage of real time. Originally 30 minutes, but I believe Shadow lowered that to 15 minutes in the last release. I’ll have him recheck the code for that this morning. I don’t suppose you have a save set before you gave Mr. Tanner the items?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,793
    Why not change it to an ingame-day timer?
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    From a role-play perspective, that makes the most sense to me too. I don’t believe Shadow has worked with the ingame-day timer yet, but I will ask him to look into it.

    Thank you for your input. :)

    On a side note: I currently have Gavin installed and he is definitely not happy about the extra spider bodies. ;)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,793
    Heh. He is tough, though. He won't complain again. ;)

    Concerning the timer: I didn't have a look into the mod, just gave my 2c to what was discussed here.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235

    I’m glad to hear that you are finding the mod useful. :)

    As @Zaghoul mentioned, the wait time is set for the passage of real time. Originally 30 minutes, but I believe Shadow lowered that to 15 minutes in the last release. I’ll have him recheck the code for that this morning. I don’t suppose you have a save set before you gave Mr. Tanner the items?

    Ah, I see. Thanks. I'll go back and check with him after I've cleared the Nashkel Mines.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    After further consideration, we have decided to leave the timer as it is because this offers the player the most discretion in deciding when to return to Mr. Tanner. A role-player can take him at his word and return in a day or so, while someone else might wish to get the item quickly and move on with their game.

    I have done some further testing this morning and have not run into any problems with receiving the bone vest. Perhaps the timer hadn’t quite run out yet for you @ThacoBell. Good luck in the mines! :)
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited November 2017
    @Ravenslight I specialize in arms and armour lore both in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition and in general history.

    Your items are very good in that they give a home to a role that should by the very nature of the wild fulfilled in Baldur's Gate; living off of the land so to speak. This absence of choice and wild lands nuance in the Original Baldur's Gate has troubled myself too.

    Your items are not 100% illegal but I have some canon suggestions (nothing drastic but rather more lore and Role Play friendly):

    (First off good jobs with the item B.A.M.s!)

    As a general rule of thumb armours can be made from non-metal (Scales, Hide, Horn, Bone etc.) but are one armour class inferior to their metal counterparts yet these non-metal items can be worn by druids (à la Ankheg Plate Mail Armour). This rule is bent in the case of using the body parts of exotic / magical beasts like Ankhegs, Giant Beatles and Dragons.

    I bring solutions!

    Bone Leather Vest

    The superior craftsmanship that went into the making of this vest is evident. Lightweight, yet tough as chain mail. With the added benefit of being more resistant to piercing damage than most chain armors.

    Armor Class: 3 (1 vs. piercing and missile, 6 vs. crushing)

    Requires: 8 Strength

    Weight: 8

    Now there is a solution to this and it is bone/horn friendly for crafting purposes: Field Plate Armour. What is Field Plate Armour? Well it is the missing canon armour type in Baldur's Gate:

    Field plate armor is actually a more commonly used form of full plate mail armor. It consists of shaped and fitted metal plates riveted and interlocked to cover the entire body. like plate mail armor, a set of field plate armor usually includes gauntlets, boots, and a visored helmet. A thick layer of padding must be worn under the armour. Field plate armor can be fixed much more cheaply and easily than full plate mail armor, and is built to withstand the rigors of long-term use and combat. The entire body is encased in metal plates, and even the joints are protected with metal caps and sturdy chain mail. A great helm bearing the emblem of the house or the name of a legendary knight is common and is one of the few ways that a knight can can recognize a friend or foe from a distance. Field plate armor, while expensive and painstakingly crafted by master armorers, is normally not adorned with many expensive trapping or emblems. Since legendary knights make a habit of battling great armies and dragons almost daily, their armor rarely lasts longer than a year without needing to be completely replaced.


    Armour Class: 2 (-1 vs. slashing, 1 vs. piercing)
    Requires: 14 Strength

    Weight: 60 lbs.

    I created some for Baldur's Gate but have not gotten around to finishing my content module projects.

    Anyway just have a bone/horn version of Field Plate Armour created with these statistics:

    Bone Field Plate Armor [requires bones and skins and maybe a new item B.A.M.]

    Armour Class: 3 (0 vs. slashing, 2 vs. piercing)
    Requires: 8 Strength

    Weight: 33 lbs.


    Tough Leather Coat

    The superior craftsmanship that went into the making of this coat is evident. The soft, yet tough leather of this garment is surprisingly resistant to puncture. Whether it be by tooth, claw, or a would-be assassin's arrow.

