Things that make you go "Hmmm..."

Our love for the games aside, what are those plot points in BG, BG2, or IWD that just make you scratch your head?
YES I know it's a game, and some AD&D rules/tactics just can't translate... but its still funny to me when I think how it would pan out in a pen/paper game session.
Here's a few from me, though some are debatable I'm sure --
BG - How the *hell* did those two weak assassins in the prologue get into Candlekeep? With their uber-rare tome? Oh well they snuck in. Really? REALLY? They are like 1st level thieves. Gorion is right -- It's NOT safe here... At all! I guess they could have had help, in theory... but man, send someone better lol.
BG - Why doesn't Gorion, the uber-level dual-classed Mage/Cleric, use oh I dunno... Teleport? Planeshift? Invisibility? Let's just walk through the woods, at night, alone.
BG - Where the hell is Kagain's "underling" that he leaves to run his business in Beregost? That place is empty everytime I go in there! Hope no one needs to hire any mercenaries!
BG - If Amn is literally *crawling* with soldiers, why don't they, oh I dunno, send fifty of them into the mine's lower levels to kill the few scattered kobolds and one dumb half-orc that's down there. Sorry - No matter how awesome I am, if my adventuring party of 6 dudes could do it, your army could do it. I don't care what the rumors are about what's further down.
IWD1 - How can the messenger sent to Kuldahar succumb to his wounds after getting to the Temple of Tempus. Ever hear of a Cure Light?
IWD1 - How can Hrothgar, a legendary high-level adventurer, be killed in an avalanche in the Kuldahar pass while my 1st level mage with 4 hit points survives without a scratch? In fact my whole party is fine. Whew!
IWD1 - Ever wonder in the back of your mind, how an evil party could ever be made to really work in IWD? Why would they help Hrothgar? Why would they help save the grove of Silvanus. "Oh but you're trapped here too unless you help!" Please. Where BG1 leaves it wide open to be evil, IWD1 is just completely designed for a good-aligned party in my opinion, certain snarky/mean-spirited dialogue choices aside...
YES I know it's a game, and some AD&D rules/tactics just can't translate... but its still funny to me when I think how it would pan out in a pen/paper game session.
Here's a few from me, though some are debatable I'm sure --
BG - How the *hell* did those two weak assassins in the prologue get into Candlekeep? With their uber-rare tome? Oh well they snuck in. Really? REALLY? They are like 1st level thieves. Gorion is right -- It's NOT safe here... At all! I guess they could have had help, in theory... but man, send someone better lol.
BG - Why doesn't Gorion, the uber-level dual-classed Mage/Cleric, use oh I dunno... Teleport? Planeshift? Invisibility? Let's just walk through the woods, at night, alone.
BG - Where the hell is Kagain's "underling" that he leaves to run his business in Beregost? That place is empty everytime I go in there! Hope no one needs to hire any mercenaries!
BG - If Amn is literally *crawling* with soldiers, why don't they, oh I dunno, send fifty of them into the mine's lower levels to kill the few scattered kobolds and one dumb half-orc that's down there. Sorry - No matter how awesome I am, if my adventuring party of 6 dudes could do it, your army could do it. I don't care what the rumors are about what's further down.
IWD1 - How can the messenger sent to Kuldahar succumb to his wounds after getting to the Temple of Tempus. Ever hear of a Cure Light?
IWD1 - How can Hrothgar, a legendary high-level adventurer, be killed in an avalanche in the Kuldahar pass while my 1st level mage with 4 hit points survives without a scratch? In fact my whole party is fine. Whew!
IWD1 - Ever wonder in the back of your mind, how an evil party could ever be made to really work in IWD? Why would they help Hrothgar? Why would they help save the grove of Silvanus. "Oh but you're trapped here too unless you help!" Please. Where BG1 leaves it wide open to be evil, IWD1 is just completely designed for a good-aligned party in my opinion, certain snarky/mean-spirited dialogue choices aside...
BG2 - Nalia's all about helping the less fortunate. However, when she joins your party and sees that you've got upwards of 20,000gp in your personal stash, why doesn't she ask you to donate some of it to a local church? She's perfectly happy running around, buying up all the magic items in Athkatla, while beggars and homeless people run around getting killed in the Bridge District. So noble, Nalia.
BG2 - So the whole geas thing. I don't suppose anyone ever thought, "Hey, here's an idea; why don't we just cast Break Enchantment?" You would think that would be the first thing Jaheira or Aerie or Viconia (well, maybe not Viconia) would do in Spellhold. But no; might as well just kill the bastard and cut out his heart. Yeah, that seems like the right thing to do.
Is it slang or something more sinister? (Stroke, brain damage from too many potions of master thievery.)
For instance:
Second rule: If the players aren't having fun, you're doing your job wrong.
BG used both of these rules to make a great game. Nobody wants to play a game where their character is splatted in the first few seconds.
Well, maybe a couple people do...
Whether or not it was deliberate, I have no way of knowing.
Anyone has other 'role-playing' explanation for the different time of travel?