I was hoping it's be a side-scrolling beat 'em up where you play as a kobold. The entire plot of the game would be a single screen of text reading, "Your chief has been kidnapped by adventurers. Are you a bad enough kobold to save the chief?"
I was hoping it's be a side-scrolling beat 'em up where you play as a kobold. The entire plot of the game would be a single screen of text reading, "Your chief has been kidnapped by adventurers. Are you a bad enough kobold to save the chief?"
I suppose the platformer will have to do.
Do not give up on your idea. We can always have a Baldur's Gate IV
I've always envisioned B3 as something similiar with how IWD2 did it with being in the future and referencing things that happened in the past as well as including NPCs that are older.
I also wanted a Ravenloft infinity Engine game after BG1 was released and suggested it on the BIS forums at the time. We got IWD instead which I liked, but always wanted Ravenloft as well.
You know what I would hate? Is if the plot went like this: CHARNAME chose to remain a mortal and continued his adventuring life until one day tragedy struck. What that tragedy he does not know because he lost his memories... and all his knowledge of adventuring (start level 1 again!).
Won't happen Ravenloft and Darksun... Since WotC don't make product for thouse worlds anymore, they wont make a video game about it
Yeah I know. Mainly Darksun that only worked really well in 2nd edition. The unified experience table of later edition completely kills one of the premises of the setting where defiler magic being an easy way to power destroyed the world... One can always dream though
Won't happen Ravenloft and Darksun... Since WotC don't make product for thouse worlds anymore, they wont make a video game about it
Yeah I know. Mainly Darksun that only worked really well in 2nd edition. The unified experience table of later edition completely kills one of the premises of the setting where defiler magic being an easy way to power destroyed the world... One can always dream though
That i really can't tell i'm not familliar with Dark Sun setting like at all
Defilers had a very low xp requirement n the setting, they went up in level nearly as fast as a thief. The prolem is their magic drained life around them. The more powerfull the spell was the greater the area it would defile.
That's how Athas went from a verdant world with highly advanced biotech and psionics to a desert planet nearly without plant life or water. The discovery of magic, more specifically defiler magic destroyed the world.
A unified XP table completely kills this premise. What is the advantage of defiler magic x preserver magic if both wizards go up in levels at the same time?
i bet he lives with Minsc until Minsc dies of old age and then returns to space where he waits for the next person worthy of his guidance to be born.
In BG III you're a normal infant of your species until the unforgettable day you're gifted a hamster. And that's the intro to Baldur's Gate III, the Return of Boo. Can't disclose anything more at this time.
General consensus is that it will probably be a brand new story with a brand new protagonist, possibly in a new IP so that they don't have to jump through as many hoops with Wizards of the Coast and their affiliates.
Personally, I want to see something in a gaslight-era setting. But that's probably because I have my own ideas for that...
They will likely still have to jump through the hoops regardless. If they attached Baldur's Gate name to any future project. They will have to get WotC and their affiliates approval on it. The only way to cut them out of the loop is to not do a BG3, or a NWN 3, or a IWD 3. Why cause WoTC owns the IP and anything set in their universe will likely have to go by them. Just like anything Star Wars has to get LucasArts approval, or Star Trek has to get CBS approval because they own the IP.
The same goes for anything set in that universe, it don't have to be Baldur's Gate 3. It could be Waterdeep. Because everything in set in the D&D universe, whether it be Forgotten Realms or World of Greyhawk. Will have to get WoTC approval cause they own the IP.
In the end that is the question. Jump through the hoops and possibly sell more just from the name alone, or not. Seriously which would you rather buy BG 3, NWN 3, IWD 3, Waterdeep, etc. Or Wizard's Quest.
Beamdog could certainly forego naming the project "Baldur's Gate 3" and follow the same type of path that Project Eternity is on.
But I do think that a Forgotten Realms based adventure that uses much of the ruleset we know and love from the BG series is something that fans would dearly love to see. And (odds are) that will be made by some developer.
Yes, they will need to build the new engine from the ground up. But Edition Next supports customization of the rules according to gamers' preferences. So as far as I can see, there's no reason why BG3 can't take the very best features of 2nd Edition AD&D, plus kits, and make whatever improvements seem a good idea (although a conservative approach would be wise here, given how well the game already works). The key here is to take what has worked so amazingly well in BG1 &2 and make it absolutely extraordinary in BG3.
There will have to be tie-ins with BG3 and WotC's other product lines. Thus I would expect that the game will have almost have to some sort of relationship to The Sundering. Whether this could in any way have to do with Bhaal and Gorion's Ward I don't know. But if it doesn't, then simply begin by starting BG3 in the city of Baldur's Gate!