    Armor Class: 5 (3 vs. piercing and missile)

    Requires: 4 Strength

    Weight: 5

    Here is a legal / canon way to implement they role of item: (Boiled Leather / Bone / Horn Lamellar Armour looks like this:

    Bone Lamellar Armor (Yes this is a canon armour type and there is a metal default variant) [requires bones and skins]
    Armor Class: 5 (4 vs. piercing and missile)

    Requires: 6 Strength

    Weight: 20 lbs.


    Also I have a set of extra content suggestions:

    Craft-able (commission) and purchasable bone, horn, leather and hide items with options to craft (or have some in stock) +1 variants. Perhaps content split in between artisans? Also for the magical variants have exotic furs, hides, bones and parts like Wyvern Heads / Hides, Winter Wolf Pelts and Basilisk Claws and Hides.

    Leather Armour (Purchasable default, with +1 variant)

    Studded Leather Armour (With bone/horn studs)

    Hide Armour: (Purchasable default, with +1 variant)

    Chain Mail Armour (Bone / horn links with leather and fur gambison)

    Splint Mail Armour (Bone / horn plates and links with leather and fur gambison)

    Plate Mail Armour (Bone / horn plates with leather and fur gambison)

    Buckler (Bone / horn with leather covering) [It would be very nice to have more magical bucklers]

    Club (Bone / horn with leather grip) [Need more magical variants]

    Flail (Bone / horn with leather grip) [Need more magical variants]

    Mace (Bone / horn with leather grip)

    Morning Star (Bone / horn with leather grip) [Need more magical variants]

    Battle Axe (Bone / horn with leather grip)

    Halberd (Bone / horn with leather grip) [Need more magical variants]

    Spear (Bone / horn with leather grip) [Need more magical variants]

    Quarter Staff (Bone / horn with leather grip)

    Dagger (Bone / horn with leather grip)

    Helmet (Boiled leather with bone / horn) [Magical variant via a Wyvern Head!]

    Girdle (There is a definite lack of girdles in the Original Baldur's Gate)

    Gloves (There is a lack of gloves in the Original Baldur's Gate)

    Boots (There is a definite lack of boots in the Original Baldur's Gate)

    Cloak (There is a lack of cloaks in the Original Baldur's Gate)

    Necklace (It does not need to be over that top, maybe +5 hit points or what have you)

    Ring (Was RLKERING.BAM used for an item you have?)


    Silken Leather Robe (this is perfect!)

    The superior craftsmanship that went into the making of this robe is evident. Despite it's protective nature, it offers no resistance to even the subtlest of movements. Soft and supple as silk, it flows with every gentle gesture, offering no encumbrance to spell casting.


    Equipped abilities:
    - Armor Class: +1
    - Saving Throws: +1
    - Fire Resistance: +5%
    - Cold Resistance: +5%
    - Electrical Resistance: +5%
    - Acid Resistance: +5%

    Weight: 3


    P.S. I make Bioware 1998+ quality items. I like to over do my item descriptions and I can help create item B.A.M.s for some of the new items. Here is a gallery of my Item B.A.M.s: also here is an example of some of the item descriptions that I have written for some new items for the Original Baldur's Gate:
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    edited November 2017
    Also I found some bugs @Ravenslight

    The hides and animal parts should have weight:
    Bear Hide 15 lbs.
    Wolf Hide 10 lbs.
    Dog Hide 7 lbs.
    Animal Bones 7 lbs.
    Bear Meat 3 lbs.
    Wolf Meat 2 lbs.
    Wild dog Meat 1 lbs.

    With Byren Tanner please set his armour creation time to three days at least like Taerom in the Thunder Hammer Smithy for the Ankheg Plate Mail Armour. Right now his armour timer is bugged where you can sleep for 10+ days and he still is not ready :-P)
    Taerom: SetGlobalTimer("Taerom2","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)
    Byren Tanner: RealSetGlobalTimer("RLTanWorkingTimer","GLOBAL",THREE_HOURS) [You can in game sleep for 10+ days in 3 hours:S]
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Hello again @WithinAmnesia
    As I mentioned when we talked before in a previous thread, we aren’t currently looking for a partner, but it is good to see that you are still working on your own mod. :)

    As for the items currently included within this mod, I am happy with them as they are. Several more items and small quests are already in the works as well.

    It looks like you are as bursting with ideas as I myself am. That’s wonderful! I look forward to the release of your items mod.

    Good luck! :)
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