I've heard there are often big pushes towards the end of the funding drive - I suspect at least part of that is people who have been on the fence and finally decide at the last minute to jump in - I'm voting they make the 3.5 goal too!
I'm thinking possibly $3.3-$3.4 million at the end. I doubt it will make the 3.5, but I'm going to vote in favour regardless.
I only just got around to putting some money in though PayPal. @Shandyr, where are you getting the numbers for PayPal? I've looked on eternity.obsidian.net, but couldn't see anything regarding the total amount of money they had collected.
I'm voting "yes" for 3.5 mil. They're at $3,124,454 with 45 hours to go, which means, based on the previous update from @Shandyr, that they've raised $123,897 in the last 14 hours, which i'm pretty sure is a rate increase over what they were averaging in the last ten days or so. If they maintain this rate they'll be at $3,522,694 in 45 hours, and it's possible that the rate will actually increase. Big city 2, here we come.
Hmm it seems I forgot that donation rates will slow down during the night, as evidenced by the amount of donations in the last 10 hours compared to the previous 10. I still think they will make $3.5 mil, but I'm not as confident as before...
It could unbalance the game with getting to sidetracked and to much experience. Imagine BG1 had Atkathla in it. Now an expansion pack with a whole new big city would be perfect. I just feel it would take away from the vanilla game if included.
They could make it though! 63,819 backers $3,210,101 pledged 32 hours to go
@mlnevese, I don't think very many people (i.e. non-Welsh) would get far through it before giving up. It's the perfect challenge
pledged of $1,100,000 goal
days to go
$2.7 mil and $2.8 mil stretch goals reached! Paladins, Chanters, and George Ziets are a go!
Additional stretch goals are $3.0 mil for a stronghold and $3.5 mil for a huge city. Endless Paths is also now 6 levels deep.
Nevermind. Shandyr beat me to it.
That's not bad at all.
I only just got around to putting some money in though PayPal. @Shandyr, where are you getting the numbers for PayPal? I've looked on eternity.obsidian.net, but couldn't see anything regarding the total amount of money they had collected.
And that would be a yes, indeed.
It will spike during peak time tomorrow. I hope that statue in the endless paths goes right down to his feet.
Too many side-quests. :P
They could make it though!
63,819 backers
$3,210,101 pledged
32 hours to go