I think in the balance I would rather see this than a new setting and ruleset such as Project Infinity. I'm a huge fan of the Forgotten Realms, and I want to see something very similar to the rulerset and graphics that we already have with the BG series. If Beamdog pulls off the Enhanced Editions, then they are sitting pretty to develop that. I think they'd be fools not to.
They already said that if the EE where sucesful they might do BG3... They probably already had to negociate with WotC for the right to do the EE... They probably already are somewhat inclined to let go the right for BG3, and let it know to Beamdog, for Beamdog to say that.... at least that's my guess
I would be surprised if they didn't include the rights for a BG III in the contract. It's probably a conditional clause, i.e. they will have the rights under certain contactual conditions/obligations. Of course, it's all speculation without access to the signed contracts.
But if I had to bet, one of the conditions is the sale of 500000 copies. I doubt Trent Oster said this number randomly in the AMAA.
Hmmm... had a dream this night. Check out this idea:
CHARNAME times are long passed (no that i'd like moving to gaslight era or other steampunk, that just does not appeal to me at all), but the Planar Sphere is still there. A sort of planar cataclysm strucks Fearun (does not have to be major, just some demons popping up from out of nowhere or a small part of continent getting lost) .
Our new protagonist being resourceful (having read about CHARNAME earlier exploits in a history book), tries to investigate the cataclysm and recover the Planar Sphere.
The game would start basically anywhere in Faerun (although i'd prefer shining south or Calimshan/Thay/Cormyr) and would guide our protaganist through an investigation on the Sphere (go here, there, meet people who know more about old protagonist and the Sphere, how to operate it, recover missing parts of the machine to get it running). Perhaps meeting even some old NPCs - only those of races that allow very long life of course. Circa half game time, we would get access to the Planar Sphere.
Then the second part of the fun starts, as we are take on the task to use the Planar Sphere and look for the reason of the cataclysm and possibly stop it. We visit other planes of course, we go even go to Sigil, but mainly to locations in Prime Material Plane, also Inner/Outer Planes. Don't misunderstand me here, i have no intention to keeping our party mostly in weird locations filled with demons, that should be just an addition to good old medieval-like setting of Faerun.
So pros of this idea in my opinion: -we can sort of continue the story not continuing the CHARNAME, but even then keep the heritage -we can start lvl 1 and continue the new story all the way up to lvl 40 (making it a few games even, much better!) -we are not limited to locations that much (in fact starting in Faerun we can drive it anyway we want) -we can include places, NPCs and multiple references to old BG1/BG2/ToB games, which fans would love -we are not setting any hard canon for BG1/BG2/ToB (other then old Charname used Planar Sphere and was a great hero, which is true anyway)
How about that?
PS. Now when i wrote all this it occured to me that the story a bit resembles Fallout 2 combined with Oblivion, but what the hell
They could always set something in the Sword Coast area like... Dragonspear Castle. In game lore, it was built by a half-Dwarf character named Daeros Dragonspear- he was the size of a human, but had Dwarf-like skills with stone. Well, someone opened up a gate to the Nine Hells under the castle, and it was taken over by Devils/Baatezu. In history, the gate was closed and the castle cleared out by forces from several different areas, including Baldur's Gate. You could do a character who is the son of/is another Bhaalspawn, who basically is born in this area, and adventures around and in the Sword Coast, and ends up being one of or the main hero who helps retake Dragonspear Castle from the Baatezu. Along the way of adventuring, you find out that the Baatezu intend to open up other bridgeheads/other gates in different places around the Sword Coast area, and you fight against them, leading up to the assault on the castle. Perhaps an evil mage or cleric is working with the Baatezu to gain power, and this would put a human/demi-human "face" on the threat, so you aren't always fighting off Minor Baatezu, which would probably get somewhat tedious.
A nice idea, but Dragonspear Castle features as a level in BGDAII, so it'd be going over old ground, really. In fact the 'gates & planes' idea is pretty much the central premise for BGDAI & II. In the first game only the first chapter is centred around Baldur's Gate & The Sword Coast, moving to the Sunset Mountains and the Marsh of Chemlimber, in the second game the action covers quite a wide area from Baldur's Gate Northwards.
The cliffhanger ending suggests godly involvement but not from the Faerunian pantheon.
Although technically you can call a Donkey an Ass...
Will there be jumping on enemies to squash them? Maybe lots of coins? How about if your hasted you get to go round a loop da loop like Sonic!
Perhaps I just need to go to bed...
...but only if at some point I'm riding a dragon burning innocent commoners and destroying fat bartenders' and innkeepers' livelihood.
I suppose the platformer will have to do.
BTW What about a Baldur's Gate Tactics for those who enjoy the battles more than the RPG aspect? (Not me, I'm in the roleplaying crew).
I also wanted a Ravenloft infinity Engine game after BG1 was released and suggested it on the BIS forums at the time. We got IWD instead which I liked, but always wanted Ravenloft as well.
Yeah I know. Mainly Darksun that only worked really well in 2nd edition. The unified experience table of later edition completely kills one of the premises of the setting where defiler magic being an easy way to power destroyed the world... One can always dream though
That's how Athas went from a verdant world with highly advanced biotech and psionics to a desert planet nearly without plant life or water. The discovery of magic, more specifically defiler magic destroyed the world.
A unified XP table completely kills this premise. What is the advantage of defiler magic x preserver magic if both wizards go up in levels at the same time?
In BG III you're a normal infant of your species until the unforgettable day you're gifted a hamster. And that's the intro to Baldur's Gate III, the Return of Boo. Can't disclose anything more at this time.
The same goes for anything set in that universe, it don't have to be Baldur's Gate 3. It could be Waterdeep. Because everything in set in the D&D universe, whether it be Forgotten Realms or World of Greyhawk. Will have to get WoTC approval cause they own the IP.
In the end that is the question. Jump through the hoops and possibly sell more just from the name alone, or not. Seriously which would you rather buy BG 3, NWN 3, IWD 3, Waterdeep, etc. Or Wizard's Quest.
But I do think that a Forgotten Realms based adventure that uses much of the ruleset we know and love from the BG series is something that fans would dearly love to see. And (odds are) that will be made by some developer.
Yes, they will need to build the new engine from the ground up. But Edition Next supports customization of the rules according to gamers' preferences. So as far as I can see, there's no reason why BG3 can't take the very best features of 2nd Edition AD&D, plus kits, and make whatever improvements seem a good idea (although a conservative approach would be wise here, given how well the game already works). The key here is to take what has worked so amazingly well in BG1 &2 and make it absolutely extraordinary in BG3.
There will have to be tie-ins with BG3 and WotC's other product lines. Thus I would expect that the game will have almost have to some sort of relationship to The Sundering. Whether this could in any way have to do with Bhaal and Gorion's Ward I don't know. But if it doesn't, then simply begin by starting BG3 in the city of Baldur's Gate!
I think in the balance I would rather see this than a new setting and ruleset such as Project Infinity. I'm a huge fan of the Forgotten Realms, and I want to see something very similar to the rulerset and graphics that we already have with the BG series. If Beamdog pulls off the Enhanced Editions, then they are sitting pretty to develop that. I think they'd be fools not to.
But if I had to bet, one of the conditions is the sale of 500000 copies. I doubt Trent Oster said this number randomly in the AMAA.
CHARNAME times are long passed (no that i'd like moving to gaslight era or other steampunk, that just does not appeal to me at all), but the Planar Sphere is still there. A sort of planar cataclysm strucks Fearun (does not have to be major, just some demons popping up from out of nowhere or a small part of continent getting lost) .
Our new protagonist being resourceful (having read about CHARNAME earlier exploits in a history book), tries to investigate the cataclysm and recover the Planar Sphere.
The game would start basically anywhere in Faerun (although i'd prefer shining south or Calimshan/Thay/Cormyr) and would guide our protaganist through an investigation on the Sphere (go here, there, meet people who know more about old protagonist and the Sphere, how to operate it, recover missing parts of the machine to get it running). Perhaps meeting even some old NPCs - only those of races that allow very long life of course.
Circa half game time, we would get access to the Planar Sphere.
Then the second part of the fun starts, as we are take on the task to use the Planar Sphere and look for the reason of the cataclysm and possibly stop it. We visit other planes of course, we go even go to Sigil, but mainly to locations in Prime Material Plane, also Inner/Outer Planes. Don't misunderstand me here, i have no intention to keeping our party mostly in weird locations filled with demons, that should be just an addition to good old medieval-like setting of Faerun.
So pros of this idea in my opinion:
-we can sort of continue the story not continuing the CHARNAME, but even then keep the heritage
-we can start lvl 1 and continue the new story all the way up to lvl 40 (making it a few games even, much better!)
-we are not limited to locations that much (in fact starting in Faerun we can drive it anyway we want)
-we can include places, NPCs and multiple references to old BG1/BG2/ToB games, which fans would love
-we are not setting any hard canon for BG1/BG2/ToB (other then old Charname used Planar Sphere and was a great hero, which is true anyway)
How about that?
PS. Now when i wrote all this it occured to me that the story a bit resembles Fallout 2 combined with Oblivion, but what the hell